in the dining room, you pay for it. if you don't have anybody on outside sending you money. only jobs you can make money off of is probably 40 cents a day. 40 cents a day will never support you. people do all kind of stuff to make hustles. if they don't have somebody on the outside. there is all kinds of hustles. loan sharking is one of them. >> but the loan shark lovers insist they never use muscle to extract payment. >> if somebody doesn't pay me, i generally just -- i mark it up as a loss. i just don't deal with them no more. i tell my friends that loan shark don't deal with them. you got some people in here that will bust them in the head with a lock or something. i ain't down with that. >> devon told us she used to run an even riskier business. >> before her, i had my own hustle. that was pretty much staff related. yeah. i would find weak staff who ever i found in here because they, obviously can't find somebody on