kinds of debate and the candidates trying to ramp up their campaigns before the new hampshire primary and rick santorum up there in new hampshire is actually doing an interesting thing, he is sticking out there through tuesday and not headed down to south carolina, and ramping up the attacks on mitt romney. listen to rick santorum. >> the rhetoric is i will repeal obamacare and i am not for government run health care. when he was governor of massachusetts he was for the health care, the highest cost health care in the nation, no place where health care is more expensive than massachusetts and, the people that were added to the health rolls here in massachusetts south of here, well over half were government, addednd the government payroll and to have someone would has been for individual mandates and government run health care and a top down approach to solving the problem is the wrong person to put up against president obama. >>alisyn: so mitt romney has a