concern is to get to the bottom of it and bring the terrorists to justice and make whatever adjustments are necessary based on the investigation to ensure that in the future are if there were -- if there were lapses that those lapses are addressed. >> chris: let's turn to a couple of other subjects. we went much longer than libya than i expected. your campaign now concedes that the president had a "bad night" in denver during the first debate. what is he going to do differently on tuesday? >> i think the president -- nobody is a harsher critic than the president is of himself and he viewed the tape and i think he will make some adjustments on tuesday and i'm not going to get into detail about strategic changes that he might make but i just encourage you to watch and show up. i think it will be he an interesting debate. >> chris: will he be more aggressive in taking on the romney record? >> well, i think he is going to be agress nerve makin everybodg the case for his view of where we should go as a country and a country built around a growing

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