good supreme court on gay marriage? >> gay marriage is going to happen, chris. i think it's almost an inevident blt. not only when you look at poll results you put up on the screen, but when you talk to young people. it's almost a no brainer. universal acceptance on college campuses. i think what you heard from justice kennedy was trying to determine or trying to create a path where he will allow the states to be opportunities for experimentation. but ultimately i think the public and the constitution will demand it. and i think this is a difficult time. what i would want as a gay person is full rights. i mean, the notion as i think justice ginsberg referred to it as skim milk, we don't want a less than marriage. i mean, when you're born, you get a birth certificate. when i die, i'll get a death certificate. i don't want the state to impart a less than status in a union between two persons. >> you know, it's so amazing, governor. we're just learning this stuff.