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Left with all his talk of revolution. He has been pushing revolution since the early days of the 1970s when he penned the Opinion Pieces on womens sex fantasies in the vermont freeman. Bernie has all of this loopy stuff in his background saying women gets cancer from having too many orgasms. Or toddlers should run around naked and touch each others genitals. Trish just the kinds of things you want to hear about on morning tv. We should hope he will try to blame that on psych del psycc drugs. He told a group of students that the u. S. Committed acts in vietnam almost as bad as what hitler did. He wants to equated the United States with hitler. Comrade bernie is a man who openly supports a dictatorship in venezuela that has stolen everything from the people in the name of the people. A dictatorship starving its people, spying on its people, and locking up the center. Comrade bernie admires cuba. Hes still out there defending the communist dictatorship that has a track record of human rights abuses. Even the murder of tens of thousands of its own people. When fidel castro came into office, you know what he did . He had a massive literacy program. Teaching people to read and write is a good thing. Cuba made progress on education. And when dictatorship, whether its the chinese or the cubans do something good, you acknowledge that. Trish that music to our enemys ears and something the cuban press is quick to jump on. In the havana paper. The cuban communist state media devoting its entire front page to bernies page of its murderous regime. Comrade bernie tells us the dictatorship brought more people out of the poverty than any other country. Really, bernie. You want to live in china where if you are muslim or you are gay or you happen to disagree with the current regime, you will go to jail . Good luck with that. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system in the world. The as tom sol said, set out to redistribute wealth and ended up with redistributing poverty. They all started with the intention of leveling the Playing Field in venezuela and cuba and the soviet union. Instead they created misery, poverty, destruction, and a permanent ruling class of bureaucrats. And yet what is rather remarkable here is that Bernie Sanders and his revolutionary squad members like aoc, rashida tlaib, and ilhan omar, they are constantly railing against the threat of the o of fascism. Since he got into office, the president of the United States has been goading iran into war. From day one this president has antagonized iran. This has been oppression committed by the United States. Trish how do you explain this one. Comrade bernie insisting the taking out of a terrorist who murdered americans wants an assassination. It was an assassination. Once you are in the business of assassination you unleash terrible forces. Trish none of this i should point out has happened in a vacuum. It has not come from nowhere. We saw it brewing during Barack Obamas apology tour. Remember that one . There have been times where america has shown arrogance, been dismissive and even derisive. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods of our history. We have been at times disengaged and sought to dictate our terms. Trish modern progressivism can be traced back to woodrow wilson. He stressed the need top remake our constitution for quote modern times. This was in the late 1800s. He believed a series of administrative experts could govern better than the people. Sound familiar . In 1891, wilson wrote, the functions of government are in a very real sense independent of legislation and even constitution. What . I mean, you think you can govern separate from our constitution . Yeah. Thats the foundation of progressivism right there, folks. Thats the beginning of the left move to the tear down our constitution, our rights, our freedom, our capitalism. The constitution as wilson saw it and many more on the left still see it was and is an obstacle to be overcome. Not a check on power. When he was president in 1913, will con complained about checks and balances in the constitution saying the trouble with the theory is government is not a machine but a living thing. No living thing can have its organs offset against each other. Im sorry. We need the checks. We need the balances. This whole democracy thing, if you dont have those checks and balances, you can kiss it goodbye. Of course, thats exactly what comrade Bernie Sanders is trying to do now, right . With his socalled revolution. Who needs checks and balances when the left seemingly decides ways right and what is wrong. When the left decides what can be said and what cannot be said. When the left decides how much money you are allowed to make or keep orweight whether you deserve healthcare. It is a quest for power. And it is dangerous. To be clear. Bernie sanders, hes no intellect. I think he graduated with a 2. 5 gpa and doesnt know the difference between left and right, quite literally. An economist back in the day predicted trish she dont know the difference between two economic schools of different thought. Bernie is promoting free college for all, even though he barely graduated. But he is a selfdescribed revolutionary. And the extreme left views comrade bernie as their savior. I just ask, savior from what . Strong economy . The most amazing job market in 15 years. Comrade bernie and the progressives on the left want to robber single american of the very thing that our country has always held dear through the beauty and strength of capitalism. We have offered countless generations a chance, a shot at the american dream. So bernie, before you ruin our country for us, for our children and our grandchildren, you might want to consider i dont know, retirement in venezuela. You should check it out. I think that would be a good thing for all. Thats tonights intel. We have a very big show. The reports of the deep states death have been greatly exaggerated. Here we go again. Breaking right now. New reports of a whistleblower. A government whistleblower. The Washington Post reports of a whistleblower complaint. Trish another socalled anonymous whistleblower. This time in our Health Department criticizing President Trumps handling of the coronavirus. We are getting which democrat will call for impeachment first. Cnn is infected with trump derangement syndrome. I am not sure the president understood. The president doesnt know. Hes not tethered to science. And he doesnt have the credibility. Constantly lying about it. Whether well be getting the truth. Withholding information is incredibly worrisome. Its dangerous. Trish im calling out cnn for irresponsibly politicizing something that should be a sunnifying battle against a virus that doesnt play sides. The person who got the most votes. Coming up, i have to play you this pretty mesmerizing clip. But first communist chinas state media is calling America Racist and saying we are white you prep sifts for restricting travelers to and from their red state. Absurd comments are next. Retirement income is complicated. As your broker, ive solved it. Thats great, carl. But we need something better. Thats easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. And we can monitor to see that were on track. Like schwab intelligent income. Schwab introducing schwab intelligent income. A simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. Oh, thats cool. I mean, we dont have that. Schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do. 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Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. President trump we closed up our borders from flights coming in from certain areas. Areas hit by the coronavirus and hit pretty hard, and we did it very early. A lot of people thought we shouldnt have done it that early and we did and it turned out to be a good thing. Trish the president early in this crisis refusing to allow anyone who had been in china into our country. Unless they were u. S. Citizens. Then they were quarantined. As china grams with this 2,700 deaths and 78,000 infections of coronavirus, the chinese are pointing their fingers at the u. S. , accusing us of racism because we wont allow people from china into the u. S. The Chinese State media in an article entitled, quote, the politics of xenophobia and News Coverage of health crises. They say quote the u. S. Travel restrictions and criticism of chinas strategy to contain the covid19 is seen as racism. The u. S. Corporate media failed to acknowledge their own domestic Public Health crises. I am sure cnn and msnbc as well as the little cal candidates on the left are doing a solid job acknowledging all this, maybe even exaggerating the challenges. Meanwhile back to the chinese here. The Chinese State media continues the yellow peril stereotype. Borrowed from europe by american white you presentives. The idea that sneaky asians would destroy western nations became a racist tool used justify os tilts and improve under imposed underdevelopment. You guys have an out of control virus. You are the epicenter of it, and its contagious. You want to us open up our borders and say come on in. Come one, come all . Lets be very clear. What we are doing is not just an american thing. Its not just a white thing. The democratic republic of the congo. Fiji, egypt, guatemala, india, indonesia, even hong kong, hong kong. They are all barring any foreign nationals coming to their countries from china. Dont sit there china and tell us this is a racist move against our country. Gordon chang, whats this move about. Beijing is trying to lay the ground work for an attack on the u. S. We have seen the narratives from the beginning of this month in communist party media. We also had the Chinese Foreign minister jump in. They have nobody else to blame so they are trying to lay it on us. What you read from the global times is part of a concerted campaign. Trish a cap pain to blame the u. S. For their virus and the decline in their economy thats directly related to their virus. So it somehow is the usas fault. Where does that get them . Where it gets them. Because they want someone to blame, they will try and say its the u. S. Why this is important is because they can lash out. Monday we heard from the Chinese Media that the Peoples Liberation army of china plans to buy 1. 4 billion units of body armor so they can deal with the United States. Thats a warning that xi jinping is desperate and hes lashing out. This could get exceedingly dangerous. Trish this started in china. You have been saying from the beginning you dont think they were fully forthcoming in terms of how problematic it was, it is, and its going to be. Whats your sense of where we are in this, gordon . We dont know have much right now largely because joining ping, the chinese ruler, has imposed extraordinary controls on information. Their stats show covid19 is declining. And that shows xi jinpings desire to get workers back to their job sites. Especially which we see evidence that indicate the chinese leaders are concerned this is not going away anytime soon. Trish coming up, everyone. Antitrump network cnn doing whatever it can to stoke a National Coronavirus panic. Infected. Out there. Out there. Out there undetected. Undetected. Concerns. Game changer. Pandemic. Point of no return. Trish the far left network ignoring anyone they interview who doesnt blame President Trump. Well talk about this little dustup. I think this is a ploy. Lets not play politics with Public Health. I want to make sure we are on the same page. This is not about playing politics. This is about getting the real information. Vice president pence is in charge of this. Do you think hes the right point person . Yes, hes trying to make sure every bran of government is focused on this. You are intimating, allison, which is disturbing, is that cdc and hhs has not been working hard. Trish im calling cnn out. Far left mayor Pete Buttigieg is just an empty suit that plagiarizes obama. This country was built. In Church Basements man our schools. And universities. Trish why is nobody but me talking about this . Why isnt anyone else but me condemning him for this . 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Im gonna get them all. Its just the basics. Can you double bag this right here . Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Can you also tell me what it is . Chase. Make more of whats yours. Trish now to the story i introduced you to last night. The weird similarities between Pete Buttigieg and barack obama. I recognize there is a certain audacity to this announcement. I recognize audacity of doing this as a midwestern millennial mayor. And Church Basements, and in our schools. Reaching into Church Basements and barber shops and university. Light shining as a beacon to the world. Country as a hah shrine and a beacon around the world. One voice can change a room, and if it can change a city it can change a state, if it can change a state, it can change a nation. If we can light up a neighborhood, we can light up a city, if we can light up the city, we can light up this whole country. Trish plagiarism, right . What is even stranger to this, other than the fact he wants to copy obama, is the way he does it. The way mayor pete copies obamas mayor itches. This speech pattern. One news outlet, the recount picked up on this. Its got 5 million views already. The person who got the most votes. Brings us together. This country was built. And Church Basements. And barber shops. And universities. If we can light up a room, we can light a city. Shines as a beacon around the world once more. This is our chance to answer that call. Trish thats really weird. Its so weird, i want to see it again. Lets take a peek. The way we do he other election its the person who got the most croats visibility yuftd a thought. Brings us together. This country was built. And church basement. And in our schools. And universities. We can light up a room, we can light up a city. Shines as a beacon around the world once more. This is our chance to answer that call. Trish its really, really wired. Even the direction of the head turn. Joining me from cpac, gina loudon. Gina, weird. Its like he watched everything of obama he ever could from the type he was what, 28, and said thats who im going to grow up to be and membership is hip and plagiarizes along the way. What are your thoughts . Its like either sycophantish or desperate. You picture his team sitting around a table saying maybe if we just memorize all of because speeches we can win that way. Thats how desperate they are to in any way be able to compete with this president because this president has been so authentic that they realize they cant win any other way than to try to go to such desperate measures. Trish you have got to be yourself. I believe people respond to authenticity. They do and they did in the last election. Trish the weird thing is Bernie Sanders aint my cup of tea. If you watch at the top of the show, it was pretty darn effort. Some people like that because hes authentic. He consistently supported cuba and venezuela and all those bad places including nicaragua and the ussr over the years. You look at mayor pete, Pete Buttigieg. Who are you other than a 38yearold twobit failed mayor who has a lot of lousy failed policies similar to obamas. Bernie sanders is a grumpy socialist communist. Yet hes been authentic and thats what happens to be winning their party. Thats interesting. If you think about the psychological breakdown. Their party is drawn to someone with really bad ideas who is at least honest about it. Where mayor buttigieg is faking it. The American Public told us in the last election even though they might not always like the approach of a President Trump. They love that hes authentic. I believe because he not said that and was authentic but because he made the promises and kept the promises, those minority populations buttigieg is trying to appeal to are going to come in big for President Trump because he kept the promises he made in the last election. Trish i will give him this. He has very pretty blue eyes and knows how to memorize his lines. Surprise surprise surprise. Another blue state antitrump lawsuit thrown out against thrown out by the courts. Cnn is infected with trump derangement syndrome. President trump. I am not sure the president understood. The president doesnt know. Hes been in denial. Hes not tethered to signs and doesnt have credibility. Constantly lying. Whether well be getting the truth. Withholding information. Its incredibly worrisome. Its dangerous. Its just dangerous. Trish im calling out cnn for politicizing what should be a sunnifying battle against a virus. The far left network is refusing to listen to anyone, even on their air that goes against their antitrump tirades. Im taking them on. Your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. Thats why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk, talk like a hybrid with best in class epa estimated range of more than five hundred eighty two miles. And ford copilot 360 technology to help you outsmart some of the things youll encounter on the road. With more available second row leg room than a chevy suburban. This is the completely reimagined, street smart 2020 ford escape. This is the completely reimagined, street smart can we go get some ice cream . Alright, we gotta stop here first. From smarter atms, to after hours video tellers comcast business is connecting thousands of banks to technology that turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. Hi there. How are you . Do you have any lollipops in there . laughing no, sorry. 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Make sure mike pence accounts for every single dollar spent. Recognize it will be a blow to the World Economy and a temporary blow to the u. S. Economy. But we need to make sure we do everything in our power to take care of our own. Asks for the democrats, they need to be exposed for the political animals they really are. I will tell you, this is a time when we should be united. We need a bipartisan effort to fight this. We do not and will not ever wish harm on our citizens or our economy, period. You know what, cnn needs to recognize that. As congressman william hurd noticed this morning, they seem more intent object inflicting blame on President Trump than coming up with any kinds of a solution. I think this is important. Lets not play politics with Public Health. I want to make sure we are all on the same page. This is not about politics. This is about getting the real information. Vice president mike pence is in charge of this. Do you think hes the right point person . Hes trying to make sure every branch of government is focused on this. You are interest mating that cdc and hhs has not been working hard. Trish meanwhile at the liberal New York Times one opinion writer says lets call it trump virus. If you are feeling awful, you know who to blame. Its no time for blame game. But thats not stopping the democrats. Trump is incompetent. This is like george w. Bush with the hurricane that flood new orleans. A total executive fail ural by an incompetent executive. What hes doing is late, too late, anemic. This administration is in total disarray when it comes to the crisis of the coronavirus. The president s response has been a disaster. Trish you know what . As i said earlier, this is not a time to be pointing fingers. This is a time for the United States to be united. For us all to be together in fighting this virus, whatever it takes. Joining me now, House Foreign Affairs committee member. Good to have you here, here they go again. Now we have got news of a quote whistleblower from the Health Department. Are we going to be looking at impeachment because of the coronavirus . Cant they get their act together to make sure we Work Together with the president to keep americans safe . Trish, they cant help themselves. They are preemptively blaming the president. This is a virus that started in chain a and it spread all over the world. But they want to blame President Trump. This virus doesnt know the difference if you are a republican or democrat. The democrats are trying to politicize this and blame the president. Its absolutely disgusting. Trish it is disgusting. You look at the selloff in our markets and you look at the danger it represents to americans, especially older americans. And to think that somehow they are trying to capitalize on it. I cant help but worry its exactly what they want. We played the tapes before, congressman, they were wishing for a rescission. Whatever it takes to get this president out of office, im sorry, we dont need the threat of a pandemic, a worldwide pandemic to get rid of donald trump. The idea that they would try to muscle that through or capitalize on it in any way i find extraordinarily disturbing. Does this show you how broken washington, d. C. Is right now . Washington, d. C. Is absolutely broken. That is for sure. The democrats are hyping this. They are going out of their way to blame republicans and the president. Its tanking the market. Thats whats so sad. If you back up and they want to play partisan politics. Think about what the republicans did before this. They increased funding for nih, cdc and my friend tom cole, a republican which builds an Emergency Fund for infectious disease. They dont talk about that. They dont talk about the republicans or tom cole. They blame republicans and the president first. Trish i think hes prepared to do whatever he needs to do. He said well get however much we need. Chuck schumer says you need 8. 5. We dont know what we need. But this president has taken an oath to protect this country and he means it. Im telling you, this is one they are not going to win. It may be a blip in the economy in the near term and hurt our supply chain copping from china. It will hurt the World Economy, i get all that. But the bottom line is we keep america safe. Congress plan, so good to have you here. Coming up. Its time to add to the aoc highlight reel. How many years until the world ends again . We have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50 if not more. This is a call to action on several levels. Is it okay to still have children . Isnt 10 million enough . Like when does it stop . Right . Trish find out what head scratching things she is now saying that has everyone calling her a liar. But first, another one bites the dust. Another blue state hail mary lawsuit has been thrown out. A big win in the fight against sanctuary states. We have the details. 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They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Trish the courts awarding another blow to antitrumps. No more tax dollars to cities and states that refuse to cooperate with i. C. E. Why is it they are take our money when they cant even guarantee any kind of safety. Joining me from cpac, good to see you, sir. Its got to feel good for you. I mean, you have been fighting this. Certainly you have got california near you. Right there in arizona. Whats your take on it . I am really pleased with the ruling because think about it. You have sanctuary city states and towns who basically say we are not going to turn over criminally violent illegal aliens to i. C. E. Yet we want the taxpayers to keep funding us. When the Trump Administration and some of us in Congress Call to stop funding them. They say no no we want the money still. When President Trump said no more money, they sued and they lost. The court basically said why do you get money for doing something or for not doing what the Grant Program is all about. Its crazy. Trish the federal government has good ground on this one. It just doesnt make any sense that everybodys tax dollars would be going to support mole municipalities that dont turn over criminals to i. C. E. That need to be turned over. Its a complete breakdown, a kind of lawlessness, if you would. Thats a big victory for the president. I think he will continue to score those victories on that front. Let me turn to another issue. Democrats love to talk about election interference from russia. Foreign election interest force. But you want to talk foreign election interference. You get a sense of whats going on this year. If every nonu. S. Citizen in say california is counted, then that very blue state could get up to as many as 11 more Electoral College votes. Thats according to the center for immigration studies. So let me ask you, keeping that in mind, is illegal immigration effectively a form of foreign election interference . It absolutely is. Think of it this way. If those illegals were not counted in california they would lose seats and you would have a more equal and appropriate distribution of congressmen and women throughout the states. So california does that, and new york gets a benefit. Maybe even arizona. We know techs as probably gets a benefit as well. It dilutes your representation if you are in a state that doesnt have as many illegal aliens. Thats the opposite of what was intended by the census and by the constitution. Trish is this the method to the madness. Is this why you think democrats are trying some to usher so many illegals in. And eventually the party demographics start to shift. But i dont get it unless you are trying to play for electric storm votes. That exactly right. The first step is to demographically change the number of votes you get by keeping the border open. You see in california, they are letting illegal aliens vote in local and state elections. This is a problem because it basically gives weight to people who are not legally in this country visavis people who are citizens and even tightled to vote. That means your vote is count. Thats a way to control thats a way to control electoral outcomes. You get on the electric storm college and the local elections as well. Trish congressman biggs its good to see you tonight. Thank you very much. Kennedy joins with whats coming up on her show. Kennedy we made it to friday light. That means well hold everyones hand through the corona crisis and let them know there is nothing to worry about. The worst Case Scenario you will be bed ward bound for two weeks watching netflix. Trish its time to add to the aoc highlights reel. Find out what head scratching things she is saying that has everyone calling her a liar. Isnt 10 million enough . When does it stop. Right . Oh, i. I didnt know. You didnt see the sign . That. That wasnt there when i was here earlier. whimper really . You know, in italy, they let you park anywhere. Have a good day, sir. With geico, the savings keep on going. 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If not more. Its a call to action on several levels. One is the literal interpretation, is it okay to still have children . Isnt 10 million enough . Like when does it stop . Right . Trish we have something new to add to the real because apparently, the woman who hates Charter Schools, apparently has no problem with it if it comes to her own godchild. I went to see this. I am here, formerly one of the poorest Congressional District in america. My goddaughter, i got her into a Charter School may be a block or two down. Trish grates, aoc we are really happy for you. You got her into a Charter School. Interesting considering how much you seem to hate Charter Schools . Right . This is how it always works though. Charter schools she writes on her sides tools is privatizing education and is weakening the power of unionized teachers. Of course when it comes to her own godchild, you see, she worked hard to get her in to a certain Charter School. This is continually the problem with democrats. Right . What ever they want to apply to the masses, doesnt apply to them. Aoc is a prime example of that. Its got to stop. Tomorrow, i will see you right here. We have doctor king, kt mcfarlane, and many, many more. Kennedy begins right now. Night night. B5 well hello darling thank you so much trish. The world is going to hell in a handbasket, hope you brought the pure help. Coronavirus outbreak is freaking people out from coasttocoast. Can our lawmakers set aside their differences and come together to help solve this crisis . No. Earlier today the cdc confirm the first coronavirus case of unknown origin although it was close to that air force base where they are quarantining a bunch of people with the virus. The california patient did not travel to anywhere the virus is actually hit and is not been in contact with anyone in the wuhan clan. On top of that the golden state monitoring 8400 people

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