so we have an official propaganda wing of the government like operating out of the white house. i mean, this is scary stuff. we can laugh about it and we can be incredulous about it. but there is an official government organ operating out of the white house. and it has a white house press pass too. that's just so strange and unsettling. i mean i'm glad we're talking about this. >> i was going to say, one thing -- one thing that is extremely frustrating about this is that we can't do anything. like there is no recourse. we can wag our fingers. well can say this is bad, this looks really bad. but, like, the people that it looks bad to don't matter to the trump administration. >> right. and just to be clear for those who are not clear on it, not only do we have reince priebus and kellyanne conway who both had former contact with the rnc and as ana marie mentioned, of course steve bannon and breitbart, you've got don mcgahn, who is the white house cons, used to work for jones day he can now talk to and communicate with. you have joshua pitcock, who was indiana's lobbyist in washington