abortion solely on the basis of the gender of the unborn child. planned parenthood released a statement in which they dispute this video, saying it was highly edited. and also think took care of this worker saying, "six weeks ago a former staff worker in an entry level position did not follow our protocol for providing information and guidance when presented with a highly unusual patient scenario. within three days of the patient interaction, the staff member employment was ended and all staff members at the affiliate were scheduled for retraining and managing unusual patient encounters. today opponents of planned parenthood are promoting editing video of the hoax patient encounter. they say this is not a statistic, there aren't stats of this happening but this particular case was taken care of. that said, there is a debate on the house floor. back with the panel. charles, what about this? >> well, a debate that will probably not succeed in the house. the reason is what goes on in the house, the democrats in