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Were going to stick with this were going to win this election with actually one just a matter of counting the votes here. It may come down to the courts to decide who wins this election the closest battle for the white house in 20 years. So heres a look at the results so far with some closer attention to states that have yet to declare a winner as we said earlier our figures show that joe biden currently has 264 and President Trump 214 Electoral College votes was constant has become the latest state to fall into the biden column its 10 electoral votes which trump won in the last election now go to his democratic challenger now according to the a. P. News agency which is our main source for election data here at g. W. Biden has taken arizona please keep in mind other major outlets they say that this is too close to call and have not called this state it has 11 electoral votes well that brings us to nevada which has exactly 6 votes on offer that joe biden would need for the white house he currently has a slim edge in that states meantime georgia 60 electoral votes at stake there trump leading the way but his margin has narrowed in the state the trunk. Payne has filed a lawsuit alleging that ineligible late absentee ballots may be added to the count pennsylvania is the biggest prize still up for grabs 20 electoral votes at stake there the president currently holding a narrow lead but again remaining 1000000 ballots are expected to favor the democratic side so bottom line for now votes still being counted but the path to victory for donald trump appears to have narrowed as you can see there with those projections so lets get an update now from washington did have you correspondent carla bleicher is standing by there so we just saw where the race stands right now give us a little bit of perspective on what is going on right now there in those key states. It is definitely a very close race and votes are still being counted they have been counted throughout the night and into the Early Morning hours here and one said of course way it where it is getting closer is pennsylvania so President Trump is in the lead here and he is in the lead by the widest margin of all states that are still counting but that leads has been narrowing steadily ever since election day and the reason for this is that the votes that are now being counted are mail in ballots and as weve heard its democrats mostly who voted by mail and not republicans so this is why were seeing these numbers that are coming in mostly for biden in pennsylvania so its going to be interesting to see how this continues but we might still have to wait a while because pennsylvania is a state that still allows ballots coming in until friday that were postmarked on election day even though republicans are challenging those in court currently take us to arizona now because we saw in Maricopa County there we have seen protests of those unhappy about how the counting is going how much has the democratic process been thrown into question. Well President Trump has sown doubts about the election before it even started he has been talking a lot about voter fraud and this is something that he is claiming now to which is why many of his supporters believe you know something untoward has been going on and that this must be the reason why why states where trump 1st looked to be comfortably in the leaves are now inching closer and closer to perhaps a biden win but the reality is and this is very important to emphasize there has been no 6 evidence for any sort of voter fraud in these elections. Really things things are just taking time because we have so many more mail and ballots because of the pen demick and the fact that numbers are changing in favor of biden again because its mostly democrats who are voting by mail and its those ballots being counted right now so again no evidence for fraud just democracy taking its time georgia also looking like a tight race what can you tell us about how important this particular state is for both candidates. Georgias incredibly important for President Trump who is in the lead in the seats right now but again this this is also getting getting closer and it might be a stretch for for biden to win it but there is a chance that he still could and the fact of the matter is without georgia trump cannot cannot make it to the white house if we assume that biden indeed has won arizona as some news organizations have said others have not but if that is true trump has to win all remaining states and that of course includes georgia biden on the other hand could win 270. 00 electoral votes without the states so really it comes down to trump has to win here are live like are with you from washington thank you. So were now into a 2nd day without a conclusive result in the u. S. Election states have until december 8th to deliver the certified results that is supposed to help guarantee that all boats have indeed been counted that day is called safe harbor day because any state result delivered after that can be challenged and the last time this all came into play was 20 years ago in an election that was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court. November 2000 republican president ial candidate george w. Bush seems to win florida but the results are so close that the rules demand a recount the whole election hangs in the balance democratic candidate al gore request a manual recount in certain counties. Recounting by hand took a long time a legal battle slowed vote counting down and the state overshot the safe harbor date december 8th this allowed the Bush Campaign to ask the Supreme Court to stop a new statewide recount which it did bush was declared the winner by a margin of just a few 100 votes. Fast forward to this november another election without an immediate result the established law in some states is that counting early and mail and ballots can only start on the election day and this year the corona pandemic millions of people voted that way counting all these ballots takes guess what a long time. We dont know how long yet but that december 8th safe harbor deadline is starting to become visible on the horizon. President trump has already said he intends to use lawsuits to slow down or stop state counts which could push them past the safe harbor date and make them vulnerable to challenges his 1st comments after polls close pointed towards vegas he falsely said counting votes after election day was illegal. We were getting ready to win this election frankly we did win this for led by us is a major fraud nation we want a load to be used in a proper manner so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court his democratic opponent joe biden had been expecting this and tried to take the wind out of trumps sails. Because of the on president early voting a mail in vote is going to take a while were going to have to be patient until the hard work of talent votes is finished. If un declared states missed the safe harbor date while theres still no overall result the u. S. Congress and Supreme Court could get involved bringing back memories of the bitterly divided 2000 contest. And for more on that im joined now by julie norman lecturer in politics and International Relations at the u. C. L. Center for u. S. Politics in london welcome to the program and thank you for joining us whats your view on how the counting of ballots is being thrown into question in the u. S. How stable is the system. Lets say the system is stable and as we heard from President Biden on election day this delay that were seeing this year was very much expected in contrast to what President Trump said there is no evidence of fraud or malice or you know anything anything of that sort this was a delay simply because of the huge number of mail and ballots this year due to the coronavirus that we are expecting these procedural delays the fact that trying to is throwing those into question is suggesting intense know disenfranchisement you really is quite reckless and potentially very inflammatory at this time in american politics but for everyone whos been watching this election we knew it would probably take a couple days for the count to be finalized so so what legal possibility is then are there for President Trump to potentially contest the results or stop some of the ballot counting. Well weve already seen that trump has taken several steps he has asked for a recount in the state of wisconsin which is within his legal remit to do so if the state has a less than one percent vote margin and they can be challenge so he is pushing for a recount there and is also pushing for a lawsuit already in the state of michigan in terms of having republicans overseeing the vote count so challenging on that friends but well see tries to use these legal mechanisms in different states his legal teams have been preparing for this he signaled before the election that he would probably be doing this but a key difference between this race and 2000 where the race did go to the Supreme Court is that in 2000 it really centered on one state on the state of florida and particular counties within that state so right now the race is still open in a number of states if biden wins by more than just one state will be very hard for trump to get a court case from one state all the way up to the Supreme Court that makes a real difference so a lot of this is a lot of go posturing trying to maybe delay the outcome but in terms of changing it that would still really be a long shot for him ok tell us just briefly now because you raise the specter of 2000 you know right now biden has the most popular votes of and the u. S. President in history the u. S. Of course calculating on the electoral system however since 2000 there have been 2 president s to lose the popular vote and win the Electoral College vote george w. Bush donald trump would americans accept that again and how high are the calls for reform. Well right so with the vote still coming in and with the votes still being tallied there is still a chance of course that trump will be victorious in the selection by the Electoral College its clear now that biden will take the popular votes and youre exactly right that if this is the 3rd election in just 20 years where the winner of the popular vote loses the presidency or loses that electoral votes that would be something that i think a lot of americans would really start seriously considering the Electoral College is already seeing those discussions and conversations starting in the lead up to the election but its important to note that the Electoral College changing that system would take a it would take a majority of states agreeing to it woods take a amendment going through congress it would take a lot of steps that quite frankly i dont see potentially happening any time soon even though there would maybe be a public will an interest for that to happen and norman with the view from london thank you so much thank you. All many tweets put out by President Trump since an election day have been flagged by twitter for containing disputed or misleading content i want to take a look at his latest post it contains a headline from far right Media Outlets breitbart alleging vote counting chaos and destroy which is in the closely contested state of michigan now the right particle that the Term Campaign has not been given proper access to the counting process that is what it alleges lets bring in fact checker. Who has been looking into the story he joins us now so what did you find out. Our team debunked this story and the bright part reported on poll workers in detroit covering windows as onlookers outside try to watch as ballots were being counted and obviously trying also to get into the polling station the police however did push back crowds who had begun pounding on the doors and windows and yelling stop the count which might have been influenced by President Trump who earlier said that all voting should be stopped however the breitbart article didnt mention was the fact that the election official said the people could not enter the room due to capacity concerns the allowed number of people in the room was exceeded and there were democratic and republican poll watchers beside me as media and lawyers in that room already according to present lawyers the tensions in that room began when republican poll watchers had gone to the poll workers by top talking and taking of them us getting too close to the workers or being even verbal ie aggressive they tried to tell the workers to stop counting so this was a serious problem for the workers the claims of being excluded by republicans were without reason and other members of the trumpet campaign are casting doubt on the election result itself and here is what toms lawyer with giuliani had to say in the in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Not a single republican has been able to look at any one of these mail ballots they could be from mars as far as were concerned or they could be from the Democratic National committee joe biden could have voted 50 times as far as we know a 5000 times the ballots could be from camden philadelphia unfortunately and say this about my own city has a reputation for voter fraud. So what are the facts say. A former mayor of new york and associate attorney general should know better made a voters can vote you cannot vote 50 or 5000 times like claimed not joe biden nor anybody else to vote by mail you have to be a rigorous 3rd board to voter and you have one vote according to several studies fraud is a rare in us elections a Data Collection by the law yaller law school only listed 45. 00 incidents of voter fraud in the last 20 years and that in relation to more than 1000000000 ballots cast the head of the study confirmed to d. W. Fact checkers but Rudy Giuliani insisted that mail in ballots in pennsylvania could be from everywhere from mars from the democrats or even from that people voting he doesnt deliver any evidence for this and independent election observers didnt find cases like this so far so giuliani called a local judge a political hack because of his party wasnt able to get closer than 20 feet to the ballads he claims and it was impossible for his party to observe the election we couldnt verify that but we have no reports of a big fraud in philadelphia like giuliani says and he is the one who has been sent by donald trump to challenge the Election Results in pennsylvania so sir if you ask me this statement has to be seen in the context as trumps side prepares a legal fight in several battleground states now lets move over to democratic candidate joe biden he gave a speech in wilmington delaware his home state he mentioned that he was optimistic about becoming the next president of the us only 3 president ial campaigns in the past have defeated an incumbent president when its finished god willing will be the 4th term. No sir its not in the history of United States 10 incumbent president s have been defeated at the polls when seeking a 2nd term of the presidency 10 president s last and president elections and 2 more in National Conventions of their parties the 1st what was john adams who was defeated by Thomas Jefferson already back in 1900 and the last was george bush sr who lost against a certain bill clinton in 1902 so if biden wins he will be at number 11 not 4 of this ranking yet have ever had given the facts straight for us thank you so much. First lets have a look at some other stories making news around the world the president of Kosovo Hashim toci is stepping down to face war crimes charges that the International Court toci was a commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army joining the kosovo war in the late 1990 s. Hes accused of committing atrocities against civilians he told a News Conference he will be traveling to the hague to face trial in. The United Nations has expressed alarm over of reports of armed clashes in ethiopia on wednesday even as Prime Minister ordered the army to confront the Regional Government of a province which has its own militia both sides are well armed and observers are warning of possible civil war in the horn of africa. Of tons that has reported a significantly higher 3rd quarter loss than expected the german carrier lost almost 2000000000 euros surpassing analysts x s expectations excuse me the pandemic and travel restrictions have seen ticket sales plummet the airline lost 5600000000 euros in the 1st 9 months of the year. Well the United States has registered 100000 cases in a 24 hour period a new record in the coronavirus pandemic infections have been surging cross the country as a percentage of the population in the midwest is currently hardest hit and in addition to rising cases hospitalizations are also a story north dakota says that it has only 6 of free intensive care beds in the entire state more than 230000 people have now died in the u. S. After catching the virus. And earlier we spoke with peter chain hong a professor of medicine at the university of california San Francisco and an Infectious Disease expert he told us that the election and in particular non socially distance rallies may have worsened the situation. Wouldnt mind dated in voting facilities in the United States during the season in fact even if your state has a mosque mandate the federal law didnt permit or didnt mind 8 or in force mosque going on these sites im also concerned that the activities around election time the buses of supporters particularly from President Trump theyre not Wearing Masks theyre in an enclosed space theyre riding up and down these all promotes potential super spreading of violence people are not writing mass in these rallies theyre huddled close together as shouting theyre screaming theres a lot of emotions and these are the states where theres a lot of crude a virus happening right now c o pretest probability of getting an infection in these communities is actually higher and here are some of the other latest developments in the penn demick germany has set a new record for infections in the country almost 20000 positive cases in the last 24 hours in england a 2nd National Lockdown has come into effect tough restrictions on social contacts there are in place and all nonessential businesses will be closed for the next 4 weeks greece announcing that it will react to a lockdown on saturday the measures are due to last 3 weeks according to the Prime Minister and denmark is set to call all the countries farmed makes more than 15000000 animals thats after a mutated corona virus from a mink farm infected at least 12 people. On italian man is finally putting his feet up after winning the worlds longest certified road race dubbed the everest of all try running. Completed the 3100 mile event in 43. 00 days have a lock 118. 00 marathons in a row its Little Wonder the self transcendence race has so few participants and even fewer finishes. Founded in 1997 by indian meditation master sri chinmoy and race is designed as its title suggests to test competitors mental strength as well as their physical fitness so many times in the race your mind thinks theres no boy will somehow. Have this inner power to find a way through. I guess thats thats thats the name he raises probably hold for me you know the fact that you know everybody so does this or limit the power of you know that we can talk and. Usually run in new york the race took place this year in the austrian city of so because of the coronavirus pandemic runners begin at 6 in the morning and can continue until midnight when the track closes they can take breaks wherever they want only 5 started this year. And italian and graham are caught say with the best of the bunch after beginning on the 13th of september he crossed the finishing line 43 days and 9 pairs of shoes later. Focus on europe is up next on news if you want more you can always go to our website e. W. Dot com you can also follow us on social media at. Kelly and for lent thanks for watching. One continent. 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. Explored every day life. With europeans fear and what they hope for. Some good slogan there are. No words to d. W. Ensure the conflict Zone Research early my guest this week is involved with minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade c bossi so boy as a former un chief he was also the face of the military coup that propels and none babatz of power. Zimbabwe ever be able to see a political and economic reform. Conflicts in. The 60 minutes. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The nuremberg trials to. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime aborning judging by the allied forces. With the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. By our government. Very brutal parents are you using right here in. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich. Starts nov 12th on d w. Hello and welcome to focus on europe im wired its great to be back here in europe with the coronavirus pandemic has again brought life in many places to a grinding halt spain is one of the worst affected countries and the government has declared a state of emergency for 6 months well that has led to outrage in some places like madrid where people rioted against the measures these include a nighttime curfew and in some areas the closure of restaurants bars and shopping malls well their anger is mixed with fear for those struggling to get by the future looks bleak residents in cities like barcelona were already struggling with unemployment and high rents since the economic crisis a decade ago and the pandemic has only exacerbated their worries grasso martinez is a bailiff who carries out evictions its a job that can be both emotionally taxing and dangerous. Clearly hes a bearer of bad news. We have a Court Warrant that will you open up. Some martinez works in barcelonas last detail at area his job is to even people the coronavirus pandemic is a busy time for him more and more people slip into poverty and can no longer pay their rent we have a court ruling you have to leave today. Why werent we told. Leaf im here now you must have been given plenty of notice if you go to my fathers i know. The owner of the apartment wants them out and he has the law on his side. I want the apartments back. For my son. So that he can live here. The locks are changed to straight away courts are cracking down especially on behalf of private owners when apartments belong to banks or companies decisions can take longer. Our. Landlord has the final say if hes willing to give them another 2 days then thats what happens and if he wants them out today theyre out its up to him. If you go. Down this department was owned by a bank it would be one thing. When the owner is someone who worked for decades to buy property its different. I have no sympathy for them. Spains housing problem is nothing new high rents low incomes during the financial crisis several years ago many people couldnt pay their mortgages and many homes were repulsed by banks now the pandemic has ushered in the next crisis. People who were struggling before are now at rock bottom they had precarious work contracts and now theyve lost their jobs so they stop paying their rent. The chronic housing crisis is on full display at his next appointment the building belongs to a bank its now being occupied illegally palko calls for assistance. Police back up illegal occupants arent opening the door. Weve been threatened with knives and someone turned on the gas to try and cause an explosion or article it can get dangerous thats when we call in the police officer. Parco knows a lot of the Police Officers well. Hows it going on the bad guy again. The police go in ahead to check the situation. One of the squatters is still there hes sick the others have fled the. Set up of living like this of course the father the mother lost everything. Im on the side of justice theres always someone who gets the short end of the stick a lot but thats the way it is after all a judge has made a ruling thats the way the law is i dont have a guilty conscience. This water wont leave so hes taken away. A lot of misery in his job which makes him even more aware of how lucky he is the 52 year old lives with his partner in their own apartment and he is mortgage free. A few streets away hes called on to a victory young woman from the Dominican Republic who gave birth just 2 weeks ago. When mark im not doing well where am i supposed to take my child. Longer than a group of activists are here to support her. Can do is try to get her more time everything depends on the landlord the womans last hope is a phone conversation with him. You know the welfare system doesnt function right now. The only way to get another apartment would be. Barricade yourself in the Mayors Office if you. Want the landlord agrees to let the woman stay another 6 weeks but after that she has to go situations like these still upset even after 12 years in the job. There have been many occasions when ive had to grit my teeth and get on with it if it were up to me id cave in on humanitarian grounds. But when youve been told youre being evicted 4 times and you havent looked for a new home at some point you have to draw a line. Pago has been called to 8 addictions today in his district alone he knows that number will keep rising the longer the pandemic continues. While the corona virus has put a financial strain on many people in russia a vaccine for covert 19 has arrived but theres a catch the vaccine has not been fully tested still russias government is pushing for mass vaccinations and thanks to volunteer is like sergei gatos this could soon become a reality or he is one of 40000 people who are about to trial the vaccine but the majority of russians are wary of signing up. The past months have been a struggle for photographer sergei gover us studio was closed and jobs because poland. To be sure the coronavirus wouldnt cause a any more trouble he wants protection and is now one of the 1st to test russias vaccine. Besides his studio photo shoots gover us works that wedding was with large gatherings of people. Relatives including older people come to the weddings from cities all over and i have a lot of contact with if i suddenly became a carrier it wouldnt be good i wouldnt want people to suffer because of me. About it governor us has no worries about the vaccine. And like this model all good pasture. I want a vaccine to have been tested for several years and maybe then ill be willing to get myself vaccinated im afraid of vaccinations in general and even more still of a corona virus vaccine which nobody understands anyway are you. Sure you can be afraid but who else is supposed to test the vaccine for us. Im not sure if but heres one of 40000 people who are to test russias 1st facts in. Production and shipping are already underway the foxing has been approved even while the test phase is still progress doctors Police Officers and teachers are getting the 1st objections voluntarily its been stressed president s putin regards the vaccine as a matter of National Prestige and he apparently wants russias political elite to set an example. Have you had yourself backs unaided. Moscows mayor has deputy Prime Minister tatiana going to cover as well youve already received the 2nd vaccination how do you feel it. Was issued. Another test subject this politician value only got tongue now in a video message he says hes contracted to covert 19 but rather than cast doubt on the vaccine the tongue suggests he was part of a control group every 4th subject received only victims so researchers can check the effectiveness. Of selling the vaccine to other countries like syria and venezuela where the 1st delivery and arrived in the capital caracas infection researchers criticized the fact that the vaccine is being delivered before testing has been completed. I think its the wrong policy a policy of reporting great successes where there are none this vaccine might in fact work but we dont know that yet because the testing has not been concluded. Many russians share the skepticism the survey by an organization close to the government showed that 73 percent have no plans to get vaccinated yet moscows mare who heads a commission to combat the coronavirus once things to move quickly. Toward the end of the year will have enough vaccine to carry out a mass vaccination. I hope it happens. The manufacturer says that over 2 thirds of russias population could be fascinated with a new year perhaps a vaccination stations like this one from one of the doctors and just ambulance are only given flu vaccinations no appointments needed and free of charge it only takes 10 minutes but the Coronavirus Vaccine has to be specially cooled which 2 poses a problem soon sergei gover us will be receiving his 2nd dose of the vaccine in a moscow clinic every day he protocols his state of health in an up signs of fever and other symptoms. As a test subject he hopes to hope the worlds get back to normal. Quite a bit much now my money i hope ben will be able to deal with each other normally again and not be afraid of contact shake hands again and live normally that would be nice. For now nobody can say exactly when that might be not even in russia. How do the terminally ill prepared to say goodbye to their lives and loved ones well for some it means visiting a special place just one last time but quite often theyre not able to do so because of their physical condition or coronavirus restrictions well its a year in that frank runs low knows 1st hand after his wife passed away he dedicated himself to granting dying people their last wish in the northern german town of ngong he goes the extra mile in honor of his late wife. Our task today is to pick up our passenger at the low end c. S. Hospital and got there because a. Frank fans low on his assistance are ready whenever a terminally ill person in northern germany would like to go for a ride it ters are free of charge the stuff volunteers he has his own specially fitted ambulances their mission is to fulfill a dying persons last wish servian oil and has been a hospice for several weeks. The 55 year old has turned cancer. The doctors say her tube is an operable because its too close to the spine. Today shed like to return together with her son and his fiance to the town where she grew up. Even past the happiest time in your life some place that its just nice to be back there again and to be quiet to just breathe to feel. Well manage just fine wont we. No ones home town is just half an hour away she was given morphine for the pain a man who trains paramedics for a living vents low tries to fulfill his passengers every wish he and his colleagues had out up to 2 times a week hes even driven all the way to the north cape. Weve got to take it as it comes and then you can handle things quite well right ill just keep going on up there i certainly hope so. Sylvias chosen the church as their 1st stop. The attendance was rolled the stretcher curfew over the cobbles. Every bomb was painful for the patient. Sylvia with the church here when she was a little girl today the memories so how comforting you are yes ive decided that id like to be buried here as well. How fitting that. For many relatives a last journey like this is tougher to bear than it is for the dying person themselves. That 1st Sylvia Newman son says he feared the emotional stress of the trip. But now hes glad he came along. Now i can see what this is doing for her and how valuable these moments are and that in the next days or maybe weeks however much time shes got left you shall draw strength from it thats important and beautiful city and the trip continues on a ferry across the visa river. For sylvia but another childhood memory. She wants to see its mostly waters one more time. From france alone reserved a special place for her with a view look theres a white house in the background on the short walls of the phaser follows in the middle of the waterway the ferries captain circles the boat a few times especially for some of you know im going. Back outside the associations headquarters to nations and feeds from 1st aid courses that franks venza low and his colleagues offer paid for everything here. All the associations vehicles bear the name of fenceless late wife elizabeth. 6 years ago when she was dying of cancer she wanted to make one last trip to the north sea but van slow couldnt fire

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