some folks say they have to leave almost everything behind because the approaching flames force ad last-minute scramble. >> 15 minutes to be out of our house. so we only got our kids, our animals and a little bit of pictures and paperwork that we really needed t was hard. >> it's a lot right now. we just moved in three months ago. we're just getting on our feet, getting stable. and then this. martha: oh, boy, you hope their homes are spared when they get back to them. nasa put out images we want to show you of smoke plumes that can be seen from outer space. firefighters have their work cut out for them on the ground in this situation. maria molina joins us live from the fox weather center. maria, what does that mean, that it created its own weather system? >> reporter: that is is incredible to hear, we're talking about a massive wildfire that can create its own wind drafts. you get the winds going upwards and that is one of the way it creates its own weather patterns