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Reports on nigerias child brides. To. Welcome to the program. Honesty International Says more than 100. 00 people have been killed in a government crackdown on protests in iran the unrest broke out after fuel prices were increased by up to 50 percent or forces responded to the disruptions with Armored Vehicles a water cannon Supreme Leader ayatollah ali coming out he has described the protests as a security matter. Very Little Information reaches the outside world from iran authorities have shut down the internet whether there are still protests there and where they may be taking place is difficult to verify. Videos from monday evening show angry demonstrators some are demanding that the government step down the protests were sparked by a drastic increase in the price of gasoline u. S. Sanctions and mismanagement are the main causes of irans economic crisis. Also president i have 3 jobs to support myself of course people are upset and now they found a reason to show their dissatisfaction everyone does it in their own way. The pictures of men who have been arrested are shown on state television theyre accused of initiating the protests at the behest of other countries one hard line newspaper reports they could face the death penalty. More than 1000 people are believed to have been arrested in the wake of the protests the un has expressed concern over the Security Services heavy handed response. Numbers killed certainly in the dozens. In at least 2 figures some reports even higher so it would be very useful to have a better clearer picture but its clearly very significant meanwhile the iranian leadership is that hearing to a hard line internet restrictions are still in effect in iran. So we obviously International Reporting more than 100 dead well speak to that later in the program where they get their figures from. And for that take that unrest right now to the United States where a key witness is appearing at the impeachment inquiry into President Trump gordon song plan of the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union was central to President Trumps attempts to get ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden has to sunderland told lawmakers that there was a print a quid pro quo in which ukraine was offered a white house meeting in exchange for announcing their corruption investigation is part of what ambassador sunderland had to say i tried diligently to ask why the aid was suspended but i never received a clear answer in the absence of any credible explanation for the suspension of aid i later came to believe that the resumption of security aid would not occur until there was a Public Statement from ukraine committing to the investigations of the 2016 elections and to resign as mr giuliani had demanded i shared concerns of the potential quid pro quo regarding the security aide with senator ron johnson and i also shared my concerns with the ukrainians so what does it all mean w. s Washington Bureau chief alexandra naaman can bring us up to speed welcome alexandria so we heard the ambassador saying that there was a quid pro quo so where does that leave the president. Well this is a bombshell we have to say what we heard from bassett our son plans today in his opening remarks because this is the most significant evidence so far directly tying president s trump to the quit pro quo for ukraine to announce investigations into his political rivals and abbesses a sandland said today that the quid pro quo came from Rudy Giuliani president s tromso personal lawyer but that inner circle was were a were of what was going on his acting chief of staff his secretary of state and suntanned talk also about step president and i quote here we follow the president orders he said or we knew those investigations were important to the president he said or we followed the directions of the president so he is tying the president as i said here directly to this quid pro quo and now it will be interesting to see how the republicans are going to react or and whats the white house is going to do if the president is going to dismiss this testimony or if he may be thinking about throwing his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani under the bus on the phone naaman there in washington thank you. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world the standoff between police and prodemocracy protesters at a Hong Kong University appears to be winding down with police sealing off possible escape routes including su as they say they want to arrest several dozen activists who are still barricaded inside campus buildings more than a 1000 have been arrested since monday. A 3rd election within a year in israel looks likely after the man seen as kingmaker in Coalition Talks refused to back either of the main parties have indoor lieberman blame the parties that leaders one is the Benjamin Netanyahu and depended dance of the Blue White Party for failure to find a compromise. In the United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson and labor Opposition Leader Jeremy Colvin have gone head to head on television in the run up to next months election mr Johnsons Conservative Party changed its twitter handle during the debate to fact check u. K. Leading to accusations that it was trying to deceive foxes. Watching d. W. News life from still to come what compelling graves teach us about Climate Change will have to antarctica to find out. First up today is world childrens day and 30 years since World Leaders made a commitment to protect the young from violence and neglect only one country has yet to ratify the Un Convention on the rights of the child and thats the United States since the convention was adopted deaths of children under the age of 5 afforded by 60 percent and the number of undernourished children has dropped by about half but despite the progress childrens rights remain a battleground this report from funny fish oil in nigeria. A muslim neighborhood in kaduna a city in Northern Nigeria i came here to find out about a girl who was locked up in this place for 2 years with not much light or food and left on her own her name is her son she was a child bride these pictures were taken when she was released from captivity just a week ago she was held here by her family because she refused to return to her husband she was only 15 when she was forced to marry a mother of 4 a child bride one of millions in nigeria if youre born a girl here theres a 44 percent probability that you will be married before you 18th birthday. This neighbor knows her santa he says at the age of 15 she wasnt too young to be married he would marry his daughters off much younger. Sons and what age 66. Is that is what we had been saying by detention gold market shares much shorter. This is. A fierce advocate for womens and childrens rights she hopes to be free and happy is muslim herself she says the koran does not justify this practice there is no pacific or any findings or any security that proved those things the administration would be forced marriage is a most of this is not done theres an islamic perspective the add on base perspective she says education is key to change outdated practices and support womens rights. Then why does a leader that is not and all its really need is something that has to do with advancement so are the laws can be amended and can be seen well. The condition of the. Child marriage exists elsewhere in nigeria to here in lagos poverty drives some parents to marry the daughters of under 18. Privileged in many ways but that doesnt stop the 17 year old from raising her voice against Child Marriage his son a story makes are angry a lot of nigerians dont view women as human beings view them as. I did and it is to them susan wants to amend the constitution so that it bars anyone under the age of 18 from getting married she and 2 friends have started an online petition to bring the issue to the senate floor the next step would be to get to the root of the problem and try to educate the man the women and everyone perpetrating this are there are millions of girls who are married off every year and if those millions of girls were millions of people adults nigerias workforce. The g. D. P. And he called to me would be in a much better standing than it is now. A son has been transferred to this Psychiatric Hospital the doctor say it will take months to stabilize her its unclear how long the government will finance or treatment and with her family will be held accountable for the damage it has done. So lets talk about the impact of a convention on the rights of the child with that now job mek a who speaks for unicef and joins us from new york welcome to day doubly so what sort of impact to house the convention had on the day to day life of children like those weve just seen in that report. I think it does have a massive impact on the lives of millions millions of children since it was that if i 30 years ago and we see this in multiple countries. More people more children living longer the number of children who live in poverty has decreased the number of children who are out of school has also decreased but were noticing also that the despite this progress it has not been even and it has not benefited in a constant and consistent way to the most Vulnerable Children those are the children like the one portrayed in your report thats just now who continued to be left behind despite all the progress that was that we are witnessing quite frankly around the world and whats your response when countries like nigeria as weve just seen or india or bangladesh say this is our culture our girls get married at 6 or are girls go to go out to work instead of school in order to help the family. It does stick a lot of years for cultures to change and for people to change the way they perceive things and one of the things we do on the issue of Child Marriage for example around the world in nigeria and other places is to work with communities at the local level its important the last change and there needs to be consistent effort for the last to change and theres been lots of legal changes changes to the legislation on that front but its also important to work with the communities to raise their awareness to 2 important facts they when you some just small little girl to to to to get married instead of. The state of going to school youre depriving her from the opportunity to be a child youre exposing her to an endless cycle of poverty which is never going to learn shes never going to be able to find a good job shes never going to be able to lift herself and her family out of poverty so its sort of a sentence in perpetuity for that child which should be condemned to a life of poverty from much that theres not going to be and youve mentioned some of the progress thats been made since the convention was adopted what would be your next priority i think its important to take stock of the change of the of the progress that has been achieved since the conventional the us of the child was adopted its also important to know when to learn about the children who have been left behind and continue to be left behind but its also important to look forward to the convention is only as good as the outcome in the implementation of it and the concrete changes that happened around the world 30 years ago people were not very much aware of the issue of Climate Change for example 3030 years ago people did did not know much about the risks of of being online of living in a Digital World and these are the things that need to be addressed at this point so as we celebrate but has been achieved in the past 30 years we also need to look forward and look at ways to translate that vision of the of the convention into a reality for every child thats also in sync with the modern day world and the realities that should the man live in today good talking to thanks for joining us now dr mackey from unicef. Take a bow to our top story the crackdown on unrest in iran caused by a fuel price increases joined now by rob afraid the hoose and Iran Research of darkness to International Commerce the claims of more than 100 people have been killed in the crackdown on protests. To d. W. Leadership rejects ministers casualty figures as baseless and fabricated so how did you gather the. Formation that beef received from independent humanity if you get off 100 and seek and that beef document that still isnt. And based on the information and that continues to come to us. It is likely to be much higher at the moment state anything near told to block on Internet Access across the Country Access to information. And this is a deliberate attempt by eating and opportunities to restrict if you offer information about their cracked on to the court and its an indication that they have a lot to height it might be an indication of their have a lot to hide it might also be an indication of an extreme situation where they think well if we stop the music if we block the internet that stops the terrorists as they see it from communicating with each other. There is no justification for such a systematic assault on their right to freedom of expression and peaceful as temperately people must have access to the internet in order to be able to share images and pictures about whats happening and to express their opinions their claim that their protests are violent is not matched by what you are seeing there there have been and. There are protesters who stand strong trolling and whove committed arson and damage to public but thats not a justification for the use of lethal force against them was uniquely off the protesters and the tourist is a response to that to shortest change in all circumstances and the use of lethal force must only be in limited circumstances when there is an imminent threat hostage and thats not the situation unfortunately is the longest stacked along a standing pattern of using lethal force against unarmed protesters in you know on and the systematic impunity for you and force me. To comment on lawful killings and. As you say it is difficult to get information out of the president the president has on rouhani has claimed victory over the rest as far as you can tell of the protests over. There are sporadic reports that are coming out from inside the country sure got this i see it continuing in honor of c. T. s but we are not a bit who knew about this get off their cracked on what we know is that in many cases Security Forces are refusing to get bodies off to their families and many families who are receiving abilities are being forced to bury their loved one to contact these and be taught independent autopsy speech is against International Standards on lawful killings the situation is very arrogant and distressing and important for the International Community and especially e. U. Governments that are in contact with iraq to step in and call on the other in a not guilty pleas to stop this crackdown by joining us from Amnesty International thank you now to the antartica of the remotest parts of the world in one of the places warming quickest that makes it important barometer for measuring the effects of Climate Change on the planet so dozens of countries have established research stations there to monitor and study the effects of Global Warming one of those barges is the noise station operated by a German Research institute correspondent ever been to see how scientists study Climate Change and to witness its effects a 1st time. Antarctica a continent almost completely covered in ice yet extremely sensitive to even the slightest changes in climate its edge the frozen ocean front is home to the emperor penguin here on the ice shelf its freezing cold perfect conditions for emperor penguin breeding researchers say if the Climate Changes it would most likely affect them right now theyre trying to count the penguins in the colony. Deep thinker only its i think a huge danger for this penguin colony here is that the structure of the sea ice on which theyve green it is changing. If theres an increase in temperature and the sea ice shrinks breaks up earlier in the year their breeding season will be shortened so they may not have any pleading grants or tall any more under certain circumstances they wouldnt be able to build their colony a tall will be able to reproduce. So the research is a document in the penguins numbers from above with a drone theyve been commissioned by the German Environment Ministry to get the big picture of whats happening here. Because the camera looks directly down and takes picture after picture at certain intervals all. These pictures are supposed to overlap that way we can piece them together as far as possible because. They do that here a few kilometers away at the alfred vega institutes noir maya station the research is used 3 d. Simulators to collate their data on the colony in the long term they hope to deliver valuable information on if and how the emperor penguins are reacting to warming worldwide temperatures. If warming is limited to 1. 5 or 2 degrees celcius has agreed in the paris accords this species of penguin could survive and if not theyll be wiped out by 2100 at the very latest for all the scientists measure how much things are warming up on the roof of the research station they send up weather balloons to collect and send back relevant data over the coming years the researchers hope to measure what changes where and by how much. At this station for example were not actually seeing any changes in temperature. Its the same at many other stations across antarctica but thats not the case on the antarctic peninsula so there has been a stark rise in temperatures there. To work. And its that peninsula which is causing delay see a crust in the most northerly reaches of the antarctic to melt scientists there have also measured the warming of the water Climate Change is already starting to eat away at antarctica its just a question of how far the effects will reach. Reports from who joins us now from knowing my station in the antarctic a welcome. I asked signs of Climate Change visible out there on the ice. Here at noma station theyre not really risible in the environment here because temperatures are really stable so far in wintertime in june july about minus 40 minus 50 degrees restrung winter and now in an arctic summer were about 10 minus 20 degrees so so far matilda just say its a stable temperature here registered in the last 10 years but there are indicator on the other side of the battle of the battle sea which had cost that a ping when colony disappeared there because the ice melted and as well a british polar station at loch to station had to be removed and is now temporarily out of work they are. Its too dangerous for them to go on working on the show if i was there because it melted foster than they expected so there are changes registered as well as the peninsula and the arctic peninsula here and annoy my us so far stable conditions and lets talk more than about the penguins what makes very such a useful. Animal in assessing Climate Change why why them and rather than other animals. The penguin is already a topper dater he has no enemies here in antarctica and this is maybe the reason im so far to say that he is to here he is in an environment which is 3 safe for him and its cold its remote but that means you can hear easily breed and he can start his fishing and his. Season in the waters in the arctic the end of the antarctic summer so this is a Perfect Place for him and so a scientists can hear see what can be future effects on this population they want to monitor the population of the colonies of the penguins here on the long term in order to have more results on possible Climate Changes and as well they try to find out if the air changes if carbon black particles are registered here on a larger scale than before these different different subjects and different fields off scientific work here that can give further inside view on what in future can be effect of possible Climate Change here for the antarctic ecosystem i mean you in your report you said a rise in temperatures is only being measured on the arctic compound in show why not on the mainland the peninsula is the northwest part of the end arctic and its closest to the continent thought america so. Its possible that the warmer water temperature which is registered in many parts of the world reaches there easy and. It could be the effect of. Climate change there at the peninsula here on the mainland on the continent of the antarctic more south its maybe more protected from was warmer water streams so this can be one reason for the difference of these 2 regions here on the end arctic i will let you get back inside into the war material in antarctica thank you. Sports Football Jersey radio has been announced as the new coach of english premier side Tottenham Hotspur replacing the outgoing tino a marine who was won multiple titles in portugal england italy and spain is most recent coaching positions at Manchester United where he was sacked and does in december last year is pretty sad at spurs projects he took charge in 2014 and led the side to the Champions League final last season but fell short of expectations this season. 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Is failure always better. And how will this affect our Natural Resources made in germany. And now look at me affectionately which was affectionately as you can. Play the mayor putin in the middle of his Election Campaign in the year 2000 a documentary was filmed for Russian Television but director vitali months asian culture much more with determination about guns with them of course. The film secretly kroner gold a power grab actually everything was because i sleep landon structure. Featuring top supporting roles. In growing region of the rest of europe to the freedom of russia. And featuring a lead role like youve never seen before let me be clear with you i have to act in ways that i feel necessary to people who simply understand that. Players at a marriage do the ends justify the means. Witnesses starts december 13th on t. W. Container ship as big as a mountain thats the reality today in the world sports where i was born in the 1960s these cargo ships were

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