women. like dating, if you want somebody to go out with you, you don't say i don't like you, i think you're wrong, come hang out with me. that doesn't work. we have to have thoughtful dialogue with people, and even before we get to the dialogue, we have to listen to issues. think about the nfl kneeling issue, as a republican, it's their right, and we should listen as to why and address those issues as conservatives and use conservative values but, no, the republican party, the big orange guy in the white house said no, they're sons of bitchess, they have issues that should be address, and but we're not smart enough to do that. if we don't get that fixed, we're going to be in trouble in 2020, with the one saving grace if democrats have the 20 or so expected candidates and get somebody too far to the left and n n not, when you run moderate candidates who reflect the