than donald trump. maybe donald trump needs a better tax guy because obviously he is paying too much in taxes. ainsley: he made about 150 million. he paid almost 40 million in taxes. that's a lot of money. so bottom line he paid taxes but he paid a lot. brian: i like your dress e. ainsley: thank you. steve: focus. focus. brian: i apologize. i will point out. i will say. this i'm just wondering in the big picture, do you think donald trump is actually unhappy about this? steve: no. brian: for this to come out it shows how successful he is. the bigger question is, are you better in the big picture if donald trump had that money to invest and have more jobs, more real estate opportunities. more commissions on that real estate purchase. that's the whole thing. are you better off putting that into a big pot with an inefficient government or are you better off giving him more money to invest and create more opportunities? that's the bigger story. ainsley: if anything when i