it's a function of the seats up, the retirements and so forth, but i think this mantra of repeal and replace isn't really playing as strongly as it used to. particularly since they haven't come up with a replacement at this point. >> you know, governor, let's go back to governor jindal for a minute. the new york times spoke to a louisiana voter for the poll, and the voter said, "i'm a republican, but i'm tired of them saying repeal, repeal, repeal. they need to make it better." the people in governor's jindal's own party don't buy his own argument. how bad is that, governor? >> it's real bad. number one, they are sick and tired of them playing games and the 51 repeal votes are viewed by the american public as just nothing more than a political game, and number two, they are tired of the republican party obsessing about this health care law and not doing anything about the central problem facing america, and that's creating more jobs.