to 1604, she said you can't do it again. i don't think it will happen but there is talk golfiof going to queen to shut down parliament for a day and open it and it will be a new session and we can vote again, which is of course nonsen nonsense. i don't think the queen who is a savvy player will do that but look, serious point, chris, many there is no deal and the britain crashes out of the e.u. without a deal in april or may, there will be chaos. there is talk today of the ministry of defense setting up a special military team in a nuclear bunker to discuss what happens on the streets of britain. shortages of med son or food d and. >> there is no constitution. it's governed -- >> protocols. >> president, right? the queen come in and make a new one so she could get her vote but what is so wild about this is we've watched back and forth here on the boarder wall. but with all this stuff there is