know, ridiculous birther controversy. >> bill: one sign. >> the problem is if you do watch other broadcasts, you would think that it is half and half. >> bill: don't worry about them. >> the part i love is basically this says of all of the people that were on the mall last weekend, 6% were not. look, i have always accepted the premise that 10% of people out there are crazy. which means at this percentage the tea party is actually more sane representative sample of americans than ordinary americans. >> bill: when i saw this come over the wire and decided to give the culture warriors the story, i knew that most of the other media would ignore the study. >> right. which is my point. >> bill: okay. because they have a vested interest. >> except let's give the "the washington post" credit. because the "the washington post" ran the story. >> bill: very good, hoover. the medicine i don't has a vested interest in making this audience think the tea party are racist people, correct? >> and the way in which the media is biased is not including