moralizing. he expanded medicaid under obama care. >> right. a lot of other governors have not, although chris christie did in new jersey. scott walker rick perry did not. >> right. he didn't merely expand it but became leading republican evangelist for why his colleague should do so. >> he overwrote his legislature, didn't want to do it. >> he bypassed legislature and barnstormed the country going to other states that hadn't expanded saying you need to do this to help the poor. if you don't do it you're a person of bad faith, you're an ideologue. so i think that's kind of a problem for him. he's got to government say my brother keeper's type mentality here where government programs are an emblem of your support for helping less fortunate. >> that won't work with the tea party. >> no, it won't work at all. look i'm not sure who he challenges in this race just yet because he's kind of on the