pedestal. remember, "the departed" is a great movie about this guy. he is a low life that killed a lot of people. we go yeah, but it is kind of cool, he was a thug. >> and all crime movies, the sopranos. >> can you imagine jury duty on this one? what a bad time to be on the jury. >> a very bad time. you would be intimidated, be afraid to sentence him, he proved himself to be a very vengeful person. >> how about when he goes like that, points to the jury. >> i know. >> they'll remain anonymous, i am sure. >> greg gutfeld did a segue there, talking about i hate to say it, he is still technically getting his money as a major, hasan on trial. what's happened, he is not putting on any defense. attorneys that are stand by counsel said we can't be party to this in all good conscious. ethically this is not going to be a good situation and we think he is basically marching toward