prosecutor. they would come to us and say we need to you follow the evidence and we would. our justice department isn't being bashful here. how many cases have they filed against jpmorgan in the last six months? if the evidence is there the justice department will go there. i think combination of regulatory action by sec, criminal action by the justice department and market forces and a change in atmosphere will avoid a crisis in the future. jenna: we'll see what is the future and talk a little more about that next hour with charlie gasparino about the new shadow banking industry that seems to have emerged in the last couple years. robert, fred, look forward to having you both back. jon: we've seen a rash of major sinkholes across the country. maybe that is where all the lehman brothers money went. the massive craters proving extremely dangerous, even deadly sometimes. we're live in florida with an inside look with some guys whose job it is to clean up the mets and fill up the holes.