>> bill: the argument is that you are the mean guy because people are dying and suffering in haiti and you are not going to send the 500 million because it's unfunded. and you answer that? >> well, this 500 million isn't for housing. this is for infrastructure only. >> bill: you know what i'm talking about. it's chaos over there. they haven't gotten the money -- they haven't gotten the private money. we're talking to the clinton initiative people. we want to find out what's holding that up. the hollywood celebrities who asked everybody for money all day long and americans as always responded generously. they won't come back and say where is the money. the foreign nations haven't ponied up 15%. that's nothing. and the united states is holding up 1.1 for whatever reason, you say hillary clinton. and you are north going to fund it, you know, you are not going to send it if it's not funded. >> well, there are two different -- no, it's not a mess. we have already sent almost a billion dollars down there. >> bill: what has it accomplished. >> you have to talk to u.s. ik