we'll talk about the republican obstruction on jobs obviously. and of course the democrats' chances of turning, taking back the house next year. of course a whole lot more. we're thrilled to have the democratic leader with us thursday night here on "the ed show." nancy pelosi. coming up, donald trump pulls the plug on his own debate. what happened? was so looking forward to it. michael eric dyson will join me on that. and whenever president obama dares to take credit for something especially when it comes to foreign policy, the cheneys always go on the attack. iraq war veteran john soltz joins me on that subject tonight. that will change your le because it whitens by removing up to 80% of surface stains. see how it can change your life. crest 3d white. life opens up when you do. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? try acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus for exceptional comfort.