have here at home. 11%, i don't think that's a very significant number. i think that should be much higher, actually. than you are going to have oil prices going higher. you have gas lien prices going higher. the economy is going to be affected, laura. that is the truth. >> laura: i just think, look, it's a given that if prices go up as fast as they have gone up as much as they have gone up. someone is going to pay the political price. >> benefit of the payroll tax hugely complicates the recovery right now. we are seeing already a loss of momentum as a result. >> laura: gains in the stock market being wiped out. fox news correspondent jennifer griffin, thanks, ladies, has reported from all the hot spots in the middle east. she will be here to handle the dangerous uprisings across the arab world when we come back. i'm gonna take allison jenkins to the senior prom in this. one day, i'll park this a spot reserved for me. it's got 26,000 miles on it now, bum gonna take it a thousand llion. [ ale announcer ] own a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz