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Fiscal First Quarter Results
Subscription revenue was $52.1 million, an increase of 23% year over year
Subscription revenue represented 87% of total revenue
Billings were $58.2 million or 25% year-over-year growth
Remaining performance obligations (RPO) was $284.3 million as of April 30, 2021, an increase of 24% year over year
RPO expected to be recognized as revenue in the next twelve months was $180.8 million as of April 30, 2021, an increase of 22% year over year
Net cash used in operating activities was $2.7 million, while adjusted net cash provided by operating activities was $1.4 million
GAAP subscription gross margin was 83%, an improvement of 4 percentage points from Q1 FY21
Non-GAAP subscription gross margin was 83%, an improvement of 4 percentage points from Q1 FY21