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President trump commenting on negotiations yesterday at the white house. They are also meeting, it actually be done before our meeting, i think we have a good chance of making a deal. I think they want to make a deal, they are losing, Many Companies are leaving because of tariffs, they dont want to pay tariffs. Dagen european trade going down on a different path, 4 billion in trade value, pasta, cheese, whiskey, metals and chemicals. Fixed Income Portfolio jack mcintyre, good to see you as always, what to make you look at fixed income, you look at the bond market, 10year close to 2 but the s p at new alltime high, who is right, because the fixed income market treasuries say slow do you know slowdown ahead . Believe it or not, they both can be right. For that to happen you need noninflationary growth because thats whats driving the fixedincome markets, obviously whats driving equity is the idea that hey, the fed is going to cut maybe 50 this month and weve got some growth, so as long as sustainable, both can move in right direction. I like bonds more than i do equities, but we can discuss that later. Dagen noninflationary growth there, again, yesterday for one example we got a number of indicators around the globe from china, overseas in here at home that manufacturing is slowing down, not contracting here in the u. S. But it is slowing, so do we have that growth or the indicators that growth is certainly muted in the months ahead . Youre right, thats why i still like treasuries in here because the u. S. Is not economic island, we are not immune to slowdown globally and weve had a strong dollar which we are still feeling effects of that and the fed with probably too aggressive in terms of tightening so, yeah, treasuries will still do well, obviously we had a huge rally in there, im in the camp, i think this is just a global slowdown, im not looking for the global recession because i do think we will see a wave of monetary stimulus that will help that and as we talk about trade stuff, thats going to help at margins. So jack, lindsey bell here, so you are thinking that the fed will in fact, cut in july and is it 25 basis point, 50 basis point cut and how is that going to stimulate the economy, how necessary is that cut near term . So the way im thinking about things right now, ive got a ledger, i look at all the Economic Data points and we will get a few more before the next meeting and i kind of say, does that support a 25 basis point rate cut or 50, so yesterdays ism manufacturing, that puts in 25 basis point rate cut, we will see what happens with ism, nonmanufacturing tomorrow and then the employment report, if those are in line with the manufacturing, we will get 25, i think we have to get 25 because the markets already priced that in. I dont think the fed wants to go that much against the markets, so effect is it going to have, i dont think its going to have a huge effect on the real economy but its clearly a necessary move if we will have risk assets continue to to do well. Dagen jack, new ap poll says 47 surveyed approved of the president s handling of the economy, china showing weak manufacturing numbers as i pointed out, why is that . Shouldnt again we still have unemployment at 50year low, we have wages growing for nonsupervisory workers faster than managers but broadly speaking, wages growing at the fastest pace in at least a decade, why dont people feel more of an attachment to President Trumps policies . Thats a good question, you know, we have a pretty strong personality so i think its a lovehate sort of relationship with him. I think weve had decades of income and wealth dispersion, so there is a huge part of society as you pointed out thats been left behind. I think the policies put in place, they take time. You know, if the economy continues to do well and shug along you will see approval ratings, he knows that. The one thing that will get him reelected is economy and not personality and he needs to do things that will get economy to continue to do well going next year. Dagen i will add this in wall street journal this morning, the first tax Filing Season under new tax law, the tax cuts to the wealthy, upper middleclass people, making 100 and 250,000 who were less likely to receive refunds and more likely to owe money with returns, the middle class in some areas but these are still individuals making 6 figures, they owed more. Another interesting report in New York Times about minority women starting businesses at highest rate that theyve seen in decades and also Hispanic Women are doing well in the economy, all this plays well in trump reelection, the democrats argument that they are trying to make, the economy is not great folks despite what you see and feel and hear and read, its not working for everybody, only working for top 1 , thats the argument they are making and we will see how it plays out. Dagen you listened to those debates, jack, these candidates literally were describing some sort of dystopian nation of where, people like the very rich were living in these giant mansions on hills and everybody else was like scrambling for food and water, thats what it came across like. Its amazing how how much support they get and i go about and have a lot of friends from a lot of different communities and you talk to people and they are really believing this rhetoric and so thats what really scares me, its the delusion when things are going so well for people to say they are so bad is pretty scary. Dagen jack, real quickly, what do you expect out of the jobs report on friday, again, expectation is 160,000 jobs, we have had job creation slowdown this year so far, no manufacturing jobs created as the expectation, but will this push the feds hand even further, you think, if we get a bad jobs report, do they cut more aggressively . Yeah, i think this is probably one of the most important job reports that weve seen over the next several years, it will confirm the weakness that we saw in may employment report, i think its going to be an okay, maybe 100 plus, but i do worry the job is hard to get component of Consumer Confidence had a pretty big uptick, havent seen that in a long time, so watching it closely but i think its not going to be quite as bad as the may employment report. Dagen thats good because may was 75,000 jobs added. It was pretty weak. Jack, good to see you, jack mcintyre, be sure to tune in for jobs friday june coverage report 8 00 a. M. Eastern time, cleanup operation underway in hong kong hours after protestors caused extensive damage to government building, Cheryl Casone has the details, hey, cheryl. Cheryl good morning, again, dagen, protestors chattering glass, slogan in the chamber in 3hour occupation of the building yesterday, they are marching against growing fears of beijing influence, it happened on the 22nd anniversary of the former british colonies returned to china, protestors demanding chief executive terry lamb resign and democratic elections should be held to pick a new leader there. Foreign investors will be able to own stakes in china Financial Sector starting in 2020, this move announced today by chinas premier a year earlier than expected, china also take steps to opening Manufacturing Sector, that does include the Auto Industry there. The latestness comes after the u. S. And china agreed over the weekend to restart the trade talks which had stalled back in may. Well, facebook Silicon Valley headquarters remain on edge, facebook facility quarantine, employees evacuated from four different buildings, emergency has met crew, fbi taking, dagen, the lead on that investigation, those are your headlines. Dagen thank you so much, cheryl, thats scary. Cheryl casone, coming up the border crisis, the conditions at Detention Centers called into question after congressman alexandria ocasiocortez makes a trip south, but a new report is questioning the veracity of her claims, fresh controversy for nike, the company betsy shoe at the request of former nfl player Colin Kaepernick e wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. Pet insurance, wait, let me guess. Flea flicker. Yes howd you know . Studying my playbook . Yeah, actually. Most people think a button is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Dagen big show this morning, hogan is here, pennsylvania congressman House Foreign Affairs Committee Member scott perry, fox news senior strategic analyst and retired fourstar general jack keane. Former sony executive Business Executive managing editor seth and financial expert, author of everyday millionaires chris hogan, you dont want to miss any of those gentlemen particularly chris advice always helpful. Freshman congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez visiting a Migrant Detention Center in texas where she described the conditions as horrifying, writing on twitter this, just last first cbp facility, i see why cbp, customs and border officers were physically threatening to me, keeping women in cell and told them to drink out of toilets, it was them on Good Behavior in front of members of congress, listen to this. Women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of toilet, they were Drinking Water out of the toilet and that was them knowing what a congressional visit was coming, this is cbp on their best behavior. President trump signing a 4. 6 billion humanitarian aid package which aoc, alexandria ocasiocortez voted against. We will point that out. I want to just go on, the head of Border Patrol condemning agents alexandria ocasiocortez private facebook post, these inappropriate and contrary to honor and integrity i see and expect from agents day in and day out and violated standards of conduct will be held accountable, cbp telling Martha Mcallum an investigation is underway. We will have to let the investigation take place in order to take what actions to take. Theyll be investigation as i said, the investigation has already started as soon as we were notified of these posts. Dagen tom, what do you make of all of this, i pointed out that aoc shes down there at the border facility but the aid package that was passed, 2. 8 billion of it is for unaccompanied alien children being held, the program run by health and Human Services because theres been growth shortage of beds and children are in Border Patrol custody and waiting for placement in hhs care and i will point out that aoc just for cameras and for twitter maybe, she did not vote for humanitarian aid package for whatever reason, she talked to her constituents and decided to vote against it. The alleged that she made yesterday were serious ones and need to be investigated, right, the idea that Border Agents are telling these detainees women in particular to drink out of toilets, i mean, that seems a bit farfetched but, you know, they can tell her whatever they want but it needs to be investigated because its obviously not right if its happening. The broader point being that alexandria ocasiocortez has basically, this is an all of out assault and what they are trying to do in the border, she has been want to go abolish ice, she ran on the idea of abolishing ice calling them something close to terrorists and so this is part of that effort and we will see how it plays out, but certainly the Trump Administration is doing what they can to mitigate this crisis that we have at the border and as you mention alexandria ocasiocortez voted against this bill, she wanted even more funding, she wanted all of it to be restricted just for detainees, not anything to go to Border Security and she was on the short side of a very bipartisan vote to get the money down to the border. Dagen but the money is now, nonetheless, i will point it out on almost 3 billion of it, 2. 8 billion is for the program run by health and Human Services. Correct. Dagen the majority of the money is for health and Human Service service for children, i want to point out, the Washington Times is reporting that alexandria ocasiocortez screamed at federal Law Enforcement agents at threatening manner in el paso and refused to tour the facility, a group of 14 democrats who were traveling down there and their aides kicking off their visit on monday and they were standing in station where migrants are held, when ocasiocortez left them to sit with family as other lawmakers were briefed on station operations and she comes out screaming at agents this is a quote right at the beginning of the tour crying, screaming and yelling, money might be helpful rather than what was political grand standing. Shes trying to paint them in the worst possible light. Does this mean that theres a crisis because at the end to have day democrats have continued with the same messaging that there is no crisis at the border and then you go to the border and you you act like this, you yell and scream, listen, id be yelling and screaming too if i saw somebody drinking out of the toilet, im with her on that if it happen but the use the rhetoric for this long that there is no crisis when we know thousands of little girls that are getting brought across the border, thousands of girls raped at 8, 9, 10, this is the reality, the kids are being trafficked through the border left and right and so the democrats have to wake up for the fact that she wouldnt vote for the bill and President Trump has put entire presidency on the Border Patrol. Dagen i want to point out that the Trump Administration asked for the money, had been requesting it for months. Months. Dagen and it was finally again passed last week. I said it was the Washington Times, it was the Washington Examiner that was reporting that. But again, aoc was screaming that the congresswoman was screaming but where does this all go . Lindsey, if you want to weigh this before we go. Trump made big deal so democrats have to respond, so i think thats what youre seeing, all democratic president ial candidates are going to going te border, if its not an issue its certainly going to be an issue. Dagen certainly far left member it was democrats were upset with nancy pelosi, but she had the moment, she knew this was the right thing to do. Absolutely, nancy pelosi she knows what to do and i was in miami last week at the debates and every single one of those candidates went to facilities and draw attention and condemn whats going on down there, but again, not necessarily offering any solutions to solve the problem, thats the issue. Dagen well, they want to give Illegal Immigrants health care which they all raised their hand in second debate for that but thats a topic for later in the show. Coming uptaking on big technology, President Trump acting twitter and facebook of being against him, why he says they could be acting illegally and sold largest home in la with very famous name, how much straight ahead vo the hamsters, run hopelessly in their cage. Content on their endless quest, to nowhere. But perhaps this year, a more exhilarating endeavor awaits. Defy the laws of human nature,at the summer of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Dagen Atlanta Journal constitution writing Georgia Court agency was hacked in ransom attack, infecting a statewide court Computer System in georgia, all Georgia Court courts. Gov websites are shut down for the week. Sports betters wager 318. 9 million compare today 17. 4 in nevada, first time a state took more Sports Betting of money since nevada. The Los Angeles Times writes this, big home, big deal, the manor in hills set new la county price record at 120 million, the recordbreaking sale to appear in Public Record but done deal according to sources who talked to the la times, the home formerly belong today hollywood producer Aaron Spelling and his wife candy. She had a room in the house just for wrapping gifts but she has moved out some time ago, i think she lives in a condo now, very expensive condo. My football buddies couldnt afford that house, i mean, what do you do in there . Seriously, its bigger than the white house, i think. Dagen yes. If you need from space from your spouse. Dagen if you have that Walking Around money theres always private jet so you dont have to be in the same country as your spouse. I want to see the closet. Me too. Can you imagine . Yes, actually i can. Dagen, no i cant because i live in new york city apartment, thank you so much, President Trump warning tehran it shouldnt play with fire, we have the latest, high gear hiring, Elon Musk Boring Company job postings after scoring Major Contract in vegas. I switched to liberty mutual, because they let me customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dagen welcome back, im Dagen Mcdowell in for Maria Bartiromo, its tuesday july 2nd, top stories at 6 30 a. M. Eastern. Rising tensions with iran, President Donald Trump warning iran not to play with fire, iran exceeding the cap on enriched uranium from the 2015 nuclear deal. Features showing markets pulling back a bit, we have 19point loss on future, s p lower by point and a half but this after yesterdays rally by optimism on u. S. China trade deal, the s p 500 closing at new alltime high. Eightysixth record close under President Trump. In europe we have gains across the board, although slight in france and germany n asia overnight hong kong seeing biggest gains after being closed yesterday for holiday and despite the massive protests there. 1 gain on the hang seng. President trump lashing out on social media, the warning and possible legal action ahead. Nike pulling its fourth of july themed sneakers after Colin Kaepernick telling the company not to sell it because of betsy flag on the back. Elon musk hiring, announcing new jobs in las vegas following 49 milliondollar contract, more on the latest project. Thats ahead. Top story this half hour, conflict with iran, iranian Officials Say the country has breached its limit on enriched uranium violating conditions of the 2015 iran nuclear deal. This after the u. S. Imposed new sanctions after iran shot down an unmanned u. S. Drone last month, President Trump sat down with Fox News Channel Tucker Carlson and spoke about the conflict with iran. Ive built up a lot of great capital and if something should happen, we are in a position to do far worse by not doing it, but hopefully we dont have to do anything but you cant let iran have a Nuclear Weapon and you cant let certain other countries have Nuclear Weapons, too devastating, so theyre having a lot of difficulty in their country right now and hopefully at some point theyll come back and theyll say we have to make a deal, so we will see what happens. Dagen joining me now retired fourstar general chairman of institute for the study of war and fox news senior strategic analysis general jack keane, general, always pleasure to see you. Good morning. Dagen wall street journal editorial payment calls it loud announcement of a Nuclear Breakout is intended to scare the world into President Trump to back off the sanctions pressure, instead europe should be pushing with us on sanctions against iran, what happens here . Well, thats what the iranians are up to, dagen, they clearly want the europeans in particular to provide Economic Relief for them because theyre in a desperate situation given the comprehensive nature of the sanctions and the toll its taken on their economy which has crippled it, clearly iranians and provocation that is theyve done recently are all about the same thing, to put pressure on the United States but frankly this administration is not going to give into that and i think the president has demonstrated to the europeans and to our allies that hes willing to restrain the use of military force even when iranians are using it as they did in sabotaging the tankers and also shooting down american drone. We have yet to shoot back at them, and i think here is time for the europeans to step up and join the administration in imposing sanctions and also politically and economically isolating iran. Dagen well, the fact that iran so quickly is now enriching uranium above the 300 the amount, the 300kilograms of uranium and the fact that the deal basically just handed money to iran that was then used to finance essentially terrorism throughout the region, whether it was hamas, hezbollah and the rebels in yemen, and then also it did nothing about the as the journal points out, terror promotion but also Ballistic Missile program, so this is more evidence that the president was right to pull out of the deal . Yeah, no doubt about it. I mean, the deal was designed to temporarily delay iran getting a Nuclear Weapon and at the end of it, it gave them unlimited restrictions in terms of centrifuges and the like, flushed with 130 billion of money which is what they are using it direct and fund the syria and yemen civil wars, missiles to hamas and hezbollah and obviously all the other worldwide terrorism activities that they have. One more thing about what the iranians are doing right now, i dont think we need to overreact to this, they have gone above the threshold clearly but not significantly, its designed to intimidate the europeans that this could get worse, i think what we need to do send clear message to iran once again, we will not tolerate you gain weapons grade capability in terms of uranium and enrichment, that would become a red line for israel to be sure and one for us as well. Nonetheless, we dont need to overreact either, a warning should suffice and hopefully motivate europeans the path that they are on. Dagen are more sanctions possible . Would there be a way to put even greater economic pressure on iran, again, getting rid of the waivers on buying oil from iran for the other nations, that was a critical stop at ratcheting up the pressure . The pressure is significant right now, to get to fine details, you have to be a staffer in the Treasury Department looking closely at what manufacturing goods have not been sanctioned, et cetera, but i think the maximum Pressure Campaign this administration is applying certainly has taken toll, moving iran in a direction into a place its never been before. Dagen turning to north korea, general, President Trump this past weekend became first sitting u. S. President to cross Demilitarized Zone in north korea, your thoughts on the president taking this meeting, but where do we go from here . Yeah, thats a great question what happened after the hanoi summit, they thought they would get sanctions lifted, that was their goal, dismissed negotiating team, tragically he also reportedly killed the chief negotiator, where are we now . Everything is stalled after hanoi, North Koreans would not negotiate with us because they were humiliated by the trump team walking out on them. The staff couldnt do it, secretary pompeo couldnt do it, so i think what you saw there, the symbolism was all about okay, i will do it, i will see if i can get kim jong un back to negotiating table, that worked, at least the commitment is to workinglevel straf groups to get together. I think from the United States perspective what we want to see from the North Koreans is something truly tangible in terms of a step towards disarmament, Nuclear Weapons and Ballistic Missiles, something that has not happened to date and i think trust is something thats very important for the North Koreans. I believe the administration recognizes that and i also believe that they are changing here, in other words, we wanted we wanted them to give us everything and we would provide sanction relief, i think the administration is in a place where itll be a step by step process, they will give us something and we will have to provide something to them in return for that and move together hopefully towards denuclearization which is a long way off in my judgment, whether we will ever get there or not but at least we have to try. Dagen secretary of state pompeo said we cant Even North Korea and the United States dont even agree on what denuclearization is, that theyre not at step 1 but we still dont have an agreement on the definition of that. I want to turn to the fourth of July Celebration on the National Mall, general, President Trump offering a preview of the celebration in dc yesterday, just take a listen. We will have a great fourth of july in dc, i hope a lot of people come up, its about salute to america and im going to be here and i will say a few words and we will have planes going overhead. The best fighter jets in the world, other planes too and we will have some tanks stationed outside, pretty careful with the tanks because the roads have tendency not to like heavy tanks, we have some incredible equipment, military equipment, brand new and we are proud of it. Dagen use of military tanks, theyll be stags air sparking criticism from lawmakers, the cost is too high for the Parks Service to handle. The tanks could pose danger to monuments and roads, what do you make of the celebration . You have a president that wants to celebrate the birthday of the United States and certainly hes entitled to do that, he wants to add a little bit more to the celebration of what traditionally has been here in washington, d. C. , its something that is celebrated in most towns across america and the president wants to celebrate it in capital town of america. My hats off to him for doing it. You know, ive been on military bases all of my life and we normally around holidays like this and veterans day we let the people come in and touch all of our equipment, we put it on display, let them talk to our soldiers, let them touch and feel the things that they hear because they have been around it all of their lives and, yeah, i think its a positive thing and i dont know why we are ringing our hands about celebrating america, makes no sense for me to be criticizing Something Like this. Dagen thats what people if its the president s idea, basically i call it, the rehearsed sneers that they practice in their bathroom, general, its what weve become. Maybe so unfortunately but anyway, the American People around this town will have a great opportunity to go out and enjoy america and see some things that are on display and help protect them. Dagen happy fourth if i dont see you then. Thank you. Dagen pleasure, sir, always. Taking on big tech, President Trump accusing Companies Like twitter and facebook being against him, why he says they could be acting illegally, plus, nike pulling its patriotic betsy sneaker after Colin Kaepernick intervened. Former nfl star jack brewers reaction ahead. Dagen 911 First Responder will be given a heros goodbye, Cheryl Casone has the details, cheryl. Cheryl yes, he will, dagen, new york city mayor bill de blasio says detective luis alvarez, awarded with key to city, he did die on saturday at age 53 after being diagnosed with collar rectal cancer for 16 years after working for months at ground zero, detective alvarez appeared with john stewart urging congress to extend compensation fund, his funeral is set to be held tomorrow in queens where he will be given a fitting goodbye. President trump has lashed out against big tech, speaking to fox news Tucker Carlson in exclusive interview last night the president said Tech Companies twitter, facebook and google have been working against him. He would not say if those companies will focus on antitrust investigation by the justice department. All you have to do is pick up newspaper and see it and watch fox or watch some other network, a lot of people who want us to take action against facebook, twitter, and frankly against amazon, amazon also. A lot of people want us to take action. Are you going to . I cant say that. I cant say. Cheryl well House Judiciary Committee opened antitrust investigation into google and amazon just last month. Well, Elon Musk Boring Company putting up help wanted sign, looking to expand the workforce in vegas where they are planning to begin construction on tunnel system also headquarters in california and musk says the jobs include engineers, construction managers, architects and Boring Machine operators, most new hires expect extended hours and weekend work among the many requirements. Those are your headlines, dagen, thank you. Dagen thank you, cheryl, fresh controversy for nike, the company pulling its betsy walls flag shoes at the request of Colin Kaepernick, former nfl star jack brewer weighs in next. Its time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, now 1299. Plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends sunday. Dagen welcome back, world cup fans, team usa faces against england this afternoon, semifinals, catch all the action on Fox Sports Network starting at 3 00 p. M. Eastern, go usa. Lets turn to nike, Colin Kaepernick did not like the design of patriotic sneaker and foot work company, company under fire, jared max with the story, jared. Jared nike air max 1 usa was created to celebrate our countrys indpippeddance but the sneaker will not be sold to the public, the sneakers were ship today retailers but then told to return them, the heel of the shoe reveals betsy flag for 13 u. S. Colonies, when former nfl quarterback saw image of the sneaker online he contacted nike, made the face of nike ad Campaign Last year, kaepernick according to wall street journal said he and others fine betsy ross flag offensive symbol connect today slavery, kaepernick transition from Football Player to activist, thought to be dangerous choice by many for Nike Campaign but since its launch, nike sales have jumped, great demand of u. S. And china, sales up 4 last year Fourth Quarter 10. 8 billion and this year stock is up more than 15 . Nike has chosen not to release as featured old version of American Flag, some sneakers made it to black market and now hot item, nfl executive Vice President chief marketing officer tim ellis spoke with mornings with maria about the challenge of rebranding the nfl after kaepernicks controversies and protests. When you first came into the job, the whole nfl was not you had all the stuff going on, you come in and you do a rebranding. I want to talk about that because obviously it is working. I felt like when i came into the nfl, we began to let others tell our story and we need to begin to telling our own story and controlling our own narrative and we needed to get back to love and joy of football which is really why everybody everybody watches the nfl. Dagen so i want to point out the flag is traditionally called the betsy ross flag and has 13 stars on and created during American Revolution, jack brewer, what do you make of this . This is america, these are the conversations that we need to finally have, the reason why Colin Kaepernick stands against the flag like that thats the reason why you would not hear the flag on my feet, i wouldnt wear a Confederate Flag, i live in florida. When i drive to Central Florida you still see the Confederate Flag flying. Hold on, let me finish. You have to understand that the American Flag does not have 3 stars around it, right, then 13 stars, im sorry. If you listen to the star spangled banner written at the time the flag was made, right, it talked about protecting everybody except for the slaves that are running away, okay, so that represents a bad part of america for a lot of people, if i was nike i would put a modernday flag where all americans have rights and everyone can stand up albeit fourth of july, lighting fireworks celebrating the best country on earth but this flag has no place in my house, on my feet and i dont want to see it. Dagen Colin Kaepernick is running nike, is he not in theyre putting more and more of their brand on him if he calls the shots like this. I think this situation is different, dagen. I do not agree with everything Colin Kaepernick does, you know that, i dont agree to approach to everything. I would handled the situation much differently, i choose to go into the communities that are suffering, i dont blame things on our cops, but this situation is different because you have a time in American History where this country was built off slavery and if you have a flag that was representing all those except for slaves, we were only we werent a whole person in our constitution when this flag was made. Dagen i i want to point out the star spangled was written some years later right. It was 1814 is when it was written and it was in 1931 became the Americas National anthem. Some years later. Even worse, dagen. This is a flag that was designed during the American Revolution. Even worse, dagen, the American Revolution was 1770s. In 1770s, a black person was not didnt even equal a person. Dagen let me ask you, though, but again, the wall street journal goes into this, the flag use is not widespread, accusation that is the flag has been appropriated by extremist groups, White Supremacists but do if all people dont feel that way, is this really that risky a move for nike to put the shoe out and by the way it is out and its selling, one pair that went for 2 grand. Dagen, if you wore the shoe or jared max wore the shoe, it wouldnt offend me. Im not wearing the shoe. Dagen would you feel like i was a bigot or racist if i wore the shoe . Not at all, that doesnt represent that to you, the same way we have to debate about the American Flag, the American Flag represents the american soldiers, people over there fighting, totally different conversation. Dagen you think nike made the right move . I think they made the right move. Dagen i will leave it at that, we will talk about this more. We can have the conversations. We love each other, we are americans first. Dagen amen, jared max, we will be right akback. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles. From fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. Dagen good morning. Im Dagen Mcdowell in for Maria Bartiromo. Its tuesday, july 2nd. Your top stories, 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Futures are showing this happening in the markets right now, 29 point loss on the dow futures. The u. S. Considering hitting the European Union with 4 billion in tariffs just days a after making a truce with china. That news sparked yesterday, this truce, a record rally on wall street. The s p 500 closing at an alltime high. In europe, gains across the board, although just slight buying in france and germany. Asia overnight hong kong seeing the bi biggest gains, hang seng gaining 1 . More trouble for boeing, the grounding of the 737 max forcing one airline to completely suspend a route. How it could affect summer travel, ahead. Rising drug prices, pharmaceutical companies lifting prices despite a push by the Trump Administration to keep costs down. A terrifying plane crash caught on camera. The dramatic Emergency Landing from the pilots point of view. And Kim Kardashian responding to critics. She renamed her shapewea shapewe after accusations of Cultural Appropriations. He details ahead. Here to break it down, lindsey bell, tom bevin and former investment banker and former nfl star, jack brewer. Welcome one and all. Can we keep talking about the Colin Kaepernick story. Again, jared pointed out that sales were up, that the campaign that kaepernick starred in, it did help. The stock is up 15 yeartodate. But underarmor and adidas is outperforming nike in the stock market this year p. Is this a wise move financially . I dont think this one shoe will be a make or break for nike, to be honest. I did a quick Google Search and found that tmz got stats that 37 of nikes Customer Base are African Americans and hispanics. So it is a big portion of their Customer Base, which was a point that was brought up offh set. But nike has underperformed from a stock perspective. Adidas, underarmor and lulu lemon is starting to eat their lunch. Nike is investing in their business, in ecommerce, in innovation and really thats impacting their margins right now. So investors are flocking to adidas whose margins are expanding, making geographic changes. China is the other issue when you think about nike, you have to think about china. 22 sales growth in that region in the last quarter, 16 of their base and so asian customers are very important to nike. Dagen nike should have asked Colin Kaepernick before they made the shoe. I agree with that. That we can all agree on. Dagen ron kristie, who worked in the bush administration, said he would never buy another product from nike again. He said the original 13 colonies are offensive, they fought to create our country. That was his response ton twitter. I dont disagree that the 13 colonies and all those who lost their lives to start this country should be applauded. Flags are symbols. Flags are symbols of a nation. Our great American Flag, ill have it all over my shorts and shirts through the next weekend. But you take it back to the old flags, when we were locked up in shackles as slaves, building the country, and i know that our constitution didnt even count a black man as a whole man, when you have that issue at its core, i dont want that symbol on my body. Dagen okay. But if nike put this out and they didnt make the shoe they did make the shoe, because you can find them in the secondary market, would you stop buying all nike products because they made the shoe. No,ism not an extremist. Dagen you could exercise your right as an american not to buy the shoe but nike decided to pull it off store shelves, although its still out there circulating. What it symbolizes, so if im Colin Kaepernick or any nike endorser, i would have said the same thing, i would say why are you putting that shoe out, why cant you put the shoe out as it is today. Dagen this company basically defended Lance Armstrongs cheating for years and years and years. That goes to sport. This is a bigger political statement on behalf of nike. Nike continued to support when it was very clear that Lance Armstrong was cheating, they stood by him year after year and they were like oh, no when he finally got caught and lost all his yellow jerseys. Dagen, the new york giants, philadelphia eagles, arizona cardinals, none of them allowed black people to play for their teams but i still wouldnt i cant hold against them what they did in the past. I can hope they progress, get by and acknowledge the portion of our country in the time period in our country when slavery really was the core economic driver of our society. We have not dealt with our issues yet. Dagen help or hurt nike . Thats the nike, does it need toit makes most of its shoes overseas. I dont think they make any of them here in the United States. Well talk to White House Deputy press segment, hogan gibliy coming up, scott perry, seth shakner, weighing in on the taylor swift feud and chris hogan. To our top story, more boeing problems. Swefsouthwest airlines expect ty will have to remove the grounded 737 max jets from the flying schedule beyond october 1st following the discovery of a new safety issue. The texas based airline has tried to substitute its max routes spare aircraft but has been forced to cancel more than 100 daily flights. Joining us now, Boyd Group International president , mike boyd. The fallout continues. What does the future look like here . Well, its going to be tough for boeing. Lets keep in mind these 115 canceled flights, theyre flights theyre not scheduling they would have scheduled otherwise. Even now, this summer all three carriers that operated Max Airplanes will be flying more flights this summer than last summer. For boeing, its terrible. For the consumer, its a long way off before it becomes a real buburden. Speaking of the consumer, how is that impacting the psyche of the consumer. Before, most people never knew they were flying a boeing versus airbus, let alone the actual type of plane. Is this impacting consumers interest in flying . What are you seeing . I dont think it affects them at all right now. They know theres no maxes flying. So they feel relatively confident. Even though i think we have pilots unions that think that airplane is safe. I would go with that. The point is, i think when this is over, its not even going to be remembered six months in. So i think as far as the flying public is concerned, its going to be back to normal. Although were not too far off normal right now. This is tom bevin in studio. Any idea how this affecting the airlines in terms of financial performance. What do we expect the financial hit that the airlines will take as a result of this . Its not insignificant. Those three airlines, its going to be between the grounded airplanes and the ones they havent taken since march, youre looking about 110 a airplanes between three airlines. Its about 4 of their fleet. They can make up a lot of that. But, yeah, this is revenue, they can fill up airplanes. Everything is full today. American just canceled their one roundtrip between dallas and oakland. That was an 84 load factor plus a lot of feed. Theres a hit here to American Airlines and i think theres a bill coming to boeing when this settles out. Dagen how big a bill, mike . I think it depends. It will be billions but it will be in forms like we want 10 more 787s, we want to pay 23cents for them, that sort of thing. Boning will pay, not necessarily writing a check but theyre going to pay in various ways. Dagen discounts. What youre saying is the airline will demand discounts from boeing. Bigtime. Bigtime discounts, no question about it. Boeing is there. Lets look at china. China needs these airplanes. Theres nowhere else to go. Their indigenous airplane manufacturers can fill the need. China needs it. The world needs it. Boning is something the world needs and it will come back. Dagen what do you make of how the faa handled all of this and how government regulators have managed this . Thats really complex. Keep in mind, the faa, they try to make sure that things are done in accordance with federal aviation regulations and all that. But there is a coziness that develops. Its not all bad coziness. I think they did the right thing. The faa, when they replaced the faa inspectors at southwest, because you become friends with people. You dont want to be friends. You want to be the cop on the corner. The faa has a tough job. Keep in mind, the faa is not run by a professional at the top, theyre run by politicians at the top. That makes it tough for people in the middle who oversee boeing. Dagen any way to change . No . I think youve got to ask for some qualifications of people running it. I think the new person that trump wants to put in, i think hes going to be a pretty good faa administrator. But when you have people at the top of the department of transportation that really dont know the business, weve got to have changes there. We put cabinet people involved that know the business, rather than know somebody in washington. Dagen wellsaid. Mike boyd, great to see you this morning, sir. Come back. Good to see you. Dagen drug prices, meantime, going up. The medication becoming more expensive, the medications you need to know about. Despite promises from President Trump. Plus, Kim Kardashian backing down, the star changing her clothing lines name after major online backlash, a accusations of Cultural Appropriations. She caved. Falling from cloud nine. Crashing from the height. Im letting go. Even start an auto claim. Ills, so what i was thinking. Let me guess. Start a claim right from your app. Have you been looking in my notes . Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities, Vacation Rentals. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Expedia. But how do i know if im im getting a good deal . I tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Dagen drug makers are raising prices again. Cheryl casone has details. Cheryl the wall street journal reports that 20 companies have increased prices on more than 40 drugs by an average of 13 . Thats double the increase from last july when 16 companies raised prices. This latest round of hikes affects injectable drugs that are in short supply in hospitals. Drug makers have been cutting back on the number and size of price hikes following criticism from patients and from doctors. Well, Growers Express is recalling fresh Vegetable Products because of possible listeria contamination. This includes butternut squash, zucchini and select veggie bowls sold under the green giant fresh, trader joes and signature farms brands. The products came from a Growers Express facility in maine. No canned or frozen vegetables are affected by the recall. Kim kardashian is planning to rename her new shapewear line after a huge backlash on social media. Last week, the star was accused of Cultural Appropriation when she named the line kimono. Well, the mayor kyoto, japan sent her a letter asking her to change the name. She has not announced a new brand for the name. The kardashians are the gift that keeps on giving for headlines on the show. I will add, dagen, you said it was really kim oh, know and i was saying it incorrectly. You might have had a point on that one. Dagen as they would say, kim, oh, no. Cheryl even better. Dagen i wonder what the new name will be. Cheryl good question. Im sure its going to be hopefully something nonoffensive to people. Dagen yeah. Okay. Thank you. I want to keep talking about nike. [ laughter ] dagen i would rather talk about that than the kardashians. I will say kudos to one of our viewers, said why doesnt nike actually bring jobs back to the United States and employ people in our cities and urban areas. And give those people without opportunity, opportunity to actually make things in the United States. Manufacturing jobs. I would give you a southern a amen on that, dagen. You know, that is very true. Youre talking about a company that has invested solely on going overseas and manufacturing the a vast majority of their products dagen in asia. China has a huge boom in basketball world, stefan mark marbury was a catalyst for that. They will eventually sell more shoes in china than they do here, particularly on the basketball side of things. What you just said, dagen, we need to bring jobs back to this country. The connection between the kardashian story and the nike story dagen please. It is a politically correct minefield for folks in business. Used to be nike could sell shoes to everybody, right. But now youve got Companies Like jil gillette that is leanig in, nike is leaning in. Its a minefield for companies. Its no longer going out there, trying to sell to everybody. Dagen its called virtual sibling, where a company or individual does or says something to appear appear politically correct, like we do that, we take macaroni and cheese to somebody that is sick, we drive somebody to the hospital, that is actually doing something. Just saying something to appear virtuous. Its when you get up off your can and do something for another individual and thats what im talking about, about nike. Bring those jobs back here to the United States. You know. Put people to work of. Coming up, investors eyeing trade, the u. S. Proposing new tariffs on the European Union. How it could impact markets and your shopping list. Plus california crash landing, the terrifying video showing one pilot, what he did to survive. Stay with us. Youre shaking that money maker. Like a heart breaker. Like a college major. Th love the way youre wearing those jeans so tight. My favorite flavor, want it now and later. So. How are you feeling . On a scale of one to five . One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Dagen take a look at futures this morning, 32 point loss on the dow futures right now. This after a record close on the s p 500 yesterday because of the trade truce between the United States and china. The United States is threatening new tariffs on the eu and the road ahead between the United States and china is far from certain. Joining us now is director of strategy and market analysis, Francis Stacy newton. We have a jobs report friday, later in the month, we have a Federal Reserve meeting. What is the biggest focus or even risk for the markets at this point . In my mind, the biggest risk for the markets is that the fed may not cut rates in july and i think the markets have largely priced that in and i think thats the reason for low volatility coming making new highs in the s p 500, usually you have a certain amount of volume, is going to trad againse new highs. With the china trade deal in limbo and also the fed, the Market Pricing in the fed cutting rates, the thing is that the fed is reducing the Balance Sheet. Theyll stop reducing the Balance Sheet before they cut rates. They havent made any announcements on that yet. One scenario, they could stop reducing the Balance Sheet in july and cut rates simultaneously. I dont expect a rate cut until the earliest, september. Youre looking for easier money policies from the fed eventually. My question to you, though is if you look at the 10 year, just hovering right over 2 , its had a sharp move down in the last several weeks. Especially with rhetoric coming out of the fed. And so im just wondering, i looked at a chart over the last couple days of the longterm trend of the 10 year and it is now trading near 25 off of that longterm trend. Would you expect any sort of bounce in the treasury yields Going Forward because its at such low levels and not only to normal . Potentially, theres a bounce. But i think the trend is still bearish. This is the reason. In 2000, they cut 500 basis points or 5 to get the economy going again after the tech bubble burst. In 2008 they cut the same amount, 5 . And then they had all the iterations of quantitative easing. This time around, all weve got for bullets in the gun is 2. 5 . And so that sort of begets if we have a recession or any problems in the credit market, that puts negative Interest Rates on the table which is not surprising, actually, because most of europe has negative Interest Rates. I do think that thats sort of what the 10 year is pricing in in these abnormally low levels. And thats why its so low. You talk about europe. What happens to their economy right now . Obviously theyre already in negative Interest Rates. What effect does these tariffs have on their economy . Thats what i think is so kind of interesting about these tariffs on the eu because the eu, the cycle there, the Business Cycle peaked a lot sooner than the United States cycle, thats why theyre in the negative Interest Rate terry. The eu hasnt started their recovery from the peak cycle earnings in 2017. The United States peaked in 2018. So europe will recover sooner and obviously their Central Banks are being accommodating, whereas were still tightening, pulling money off the Balance Sheet. So were behind them in the cycle but right now President Trump has a lot of leverage with europe for that reason. Dagen lindsey brought that up earlier, francis. But like you were saying, the Federal Reserve cuts. So what . Like what can that do . You already have rock bottom mortgage rates, below 4 . The twoyear yield on the 10 year treasury, thereabouts. What are lower rates going to do for the market or particularly the economy at this point . Lower rates are kind of a theyre going to try to goose the economy because we have decelerating growth. Last week we an uptick in commodities and things like that were in a decelerating pattern for inflation. The pmi numbers around the world are still falling like crazy. So youre right, i dont think a rate hike is going to do much. I think its actually hype and if you go back, the previous Business Cycle rollovers, the market bottomed out long after the fed started cutting rates. Dagen right. Exactly. I pointed out u. K. Manufacturing sector weakest month in more than six years, china manufacturing yesterday contracting for the first time in four months and u. S. Factory activity slowing according to the ism. Again, how a quarter point cut helps any of that remains to be seen. Thank you, Francis Newton stacy, good to he see you. Thank you. Good to see you. Dagen President Trump tweeting on new york this morning. People are fleeing new york like never before. If they own a business, they are twice as likely to flee and if they are a victim of harassment by the ag of the state, like what theyre doing to our great nra, which i think will move quickly to texas, where they are loved. Texas will defend them. And indemnify them against political harassment by new york state and governor cuomo. So many people are leaving new york for texas and florida that it is totally under siege. First new york taxes you too high, then they sue you just to complete the job. One of the reasons people are leaving new york, its not just well, its also the fact that the tax law changes basically capped the salt deduction in new york. It reduced the mortgage Interest Deduction that you could take and so people it gave them another incentive to leave, did it not, lindsey. It absolutely did. I think youre seeing it when you look at home prices in the surrounding area as well. Theyre starting to especially in the city, in the higher end, theyre starting to wea weaken because of that i would expect to see that trend continue. Dagen heres the problem. You have liberals who move from new york and illinois and chicago and even california, going to no income tax states, texas and florida. And then who do they turn around and vote for . Liberals who then Institute State income taxes. It happened in connecticut. Connecticut used to back in the day, it was about more than 25 years ago, i think, used to have no income tax and then the blues move in and jack everybodys taxes up. Youre laughing at me. Its true. I hope it doesnt happen in florida. [ laughter ] dagen you got to talk to folks and make sure that they dont vote for higher taxes, jack. Coming up, former Vice President biden facing increased competition. What one poll says next. Plus, taylor swift sounding off, her public battle for her music, her business options, yo ahead. You can count on me. Like one, two, three. Ill be there. And i know when im need it i can count on i need tech that works at scale. Dear tech, dear tech, dear tech, were using ibm blockchain to help make sure food stays fresh. Were exploring quantum to develop next generation energy. Were using ai to help create more Accessible Health care. Were using iot to create new kinds of digital wallets. Lets see some more headlines about that. Lets expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. Dagen welcome back. Im Dagen Mcdowell, in for Maria Bartiromo. It is tuesday, july 2nd. Your top stories at 7 30 a. M. Eastern. Futures are showing a pullback this morning, a 41 point loss on the dow futures. This after yesterdays rally pushed the s p a 500 to a new alltime high. Closing at a new record. Its sixth record close this year. The dow is less than half of 1 away from its record close. In europe, we have gains a across well, we have gains in england. We had gains a across the board. The french and German Market dipping into negative territory slightly. In asia, hong kong saw the biggest gains, the nikkei going up slightly, hang seng despite the protests in hong kong, adding 1 . The trump economy, a new poll shows the president s economic agenda is not necessarily resonating with voters. What that means for 2020. Budweiser going global, the beer giants asian business set to go public and what could be the largest ever listing for a food and beverage company. And a terrifying plane crash to show you, a all caught on camera. The dramatic Emergency Landing from the pilots point of view. Plus, that taylor swift controversy, a former Music Executive weighing in on the sale of her songs and what the pop star can do to regain some control. To our top story this half hour, a new cnn poll shows that california senator Kamala Harris receiving a huge bump in support after last weeks democratic debates. She is in second place with 17 , behind former Vice President joe biden at 22 . Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders coming in third and fourth respectively. Mayor Pete Buttigieg rounding out the top five with 4 in the poll. Joining me now, Communications Director kelly sadler. Clearly Kamala Harris, the senators attack on joe biden for a number of race issues including busing in the 1970s worked for her. But can her momentum continue, kelly . You know, she had a really good debate night and joe biden came off flatfooted, unprepared. She had been rehearsing the answer, had a well prepared attack line. She executed well. He decided to cut his own time short to try to get out of the conversation. Now were having conversations about the merits of bussing. And i cant believe how far left the Democratic Party has gone. Whoever thought this would be a 2020 campaign issue. We certainly didnt. And theyre out of touch, out of step with where the americans are. If you look at the cnn poll, only 21 of the people polled support ending private insurance. 59 oppose giving Illegal Immigrants healthcare benefits, free healthcare. This shows how far they tracked left and how far they are away from consensus of the American People. Dagen ill point this out, this is about a lot of the lead that joe biden had was because he was viewed as the best candidate to take on donald trump. There was someone online, a writer, who referred to Kamala Harris attack on biden as very trumpian, well planned and well executed. It occurred to me, maybe she is the best person to take on joe biden. What say you, to the cnn poll . The cnn poll shows that voters still think joe biden has the best chance to beat trump in a general election, thats basically the only thing that hes got going for him is thistlthis electability argume. Yojoe bidenwas a place holder fr democrats. They had warm and Fuzzy Feelings about him from his time as Vice President with barack obama. And he has universal name id among democrats. Democrats are getting to see and learn about some of these other candidates and options and Kamala Harris obviously made the big splash by her full attack on joe biden. This is her style. She is aggressive. She will stab you in the chest. She will not wait until you turn around to stab you in the back. Well see how that plays out over the campaign. She helped herself dramatically, more than any other candidate by the debates in miami. Dagen her record as a prosecutor in california where she filed charges against parents for truancy, like shes yet to be really challenged on that. And so all the other candidates who will eventually be on stage with her, putting together their research packets, as we speak. Thats exactly right. With increased visibility comes increased scrutiny. She does have a record and some issues that are going to have to be litigated by her and by her opponents and well see that probably in the next debate thats going to happen in a month. Dagen go ahead. She locked up black men for nonviolent crimes like so many prosecutors all over the country. My question is, where is barack obama going to fit into this conversation . When will he come up and start to campaign and who will he support and why . When you look at these core issues that were talking about, barack obama chose joe biden as his Vice President and we all know his racial past. The clintons racial past, all of these people have horrible records when it comes to crime l nail Justice Reform and criminal Justice Reform. Then you have donald trump who passed the First Step Act, the Second Chance act, gets no credit for it. At what point does that come to a head . Dagen my understanding is that president obama will not come out and support anyone unless it comes to basically an undecided convention and we get to the convention and the nominee is not yet decided and maybe Bernie Sanders is there, then he would step up for joe buy department. But hes staying out of it. Thats what past president s have usually done, wait until the nominee is picked. To play off what jack said, you know, trump has hit joe biden on the issue of criminal Justice Reform. I mentioned earlier, theres a story in the New York Times about increased minority women, business ownership. How are you seeing donald trump resonating or not with African American voters and hispanic voters . Thats a big constituency of the Democratic Party. Were going after the economic record, huge economic gains for both constituencies under the president s policies. The First Step Act was a huge accomplishment for the president. It was a bipartisan bill that was decades in the making that he pushed over the line and got passed and signed and now hes working on the second step act, which is basically helping those that are in prison today find get pell grants, be able to improve their Educational Opportunities so when they go back into the communities that they are that they can basically re reacclimate back io the community. Kamala harris put those smoking mayor was in in jail. She will have to account for her roornd herecord and her past. I dont know how well that will sit with what the president has already done for the community. Dagen lets talk about the trump economy. Democratic candidates are running against a president touting record high markets, unemployment at a 50 year low. A new ap poll shows that less than half approve of the president s handling of the economy. In the same poll, 26 of americans say tariffs will help the economy, that is down from 40 nearly a year ago. What does this mean for 2020 right now . Because again, there is evidence the economy is softening and what does it mean about the messaging from the president on his accomplishments, economic . I think this is a style over substance issue, to be perfectly honest with you. This month is the 90th consecutive month where we have blue collar wages rising faster than their supervisors. Yesterday marked the longest period of economic expansion in our countrys history. So we are going to be hitting the campaign trail, basically touting this economic record. If you watched the democratic debates, i dont know what country they live in, i dont know what world they live in to say this economy is not the best its ever been in the history of our don country. This is lindsey, kelly. My question is, is the economy the economy is doing well. Seems to be that voters have this fear of the future and that might be why theyre starting to lose a little bit of confidence and a lot of that probably has to do with tariffs and also the headlines theyre seeing from the democratic debates, issues on immigration and things that might not be directly impacting them. How is the Trump Administration going to address those other issues to make the voters feel better . Well, i think in regards to tariffs, the president is in negotiations with china right now and with president xi and we saw the markets react to that yesterday with we had the best stock market on record in the month of june. So the president is taking on these geopolitical issues. The farmers are supporting him and theyre behind him. And i think all of the mainstream media, the negative headlines are not helping. 93 of the news out there is not favored for the president. People who actually follow his policies are in support of him. Well deal with the democrats when we get a contender one on one. Right now, the president is doing everything he can to make America Great again and addressing illegal immigration, we saw mexico today, the headlines are theyre detaining more people within their country and theyre deporting more people than they ever have. His policies are working, if you get past the negative headlines. Dagen then we found out that drug makers initiated a new round of price increases with some of them affecting generic hospital administered injectables that are in short supply. Maybe the president will tweet about that this morning. Kelly, thank you for being here. President trump now just tweeting on the debates. As most people are aware, according to the polls, i won every debate including the three with crooked hillary clinton, despite the fact that in the first debate they modulated the sound on me and got caught. This crew looks somewhat easier than crooked but you never know. [ laughter ] dagen its hard to be on stage with a bunch of people and youre trying to punch through and try to stand out without seeming like a well kook. It was a pretty low blow to attack Kamala Harris. Some in the Democratic Party think it was a low blow. She dou dug up some dirt. Dagen she revived the issue of bussing. People under the age of 50 dont know the history of bussing in america. It was not universally supported by black americans. So she used that to her advantage. And she basically is trying to portray him as being outoftouch. Very, very wellorchestrated attack there. Coming up, opec cutting production. How the oil cartel is fighting the rise of American Drilling and what it could mean for prices ahead. Plus terrifying video, the footage of one pilots daring crash landing, next. Most people think a button is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Dagen welcome back to mornings with maria. Im Cheryl Casone with headlines were watching. Cheryl opec has sealed a longterm cooperation pact with the russians. They agreed to extend a partnership in a bid to shore up prices. The groups finalized the agreement to cut Oil Production by 1. 2 Million Barrels her day. This is likely to anger the white house which has demanded that opec supply more oil. Well, budweisers asia unit is preparing to top the pop the top on potentially the biggest initial Public Offering of the year. Budweiser, which is a unit of Anheuserbusch Inbev is looking to raise 9. 8 billion with plans to start trading on the hong kong stock exchange, july 19t july 19th. Even if the deal comes in at the low end of 8. 3 billion, it would still raise more money than ubers 8. 1 billion ipo. Theres anheuserbusch, up more than 1 . Authorities released video from the cockpit of a small airplane that made a crash landing in the mojave desert. Oh, my god. Cheryl the pilot, the passenger both escaped without injury. The footage shows the plane gliding over the desert with the propeller motionless, before a rough touchdown on top of sand and shrubs. Coming up, weve got musics nasty side. Taylor swifts battle over her music, a former record executive weighs in on the pop stars options. Fly above the jet stream. Love me like im brandnew. Truecar is great for finding new cars. Youre smart, you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Wanna take your xfi now you can with xfi advantage. Giving you enhanced performance and protection. When devices are connected to your homes wifi, theyre protected. Helping keep outsiders from getting inside. And if someone tries, well let you know. So you can stream, surf and game all you want, with confidence you can get coverage where you need it most. Thats xfi advantage. Make your xfi even better. Upgrade today. Call, click or visit a store. Dagen welcome back. Turning to the music business, taylor swift fighting with her manager to the stars and record label owner Scooter Braun over the rights to her catalog of music from 2006 through 2017. Joining me now is former sony Music Executive and strat america digital Business Executive and managing editor, seth shackner. Big machine records is being sold to Scooter Brauns company and there lies the rub. Its the fact she went public with it in a blog post and played the victim and so now she left everybody to defend themselves for what was just a business deal. Yeah, i mean, i think the this dispute dispute is over sog called a an artist master recording, basically. Ist is an important thing creatively and from a business perspective if youre an artist, without question. If you look back over time, everyone from the beatles to john fjohn fogerty and princee had disputes like this, as have springsteen and billy joel. The real key here, the interesting piece of whats happening with this news isnt so much around the ownership of the master. I think over time big machine could conceivably find a way to accommodate the artist, taylor swift. I think whats interesting here, theres a new type of Management Company which is Scooter Brauns company, which is expanding and diversifying outside of what is basically a personal Management Services business into Country Music into labels, signed latin stars as well. From taylors side, shes done something very interesting for herself, Going Forward with universal, actually. So i think its actually putting aside the question about masters that was so public which is also unusual, its kind of a winwin for both parties involved if you ask me. Dagen can i ask you an in the weeds Music Industry question. Does she own her publishing, though . Well, her publishings a separate set of rights. Dagen do you know if she owns that . I believe thats with sony atv. If im up to details on that. Yeah, thats a coowned thats a publishing relationship where she has the publishing and song rights. Thats not part of the discussion here today. Dagen i was going to say, she could rerecord all of those songs and resell them if she owns the publishing. She might not own the master recordings but couldnt she just rerecord them if you wanted to . I dont know le gally how that would legally how that would work. Yes, there are artists that do that. Theres a lot of value thats in the catalog that she built with big machine, six or seven albums that are in there. Over time, thats the critical kind of asset to look at. Unquestionably Music Publishing and those rights are an incredibly important part of the mix as well. Dagen what is her reputation in the music business with people with whom shes worked . Very, very savvy, smart, forward darlooking. This is a great representative of a new breed of Music Artists that are in a world now where they have a heck of a lot more choices than other artists, even than the biggest artists like the beatles did, 20, 30 years back. She is super savvy about how she goes about playing that out on the recording and publishing side. I think if you look at what she recently did, shes going to universal to a label called republic there and i understand thats something called a label Services Deal shes done. Which is a very forwardlooking deal, fits the streaming landscape, gives the artist a lot more choice. So its agrade, super savvy smart stuff were talking. Dagen and seth, she certainly took ownership of this story, right out of the gate and left everybody to respond to the sale of big machine. So thank you so much for being here. Good to see you. Thanks for coming on. My pleasure. Dagen President Trump just tweeting again this morning, the economy is the best it has ever been. Even much of the fake news is giving me credit for that. More ahead. Ves. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dagen good morning, everyone i am Dagen Mcdowell for Maria Bartiromo. Tuesday, july 2 top storied 8 00 a. M. Eastern, new tariff threat u. S. Considering hitting European Union with tariffs on four billion dollars in goods some could hit shopping carts this is days after making a truce with china, again, tariff man that is what the president calls himself 28point loss on dow futures weakness to tell you about after yesterday, the s p 500 hit a new alltime high. Given by optimism on at least a truce between United States and china on trade, back to the negotiating table they go. The s p at new alltime high we start the day in europe weve losses to tell you we did, now gains across the board in connection with england france, germany in asia overnight hong kong seeing biggest gain, up one percent despite massive protests there. Rising tensions with iran President Donald Trump warning iran not to play with fire, iran exceeding the cap on enriched asian from 2015 nuclear deal nike pulling 4th of july theme after Colin Kaepernick told company not to sell it, n governor responding ordering Financial Services in is for sneaker maker. Plus getting financially fit for golden years three spending habitats that could be ruining your chances at ab comfortable retirement. What to do about it now here to break it down cfr investment strategist lindsey bell realclearpolitics cofounder president tom bevin, former investment bankesh nfl star jack brewer well one and all politics joe biden pulling back in pols opportunity there for somebody to step up but what do they need to do because, again, the picture that they were painted in babes not democrats have dynamic right they want to win, they want to beat trump looking for candidate most tlefbl at the same time in order to become that candidate you have to win democratic primary Energy Moving left you saw all candidates onstage Promising Health care for Illegal Immigrants a few want to go takeaway private insurance so candidates the winners going to be the person who i think can do best at combining those two, aappeasing the party representing themselves tlefbl enough to broader public able to come back to the center for general section there. Dagen hard to come book to the center. On television right. Dagen 150 million 180 million over private insurance going away maybe not the nominee that person wants to abolish private insurance top story trade senses you havents ready to make a deal with china, this coming after proposing tariffs on European Union, estimates four billion dollars, includes whiskey scotch tape, chemicals saying farmers love them in southerng debate about that jackie delength lus live with the very latest, hey jackie. Dagen, good morning to you, you know the hope here in georgia, from some of the local farmers was that with umca on table would receive relief from competition out of mexico on agriculture, specifically fruits and vegetables. I am standing in a pat of that grows a number of things, zucchini one of them farmer are concerned about future at this particular point what is at stake potentially 9 hundred Million Dollars in revenue as many as 8600 jobs with farmers here tell us is that it is nearly impossible to compete with mexican imports because the cost of labor is so different. Here in the United States, it is more expensive it can be onetenth what they pay laborers in mexico on top of that as to the fact the government gives farmers subsidies a very difficult Playing Field but they do acknowledge the fact that while usmca may not bring relief looking for not exactly like they got that relief under nafta either. A farmer that we talked to yesterday worried about future of his crops, worried about future of his farm and passing it down to his kids listen. I am kind of at a cross roads are i cant just walk away we owe a lot of money, but it is it is a thing where we are constantly trying to figure out what else can we grow or do different Going Forward, spring bell pepper 2020 i dont think i can do it squash 2020 maybe. A whole lot cheaper to grow. Worried about it we spoke to another farmer in georgia as well he said not necessarily just about usmca but china trade tensions, too pecans, are shunned to china this is what mark santos had to say. We think market will come back to a certain extent, against on when the chinese importers found other suppliers, around the world. Now President Trump tweeted over the weekend that his approval by farmers is about 74 dagen what i found really interesting was the folks we spoke to down here they do support the president , they just wish that he could do more to help with o produce products so they can compete more effectively with mexico they want that levelPlaying Field. Dagen thank you for that, and thank you for saying pecan properly as southern girl i appreciate that great reporting, in georgia. Joining us now pennsylvania congressman scott perry. Congressman, that farmer one of the farmers was telling jackie who was hoping for boost in business because of usmca. When will you and your ilk in congress approve it . As soon as Speaker Pelosi brings it to the floor i suspect you are going to see robust supporter across the politicals spectrum, left and right will come to being there will be some outliers, probably the folks that just cant stand the president to have any victory even if it is good for their own districts or good for the country, but your reporters is exactly right most folks get what is happening get that china has been abusing us, for a very long time, they get that mexico is Playing Field is very unlevel they support the president trying to right the Playing Field right now this is out of the president s hands. Passed it off to congress in nancy pelosi in Speaker Pelosis hands should bring it to the floor immediately so we can get after it, and give folks relief, they just want to compete on a levelPlaying Field not asking for handouts just asking for a standard that we can all live with Food Security is very important to the American People, and having a reasonable price that comes from america is something i think we all desire. Congressman this is tom he bevin in studio i am curious obviously, pennsylvania is a critical state for Donald Trumps reelection bid in 2020, i am curious to get a seasons of how your constituents are feeling about the current state of the economy, and the country, and donald trump in particular. Well, it is about a 5050 in district that i am privileged to represent. So you have people on both sides of that. It is it is going to be a little closer probably for President Trump but i think that most people it is hard for them to argue how great the economy is right now how on fire the economy is. But sometimes, the way he says things rubs them the wrong way i dont think there is any dispute on the opportunities or how how good the economic circumstances in central pennsylvania particularly but across our common wealthth is once people have an opportunity to see the president s opposition they are going to consider how this president affects them personally, and i think that at that point the rhetoric wont be as important as it is to them, as the financial situation is. Congressman we have seen a manufacturing slowdown though certainly job creation, issue in that area, the economy, has slowed. The expectation for manufacturing job creation for last month we get jobs report friday is coupled to be zero big goose egg last month manufacturing Manufacturing Activity slowed most recent ism report are you seeing evidence that have however in your district . I dont really see any evidence but these things take time to about manifested as policy changes i think there is a little bit of concern, about the usmca, and the china agreement i think that if the usmca can be approved by congress, that will inform those he negotiating on behalf of china that the u. S. Is serious about this, and that the president is serious about this. Of the and that things will fall into place but i also think that people on this side of the equation speculate try to time their entry or their increase in production based on what they see and right now there is a a little bit of uncertainty in that regard. I think they see the usmca as critical. To not only their bottom line right now but the future negotiations, and they see the Speaker Pelosi hedging right now i think that they have some reason for concern there. Dagen . Congressman lindsey here now talking about trade i want to touch on how the latest has impacted our relationship will impact our relationship in the future with am lillies. You see tougher in europe with new tariffs also the huawei deal we manned that allies not purchase anything from them, but now flipflopping on that how is that impacting us as a trade pattern going forwa trade pat forward. I do think this president keeps people on toes i think other countries see him as being tough, but reasonable he wants to make a stand but willing to be reasonable if you are going to change your behavior, and i suspect we are going to hear more about huawei i dont think a cart a blanche we change without concessions object other side sometimes it takes a little bit of time for those things to filter through i think that our trading partners are understanding it is a different world america is not egoing to be abused like they have been in the past under this administration, and this president. And going to have to change the way they do business if they want markets of america. Does a deal need to get done with china by when . How much time politically do you really have . I think that every minute that goes by is critical which is why usmca is so important. And, again, Speaker Pelosi, and the other side of the aisle would be i think they should be very cautious by not bringing it to the floor, and allowing to us do better as a country, they can continue to hate this president if that is what they want to do but this helps their constituents, no matter where they are, and i think that that is a a critical thing that they needed to consider if they are not going to bring the ramifications because the blame will be placed a squirrel squarely on him president and administration have done a good job reseting the Playing Field leveling the playingfield. If inspector pelosi and her party dont want to help out their own constituents that will be at their own peril. Congressman thank you for being here good to see you. Thank you very much you have a great day. You, too, coming up nike under fire the company pulling its patriotic betsy ross sneaker you know, the 13 stars after Colin Kaepernick intervened the controversy ahead taking on big tech President Trump lashdz out against twitter and facebook yes says they could be acting illegally straight ahead. Inside your arteries for pla que that builds up as you age and increases your risk que of stroke and heart disease. After all, 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom is a stroke. So call today and start with a Free Health Assessment to understand your best plan of action. So why didnt we do this earlier . Life line screening. The power of prevention. Call now to learn more. All right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. Obviously, for auto insurance, weve got the wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. Pet insurance, wait, let me guess. Flea flicker. Yes howd you know . Studying my playbook . Yeah, actually. Dagen big ipo reportedly back on Cheryl Casone has more hey. Cheryl bloomberg says state owned saudi aramco held talks with investment banks to discuss potential initial public identifying ipo center pizza of the plan to diversity the kingdom autonomy beyond bill was planned last year postponed Company Looking to go public two trilliondollar investors able to own stakes in china Financial Sector by 2020, it was announced today by chinas premier a year earlier than expected, china also going to take steps to further open its Manufacturing Sector for the Auto Industry there Jpmorgan Ceo Jamie Dimon discussed business interests with Maria Bartiromo. What are prospects for jpmorgan in china did you get approval to own a bank outandout or brokerage. We want control of a company directly Research Equity sale trade underwriting debt sales trading credit advice m a getting licenses permission 51 hope in 1 hundreds we had very limited licenses before. China is opening up markets particularly first for the Financial Services industry and j. P. Morgan among first. I think opened up markets bilateral investment rights, letting Companies Like j. P. Morgan come in compete i think good standards, when j. P. Morgan standards for country we j. P. Morgan, it means something we did Due Diligence we have lawyers accountants, doesnt mean not making a mistake but standards other people can deal with including chinese banks. After u. S. And china agreed over the weekend, to restart trade talks, have stalled back in may. There is this. You a musical about neil diamond heading the broadway. Et. Sweet caroline never seemed to good. Cheryl going to sing all morning in your head the show is going to center around the songs written recorded by rock n roll hall of famer his career spans more than 50 years, numerous hits sweet caroline, america, 78yearold brooklyn native quit touring in 2018 diagnoses with parkinsons he did issue a statement how excited to see his life story on brad away. Cheery which arey one of my favorites so incredibly nice a long memory i will go through all people really horrible to wait on, in coming days, please. Spend hour on that awesome. Very few of them very few of them but a few, i have a long memory. We bring update on suspicious mail at facebook Authorities Say substance was not sarin results came back for dangerous substance that is a relief not sarin if that facebook delivery, coming up rising tensions with iran President Trump warning tehran shouldnt play with fire, reaction, straight from a the white house ahead, plus Financial Fears a new Study Reveals a growing number of american do not have enough emergency savings, tips to make money last. Next. Let me show you how country feels hair down hair down i will take you up and down, we call it the mother standard of care. Its the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated . Thats exactly how we care for you. With answers and actions. To hear your concerns, quiet your fears, lift your spirits. Thats the mother standard of care. This is how we inspire hope. This is how we heal. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Customs and Border Protection. Dagen nearly three in 10 American Adults do not have any emergency savings, and few have more than a couple of months of funds saved up joining me now Ramsey Solutions financial expert author of everyday millionaires chris hogan fix it for me. Dagen first thing acknowledge savings doesnt happen by itself we have to get intentional 78 americans living paycheck to paycheck if a check doesnt show up they have a situation 64 couldnt afford to 500 dollar emergency weve got a savings crisis but people need to get intentional it can be fixed. This is important, too, because, your survey says millennials and i think it gen xksers believe a recession is coming or already in one if you believe that you need savings how do you get your savings built up in a fast manner. Lindsey listen i read this stuff all the time i dont have a crystal ball i am not going to subscribe to panic what i am going to do is be intentional best way start to budget budgeting means tell money where to go instead of wondering where it went you start to be in control of your money next attack debt when you get debt out of your life you actually give yourself a raise and then you can start to build up that cushion of savings. Several habitats embank Retirement Savings chris tell us about those, walk us through them. Well we have to remember dagen first and foremost retirement is not age it is a financial number people have to be intentional but need pooeb indicative summertime people are happy excited cant buy simply because they are on sale needed to be careful if on sale you allow tours get off track if you dont stick to a plan the next thing you have to by a attention to the little things, i am talking about the subscriptions we dont use anywhere small dollar amounts for fancy coffee each month be intentional there, and dont spend money just because you have it. I want you to be intentional about your future, remember, your retirement things dont happen because you want them they happen because you work towards them. This is jack brewer, at what times are debt a good option you know being realistic some people get in a crunch need to borrow cash a good financial decision when would you suggest you use that. Jack i only see debt as option if you are buying a mortgage that is a 15year fixedrate morning but only after out of debt youve got an emergency savings, listen, i learned how to tell long time ago when i used someone elses money they charged a penalty in uniform of interest i dont want to be charging a penalty i, a to be rewarded remain allergic to debt billed up saifrgs vest for the future. You know who you can borrow from yourself through 401 k plan. Dagen, no, no. I knew you were going to do that. Do not touch 401 k when you do that you stop money from the growing tap uncle sam on shoulder. No the penalty if you go to employer say i need a down payment for a house, i dont have any debt, but i have all this money sitting in a 401 k i can borrow i can borrow from it and you have to repay it back you have to pay it back, and just deduct that out of your paycheck the problem with that dagen if someone losses or leaves that job that loan is due and payable within 90 days you he had a more stress go to worksafe up for a down payment get a house. I disagree with you chris good to see you as always, coming up crisis at border congressman alexandria ocasiocortez make shocking claims about the conditions at a detention physicality but there are new questions about the veracity of their claims, the controversy next, and nike pulling patriotic sneakers the betsy ross flag on the back of those shoes, the nike pulled them off store shelves facing criticism from former nfl player Colin Kaepernick what it means for the company. Good decision . Or bad, later this hour. What are we all to do when money has got a hold on you ohh twentyfour people came together to sign an agreement that created the stock exchange. Just the right elements coming together. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. It started with the markets, bringing together steel and buildings and silicon and medicine and rockets. We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Its why for eighty years weve connected ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. So that every day together, it all starts again. Most people think a button is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Dagen welcome back i am Dagen Mcdowell in for Maria Bartiromo tuesday, july 2 top stories 8 30 a. M. Eastern. Futures showing slight losses across the board, a 27. Loss on the dow futures, s p 500 futures lower as well, despite the s p hitting a new alltime high yesterday. The u. S. Considering hitting European Union with tariffs on four billion dollars in goods, dont touch my scotch days after a truce with china on trade to begin negotiations again not a deal in europe gains in england, france the moment, in asia overnight, those marketsall already wrapping up tuesday hong kong biggest gainer up 1 despite massive protests. President trump lashing out at social media, now retailer are calling for a crackdown opinion. Changes at tesla executive hired a year ago to lead european operations is leaving, according electricity car competitor hired another former tesla executive rising. The border crisis freshman congressman alexandria ocasiocortez visiting a Migrant Detention Center in texas described the conditions as horrifying, customs and Border Protection pushing back against accusations, listen to this. This is on beast behavior they put them, in rooms with no running water, and these women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of toilet Drinking Water out of the toilet, and that was knowing a congressional visit was coming, that was this is cbp on best behavior telling people drink out of the toilet. Did you see somebody actually do that. We find yourselves doing the best he can i can tell you that that is providing essentially meals essentially Hygiene Products essentially bathing schedules for these folks that we have that are coming into our custody, as i said earlier we dont treat people that way we provide freshwater, we provide food, we provide sanitary and sanitary items as well as items for bathing, and personal hygiene are you saying she is lying . I am telling you what we do. Joining me now White House Deputy press secretary hogan gidley hogan, fill us in what you know about this, the accusations your response from congressman alexandria ocasiocortez. I dont know what alexandria ocasiocortez is talking about, but again that is nothing new, i never know what she is talking about in this particular instance i am glad saying horrible down, at the border weve been saying that two years, she and other democrats called us liars even some republicans said they werent telling the truth object matter the fact is, weve got a terrible situation humanitarian crisis on southern border those customs and Border Protection agents let me tell you something some of the braest men and women on planet put lives in danger every single day provided three meals a day to people here illegally unlawfully two snacks in between some people go out buy diapers by formula with their own money. They are doing this out of goodness of heart because we are a great nation, but the fact is, even as alexandria ocasiocortez goes down there refuses to tell press oh, by the way, i voted against all potential money that could come down here to figures some of the situation that i am seeing quite frankly hypocritical rights for her to make those claims. That 4. 6 billion dollars for humor aide to the border she did vote no against that 2. 8 billion of it for unaccompanied alien Children Program run by health and human are seniors, hhs has fewer than 700 open beds why children are in this basically with the Border Patrol in custody how quickly can you deploy that money hogan . Well, it is my understanding going out virtually meal president signed it yesterday made a very salient point while this is important we need to do this lets be c clear what democrats are now saying they are standing with people here illegally and unlawfully opposed to hundreds of million american citizens president points it out there are coal minors with black lung dont get good treatment like folks in this country illegally democrats are standing with those people, and demanding they get all types of free subsidies Free Health Care all these things, but American People dont get that, it makes no sense whatsoever they are standing with people, who dont have any business being in this country they wont close loopholes to prevent further problems migz know how to get into this country they use children as pawns because they know once they bring a child to the border, they are in the country. To hell with what happens to the child so grotesque what is going on down there democrats wont close loopholes we could fix this president says 15 minutes an hour whenever they come to the table this can be fixed but people like alexandria ocasiocortez would rather have this as political issue instead of worrying about protecting peoples lives not to mention the lives of the American People. I want to move to iran nuclear detail hogan country announcing monday it exceeded the amount of uranium that it was allowed under 2015 deal, President Trump warning that iran is playing with fire, listen to this and your reaction. No message to iran they know what they are doing they know what they are playing with, and i think they are playing with fire. So no message to iran whatsoever. We had general jack kaeane on early did say dont overraek his takeaway to the u. S. What do we do is there any sign that europe will get onboard with us and basically push back on what iran is doing . Is if hopefully so. I mean listen that deal was a joke, the president knew it was about aed that is why he got out of it it was based on on a lie premise was that they werent as far along as they were Uranium Nuclear uranium en wrichment i was with him most meets he talked extensively we have to join together to try and protect the world, our partners allies are at risk with nuclear iran the president is being clear he will not allow iran to get a Nuclear Weapon. And whatever that takes it takes the president was was i was standing a few feet away from him in oval office when he made that comment yesterday he is serious about this we have to protect our allies we have to protect United States citizens, here, and abroad we are going to do that at all costs. Dagen u. S. Trade tensions, eu trade sanctions after record close s p 500 on the heels of a trade tries between u. S. And china again back to negotiating table we go with china now considering new tariffs on European Union thanks like cheese scotch hogan what do you make of this. I understand that you and i am sure many of our viewers, watch this program and this channel, are worried about the scotch let me be very clear here we are not taking any action yet, this is a ruling by a court that basically said that the eu violated terms of the wto subsidizing an airline, we won that case, now waiting for a couple of things the Comment Period is on listening to public what they have to say about it, also we have to wait for arbitrary arbitrator tell us what we can and cant do here it is a little bit farther off we need to recoup some of the losses on subsidies that actually violated wto a while before scotch is in danger dagen dont worry about that. You clearly do not know where i am from if you think i drink scotch over bourbon any day i digress. A fiem table for getting back to negotiations with china, do you have any sense of what the immediate next steps are . Again that was one of the meetings i was actually in i watched the president deal directly with president xi one fascinating piece president talking about farmers need to protect them president xi looked at him said listen one thing is very clear about you, mr. President you are a great guardian of the american farmer, it was very poignant moment president is going to do everything to protect our farmer also american industry, american workers, american companies, this is something occurring for far too long the president knows it call called it out said yesterday in same Oval Office Meeting you played a clip from earlier, that you know the 5050 split isnt going to cut it we have been kicked in the teethed punched in gut for decade people around the world new china was cheating american president s in the past knew china was cheating no one has done anything about it this president is standing up to them now in negotiations process we o opened that going to send teams already, have a dialogue highest levels of our government with theirs see what happens in the future hopefully a good deal president said if not for American People he will walk away. Before we go i want to talk about july 4th celebration on National Mall in washington President Trump offered a preview, of those festivities in d. C. Take a listen. We are going to have a great 4th of july in washington, d. C. , it will will be like no other it i will be special and i hope a lot of people cock and it is going to be about this country, it is a salute to america, and i am going to be here i am going to say a few words we are going to have planes going over head best fighter jets in the world other planes too we are going to have tanks stationed outside, pretty careful with tanks because they have a tendencies not to like to carry heavy but put in certain areas incredible military equipment on splay brandnew we are very proud of it. Dagen the plan to use military tanks sparked some criticism, from democrats, the cost is too high some of the things we heard but also, the criticism hogan i want to get your response to this is that the president has turned july 4th celebration in nation capitol into a political rally a campaign rally. Yeah, that is absolutely ridiculous this is all about a salute to america, the president is not going to get political he is going to celebrate the greatest country the greatest idea in the history of the world, and that is the United States of america. We are going to have a lot of surprises president didnt get into all of them, in fact private zoepdonations coming in fires splay five times of normal years this is going to be biggest best immigration of the biggest best country in history and we are excited to be part of. It p hogan good to see you. Thank you. Thanks thank so much. Taking on big technology, President Trump lashing out against Companies Like twitter and facebook yes says they could be acting illegally, nike pulls its updated rottic betsy ross sneaker because ccol kaepernick intervened the controversy fallout a special patriot from the tennis channel. Welcome back to en theis chaem Court Reporter fox business i am dani, coco on day one championship wimbledon. Former junior world number one took out idol Venus Williams straight sets to youngster win since 1991, 39yearold had woen four major titles before coco was born in 2004. I am just super blessed wimbledon decided to give me wild card i never expected this to happen. Obviously, i literally got dream, i was happy able to pull it off she played amazing super nice al been nice, the couple times i met her. Tennis channel has you covered from london wimbledon prime time brings all the action daily at 4 30 pm eastern. Your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty dagen all you have to do is pick up a paper and real estate it see it watch fox or some other network, there are a lot of people that want us to take action, against facebook against twitter frankly against amazon. Amazon also. A lot of people want us to take action. Are you going to i cant say that, that i cant say. President trump lashing out ot social media gerri willes on floor of the new york stock exchange, market reaction, hey. That is right interesting story, Tucker Carlson holding feet to the fire how being treated by big tech some companies lower amazon in particular down, facebook, twitter amazon all three companies the pet referenced today shot being treated right by them tucker asking him would his administration go after these companies for what is described as monopolistic practices president saying a lot of things are being looked at right now impacting the stocks as you can see, and the Retail Leader association walmart, target best buy are members calling for antitrust investigation of amazon and google in crosshairs the Way Companies control search particularly when it comes to sale they are rivals of amazon as well, and, finally, looking at apple and jony ive departure, design for that company why did he leave the wall street journal says that he was very upset by the way tim cook was handling designs, the current strategy of the company. Tim cook reaching out to nbc saying not true at all this did not happen you are misinterpreting signs in tea believes a big brouhaha there on the exit of join join main design chief for apple back to you. Dagen thank you so much gerri willis nike under fire the company pulling its patriotic betsy ross sneaker, after Colin Kaepernick intervened. The controversy the fallout next. The songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. Obviously, for auto insurance, weve got the wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. Pet insurance, wait, let me guess. Flea flicker. Yes howd you know . Studying my playbook . Yeah, actually. Content on their endless quest, to nowhere. S, run hopelessly in their cage. But perhaps this year, a more exhilarating endeavor awaits. Defy the laws of human nature,at the summer of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Dagen nike under fire company pulling its 4th of july sneakers depicting betsy ross iconic war era American Flag, 13 stars, at former nfl star Colin Kaepernick intervened saying the design was offensive the Company Already facing backlash Arizona Governor announcing denying specifics for a manufacturing plant in the state joining me, creative director good to see you. Good to see you. What do you make of this . Out of the gate . Worth over a hundred billion dollars, on colin before if he finds it offensive kind of become a voice of certain issue i think the right thing to pull. It you dont think there is he going to be fallout i found it comical when they ran the Colin Kaepernick ad Campaign People burning nike shoes they paid for nike did not quite frankly had collected that revenue, but that being said, is this effective i think it is not for us to judge this it is 13 stars represent time in america where it to him is reflects slavery you are not in business of o fending people especially African American culture a huge part of nike success you want to brie a brand nike extremely popular worth over a hundred billion dollars unnecessary stuff for them different when h m did coolest monkey in the jungle or a star from holocaust those things are crazy i dont think trying to offended wanted cool throwback didnt realize o fefpeded anybody he said this bothers me get rid of it, it is not worth it. Does Colin Kaepernick speak for the black community in this country. Certain portion of it i think he does i said this all the time i dont disagree with everything Colin Kaepernick does the way he does it i agree with him on this i think this is too far it is it is divisive that is what i. Too the flag too too far the conversation can get divisive because some people say hey, this represents america at founding, i dont necessarily think that colin is against america in general. You dont think would be as opposed to a shoe with a flag with 50 stars on it. I hope not i wouldnt i support him all day i think goes back to the core, right, issue of Colin Kaepernick started debate wearing socks with police depicted as pigs you cant do that you are coming in with hate your voice is standing for hay i am antiall cops i think that is where the pushback for him began. I think nike partnering with Colin Kaepernick even maybe creating the show they are used to controversy they want to get into deep conversations, they want to be part of that i like your thoughts i have an idea that this might be a Conspiracy Theory for nike have to really kind of stir up controversy, and maybe drive sales . I dont know they drove sales after they signed colin. Fair enough i dont think that is the situation but that is not bad form we are in a culture everyone trying to fight for attention if you do Something Like this not as i said not incredible offensive i am sorry pull it back getting millions of dollars for media pup culture not a bad idea that stayed the air force ones with constitution on it i dont feel an issue i think certain intol we white people in no business to say what offends us or not nothing to do with that. I might be clueless i never shared of 13 star bettsy ross flag a will endorse White Supremacy time period. That is what you said superintendent of Michigan School district apologized after students waved betsy ross flag at high school zbhiem the original star wars galaxys edge the original starspangled banner. Several decades. Even worse good to see you, you dont think fallout for nike on this. Not at all they supported him it helps. Stock underperforming under armour adidas i wonder if under armour is going to come up with may be American Flag 50 stars. I will buy it. Thank you, thank you so much, final thoughts from all stars coming up. Dagen thank you, all. The u. S. Flag has 13 stripes on it. You offended by that . No. Dagen okay. Boom. Love you. What a great conversation all morning. Love you much. Varney company starts right now. David, take it away. David good morning. I am david asman. Stuart is on vacation this week. Big corporate story of the morning, nike pulling a usathemed sneaker just ahead of the july 4th holiday. This after Colin Kaepernick reportedly told the company it shouldnt sell the flag shoe. He says some people find the early American Flag offensive. The news not having a big impact on nike stock this morning. Its going to be looks like its down just a tick when the market opens in 30 minutes. And we are looking at a slightly lower open for the overall markets. Trade tensions could be the reason. U. S. Is threatening to impose tariffs on 4ilon

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