were fed to the american people that were tried to be used, the russian phony dossier to influence an election. all right, peter, back to you. the one talking point that you hear and even like liberal joe and all these idiots in the media, you know, they are out there saying well, the fusion gps first was hired by some republican donor. but the fact is -- >> not true. >> sean: it was general op.. research prior to christopher steele who went to the russians, paid for the lies that the media and the democrats spread on donald trump to lie to the american people. >> that's exactly right. i mean, look, the problem with this dossier is not only is it inaccurate and wrong, but whenen it first came out, there was no corroborating or stashiating information. what have you uranium one in the clinton scandal you have the actual transference of money. nobody disputes all this money went to the clinton foundation.

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