it will be a multi-pronged approach. jillian: how do you get people on board with that line of thinking to have that surveillance? >> reporter: a lot of people are against it but you have to educate people is constitutional and what is not, a lot of people think because they are uncomfortable that that is unconstitutional or unlawful and that is not true. the constitution is not a suicide pact. we don't have to allow people who wish harm on americans to be doing that. law enforcement has to get into those communities, establish trust. a lot of these terrorists radicalized over time have indicators they are becoming radicalized so friends and family have to be willing to go to law enforcement and let them know this guy is becoming radicalized, he was peaceful a couple years ago and now watching isis propaganda videos, there needs to be stronger ties in the communities, to prevent them from committing terrorist attacks. jillian: this can happen in any

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People ,Lot ,Akayed Ullah ,Fencea Jillian ,Surveillance ,Thinking ,Line ,Approach ,On Americans ,Law Enforcement ,Constitution ,Suicide Pact ,Family ,Terrorists ,Communities ,Friends ,Indicators ,Trust ,Isis Propaganda ,Terrorist Attacks ,Guy ,Ties ,

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