but he's got to do that. loves her, respects her, but this isn't about her and it's not about me. it's about the country, it's about democratic values, it's about progressive values, it's about not turning this country over to extreme supreme court justices and the koch brothers. and that will probably get you an applause line even if it's a cheap shot. >> david ignatius -- >> i mean do you agree? is that the way forward? >> i actually think that you've offered the best argument and said what's at stake is too big to risk losing this white house and then the subtext is and she's damaged goods, yeah. >> david ignatius, nicholas confessore, thank you very much. jeff greenfield, thank you as well. your latest book "if kennedy lived, the first and second terms of john f. kennedy in alter tat minate history." up next, new jersey governor chris christie joins us next right here in the studio. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. remember pa.