that? that's kind of a sort of expressing a pride in his lack of knowledge that i don't imagine that republics in the end, however much they admire him, his gumption is life story, his energy, and his charm, i don't think they will see him as a presidential. >> bill: i was watching you on bet baier. none of us surprised the super committee didn't do anything it is divided as brit hume says along the ideological fault lines. as soon as the democrats went in to demanded a million dollars in tax increases it was no. that's it. it was over three months ago. who is going to win this in the pr battle? democrats going to win or republicans going to win. >> democrats win in the short run because the media will join in the narrative that it's grover norquist, it's republic on citizen nens over raising taxes. they may get a bump right now. in the end, on election day, people are not going to make those calculations as to whether some congressman in