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Well the stimulus negotiations are all too little support would lead to we are covering creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses. That are not. Forward since it appears that many will undergo extended periods of unemployment there is likely to be a need for further support if you. Are still hurting. That. Day we look at the hot button issue that over guarantees donald trump the backing of christian evangelicals in the case swing state of ohio portion is such an important issue in our time and i cannot trust a president who believes that abortion is ok without the right to life we have nothing. To the day u. S. President donald trump has abruptly halted negotiations on a major coronavirus stimulus package for the u. S. Economy after congress failed to agree a price tag a day after returning to the. Right house to recover from his coverage 19 infection the president fired off a series of tweets accusing Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of failing to negotiate in good faith hes ordered talks to cease until after the election saying that he would pass a major stimulus bill immediately after he wins democrats immediately attacked the president for abandoning the American People amid the pandemic House Speaker nancy pelosi accused the white house of being in complete disarray and then all the sudden he found infected by the current ira think president in the hospital our president prayed for him and then today comes that yesterday comes down to hospital roots and turn. So you never know whats going to be coming next but i think that we say when thinking you may be using that term thinking loosely relates a President Trump appear to backtrack by trying to salvage some individual items of assistance including money and lines and another round of stimulus checks is white house chief of staff mark meadows obviously were looking at the potential for standalone bills theres about 10. 00 things that we agree on and if the speaker is willing to look at those things. On a piece by piece basis then were all willing to look at it so how does this latest on past leave the economy and us voters Kimberly Clausing is thole monday mela walter mitty professor of economics at reed college she joins us from Portland Oregon a welcome to d. W. Pretty covais the u. S. Economy looked like it was going gangbusters then coronavirus hit how bad is the damage. Yes its quite severe then one thing that weve seen across countries is the countries that have handled the virus better have had swifter recoveries and less of the downturn the us did not end of the virus well at all and as a result has disproportionate number of das but also a disproportionate number of people who are scared to go out and shop or to partake in the economy because the virus is still very active here so i think the Poor Public Health situation really made this downturn a lot worse and it would have been so should we expect jobs lost to the pandemic to return in time you know with time it will return and we have seen some improvement over the depth of this recession so far the Unemployment Rate is bounced back somewhat its still a lot higher than wed like it to be and weve got also seen that the trend of improvement has weakened the so while there was some strong improvement 2 months ago that more recent improvements have been much flatter so i think in order for the economy to really improve we need to get control over the virus and once that Public Health situation is solved that will help but in the meantime i think the congress and the central bank should continue to pursue stimulus and the Central Banks doing all that they can that Congress Really really needs to do more together force with the president to pass some stimulus legislation whether thats the stimulus is a really interesting way you talk history in broad terms the best way to recoat flow to the economy as diverse as the u. S. Pumping money into banks and businesses so putting stimulus checks into peoples bank accounts. Yes so in a way you need to do both you need to take care of the Financial System because that really is the lifeblood of the economy and central bank has done a nice job with learning disabilities and with making sure there is adequate at the quiddity i think what Congress Really ringback needs to focus on most in the us had it is focusing on consumers and workers who lost their jobs and also state local governments that dont have the ability to borrow the way the federal government does so what happens when the state local governments you know hit a recession is they have to lay off teachers and firefighters and all sorts of important Public Servants and that also contracts the economy and state local governments because then those people have less money to spend and so normally the federal government would step in and help out states and localities theres a little bit of that in the spring but we could use a lot more there are more assistance to the unemployed and now 28000000 americans either unemployed or waiting to enroll in Unemployment Insurance so thats thats a lot of people. And i was reading an estimate today that as much as hof americans age 55 and over to retire in poverty only of poverty. Yes so that one of the sad things about this pandemic is it sort of looked like the u. S. Economy was doing really well going into it but there still are some fundamental weaknesses that were really not address despite the Strong Economy so we started this recession with a big budget deficit not with but balanced we started this recession with a great deal of income inequality and with those at the bottom still being quite vulnerable with tens of millions of americans who dont even have Health Insurance right so what we need to do is really strengthen that social safety net to make sure to expand Health Insurer and rather than undermine the expansions weve seen so far and to make sure that those at the bottom are protected and have adequate you know health and nutrition and income to. To lead a successful working life and a successful retirement the parts that youre talking about i just finally ill not an issue of expanding the site and thats do you see any sign of either a push from congress so all the white house or indeed from from all of the votes of this for that to actually happen. Yes i think this is this coming election is going to be really crucial on all of these matters 1st in terms of getting coronavirus under control i think weve seen that the Current Administration is incapable of doing that so hopefully the new ministration should biden be elected hopefully that new a new administration will be much better at that also i think theres a lot of interest in strengthening the social safety net with democrats in congress i think the republicans are a little more reluctant there particularly with with Health Insurance that actually challenge the expansion of Health Insurance through the Affordable Care act to kind of when i go in the opposite direction but if the election turns out such that democrats have the senate and the house as well as the presidency they can move forward to make a stronger safety net and hopefully a stronger economy to ok thats clear thank you so much professor professor i came back. From college thank you my pleasure. Well with the present terms cover diagnosis to the Vice President ial debates has suddenly acquired a greater urgency Vice President mike pence and democratic challenger kamla harris will square off in the only debate at the university of utah in Salt Lake City the televised clash comes at a precarious moment for the trump Parents Campaign with questions still being asked about the state of the president s health and a covered outbreak of the white house cutting through the president s inner circle so far mike pence is tested negative but his potential exposure to the virus as many calling for him to quarantine which hes refusing to do come to harris who also tested negative this week has insisted on extra precautions for tonights debate plexiglas barriers have been installed on state between the candidates and the Debate Commission has limited the size of the audience they also say that anyone who doesnt wear a mask will be escorted out. Well tough line on hygiene and social distancing news in response to the 1st president ial debate Donald Trumps entire entourage removed that masks and refused to put them back on the president s coverage infection and the lack of information about his Current Health status have now thrown hes too many debates with joe biden into doubt. Their. Regular run of out now i dont know what is. Looking forward to being able to grade him but i get the protocol. I think you can go over your average day. Lets get more of this from d. W. Washington bureau chief in a spall whos in the key swing state of ohio welcome back in this set up tonights debate for us what do we expect from these 2 candidates. Well phil i think these 2 candidates couldnt be more different from each other theres mike pence on the one side these white men very conservative very traditional on the other hand there is camelot harris the 1st female Vice President ial candidate the daughter of immigrants the mother from india the father from my car this is what theyre really different and but they share the one goal they have 2 modes promote their candidate and convince their voters to go out and vote for donald trump or joe biden. Well the post of u. S. Vice president has famously been described as not being worth a bucket of spit but with the president just out of hospital still receiving treatment people are looking at mike pence much more closely. Absolutely absolutely i think not only because donald trump is ill he has caught the virus its also the pure age i think its fair to say that there have been never president ial or wise president s who were so close to become the next President Donald Trump is 74 years old and joe biden would be 78 years old if he would be elected and therefore he would be the oldest president ever to start his job. So this kind of puts some extra kind of attention to this president Vice President ial debate tonight and of course the best to the president sickness how much is that the president s allison the swirl of infection cutting through the white house affecting attitudes on both sides. So we are here in this battleground state ohio and ohio and had the chance to talk to all those democrats obviously our shaken by that in that regard that they would change the way they vote and it would have been to expect that some republicans might reconsider if they would still go with President Trump as far as we talked to them every single one said yes i will and why is that because many many republicans just are just a single issue voters some of them are evan jelly cols so watch our report who they are and why they matter so much christine mannering meets fellow activists they are all devoted to the cause kristin found inspiration in the bible which she takes this really. They are on their way to an Abortion Clinic to try to persuade women to keep their pregnancies. Ive been telling her make up 25 percent a few s. Voters most of them share a central goal to ban abortion. We are kind of the the last stop before that abortion we want to reach them one more time and so thats why were here its my duty to do what i can do here to persuade as many people to not have abortions as possible but ultimately thats in gods hands and one day they will have to give an answer to god. She and her fellow activists believe donald trump is as committed as they are to banning abortion abortion is such an important issue in our time and i cannot trust a president who believes that abortion is ok without the right to life we have nothing so if were taking away and its a wifes no one has right the right to life is so important and im seeing that from him and thats why i will be voting for him. Politics professor laura vinson from the university of indianapolis has been analyzing trumps supporters the evangelical vote was critical to Donald Trumps reelection theyve been essential part of his base since he began running in 2016 and even though sometimes the president is wavered on policy issues the evangelicals have never wavered on their support for him there is no generation gap in terms of the evangelical bloc you see this with Younger Voters obviously with older voters in their support as well and you dont see a difference in terms of age. Christina studying to be a nurse in her spare time shes already trying to save lives one way talking with people about abortion another way she says is by voting for trump theres a lot about donald trump that i dont like that i dont agree with but in the areas that he does promote truth and justice i pray that god would bless his administration heavenly father we thank you that you are of author of life and Prayer Office crucial support for her and her friends they are also praying for donald trump but he recovers and is relex it to fight with them against abortion. In this poll in ohio. The United States is seeing record job losses in a deadly pandemic right a. J. Its a potion still going to be such a huge issue. First summit is this is the only thing they care about for others its the Supreme Court as we know it donald trump tries to put in a successor. Late rb jeev before he might have to leave office and then sure for many it is the economy because more and more people like really feeling kind of the outcome of that they are losing their jobs furloughs turn into like permanent job losses they hardly know how to bring food on their tables they are they have to leave their houses so i think the this issue will become more and more important over the course of the next weeks. In this poll in ohio thank you. Many in france say they will push for a new sanctions against russia over the poisoning of prominent kremlin critic alexina valley in a joint Statement Today the german and French Foreign ministers said they had received no credible answers out of the attack on this in a family with a band agent and make use moscow of involvement and responsibility russia denies any connection to the case thanks in a valley spent just over a month after he was medically evacuated to germany. Political correspondent simon young has more on the sanctions and whom they might target. Germany and france have said that they are jointly seeking sanctions against russian nationals because they believe that russia has not done enough to help clear up and explain what happened in the poisoning of a lets say nevada on a and theyre going to take this forward now in the next few days they say putting suggestions of what names should be on that list only a handful we believe of individuals but they will be individuals. Who are identified as having a function which makes them responsible for involvement in the crime thats how its been formulated also probably sanctions will be placed on an institution involved in the production of the novacek poison and these suggestions will be put to the of the e. U. Member states and it will then be for them to decide whether the e. U. Imposes these sanctions on moscow. So i mean you are now to another case straining relations between moscow the 1st day of the trial of an alleged russian hitman adjourned in the german capital the 55 year old is accused of shooting a former chechen commander in a park in may last year on the orders of the kremlin the case the grip popular imagination here in germany. Welcome to the capital of spice the German Spy Museum in berlin recently edited the socal 2 got murdered to its exits the man in the advertisement is still at a contract killer but in classical. This case has all the ingredients of a political thriller in august of last year the russian citizen to fight in crises of travelled from moscow via paris and torso to berlin under false identity. Of this alleged to have a porsche victim on a bicycle in a small park in berlin the victim was a cheech and exile seeking asylum in germany he was killed with 3 gunshots from close range. Chris sick of then allegedly threw his gun and bicycle into the kneebone river and tried to escape but was caught shortly afterwards he was arrested and has been silent ever since. But thats a special situation that in this case we have the suspect we have the person who is accused of murder so we have evidence we have the fingerprints we have pictures if you compare it was a screen or was a not only case we didnt have any person that we can question so i think this is sort of quite you need to do a show right now according to investigators state on creswick of smallville fun indicates that the crime was carefully planned they say they have found links to the russian that runs association of the Domestic Intelligence service if they speak which several investigative journalists believe is just a cover. We can see that that in classical for killer started visiting f. S. B. Training centers because earlier spring 2019 security. Employees are prepared for special operations there. As the day of the murder approached he communicated more and more often with the f. S. B. Employees. Towards the end it was almost every day. The victim iselin 100 had fought on the side of the rebels in the 2nd set or moscow had designated him a terrorist. This man was on our wanted list hes a fighter a cruel and bloodthirsty person. The kremlin denies any responsibility for the attack non of germanys 17 inquiries received a response it must to request full Legal Assistance were answered in the adequately say the German Authorities there in stone towards moscow is sharpening. De botton. The federal government reserves the right to take further measures in this case before. The German Federal prosecutor may have brought charges against that in christ but politically just says that in reality the russian state is in the dark. Or france has reported more than 18000. 00 new cover 19 infections the highest one day increase since the pandemic reached the country at the start of the year with origins of also reporting 18 more deaths from the disease france impose one of the one of europes strictest lockdowns in spring and the sense ramped up testing all bars and restaurants in the capital now have to close at 10 pm but that hasnt stopped the onset of a 2nd wave. And here in germany the daily number of new corona virus infections has risen to its highest since the end of april was 2800 in the past 24 hours a surge in the capital berlin has forced the city to impose new curfews on bars and cafes as well as stricter rules for gathering in groups the w. s are until to has been out on the streets of berlin to gauge reaction. Welcome to germanys new flashpoint. After months of staving off the worst of the pandemic the german capital has become the front line in the countrys fight against the. Half of all of germanys high risk areas are located here in this city including the district of. Gatherings with little sign of social distancing are a common sight here most of the new infections are among young people under the age of 30 theyre more likely to be infection but the disease is spread is also picking up pace among the old forcing berlin City Government to take action there introducing new restrictions from saturday compelling bars and stores to close at 11 and limiting alcohol sales as well as the size of private gatherings not everyone supports the changes. Yes you can just say much its a hard question i think its actually. A long but you have to maintain social distancing and i think as long as people do that it shouldnt be a problem to sit in the bar until late at night. I think the same i think everyone can keep themselves in check regardless of how much alcohol they drink at least i can keep a grip on myself so i dont understand why others cant do that. And. Many support the new measures. You need to balance your own sensibilities against a virus that puts others lives at risk you can feel the. Case i think the measures are justified the. System is flashing red and thats forced the government to take action people weve spoken to say they support the restrictions but still the spread of the here in the german capital. Finally a dinosaur fossil which has sold for a. New york. Really a 20 says really sorry 271 please 27000000 100000 dollars balls in your court talk to me james put the 75 please 27500000 dollars fair warning i am happy to sell this game says slops bidder for 27500000. 00 and sold so he was happy to sell it to be known as a stab the teen rags skeleton went to an anonymous bidder and the ocean house cristis says more details about a mysterious by maybe even failed in the coming days. Im not lost but day as ever the conversation continues online in the fathers on twitter beat up you dont forget to use a hash tag but have a good. One continent. 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. We explore every day life for. What europeans fear and what they hope for. Some kids on their. He was 90 minutes on t. W. The 2020 u. S. Election on t. V. I dont only goes on one of the biggest voting blocks for in this country many of them point blank to some behavioral stone from hard to stomach but 1st single issue which matters most or should we all just Young Christian voters white be financed their position on Election Night watch all reports on g. W. Click. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Weirdo science stand. What the new findings have researchers name. Information and background to. Become an update comes with 19 special. Monday to friday on d w. Of the morning. I cannot sleep because your war isnt love the force. In those wars swallow her. Only goal hers knows. Theres no use no love a good for the wicked. Goes on her own workers in a virtual. Earth chancellor. Merkel salute. Her use. This is data over the years life from donald trump is back in the oval office the u. S. President s personal physician says he has been free of coverage 19 symptoms for 24 hours as his rival cast doubts over whether the president really is fixable to continue his campaign also on the Program Hopes of a break in the fighting in the disputed region of mcallen abaft as civilians flee. Agrees to meet International Mediators if conflict with. The 2020 nobel prize in chemistry to developing a method for editing genomes. Jennifer doudna of the us for the rest not for the academy called rewriting the code of life. Im still going to welcome to the program Donald Trumps personal physician says the u. S. President has been free of covered 900 symptoms for at least 24 hours mr trump is back at work in the oval office after being hospitalized with the virus last week since his return to the white house on monday hes been making his presence felt on social media with a barrel of tweets criticizing his democratic rivals floating false figures about the pandemic meanwhile Vice President ial candidates are preparing to battle it out in a debate tonight well mr trumps challenger joe bidens come pain has that taken him to the he started town of gettysburg. The site of one of the bloodiest battles in the us civil will thank you all for being here used as the backdrop for joe bidens cool thing unity thank you thank today once again we are a house divided that my friends can no longer be we are facing too many crises we have too much work to do. We have to Brighter Future to have a bit shipwrecked on the shoals of anger and hate and division. It is president ial opponent appears to delight in division donald trump may still be recovering from covert 19 but hes refused to let that stop play in a series of tweets about talks with democrats over Coronavirus Relief legislation the president declared i have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election. It all adds to a sense of chaos in the white house trance team trying to keep his Reelection Campaign on track while the corona virus continues to spread. Here with the president s Senior Adviser in chief speechwriter Stephen Miller just the latest to test positive. Trump continues to play down the virus even after his 3 days in hospital. Joe biden says he wont debate the president if hes still infected well. I think if we do our job or we have a very. Good trump insist there face to face next week well go ahead Division Even here and yet this show goes on straight to washington led where were joined. By to welcome so where are we on the state of the president s health what do we know what dont we. Well thats an excellent question so we know that he is back in the white house and according to his doctors he is working perfectly fine he has no symptoms you know this whole ordeal not just the past day or so when hes been back in the white house but throughout the weekend when he was in the hospital really has been to show strength to show that hes working through it hes continuing his work that its not a big deal that hes got it under control and everythings going to be just fine even the show that we saw when you returned to the white house with the lights and the cameras and him taking off his mask on the balcony was really to show that yes hes back and everythings going to be fine but of course there are big question marks as to the reliability of the information thats coming out of the white house lets remember that this is an administration that has not been forthcoming and sometimes extremely inaccurate with the type of information that they put out about the president s health and about the risks of kovac throughout this pandemic so now of course we have to sit back and think well what really can we surmise we know that his doctor when he was released from the hospital said he might not be out of the woods yet he refused to say when the president s last negative test was and weve heard from the New York Times that the president is not being tested every day so lets move on to tonights debate given the state of the president so much Vice President ial debate is likely to be watched particularly closely what do Vice President mike pence and democratic nominee komla obvious have to achieve tonight. Whether their goals are seemingly simple they have to make themselves look good they have to make their parties look good and they have to make their candidates look good most importantly now pence is a career politician he is very smooth and hes often seen as the antidote to trump in many ways he is there to smooth over the president s more rough edges especially after the show was a rough debate that happened last week harris has a trickier task she has to try to pin a lot of the failings of the Trump Administration on pants and that is going to be all about covert particularly because pence is the head of the task force in the Trump Administration now i should also add that both of these folks are going to be watched particularly closely because their candidates are elderly donald trump the 74. 00 joe biden is 77. 00 and if biden harris were to win the election in november a lot of people are looking at harris as a president in waiting of sorts so there is going to be particularly a lot of pressure on her to deliver her signature a prosecutorial style that weve seen a lot in the senate could talk or do you think if thats a much wider washington. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world courting greeces found leaders of the countrys far right gold adorned party guilty of both breaking the criminal organization the group was once the greeces 3rd Largest Political Party and its leaders now face up to 15 years in prison one of the Group Supporters was also convicted of that but often anti fascist in 2013. To show that the former Police Officer charged with the murder of george floyd has been released from prison on battle after posting a 1000000. 00 bond george floyd died in marion to show good prestes need a good season 50 for several minutes despite mr florey telling him he could very. Germanys foreign minister has called for the imposition of european sanctions against russia of the poisoning of Opposition Leader alexei valley heiko mass that comes a day after international a chemical weapons watchdog the okee seen w. Confirmed the presence of a not be choked like nerve agent in samples taken from the list in the valley after he collapsed on a russian domestic flight. In kurdistan the demonstrators are taking to the streets again as the country continued to stick deep into political chaos comes a day after opposition protesters stormed the government buildings forcing the Prime Minister to quit the parliamentary election to be annoyed at least 3 distinct groups have now attempted to claim leadership. And as a by johns foreign minister is due to meet International Mediators in the countrys conflict with abi via as deadly fighting of the breakaway to go on a kind of back region and has a 2nd week i should buy johnny officials said the minister will hold talks with diplomats from france russia and the United States during what they call a working visit to geneva on thursday days of fighting have left hundreds dead and driven civilians into hiding. The remains of a supermarket instapundit karats the capital of nagornokarabakh residents say it was destroyed by forces in the conflict are unrepentant. Well beat them we only have 120000 people they have millions but believe me. Yet another explosion everyone flees to the cellar. He. Quickly quickly shouts a french journalist people have sought shelter here since the conflict began. We dont sleep were being terrorized we sit here with or without water with no toilet its cold. The world has to give us peace that. Civilians are suffering on the other side too. As a by johns 2nd largest city there are dead and wounded but the countrys authoritarian president sees no room for compromise. He was so in candid maskey as a by john anyone to conquer nagornokarabakh. As he returned to 3 we must take it back and we will take it guided it. Does it by john has International Law on its site under supported by turkey but the armenian see back has been their land for centuries. The displacement of hundreds of thousands of people over the years has turned the area into a powder keg armenia is making threats of its own. By johns military leaders believe that they can attack step on it and other settlements then the nagornokarabakh Defense Forces will react immediately. With severe consequences for us by john. Her move the conflict shows no sign of easing hopes lie with mediation from russia considered an ally of armenia but with ties to both warring parties. The winners of the prestigious nobel prize in chemistry have been announced in stockholm this year the prize goes jointly to Jennifer Doudna from the u. S. And Frances Emmanuel shop m. T. A. For their development of a method of gina editing the technology is already contributing to new Cancer Therapies and could help cure inherited diseases the w visited professor shot dead today and had lap a couple of years ago to find out more about her work. It was a Great American discovery 8 years ago Emmanuel Chapin together with jennifer did not find a way to rewrite the code of life or d. N. E. Neither the scientists have been recognized for their break 3 with the nobel chemistry price. Yeah i feel extremely. Open. To receive these ideas from cognition from sweden. To bring to school brianna very happy to be one of those years. Of cease discovering. The 2 scientists figured out how to bacteria defend themselves against invading viruses in the process they discovered that this natural mechanism can be used as a tool to modify d. N. E. The result was the crisper cast in genomes that theres. A simple quick and precise tool to change the genome. Heres how it works the sensors are actually a protein which is given a kind of search term for example 80 seen in this simplified model our d. N. A. Is made up of lots of different combinations of codes like these the says are proteins scans a copy of the d. N. A. And when its found in the search word says or activated and they cut the section i. Then a different section of d. N. A. Can be inserted. What i think is is what is the most interesting and fascinating about this discovery is that you you dig into the nature and you try to understand that trying to make his arms over life and you and decipher and make an ism that you can really use and harness for the copper so. The genome says are already being used by plant researchers to create a higher yielding strain of corn as well as mushrooms that stay fresh for longer. Unknown allergenic peanuts. The discovery has sparked heated ethical debates about the manipulation of nature. But theres no direct about its current folk attentional. In the future it could also be harnessed to treat cancer or other genetic diseases. Stand in for a couple of lines of sports well starts with International Football and germany drew with turkey in a 6 gold thriller on wednesday nights in cologne germany took the date a 3 times only to see turkey come back and equalize every time 3 all the final school next up for the germans is saturdays Nations League clash against ukraine. And around 200. 00 Police Officers have raided the offices of the German Football Association on the homes of current and former dea f. B. I. Officials on suspicion of tax evasion 6 people are suspected of falsely declaring advertising income football stadium as an Asset Management leading to an invasion off 4700000 euros in taxes both artists have not named any suspects. It is reminder about top stories Donald Trumps doctor says the u. S. President has been free of covered 19 symptoms for at least 24 hours mr trump returned to the white house on monday night its been criticizing his democratic rivals up via twitter. As the u. S. Election Campaign Heats up Vice President mike pence and democratic nominee come live how to stop the parents battling housed in the Vice President ial debates in just a few days. Essential updates in a war world news of the top of the hour Stephen Frears me has your Business Update in just about every day. In the height of Climate Change. For cars. Whats in store for. Months to come for the future to. Come for the major cities to get insight. Counter. And you hear me now yes yes weve got new and how the last 2 years gentlemen sound so that when you bring your uncle out math corps as youve never had to have been for a surprise yourself with what is possible to this magical green what moves and want. To talk to people who followed her along the way i admire those and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping 150 joining us from athens last august. Another tweet another Market Reaction wall street encouraged after u. S. President Donald Trump Backed off the way for new coronavirus aid and demand standalone deals for the airlines and Small Business. Also on the show South Africans hit the streets theyre angry about jobs and corruption times are already tough before the pandemic now many say the situation is becoming unbearable. And will take you to south korea which has turned itself into a global hub for a lecture mobility. Welcome to the show im Stephen Beers in berlin its good to have you with us we begin in the u. S. Where wall street has bounced back from tuesdays late session slump following president Donald Trumps renewed interest in corona virus 8 the dow closing almost 2 percent up wednesday after trump later demanded immediate approval for 25000000000. 00 to support airlines and a further 135000000000. 00 for Small Business both items were already part of a comprehensive package being negotiated with democrats until the president abruptly ended those talks which we dont tuesday that in turn led markets to tumble. And for more on this we go to our financial correspondent in new york yes. Good to see you mark it seems reassured today but can the president can democrats republicans really deliver on these measures that hes demanding. Well that is pretty tough to imagine because look what happened in the past couple of weeks and then see pelosi of the leader of the democrats and the house of representatives and the finance minister or the head of the treasury Stephen Knutson were negotiating for weeks and then all of a sudden the president comes out of the hospital and says we either do it this way all we dont do it at all so maybe they can agree on an aid package for allans in the amount of 25000000000. 00 even if that is not certain we clearly saw. Gaining quite a bit in the wednesday session the Dow Jones Industrial average was up by more than 500 points almost 2 percent the best day since mid july but im really not that certain that its realistic to get it definitely not a biggish deal but maybe also not a couple of small teams of deals done before november 3rd aryans when asked yesterday about a Congressional Panel releasing a report on big tech that includes Companies Like facebook amazon and pointing out what it called unfair competition and today those companies didnt really seem fazed in terms of their stock value does this mean that investors dont really see a danger to them. Definitely it might take some time before you really would make changes to trust the loss of this cease to be seems to be a bipartisan agreement that something has to be done if you look at the history of antitrust lawsuit in the United States they havent really changed in the part of a couple in the past decade the 2 main is that you would say actually were pos in 80 and 90 and in 1914 so thats quite some time the goal there is talk that there should be something as weve seen in the financial industry the class the like from 19 to 33 is what theyre calling it the glass steagall at 4 x. For the internet so something might happen but probably not anytime soon and then it also depends on how the elections will actually play out not just who will be the president but also how the majority might change in congress so at least for now the Big Tech Companies and the investors do not seem to be too varied yet. With the latest from new york thank you. And we go over to south africa now an emerging economy that in recent years has struggled to find its footing rising state slow growth and failing infrastructure have frustrated South Africans corruption too and that was before the pandemic now the pictures even bleaker and the mood among workers souring. This is how it looks like when south africas largest trade Union Federation organized this as a protest during the times of pandemic almost 2000000 members were to either just stay at home or go out and join pickets and motorcades like this one here in cape town the happening throughout the country yes. It is unusual. But on the other side. We have not expected that the term is going to be like this we are going to surprise and we appreciate the support that we are receiving from a war member as. You know for the fact that all the good nations in that. To the number that we have we must. Have that things but this is a very big surprise to us. Even. Demonstrating for a variety of issues a reform of the public transport sector Decisive Action against gender based violence and a stronger stand of the government against corruption you can read over a year or option is the biggest threats to our hot one democracy and the past years under the watch of the governing party a. N. C. Corruption has been rampant in south africa and although president Cyril Ramaphosa promised to change things there has been any high profile arrest and fat people saw more and more scandals coming out. Example around the procurement of personal protective equipment during the president and many people here are angry about that. To me theres still a long way to go theres still a long way to go and theres still more that needs to be made because theres people that we know that have done this action you know that has not been dealt with people who wants to see resign its people who wants to see people. You see that is the seriousness that we are looking to see people being arrested going to jail for what they did but of course theyre also calling for better Economic Conditions around 3000000 people have lost their jobs because of the pandemic and a 6 months locked down the union calls for decisive state intervention in strategy just sectors of the economy and a strengthening of the public sector. That includes small investments and struggling state owned enterprises. They must remain public entities because those outlays of this all over the public we cant sell them to any private person or any private institution because of those are that is what the loons that is the transfer. Of the public at the end of the day but further investments into state owned and to ts are controversial within the government and amongst the people here billions of runs have been wasted in the past because of corruption in the Companies Like south African Airways the National Airline but also the National Railway Service Money has been looted and wasted for a long time and even if the government was willing to invest more money into these entities in the future will it be able to afford it because of the pandemic of the South African government came up with a 25000000000. 00 euro relief package for the economy thats 10 percent of the countrys gross domestic product. And the government had to take loans from International Institutions like the International Monetary fund with an expected decrease intact incomes in the next months and years the country might face a massive financial problems in the future and already now south africa. Is writing from all 3 Major International rating agencies. Increased there in south africa lets take a brief look now at some of the other business stories making headlines poland has 5 russias gas problemo 6 and a half 1000000000 euros for building the north stream 2 gas pipeline without warsaws approval the project concerned about moscows dominance of European Energy supplies poland and the monopoly watchdog also fined 5 companies a total of 52000000. 00 euros for financing a project. Spains as that will create a greener more Digital Economy with 140000000000 euros of e. U. Pandemic recovery aid and create 800000 jobs over the next 3 years the recovery money is being raised from the use collected budget spain says about 70 percent of funding will be used for green energy and digital transformation. Air b. N. B. Reportedly burned through more than 1200000000. 00 cash a 3rd of its reserves head of its upcoming i. P. O. With millions of tourists canceling vacations work trips and family visits there b. And b. Says it is allocating 250000000. 00 to help offset losses incurred by hosts air b. N. B. Founders took no pay between april and september. When the future of the electric car hinges on Battery Technology the good news is that progress is coming fast with charging volumes increasing and charge times falling in the way for companies in south korea. The future is that electric and all over the world the race to roll out the Infrastructure Associated with theres a is heating up nowhere more so than in south korea which this year over talked china to become the number one producer of electric batteries. Writing high on the trend s. K. Innovation the energy and Chemical Company telling d. W. That improving Battery Capacity is top of the agenda. The Energy Density the distance a car can travel on one charge has increased from 150 kilometers to more than 300. 00. And i think that in 3 or 4 years well see the development of fast charging batteries they can be charged in just 20 or 30 minutes. But high powered batteries come out of cost and to achieve its goal of having a 1000000 electric vehicles on the road by 2025 the south korean government have been luring buyers with subsidies of up to 15000 euros. I didnt really consider the environment much when i bought the car but afterwards it made me feel better to protect the environment and save money with saving money and the planet is in south korea battery makers are leading the charge towards electric. All right and thats it for me and the Business Team here millen to check us out online dot com slash business im sitting here so thanks for watching. One continent. 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. We explore every day life. What europeans fear and what they hope for. Some kids on the earth. 60 minutes on. The power of sport. Where i come from i never saw the sun the way to. Heaven on up in brazil my son was always the man since the portuguese word for sun its masculine when i moved to germany as a 10 year old i want to come to him on t. V. And that would change how i see the world because entertainment is family. Even now with the side of a girl its almost time in a ponytail instead of a deep voice extra my little guy. Absolutely incredible. I realize how language shapes the thinking how definitions are not only mental in maine just put our whole 1st type of the role. Does inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became i joined the list im a storyteller and i use my words to help with intercultural in this town because my name is William Quaid and i work and to tell people. How this is for everyone schumann penises are very different from primates. Totally ridiculous romanticized view of nature. And this is Climate Change regular sex how do you know in books you get smarter for free books on. This is t. V. News africa coming up on the program 2 men have been found guilty of aiding them in a sense to killed 67 people at an upscale mall in nairobi in spain you. Can align now be drawn into this case. And enjoy the view from the imagine in cape town but why have these activists illegally occupied this naturally hope. Also thousands of muslims have descended upon the city goes holy city to pull the annual grand mother

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