have not only looked weak in the class but he would have been weak if he couldn't within his own rally people. >> if romanoff had won we would be talking about this morning that barack obama's candidate lost and bill clinton's candidate had won. >> that would have been disastrous. it is a positive thing. he went all out with the democratic constituency and rallied them and that is where he will spend the rest of this month between now and november doing. >> all right. then of course, republicans didn't perhaps did not pick their strongest candidate out there, but chris take us through the news. >> let's get the specifics. get the specifics. >> as is your want, it's your show. >> and mika is in the south of france and she will be back? >> maybe never! >> she ain't coming back this time. >> i wouldn't. >> who would blame her? >> absolutely nobody. so you're stuck with it. >> oh, no! in colorado, incumbent senator michael bennett faced off -- defended off a primary