Killed or wounded in a 2nd day of fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed region of. The clashes are some of the fiercest in more than a quarter of a century fighting broke out in an area that lives within azerbaijan but has been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since 1904. Spains Supreme Court has upheld a ruling to bar catalans regional president from Public Office for 18 months protesters gathered in barcelona to denounce the decision. Was forced to step down with immediate effect hed been refused to take down a Pro Independence banner from a public building ahead of last years election. Is due to the news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram a t w news visit our website w dot com. 4 years ago during their 1st president ial debate Hillary Clinton accused donald trump of cheating the government by not paying any income tax trumps response was thats what makes me smarter trump then as now has refused to release any of his tax returns or tonight his secret is alps the New York Times reports that trump has paid no income tax for 10 of the last 15 years on the eve of another president ial debates the taxing truth about the billionaire president will this make the voters smarter im burnt off in berlin this is the day. Story was made about faith or maybe he doesnt want the American People all of you watching tonight to know that hes paid nothing in federal taxes. Hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes he didnt pay any federal income tax so that make it before 80. 00 that means 0 for troops its under. Arrest is not strictly well they could be like if he put it like they threw it was a pretty. Also coming up it is a conflict over territory between our media and eyes or by john it has the potential to become an all white war dragging in russia turkey and even nato as you see thats yes im 66 years old and ready to fight for my father not. To you our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with 750. 00 u. S. Dollars that is the amount of federal income tax dont trump reportedly paid the year that he became u. S. President and we know that now because the present. Finally released his tax returns know it took years of investigating by reporters at the New York Times to gain access to tax documents trump has refused to make public and the documents reveal a man who is deeply in debt 300000000. 00 and a man who has reportedly used his massive business failures to get out of paying income taxes in 2017 trump paid only 750. 00 in federal income tax that same year the average income tax paid by americans was more than 12000. 00 reporters also discover that the billionaire president paid no taxes 0 dollars 10 of the last 15 years his tax bill is 1st years in the white house as we said was only 750. 00 made possible by questionable Tax Deductions we also know now that trump is personally responsible for more than 300000000. 00 in loans the reports cite no new connections between trump and russia now the president has called this report fake news. Or these latest revelations they may be shocking but they should not be surprising the business journalist and tax haven expert Nicholas Shaxson warned the world 4 years ago in an expose about trumps taxes in finances published in vanity fair in january 27th see the week that trump was inaugurated shaqs in joins me here in the studio to discuss what he had failed to take a listen. A lot of his wealth comes from in one way or another milking government you know not just he milked the tax system thats for sure you know hes got away with so much that i presume he can get away with not releasing i dont expect hes going to release his tax returns that could be all sorts of stuff on there which which would generate another load of questions but hes got this one no other president ial candidate in history would have thought a culture of as far as he did with these questions hanging over him just as a ride for more im pleased to welcome back to the day richard painter mr painter served as chief white house ethics lawyer under president george w. Bush mr painter is a wall professor enjoys me tonight from minneapolis minnesota mr periods good to see you again according to the New York Times the u. S. President is responsible for more than 300000000. 00 in loans which are coming due soon know a person with that kind of personal debt would not be able to receive security clearance and at the white house for example is the president because of what we know is the president compromised. Yes substantial debt that magnitude is a very very worrisome situation and youre absolutely right that a security clearance would ordinarily a bit at odds with that kind of doubt unless they have assets well an excess of debt and the this is a situation where the present the United States the president decides who gets a security clearance is not himself someone who put up like a security clearance because of this that we also dont know who with really good somebody acts are identified but the question is whether those banks are that loaning the money and taking the responsibility for the loan oh or whether the risk really is of someone else a guaranteed loan at this eclipse Deutsche Bank and i think knowing if i need to invent this and and let it be known to anyone else is involved in the loans business relationships they have with donald trump because there are many many of these quotes from backs are the bankers not the ultimate risk rare or we dont know who it is mr thirst garrett or what what would you say then when you consider all of this does it mean that donald trump could be a threat to national security. Well absolutely yes if the party that guarantees a lot of this but stopping a lot is off the farm power whether it be russia or another country we simply dont know thats very dangerous for the in odd steps to have our president in debt to either foreign governments or all of our so closely allied with barca fans and the real problem here is we dont know because theres no disclosure about whats going on right now to these tax returns and they are New York Times the 1st time but now we would have to chase this town and talk to for example Deutsche Bank and all the other bad things but who really they are the risks associated with the looms is it the bank is it charters at russia saudi arabia we have no idea and thats very very scary for you and i would expect you sued the president for violating the constitutions emolument clause and that clause forbids an elected official from receiving payments from foreign governments are you more alarmed with the uncovering of trumps tax history that we see now. Well this confirms what i was concerned about all along and did out in 16 i write this in an article in the New York Times where as for that this president is deeply deeply in debt and we dont know who we hold so much to so this confirms those fears that people were well aware of 2016 at least those of us who read the newspapers but its more and more worrisome we see the magnitude of the debt the fact that this president has apparently so many business losses or says the estimate as losses that he hasnt paid taxes at all will have what 10 at 15 years 8750 dollars in tax in 2721 this is a very worrisome situation and we also are concerned they may try to keep himself in office so people wont call those laws no foreign power no car oligarchy to call a loan to the president of the United States the minute hes out they might do that and also the criminal authorities might move in on him so he really is just for his job is pretty you know you were concerned about the president s taxes back in 27 teen that was when part of trumps 2005 tax returns was made public and you tweeted it back in 2017 you asked yourself or on twitter did he leak it himself. Now are you convinced that trump had nothing to do with this latest revelation. I very much because its certainly not going to press the American Voters that the president United States and says hes a they got her a successful businessman paid 750. 00 in tax and 2 got 17 thats a very. Troubling situation to say the least and furthermore this additional confirmation of the enormous amount of debt hanging over his head which is like that of a call as soon as he leaves office and if he faces an Office Another term wherever he goes the money too. Can manipulate him and hes going to be beholden to whoever he votes the money to and you dont know who that really is what you say mr pena that looks bad with which it does but i wonder will it make a difference to his supporters and his are going to make a difference come election day in november. I believe it will make a difference to the voters who are out to start we have a good 20 or 30 percent population will vote for donald trump no matter what for whatever reason that worked up over the abortion issue or over the fact that theyre afraid someone is going to come and take away their automatic weapon or whatever their concert is and so we do have some voters who will vote for trump no matter what but that is not that the percent of america. And i believe that a lot of us have had it with Donald Trumps law is the way hes run this topic we have 200000 deaths from cope at 19 and compare that to the relatively few deaths in germany nothing per capita but the way thats been managed our death for capital far in excess of germany and most other countries. I think americans realize that we have a very bad Business Manager with bankrupting Many Companies for bankrupting our country and putting us in banter and hes dishonest and hes happily and death its a very very scary situation misprinted you know you if you were a lifelong republican you served for a republican president in the white house but listening to you tonight i would say that you sound like a die hard democrat what what has happened to the g o p. Ive been political independent i was a republican for 30 years i left the Republican Party 2008 getting the Republican Party for decades was stronger in standing up to the russians and their aggression from other countries and the idea of other countries manipulating our elections and selecting our president and a president who might be indebted our countries and a president it behaves the way donald trump has should be anathema to anyone who is in the Republican Party with a degree of seriousness over the years including and also democrats and independents this is not a partisan issue and its very very unfortunate that you support us mr painter how do you explain that my last question before we run out of time how do you explain then the fact that in the u. S. Senate you have so few republicans who are willing to even criticize the president you know much less take a stand and say that what he does is anathema to the the the ethics of the party that has to do with a completely corrupt American Campaign finance system that affects both of our political blocs that they head of the party and that is the president you not state your party is in the white and on the part of the trolls the fundraising operettas and who gets money to run for office and as senator theres criticized donald trump donald trump has made it very clear that hes going to support an opponent we had 2 republican senators leave the senate in the last elections they simply didnt want to deal with it so is that fair a dangerous situation for democracy when Campaign Money has so much influence and then the president trolls the campaign yes yeah and i think that there are a lot of people waiting to see what happens after the election if that there if there will be Campaign Finance reform in the u. S. Richard painter joining us tonight from minneapolis mr painter as always its good to see you we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you very much thank you. It is an old conflict that is boiling over a new forces from our media and eyes are by john have clashed over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh both sides are using heavy artillery and they reported casualties each accuses the other of starting this fight and the area in question is internationally recognized as part of by john but it has been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since a war in the early 1990 s. A war which killed tens of thousands of people Russia Germany and the United States of all called for an immediate cease fire. Young ones to go to war on sunday he signed up as a volunteer in the median capital yerevan yes im 66 years old and ready to fight for my father. Like many has been left shocked by the weekends clashes. Ministry of defense says bees that you sure as a by johnny london vision of the nagornokarabakh. 3 enemy tanks and 2 helicopters were destroyed. Our media has declared a state of war. Troops. Light not of the outbreak of a white spread war in the south caucuses that we can see could have unpredictable consequences it could spread beyond the region and indeed to Enter National security and stability if it did shut of it in line theyre taking up arms in the regional capital. Mostly a medium salafia media has controlled the region for decades but under International Law it belongs to azerbaijan. Azerbaijani officials have imposed martial law and curfews the government and back blames its neighbor for the new escalation. Its no secret that the 1st shot was also carried out. By the armenian minute tree you need it many still not. Talk he has promised to back i dont buy john there were joint military exercises in july which had to now have. To touch one to destroy the armenians and a media thats clear. A media is hoping for Russian Support from moscow and the e. U. Have called for an end to the fighting. Well my guess is our own home party and executive director at the Armenian National committee of america he joins us tonight from our washington d. C. Studios mr hardy its good to have you on the program what are you hearing about this conflict how close d are we to a full scale war actually too close for comfort. A regional war amid a Global Pandemic they threaten to blow up armies Nuclear Power station this is not just regional but also Global Implications for the area that is being fought over nagornokarabakh it is internationally recognized as belonging to her by john is that wrong and then would you say is that a source of this ongoing conflict. The only claim that azerbaijan has to. Which we call our is that Joseph Stalin stole it for them and the fact that the soviets you know gerrymander the caucasus is no basis for. The claim sovereignty over has. Is an ancient armenian land its been arming in this long as there has been in armenia my last trip before this pandemic was to nevada where i prayed at a monastery dot event that was established in the 1st century. Well if the times there are so deep why can we not then find peace and as it sounds like what youre describing the area within should belong to our meanie. I think the area should belong to the people who live there and that selfdetermination should determine the status of the region azerbaijan doesnt want to accept that the un has grown from 50 members to close to 200 because the arc of history bends towards selfdetermination democracy greater independence azerbaijan you know is resisting that and and its clear that theyre the aggressor here you can see that from the fact that theyre the Destructive Force they want to change the status quo you can listen to the words of their own leaders they talk all the time about conquering arming and arts off and finally theyre the only side thats blocking the gunfire locators that the west he would like to deploy these come far locators will allow the International Community to kind of like call balls and strikes on the border to see who started the aggression arming it embraces that but but has resisted it you have written to the u. S. Diplomats and u. S. Media outlets speak of it right about our media in the eyes of by john having period he would you say they dont have that you say its wrong to even write about that why is that. So basically what happens is every time theres an attack they trash Community Says well we dont know who initiated it so they issue a generic call on both parties to refrain from violence when that effectively does is it takes the perpetrator and rewards them it emboldens them to be more violent because theyre not going to be called out and it puts the victims at greater risk so instead of having this artificial neutrality or false parity the International Community should deploy those gunfire locators and the next time theres an attack neutral monitors can tell everybody including the parties you know who initiated the gresham and they can be held to account there is this complaint of disengagement by the u. S. In the region and i guess a cynic might say that if im here by john has launched a military offensive one of the reasons that it may have done is because the u. S. Is disengaged at the moment do you agree with that. I think i do and i think that if that states were more forceful in challenging azerbaijans aggression in cutting off for example the military the more than 100000000. 00 in u. S. Military thats gone to baku if we put that on the line if we put that assistance on the table i think well see azerbaijan step back from the brink of disaster ok the executive director of the Armenian National committee of america mr perry we appreciate your time and your valuable insights tonight thank you. Thank you. What do a teenage boy convicted of blasphemy in one area and the head of polands Auschwitz Memorial what do they have in common suddenly a lot more than either would have ever imagined peter 70 is the head of polands Auschwitz Memorial now he has written to nigerias president offering to serve part of a prison sentence that was handed to omar furtak a 13 year old boy for blasphemy hes also requested a pardon for the boy a sharia court in nigerias northern kanu state sentence the boy to 10 years in prison for making blasphemous statements during an argument if a pardon is not possible since he says that he and 119 other volunteers would each sit one month in prison to spare the boy from any time behind bars now heres part of the letter thats been written regardless of what he said he cannot be treated as fully aware and responsible given his age he should not be subjected to the loss of the entirety of his youth be deprived of opportunities and stigmatized physically emotionally and educationally for the rest of his life but im pleased now to welcome to the day mr peter since he himself mr vincent good to have you with us. What moved you to write this letter and to organize this response in defense of this teenage boy. Good evening because the president will hurry was 2 years ago and doesnt he. Can know and i were thinking when i learned this history that maybe is his visit and emotions that he certainly felt on those very cruel place. May make him thats a. Gift given a chance to this is young boy 13 years old omar thought ok. Many times you know we are looking on media and internet on social media. Many different tragic histories this time. Because it was the president who visited us really looks only go i was thinking that maybe we can we can do something and have you heard from the nigerian president since he wrote this letter. And he doesnt receive any answer from you know. We send this letter friday to the. One theory embassy in poland and he posted of course to the media and to the to the twitter. It was a weekend i suppose it must take sometimes for. Some discussions between the federal level and the regional level since it is a bit complicated in nigeria but i hope that there is or would be would be profitable for everybody because its completely impossible to send. Its entire allies that its destructed by Something Like this but you know as well as we do that blasphemy is a crime under sharia law and this this young boy his story it is it is a tragic story but it certainly is not the only one. What about the other people to face very harsh punishments under sharia law that do not get the attention of someone like yourself. Its certainly a lot of the problem a bit of a distortion maybe just discussion that now is very open and very worldwide discussion maybe well have also some all the different different very painful situations like this. I dont know i hope that however however we have to remember about sharia its fairly ok but nigeria has signed in many different documents. International documents about more than respect to those in charge who would have voted with different legal approaches in general. International law. Over national and regional. I think in the hand of the president is really a decision of. What means are justice and wins are International Obligations of nigeria mr susie ive got about a minute left let me ask you have you been able to communicate with this this young teenager omar photo for you know of course you know it was impossible. I dont have any contact with schema i hold that in the future if youre. Like to go even in niger to me if you can promise was a president already to the finance education of this young boy if hes released. From the prison ok. Since the director of the Auschwitz Memorial in poland mr schmitz we appreciate your time tonight and please keep us informed if and when you do hear something please let us know thank you. Thank you. Well the day is almost done the conversation it continues online youll find us on twitter in there at the w. News or you can follow me at brant golf t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then of course. By disappearing in time at eco systems are in danger on the mountain and in the. In the caribbean Climate Change is brutally real environmental activists and doing all they come but is there any hope this paradise can be saved the caribbean. Rescue and Climate Change. W. Do you know that 77 percent of black are younger than 6 of fox. Thats me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices. On the 77 percent to talk about the issues. This is where you cut. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. Murder conspiracy and the sewing clothes toys. Bodies that will never be found. Hopeless connected to the highest levels of government why didnt journalists just because shoghi have to die. Was threatened times 4. Years later and the reasons are still unclear. The case of the show. Starts september 13th on w. O. Ut. The carabine is a region brimming the Natural Beauty and rich biodiversity. In this natural paradise is in jeopardy to see is clogged with white and

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