you have to tell them where to hold it to prevent gunfire it's a more stress on kids who already have stress. they're going through active shooter drills, the reality of lichlting with life as we know it now in school ultimately it's the parents' decision, lesterted a hate-filled rant >> it's the world we live in kate, thank you very much. tonight the online message board where police believe the el paso shooter posted a hate-filled rant remains off line and we're hearing from the owner and the founder who have very different views about the site that's become a magnet for extremists here's nbc's keir simmons. >> reporter: tonight in a bizarre video set to military music. notchan >> reporter: the owner of 8chan, it is disturbing to me that it can be so easily shutdown. >> reporter: 8chan was started as an anonymous online forum celebrating free speech. but it turned into a bastian of white supremacy.