fund imaginer. the downside you could never enjoy it -- you are on almost 2 4urs hours a day. i was wearing a body recorder most of the day. i made 2,000 hours of recordings on my person that include include -- that doesn't include recordings made in my office or elsewhere. when you are undercover if you say one wrong thing could you rue within a case that took a year, two years to build. i'm used to pressure. >> greta: how long were you undercover? >> close to six years. >> greta: you never slipped or said anything to your colleagues who you were working with? >> by the grace of god, no. >> greta: not once? >> not once. >> greta: were you tempted to pull someone aside and say i'm not who you think i am? >> no. to give credit where due the united states attorney's office very involved, the fbi