here's one about the president. >> do you still think that he is a food stamp president when he was the first and the president of his class, law class in harvard? how can you say that? >> because -- i say that because more americans today are on food stamps than any other time in american history. >> you know, guys, the crowd was pretty tough on gingrich. michael, did he gain anything politically by engaging the crowd at this church? >> i don't know if he gained anything politically. but i think it's something republican candidates an the republican party needs to do. you've got to go into the community. yeah, you're going to take the shots up side the head because they're genuine legitimate concerns that african-american, hispanics have about the gop. there are also fairytales about the party that you can begin to dispel to put in the proper context, why you're running. i applaud the speaker for doing that, going in, taking the tough questions, take true to his position and having that