cleaning the convenience store till about 2:30 this morning. went home and slept and woke up and you know. >> i just described what it was like waking up to a 7.1 quake. what was yours experience waking up with the violent shaking. > i didn't wake up. >> you slept through that 5.4 this morning. >> i was tired. >> you were tired. >> i would not have slept through that you 5.4 this morning. that are a scary quake. we felt aftershocks all today. the 7.1. talk to me about your experience as soon as it starred shaking. > first thing i was with a group of friends. i had four people around me freaking out. i said stop. stop, don't move. keep your eyes open. worst thing is run to a building, run around. just stop. we were outside. we were fine. and then that's when we said let's go. we knew what to do. >> make sure your neighbors are okay, your house is okay. >> yeah, i checked on my house and it was gone. so i lost my house today. i don't know if i can even save it. so it sucks.