certificate. >> george is hot there. he waffled and he threw in the birth thing. your thoughts. >> he'll do anything he can to avoid revealing his tax returns. >> why are you saying that? >> for the same reason michael bloomberg didn't want to. i would guess their tax returns are a little more complicated than line. >> everybody's are. is it because they don't the know what their businesses are? >> it's very possible. but you're asking why trump is doing so well. celebrities do well in politics. >> rudy didn't go anywhere. >> well, because outside new york, he wasn't that big of a celebrity. >> this guy is. >> this guy is a little bit more, but he makes the same kind of mistake that new york candidates make. that the rest of the nation loves new yorkers. and if you can neighboring here, you can make it anywhere b.s. a lot of people in chicago -- >> i think a work guy likes this guy. i don't think he has a big problem with black people. i think people like him who