Show Harmeet Dhillon, robert ray along with Christopher Bradford deneen rally on these major headlines, critics increasingly questioning the accuracy of pulleys, questioning if biden is in the lead in the bow the grounds. Critics at cbs news, the New York Times and more as democrats, we know the story they have been sounding the alarm about week Democrat Voter turnout in floridas biggest, we have that as election analysts say this is the weakness in the president s campaign, we will talk about it and we break down the questions twirling about whether hunter biden is connected to Money Laundering, we will tell you whats going on there, more questions about hunter biden abusing and using the privileges of being the Vice President son over and over and over again. We have emails on this, this time its about using secret Service Protection to go on dozens of trips to hundreds of countries around the world while he was on the board of Ukrainian Energy company and his father was Vice President , we have the emails on that. Also tonight more on Media Censorship in the 2020 race, the media blackout of the biden family selling story, we debate was there blackout if joe biden was not running for president , we have a paper trail, the story is not going away, censorship is there for democracy, thats the debate and we have more on the media censoring trumps policy including the border as we have a study new development, more news coming in on which violent criminal creating mayhem in america and terrorizing immigrant communities, which criminal do you think that is, that type of criminal is being stopped cold by the Trump Administration. Thank you for joining us im elizabeth macdonald, the evening edit starts right now. Liz lets get right at it would trump 2020 Advisory Board member Harmeet Dhillon back with us, it is great to have you one, heres the thing were only three days away, critics increasingly questioning the accuracy of polls showing biden in the lead in the battleground, they are saying is up three points, real clear politics average show that but hillary was up in the same politics average in 2016 up until election day in the battleground states. Can we trust the polls . I dont think you can, the question can you trust the pollster or your lying eyes, the eyes will tell you the president has record enthusiasm we see it in the rally were tens and thousands of people show up on no notice in the upcoming winter to hear him speak and look at barely dozens of people who turnout for the former Vice President , some of the polling flaws that we have seen in 2016 and happening today these pollsters are not calling an equal number of republicans or likely voters so there is flaws in the sampling and also flaws looking at how the independent voters are going to turn out and finally theres a lot of firsttime voters including many of the minority communities voting for donald trump and a lot of those people never get calls from pollsters or the like me i dont answer those calls from pollsters. I think thats where you will see from the flawed methodology. Liz we hear what do you say, we see the polls from abc news, from the wall street journal, nbc showing biden beating trump, election analysts are saying the president s weakness in the polls is due to seniors and women turning away from him. Is that true, is that what you are seeing . For every phenomenon like that, theres an alternative phenomenon which the president is bringing in record numbers of minority voters for republican candidate, we see highprofile endorsements from the Africanamerican Community and is quite strong particularly in the battleground states in the latino community. Im not a forecaster myself, i think well see after election day but i think theres a lot of assumptions that are false that are being made. At the end of the day you can call into a pole but is not voter going to bother, the voter going to turn out particularly in a pandemic, trump voters are, i question whether the enthusiasm there is for joe biden . Liz we are looking at who is showing up at the president s rallies, we see catholic nuns showing up in the cold in michigan, we are seeing all sorts of people there was one estimate that one in four people showing up at trumps rallies did not show up for these rallies in 2016. Now there is also the separate story that there is concern in the Democrat Party that there is not enough Democrat Voter turnout in Miamidade County in florida and their stronger republican turnout and the biggest battleground state. So you see the flows happening right now as we going to election day. Not just that, there are hundreds of thousands of new voter registrations that republicans have done in florida just in this election cycle so democrats are losing ground even in the wrong numbers. The Biden Campaign early a few months ago during covid mocked the Trump Campaign for the voter turnout efforts during the primary, they thought it was ridiculous anybody would knock on the door and try to engage with voters, while some other states in my state california, ballot harvesting was okay in california but you cannot visit your mom. The democrats have been all over the place, their lack of a ground game strategy is going to haunt them and we have an outstanding ground game, one of the days last week we contacted over 1 million voters by telephone and we were knocking on doors, registering voters, out there putting on the field. Liz the Biden Campaign is a digital Internet Campaign in these states, versus the ground game that i think, the Trump Administration picked up the structure for the ground game door to door from the obama campaign, is that is what going on . Obama had a ground game by his digital game was very strong in the Trump Campaign in 2016 made some unprecedented investments in data and digital which expanded on in the investment, that does not reach all the voters you mentioned elderly people. Text message may not work to certain demographics may not work in minority communities. Doortodoor engagement is very important and part of a strategy, there is almost no ground game with the democrats, theyve a digital game, just today i got a text from the secretary of state california, big partisan they are text me repeatedly asked if i voted and asked for me too confirm, i believe thats more political than civic but at the end of the dam also in the battleground states, we are calling people calling them again if youre in a state like california and want to volunteer our california voters are calling into these other states, International Ga game, its very active we have warriors on deck and everything going. Liz we see 230b employees to be launched for the election next week, we will watch that too. Were also watching, what the media is discussing, we are mindful back in 2016 when the dow is trading 17000 former Obama Administration officials like larry summers, steve ratner spoke confidently about a market crash, severe downturn, paul said a global downturn, it is trending around 27000 now, we see the headlines coming out the chatter is President Trump would seize control the judiciary, this is a direct quote, put in a fascist state that he is white supremacist, he is racist, you see this talk coming out about President Trump of the other networks, when you hear that what is your first reaction. What a pack of nonsense, when you look in retrospect it seems quaint. We hear similar levels of hysteria this time around, we hear gay couples are getting married because they might not have that right next week, this is nonsense, hes the most gay from the president in history and the judiciary did not change other than the president s filling open slots the obama left unfilled so the market has done great fire to covid which came from abroad we had historic growth, lower taxes and what biden is offering is a tax increase of 4000000000000. 85 of american households would suffer half a million jobs lost right away the Green New Deal will cost a lot of money in the markets will crash, the uncertainty in the market this week is really related to the media hype that biden is certain to win this election, that is causing the market to drop i think you will see the opposite effect when we see election day and a good turnout and a good result for president donald trump. Liz the Closing Argument for President Trump, fastgrowing economy, lowest jobless rate 50 years, record low unemployment for minorities, poverty hit a record low, victory over isis, middle east peace, he is not getting the u. S. Into wars, three Supreme Court justices appointed, trade deal, standing up to china, we see biden Closing Argument is about covid19, that the president has basically botched that, that is bidens argument and we see as you point out the policies, the Green New Deal, 4 trillion tax hikes, you look all in total effects of tax rates, state, federal and local 60 plus in california hawaii, new jersey, new york, oregon, talk to us about their Closing Arguments. You actually hit all the high points, you take some of the messaging to bluecollar workers, the fact that joe biden wants to eliminate so many jobs, the energy that our cars run on and that we rely on, they could not be more different but to the extent that the Biden Campaign is trying to make this appeal to decency that has been called into question with the scandals we have seen in the actual serious evidence of corruption that we have seen with respect to joe biden, that is a new point that the Trump Campaign is adding in the corruption issues but we have a strong record to run on and thats going to be a Closing Argument. Liz great to see you, come back soon. Coming up later in the show President Trump about to hold another rally, we are on the scene and we will take you there. Former u. S. Attorney will breakdown the questions twirling about whether hunter biden is being investigated by the fbi for Money Laundering, we will talk to you about whats going on there, that is coming up next. Evidence pointing at anything wrong, come on, you think that everything that happened was kosher, you know theres not one single bit of evidence, not one little tiny bit that anything was done that was wrong, you know Nonvalvular Afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ engine revs ] adapting. Innovating. Lsetting the course. 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Liz lets get you updated on the breaking news, just now coming in its breaking news that rock the media world and it really took a hit at the 2020 race, twitter is unlocking, it is unlocked the New York Post account after two weeks shut down over its hunter biden email story in the selling access and influence stories, twitter said it would put out three tweets saying it was revising intact material policy, and updating its practice of not retroactively overturning, this is all wonky Silicon Valley ta talk, you will see coming out of twitter but the bottom line there was a Senate Hearing last week where twitter Ceo Jack Dorsey effectively said we have no evidence that theres russian disinformation in this and the headlines were really tough on jack dorsey and twitter for censoring the New York Post story, now twitter is backing down and finally unlocking the twitter account, we will stay on the story for the rest of the hour lets bring in to the show, welcoming back former u. S. Attorney brent tolman. It is so great to see you, what is your reaction to twitter, its good to see you again, what is your reaction to twitter, they have unlocked the New York Post twitter account, what is your thought on that . It was outrageous, the concerted effort of the largest public forum in the world where we go to talk, chat, inform one another and to have it se shut n systematically in a way that appeared to bury the story that was coming out about hunter biden was shocking, im proud they reverse their policy i dont know that the American People have much faith or confidence that it will continue in some way. Liz we hear what youre saying, people went in search for it anyway, it took off and went viral elsewhere here in the u. S. And around the world, lets turn to this story, former fox News Reporter james rosen at Sinclair Broadcasting reporting that a Justice Department official confirmed the fbi has an active moneylaundering case into hunter biden, we are not seeing the evidence of that yet the hunter biden is being investigated for moneylaundering but we have more detailed, your take on the sidelinthis headline. There was a subpoena to secure the hard drive in the laptop we do know now that there has been at least five or six hours of an informant meeting with the fbi, we know that these kinds of investigations take a long time they are slowmoving, make no mistake this is an investigation if its happening on the movement of money, it would arise out of allegations that either theres an appropriate receipt of money or transfer of money, there is all kinds of potential implications that arise from this revelation. Liz let me be clear, we understand that the fbi has the hard drive and the laptop and theres a subpoena involved for that with a moneylaundering case, there is no indication that we can see just yet that hunter biden is being investigated for moneylaundering, we understand that Tony Bobulinski is now talking to the fbi that hes a material witness, hes talking to the fbi about his emails with hunter biden business dealing overseas and selling access with ukraine, burisma, china, we bring this up because there was another individual at these Chinese Energy conglomerate that was charged and convicted of Money Laundering and bribery that is former vice chairman patrick company, he went to prison for that. And he wired 1 million through shell to hunter biden to represent him in his case to help work with him legally, we still dont know the full details of what is going on, how do you prove moneylaundering . Moneylaundering when you boil it down in a simple form is the movement of money illegally and what would make it illegal, it could be that it was either of legally obtained words being transferred with the hope or the effort to avoid taxes or disclosure, theres many reasons why we investigate the movement of money, they always say follow the money but here you have to keep in mind what Tony Bobulinski is outlining could very well be a conspiracy among individuals involving hunter and associates and perhaps jim biden, perhaps joe biden where the movement of money is being concealed because what they are getting away for receipt of that money and was not access to high levels of the government to the Vice President , was it the attempt to try to manipulate decisions being made in this country and in other countries, thats what were talking about that can be a conspiracy that we tell a can in human enterprise, it can be a conspiracy of many different problems. Liz now we get it, thank you, thats really interesting stuff, come back soon. Thank you. Liz we are going to stay on the story about twitter unlocking after two weeks, the New York Post twitter account after it ran out the story on biden selling access stories, we will talk more on Media Censorship on the 2020 race, we debate would there be a blackout if joe biden was not running derriere discomfort. We try to soothe it with this. Cool it with this. And relieve it with this. But new preparation h soothing relief is the 21st century way to do all three. Everyday. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Ythey customize yours lcar insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Wow. That will save me lots of money. This games boring. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liz welcome back you are watching the fox business network, were coming into the bottom of our, but stay on the breaking news, but welcome back to the show robert ray, twitter backing down, unlocking after two weeks of New York Post twitter account over its story reporting it was blocked because of the report on hunter biden business deals and emails and selling access story, now twitter is unblocked the New York Post, what worr are your ft thoughts. Its an omission by twitter that they should not have done this in the first place so they obviously know they did something wrong and came under pressure from the United States senate and the hearing that was appropriately held and of course there is a two week news blackout which regard to the story, two out of the three weeks leading up to a president ial election where he very well could have had an impact on the outcome of that election in a case by some account more than a third of the population of the United States is 30 voted, its a pretty egregious and a grievous error. Thats my reaction. Liz i want to move on to the story, we dont see this anywhere in the headlines, Senate Investigator said hunter biden was abusing the privileges, this time secret Service Protection on dozens of trips to countries around the world why he was on the board of Ukrainian Energy Company Buries ma and his father was Vice President lech show the viewer what we found, we found emails were hunter biden and Business Partner devon archer in an advisor to the inner jing company were talking openly about hunter and getting secret Service Protection on all of these trips to paris, seoul, manila, tokyo and more, this had nothing to do with government business and had everything to do with his personal business dealings, when you see this abuse, you have to say to yourself what was going on with the Vice President letting this happen. Its no surprise given Hunter Bidens problems in there apparently are many and allegiant but misuse of Government Resources is also a serious problem although i will say the decisive objective is to try to figure out whether in the movement of money from overseas interest including china and the ukraine whether or not there was any underlying crime, the fbi apparently had at least a year since december of 2019 to take a look at Hunter Bidens laptop and try to figure out and collaborate, i would hope based upon bank records to find out if there was an underlying crime and rather the people responsible deserve to go to jail, whether that includes hunter biden or not that remains to be seen but yes i understand moneylaundering investigation takes a long time, where a year later we cannot even get confirmation at this point that hunter biden is under investigation. Liz we are talking serious stuff, we are talking china, ukraine, the wife of a former mayor of moscow, hunter biden was touting his fathers contacts overseas to get china to invest in the seed money, he touted his father in sales pitches shaking hands with leaders of columbia or others in south america, and trying to get china to invest in the cdo going and try to get projects in doing projects in romania, luxembourg, columbia, this is the tip of the iceberg stuff that we are seeing in government documents as you point out in bank records and treasury records and suspicious activity reports. This is actual treasury documents and more but we still have the media doing a blackout say this is russian disinformation, your final word on that . If these questions dont get answered now before the election and theres not much time and whether that can really be done or not i guess is doubtful and remains to be seen, i can tell you whats going to happen, if it were to happen that joe biden gets elected, the day after the election theres going to be a special counsel appointed by the trump Justice Department because these questions are legitimate, substantial, they have to be engaged, investigated and those who are responsible have to be held to account and if that includes hunter biden possibly joe biden as well the only way to get to the bottom is to have a legitimate Law Enforcement investigation and i think whats going to happen one way or another you see an appointment of the special counsel, thats whats going to happen in a week. Liz in a week, that is interesting, lieutenant Tony Bobulinski had energy department, topsecret clearance, he worked for the naval clear power training command, he is a tough guy, his father was in the navy, his grandfather, his brother and now hes talking to the fbi, we will stay on the story, were gonna have you back soon robert ray, good to see you thank you for joining us. Have a very nice weekend. Liz President Trump is about to hold another rally, we have that for you plus the Senior Editor Media Censorship of the 2020 race, twitter, finally unlocking the New York Post account on twitter that is breaking news during our our, we have a lot of stuff going on, dont go away. Thats what makes it so amazing that the very outlet that i was built on my journalistic accomplishments then tried to intervene to censor me six days before an election because i wanted to publish reporting and analysis that evidence raises serious question about the conduct of the candidate that all the the candidate that all the editors at the yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. I wasnt sure. Was another around the corner . Or could things go a different way . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. 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Liz lets welcome back to the show the federalist Senior Editor christopher bedford, great to see you, thank you so much for joining us, your reaction to the breaking news twitter finally backing down unlocking the New York Post account after two weeks and a showdown after its reporting on Hunter Bidens selling access it lays bare how boldly political this was, for twitter to do this in the first place, this is not part of their policy, is not something that theyve ever done before, is clearly an attack on the New York Post which is the Third Largest newspaper in the country to try and stop a story that was painful to one of their candidates that they wanted to win and they backed all the way to capitol hill and they should be held accountable for that, its election interference and a contribution to the Democratic Campaign from a company that claims to not do that kind of thing, it is obscene and needs to be investigated despite the lastminute move the debate made. Liz the media blackout on the biden selling access story, would there have been a blackout if joe biden was not running for president . I dont know, i dont think there wouldve been, it is while theyve never quite seen a blackout like this, maybe wartime back in the day this level of blackout information to not only ignore the story, not only ignored the documents and ignore what was going on and capitol hill but ignored across the board an actual intelligence investigation said they were not going to touch it, the issue, falsified looking press release like the mpr claiming this was russian information, it was so bold what they were doing in their alliance that theyre pushing with big tech is here in more dangerous than anything that weve seen before in this level of blackout in the last 20 years from the media in a hold poorly for the future. Liz we have jake tapper saying, he tweeted out the New York Post could in the standoff by deleting the tweets that broke the rules, let me back up, this started, we saw with the president with press conferences and covid19, we have the editorial page of the New York Times saying people should not cover the every day, that is censorship, it calls into question the lack of big picture comprehension of what is at stake in this country when it comes to what democracy needs, your gonna allow somebody to pick and choose what you are allowed to see and read, who in their right mind would allow that to happen, you have a journalist gree Glenn Greenwald quitting his company that he founded because editor censor his story about the biden paid to play peddling selling access overseas because he wouldnt remove the criticism that he had about Hunter Bidens emails and the criticism that this is russian disinformation, take that on, the intercept was founded to stop censorship but stories like the nsa and wikileaks, now thats happening at the intercept, what is going on. It turned out stopping censorship with the code for attacking conservatives and republicans and doing things from a point of view, it is not dissimilar from what we seen with American Civil Liberties union a group that has a proud history of standing up for speech that it likes in speech that it doesnt, that is long been forgotten in pursuit of an extremely partisan agenda and it reminds me of my early days of reporting when neil munro was at the daily caller they got chased out of the white house grounds by the press corps attacking him because he dared to ask president obama question on when he was bypassing congress to pass the dreamers executive order, how dare they do that, you fast forward a few years and are badgering the president when hes doing the easter egg roll, their palace guards for democratic president s and their attackers of anybody on the right. Liz stay on this for a second we have former Rolling Stone column, he is pointing out that the socalled progressive journalist were really upset under the Obama Administration for drone strikes, for surveillance in the players in that was James Clapper in john brennan, they were in the intelligence architecture of the u. S. Government, now we have Glenn Greenwald saying i wanted to write a story talking about the socalled russian disinformation attack on the New York Post when john brennan and James Clapper signed a letter with 50 other intelligence officials, we cannot say either way whether its russian disinformation but then they have the intercept editor saying even if the biden selling access story is proven correct, it is a tiny fraction of the sleeves and lies that trump art using every day, we get that, we get that part of the story, everybody understands that, we set on the show is unacceptable some of the things that trump has said, its unacceptable but do you center a story that is about one politician because the other politician deems worse, dont the American People deserve to see everything. That should be what the newspaper should be willing to pursue especially those against censorship in greenwald are interesting characters because they do not fit in any cast of leftwing or rightwing, theyre not republican or democrat, they upset people on both sides which is what a good journalist should do and its why think greenwald will be a successful after he left Rolling Stone and working by himself and making more money than he ever wouldve made before when he was working for the magazines because people are craving honest journalism that does not stop asking questions when the person that they like is in charge it doesnt just only ask questions when the person they dont like is in charge, these guys dont fit their boxes thats why theyre successful and white for future model for honest media as its people go out and supported by those who want honest journalism. Liz christopher bedford, thank you for breaking it down. We really appreciate it. Next were going to take it to the president rally in minnesota, we will get you updates on that, we have the story Fox News Contributor jeanindeneen borelli should thee unrest on election day, we are tracking information, no indication planning for a walltowall coast to coast protest but locally we will tell you what is goi Nonvalvular Afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Smooth driving pays off with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save you never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today but when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. 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Liz with me now is black voices for trump Advisory Board member, look whos here deneen borelli, we always love having you on, heres the thing should americans be anxious and worried about unrest on election day, we see locally, retailers are boarding up shops in los angeles, san francisco, washington, d. C. , new york and chicago to an walmart removing guns and ammunition from the Stores Nationwide you can still buy their breaking into riots, what do you think would happen. How sad that were having this discussion, when you think about what we seen over the last several months with the leftwing mob taken over progressive run cities and states, i would say it could be likely that we will see more if not worst with the reelection of President Trump and they have been emboldened, this mom has been emboldened because they were not put in their place, they were not stopped not until some cases until they turned on the progressive politicians and so unfortunately, they feel like they have power and control to take over and take matters into their own hands and unfortunately its about the safety and security of innocent americans and Small Business owners as well. Liz we are tracking more than 230 election related lawsuits since the beginning of the year, year to date, that is higher than the three prior election cycles, so we could see there is a chance, we dont know if there will be a winner on election night, thats why people are anxious, do you think because of that you can see more chaos in the streets . That is something that could certainly play into it and what we need is a decisive to know who won the election election night, remember last year we did not know until three in the morning eastern time, i remember because i was at fox studio so it needs to be a decisive win and we need to recognize that we have this radical mob that is out there, angry and mad about anything that is going on in our country, we will see what happens but i hope it does not develop into that. Liz thank you so much, we really appreciate it, come back soon, former ice acting director Ronald Vitiello of Media Censorship of trumps policies, this time at the border in a study new development, more news coming in on which violent criminal abusing the border creating mayhem in america and terrorizing immigrant communities is now being stopped cold by the trump of administration, that story next. With all due respect twitter, you are locking my account does not pass the who is usaa made for . Its made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. Become a member today. Get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote usaa. What youre made of were made for get an insurance quote at usaa. 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Its clear to any reasonable person that twitter is taking sides in this culture, theyre trying to suppress facts and suppressed messages that they might disagree with as in the facts and the post article as in the facts of the commissioner statement which was basically that the wall is keeping us safe and he singled out in the tweet that the people who are prevented from coming into the country which were gang members, drug smugglers or the like, twitter is keeping that information from the American People while protecting the sensibilities of criminals across the board are illegally, it is nonsense, they should be better than that and twitter is a place where people are supposed to express ideas on both sides and individuals can decide what is in their and what they want to take or reject and make their own mind up about, obviously the taking sides in the situation were in today and its not good for us and not good for the industry of social media which is supposed to make us all smarter and have ideas come from different points of view. Mark morgan has testified what he tweeted out to congress and he said his tweet was meant to phrase the work at his agency and efficacy of the wall in general, you might disagree with mark morgan on policy and maybe dont like President Trump but how is what he tweeted false, there are hundreds of miles of wall in europe, canada and mexico have Border Security, sodas europe, hes telling the truth about policy but twitter doesnt like it and silences him, that is the way to go. Your correct anybody at the border more than five minutes knows when the wall system is in place its a much safer location and safer for the agency have to work there and safer for the communities that it protects and overall better Border Security system makes us in the homeland all safer, having the infrastructure does not say anything about the people trying to cross the border, having a wall where its necessary makes us all better, keeps our agents safe and the homeland safe. Liz mexico has a tough border policy, for twitter to do this, people are outraged, heres what else is going on, under the trump of administration more than 600 ms 13 gang members have been arrested since the start of his presidency, that is a stunning accomplishment, three quarters of them are illegal aliens, ms 13 kills for sports, were looking at hundreds of them convicted, 37 of them got light sentences, majority got sentences of five years or more, many of them got those sentences, this is a big achievement, twitter is censoring border walls that stop ms 13 gang members, really. We gotta be grateful to the prosecutors and the Law Enforcement officers who risk their lives to take this people into custody, ms 13 does nothing but trade and misery, getting them off the street and following the prosecutions in those sentences and getting them deported is the way to go and its clear that this administration President Trump has given the Justice Department, the department of Homeland Security my former colleagues the tools and they go ahead to get as many of these criminals out of our communities as possible and get them deported and returned to the country because where do they find their trade, who are they picking on, who are the victims immigrant communities of themselves where they operate, this is a good thing that theyre using resources to find these people, get them prosecuted and get them removed from the country. Liz the reporting on the border has been so distorted, somehow it turned into an antiimmigration story, thats not factually accurate, its inaccurate, the coverage weve been seeing talk about whats going on south of the border, mexico per capita homicide rate is higher than the middle east, you and i have talked about that, the two top security officials, defense secretary the chief of the pentagon and the fbi director, these are former mexico officials, they were arrested for drug corruption, they are right below the leader, the president of mexico, when you see the chaos happening south of the border United States silicone valley, are you listening, twitter do you see this, do you understand whats going on when criminals come into the u. S. And terrorize immigrant communities. Correct we have to have a secure border to keep those threats from coming to our home towns in the United States protecting the homeland with things like a wall. Liz Ronald Vitiello thank you so much, thank you for your service to our country, we appreciate it. I am elizabeth. Charles welcome, everybody, im charles payne. This is perhaps the most important fox business town hall yet, America Votes together. In one week well be getting results from what many say is the most consequential election in our history. With our nation so bitterly divided. There are some unanswered questions. The outcome of election could determine if we remain the preeminent of the world, or join the long list of historic empires that collapse. We have to open our country. Well not have a country. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. His

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