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Legal Jonathan Turley says they have to throw for hail mary passes, not just one in order to get the vote count overturned, also the biden team getting ready to launch a legal battle to get the transition going as secretary of state mike pompeo catches major heat today for saying there will be a smooth transition to a Second Trump Administration and we will give you an update of the former top fbi official injure mccabe testify before the senate claiming he was shocked and disappointed over fbi abuses in the trump pressure probe andg asking questions about the Michael Flynn probe, questioning if you have these issues, widen it and your mccabe whistle blow about all of this when he was in office, what andre injure mccabs finally admitting to, what went wrong and what he knew about the general flynn probe even if Andrew Mccabe was running the show. More on who is running the show in the house, it seems like its not nancy pelosi. Is this a threat to the democratic agenda as democrats pushing back saying biden does have a mandate that the biden agenda faces legal attacks before skeptical conservative judges and roadblocks in the senate as republicans today tightened their hold on power there in the senate with thom tillis winning in north caroli carolina, there is also the secret weapon that republicans have the democrats tried and failed to get rid of, it would cut their agenda and half. We have more on violent drug cartels right now hammering away at the u. S. Border, tom homan takes on how joe biden would handle these increasing dangerous drug cartels. Thank you for joining us im Elizabeth Macdonald, the evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show youre watching the Fox Business Network. Joining me now Sol Wisenberg, should attorney general william barr, should ag bar have led to roll prosecutors investigate voter fraud, what do you think . There is no question, i read the memo very carefully, its a very measured and moderate memo i think this is all the attorney general is saying, he is saying if you have substantial allegation of voting irregularities that could impact the election then you can start inquiring. In the past the d. O. J. Policy has been you wait until after the election is certified and any recount have been held and then the election is certified and as barr pointed out it does not give you a chance to rectify if there are Serious Problems that occurred during the election, this allows u. S. Attorneys to go in without waiting to get approval from this obscure branch within the Public Integrity section of the department of justice which usually tells them wait until after the election it allows them to go forward but it says be very careful, dont go running after things that are just speculative, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all and he is to be commended for issuing the memo. He is s also saying, were not saying voting irregularities affected the outcome or affected the final results, he is saying you should look into it, critics are saying there is no factual predicate showing voter fraud enough to overturn tens of thousands of votes, analyst say thats a long shot, he is saying essentially if theres problems go after it. Remember, yes he is, the department of justice wants to do two things, if the election is not valid they want to get there in time, the chances of that election being invalidated in the courts are infinite love me tell you but if they find lawbreaking and felonious conduct, violation of federal felony statutes connected to the Election Fraud he wants those people prosecuted, his memo does not say go after everything is said that has to be credible and has to be substantial and it has to be something that mayay affected the outcome, it is a very moderate memo. Elizabeth i went to explain a full screen that we showed the viewer, biden essentially one by winning 95000 votes and battlegrounds, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona and wisconsin. The trump team would have to overturn pennsylvania into out of the other four states that we showed in order to get to 270 that would mean 75000 ofs those votes would have to be overturned, 40 recount in the year 2000 involved less than 1800 votes, thats why you have legal like Jonathan Turley aysaying for hail mary, not just one hail mary. Is not just legal legal saying that an election law experts, it is people who have experience in this area like karl rove for example, usually leave these outcomes when you have recount or when there are irregularities affected small number of voters, much smaller than the total numbers we have here, you haveto another proble, that is so far the trump teams have not done well in courts, judges have been very skeptical, a lot of the suits had already been thrown out and keep in mind if you are a lawyer and you go into these courts with the frivolous something that is a frivolous claim you could be sanctioned. One of the judges has raised that possibility and one of the early cases, you cannot go in with nothing you have to have evidence in the other side gets a chance to refute theut eviden. This is ultimately going to be the courts but it does not look good for the trump e. Am its going to be a very uphill battle. Elizabeth Georgia Voting system manager Gabriel Sterling said he was certain georgia would find the legal votes but it was unlikely to be enough to change the results of the election and we talked about jonathan he is a legal, listen to him. This is a very difficult task for the trumpea legal team, they dont have to throw one hail mary, they have toow throw for,t this point there is no evidenceo of systemic fraud and it does look like this is the president elect but having said that in fairness to the Trump Campaign we would not necessarily have the evidence at this point, we are moving from the tabulation stage to the canvassing stage and thats when you would see more systemic problems, also this evidence is held by election officials, it often requires accord to get access to the information. Elizabeth you hear what hes saying, it is coming up now, the issues are coming up now the canvassing stage as we move to certify the results which is happening in a few weeks, we hear the trump team talking about ballot harvesting in nursing homes, weird anomalies in the vote count like changing postmarks on ballot envelopes, dead people voting, the question is is all that enough to show systemic voter fraud the rnc chair Ronna Mcdaniel said she has more than 130 affidavits just in michigan with 2800 o incident reports. What do yous. Think . Show it in court, show up in Court Improvement in court. By the way professor is absolutely right, keep in mind itit is going to be very diffict to do and now is the time where you might find more evidence of the systemic fraud if it exist but this idea that the trump team should stop right now should not be going into court and that the gsa should certify and say joe biden we recognize that you have one is preposterous, thats not what happened withh al gore, the Clinton Administration did not do that with george bush and th0 year 2000 they waited until al gore had exhausted his legal remedies and conceded the race, it is outrageous to suggest there is anything wrong with President Trump making the legal claim, when the legal claim is over and he loses which i believe he will then it is time to full the tent. Elizabeth we also have final word, what is your take on republican state attorney general saint, Supreme Court you audit take on the case in pennsylvania where a Pennsylvania Superior Court allowed for the counting of mailin ballots without postmark even if they were only delivered last friday after the election, its unclear how many of those counts were included in the final result if at all, we have Justice Alito ordering those ballots received after election day ber segregated and separately, do you think the Supreme Court should take this on, what do you think. That is technically still alive case in front of the court, i think they will take it on but again, keep in mind most observers believe that there are not enough votes even if the Supreme Court ruled you should not have allowed those votes that came in after election day, most observers are in the opinion it is not enough to sway the results, the question is what is the materialac impact . Elizabeth we always love having you on Sol Wisenberg, great analysis per come back soon. Coming up house judiciary ranking republican jim jordan, he is fired up, he will give us his take on the fbi official Andrew Mccabe admitting for Senate Judiciary that he was shocked and disappointed over fbi abuses in the trump pressure probe, if you was so upset, why did he whistleblower, i guess that is asking too much as senator graham might say. We have jim jordan next. Stay right there. If you knew then what you knew now would you have signed a warrant application in june of 2017 against carter page . No, sir g ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ beeping ] our Retirement Plan with voya gives us confidence. So we can spend a bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow, do you think you overdid it maybe . Overdid what . Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. Elizabeth okay. Lets welcome back to the show house judiciary ranking republ elizabeth lets welcome back to the showhouse judiciary rankingg republican jim jordan, congressman its great to see you, your reaction when you heard, its good to see what did you think of fired fbi official Andrew Mccabe admitting that he would not have signed off on the fisa wiretap of the Trump Campaign given what he knows now about the fbi abuse that meant just by terrorists, thats what james comey and sally yates are saying after the fact, what are your thoughts . They did not say that for the last four years, hes been out there saying trump pressure collusion and hes been on cnn talking about as well, maybe hes figured outut the truth but they can about this for four years they told us the steele dossier was credible, anyone that looks at that nose the story in the National Enquirer has more truth than t the steele dossier hes finally came around to the truth but he hasnt said that for four years and what they put the country through, comey, mccabe, baker, peter strzok, the top five people have all been fired or left the fbi because of this whole thing i doess its great he figured out the truth but i dont know if he believes that because he also said in his testimony he thinks peter strzok didnt let his bias impact him running the case, arp you kidding this is a guy that said dont worry lisa, will stop trump, i dont put a whole lotta stock of what Andrew Mccabe says. Elizabeth then we have senator graham saying Andrew Mccabe is talking about the other officials everyone is responsible but no one accountable thought how it feels. Thats watch Andrew Mccabe talk around and around in circles and repeating james cohen means find that he was unaware. I am simply following the findings of the Inspector General which documented mr. Clinesmith intentional act but failed to find any evidence documentary or testimonial that indicate that the other mistakes in the fisa package was a result of intentional misconduct. Elizabeth again everything that the fbi did in a terms was unintentional. Take that on. Heres the trouble, these investigations are normally run out of the field office, these guys brought it to the headquarters, they brought it to theey headquarters so andy mcca, jim comey, jim baker and lisa instructed all run the case, now to say i did not really know what is going on its just mr. Clinesmith based on what the Inspector General said, that does not fly or pass the smell test because you guys specifically brought it to the headquarters and ran the whole thing out of the headquarters and launch this investigation on the dossier that anyone knows and everyone knows today was completely false and you did in 2016 on july 31 trying to get the president before he was elected. Elizabeth then mccabe denied knowing who ordered peter strzok to keep Michael Flynns case open, even though Andrew Mccabe was running the show. Again and again, cnn hired Andrew Mccabe as an analyst, if he keeps saying hes unaware of probes that he was running that he doesnt know what was going on its almost like james comey saying i was unaware, dozens of times, why would you i buy james comeys book if you so unaware whats going on. The problem is, you just pointed out, they had a politicized probe inside headquarters, go ahead. Sure, they definitely knew what they were doing to general flynn because now the famous january 5, 2017 during the oansition, thats when the meeting in the oval office yell obama, comey, rice all the top people, joe biden, all the top people and they put together the play how they would take out Michael Flynn in 19 daystr late, four days into the Trump Administration they sneak people into flynns office and setp. Hm up, the reason they had to do it was they knew Michael Flynn to figure out what they had done Michael Flynn was former head of the Defense Intelligence Michael Flynn the threestar general served our country for 33 years he figured out, step one of the cover up was to make sure we take out Michael Flynn and they did, they made a threestar generals life miserable for the past four years, now for andy mccabe saying i did not know about it was not my fault is baloney. Elizabeth at the end of the day you know where people keep saying over and over again talk to so many people inside the fbi, this leads right to the death of president barack obama, thats what we hear time and time again thats why they keep saying in testimony were unaware we dont know who did this because it came from the top down, when we look at the facts and the details we had Andrew Mccabe undercutting and downplaying the steele dossier which you mentioned that the Hillary Campaign funded in the dnc funded and basically used for wiretap, if used downplaying it why was it so important to put in the Intelligence Committee assessment that james comey demanded the cia put in their even though Andrew Mccabe is downplaying it we did not rely on it but it was so important to put inn the ipa, your final word. They needed some predicate because they did not have anything else we knew there was no proper predicate because ricker now release the transcripts copper said i never saw collusion or conspiracy between Trump Campaign in russia, susan rice said the same thing, they had tooam have something, they use the bogus topic under dossier that the Clinton Campaign paid for because she wanted to take heat off her for the emails. Elizabeth jim jordan you were fired up and we knew you would bring it, you did. Good to seeid you. Nobody wants politicized intelligence operations going avter an opponent. We will have more after the break. Stay right there. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. Dcoughings not new. This woman coughs. And that guy does, too. 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Elizabeth oka elizabeth youre watching thes Fox Business Network were coming into the bottom of the hour thats welcome back to that show ranking republican james comer, its great to see you, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy that the squad is running the show in the house for the democrats and they are the new power from the party that legislation can be passed unless alexandria ocasiocortez agrees, that seems a little fishy. It is 100 true the squad lost congress was about four or five members this next will be 14 or 15 members and that is well beyond pelosi majority, she cannot lose any of the squad and pass any legislation they will vote as a block much like the House Freedom caucus only the House Freedom caucus dance for freedom in the squad stands for socialism, thats a big problem for pelosi. Elizabeth now we get it the squad tripled in size now we understand rights of threat, biden needs the republican cover in the senate he cannot be yanked hard left or the democrats will lose more seats in the house and the midterms, that is the issue now we have alexandria ocasiocortez and sanders are they gearing up to lobby the biden a administration for the green new deal, medicare for all, senator sanders could run the budget committee, will we see a 15dollar minimum federal minimum wage, what do you think . They are certainly trying as we speak if you follow andrea ocasiocortez on twitter she is tweeting asking their opinion on which progressive idea they should begin with, they really believe with all their heart that theyre the reason joe biden one, they have not figured out that because a lot of republican campaigns use pictures of ocasiocortez into leave and there commercials they were doing it to help the republicans not to help the democrats. I believe that ocasiocortez is going to be in for a rude awakeninga she will be a thorn n the side of joe biden from the very beginning, there is no way joe biden if he is the clear president will be able to pass the liberal socialist agenda that ocasiocortez and Bernie Sanders campaigned on. Elizabeth the senate could box bidens agenda thee democrat agenda from the senate has too owprove the agenda in the Senate Getting stronger in power in terms of the republican power stronger in i republican power. The secret wrap on that republicans have is a filibuster democrats wanted to get rid ofan it plus hundreds of new conservative judges that will stop any regulation, what do you think, final word. Exactly the greatest thing that donald trump did along with the Senate Republicans is change the district forever, with so many good laws that went down in flames because of liberal activist judges, they have been placed by conservative judges who will interpret the constitution. America is better off because of donald trump in the Republican Senate just from the standpoint of all the new judges they confirm. There is a good block on the socialist agenda, the courts we have the Senate Majority and regain so many houses in the house is going to be a hard road to hold for nancy pelosi to pass what the squad wants in the upcoming. Elizabeth is good to see you, thank you for coming on. Up next back with us as fox news foreignpolicy contributor Tyron Skinner on exactly where joe biden is going to unleash executive orders in order to rollback President Trumps policy, that story next. harold twelve hundred strings of lights. betsy quarter mile of tinsel. harold and real snow all the way from switzerland. betsy hmmhm. Gonna be tough to top. betsy well played. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Elizabeth with me now fox news foreignpolicy contributor tehran skinner enjoys great debbie back on. Can you break down how joe biden plans to rollback trumps policies with four executive orders, this is what were hearing as of this hour, rejoining the paris climate agreement,em reinstating daca rejoined the World Health Organization repeal the president travel ban targeting nations a large terrorist activity, break that down, what do you think of all of those possible executive orders . The way i would like to speak that question is to to another proposal that he put forward which is to set forth a Coronavirus Task force. I think that isd actually a good idea to bring scientists and policy experts and scholars and others that he has faith and to deal with the Global Pandemic that had a great impact on our society. What youou just mentioned is ve, very different with executive orders it is an attempt to rollbacky, very quickly a set of policy measures international and domestic that President Trump put in place, for the most part they have been working very well and this is in contradiction to what Vice President biden has said about being the president for all of america, before he does these in rapid order as he has said, i believe he means what he says, he should take his proposals to the American Public so he can really talk about the reasoning underneath going back into the World Health Organization, making dreamers u. S. Citizens, addressing muslim band countries and the nud new context for thia major reaction against donald trump fulfilling a Campaign Pledge but the most recent pledges to the American Public. Elizabeth why would it be bad, explain why it would be bad to join the paris climate agreement and why is it a bad idea to rejoined the World Health Organization and why is it bad to lift the travel ban on 13 countries where there is a lot of terrorist activity, can you break this down . Start withta the ones where theres lots of terrorist activity, one of the big successes of the Trump Administration has been to defeat isis, the project is not over, it is entailed a lot of diplomacy and it has entailed military strength and iraq in the broader east, if the io means that we are reversing all of those things i think we will be less safe. Referring to the other eos like the paris climate accord, i think we need to see what being out of that accord has done, lets have that conversation, lets submit it to the policy expert, if there is a sense of the International Community that there will be our short order reversal of everything that was achieved under the Trump Administration in the foreignpo policy realm, i think it leads to more confusion, more doubt and i think we are weaker because the reasoning behind Donald Trumps decision to pull out of these agreements is that they did not favor America First and our objective and i think we have strength and credibility with our adversaries in b our friends by saying our National Interest will driver policy, idVice President biden has not done so far is to tell us what will drive his foreignpolicy, if is not that National Interest and what. Elizabeth thank you for joining us. Ro you. K elizabeth kiron skinner, thank you for joining us, come back soon. Coming up former California Republican party transform, we have more on top official intermccabe denied that he yet intentionally, he said he did not intentionally mislead investigators that leaked to the media, the question is this how do you deny that, we will spell out what he denied knowing when it came to fbi abuses of the probe of Michael Flynn. Y next. Ry you authorized using it to go after general flynn as a political persecution. I can give you the answer, hell no joe biden is not violating the logan act, the reason you will not say it it was youric flimsy political basis to go after a decorated war hero because you disagreed with President Trump. Juggled life for it. Took charge for it. So care for it. Look after it. Invest with the expertise of j. P. Morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. After all, its yours. Chase. Make more of whats yours. For members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. 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Elizabeth back with me now Sol Wisenberg the former of California Republican party chair, we talked a lot about the case we have former acting fbi ctredirector intermccabe denyig before Senate Judiciary that he had intentionally misled investigators about leaking to the law stree wall street journl about the clinton foundation, he is saying he did not intentionally mean to mislead, that is aspirated republicans,li john kennedy said, where you fired for parking in the wrong parking spot, it was a testimony from Andrew Mccabe. 100 i have been an attorney for over three decades and its one thing to have a bad memory about what other people do and mislead in that direction but your own conduct, there cannot be any doubt that in fact he knew what he had done and that he told investigators that know he did not. So even james comey, the bible telling truth said that he lied and that he should pay a price for it. Nothing came of it, that is why it is frustrating, if i did that sort of thing or the average person, im pretty average i would think, i would be in jail, there are people that went to jail for this sort of thing, why is he not charge, thats quite frustrating. Senator kennedy picking up on what you just for saying, john kennedy would likely agree because he asked why does retired Michael Flynn a former nsa to President Trump, why was he charged with misleading the fbi when mccabe wasnt, lets take a listen to this exchange. General flynn has been prosecuted for lying to the fbi. You lied to the fbi and you arent being prosecuted. Dont you think that sends the wrong message to the american people. General flynn situation and mine had absolutely nothing in common, i never ever intentionally misled the fbi or the ig under any circumstances and i think that is probably tht conclusion that the Attorneys Office came to when they dismissed the twoyearf investigation. You were not fired for parking in the handicap parking spot at the fbi, were you . You are fired for lying, were you not . Elizabeth you can hear the frustration and Andrew Mccabe denied knowing anything aboutan peter strzok keeping open the general Michael Flynn case after the fbi ordered it shut, Andrew Mccabe oversaw the probe into general flynn. Take about this when he said theres nothing in common, in fact comey and others came to theth conclusion that flynn did not mislead that he never intended, on crossexamination in the courtroom i would say i agree with you, there is nothing in common, in fact he had no intention but for different times you did this, you did not do it just once, there was four different times, there is a twotiered system, out in the country people wonder why if he was recommended for prosecution and he never was and how hillary got away with the Computer System and it seems like if youre related to or associated with President Trump you do get that, there is a feeling of a broken system even in washington, d. C. , but certainly out in america. Elizabeth we have talked to fbi sources say the problem started at the getgo when this investigation which was supposed to be in the field offices for example the new York Field Office said it was redirected toward the washington headquarters, they did not have their boots on the ground, guys usually do this like work, they had political offer gives wayne in on this and that james comey was quick to jump on the train over to the white house that he is a lawyer by trading, yet an investigator who could of got to the bottom of what was going on with the trump russia probe and instead there was so muchu misfeasance according to the d. O. J. , i see, the fisa court shut down saying you abused us, were meant to go after terrorists, you abused us to go after political opposition instead of doing the job to catch the bad guys. That is the issue, we dont want to turn into east germany thats why we hear from the fbibi themselves, agents who dont like what happened, they dont like that the fbi in intelligence was used in weaponize to go after political opposition campaign, take out the word trump, take out the word obama you look at the facts and people get really upset when you look at it that way, your tfinal word. I remember at the time Andrew Mccabe was getting help from clinton operatives and his wife was running for office so it looked really fishy from the beginning that he would be involved at all, he shouldveve recused himself, instead the power centered around him and people see it for what it isll t its really sad that d the d. O. Did not make them pay a price like james comey suggested they should. Elizabeth if it was given to a field office instead of the very politicized fbi headquarters in washington, if it was given to a field office you may have not had the Mueller Probe you may have gone to the bottom of what was going on with allegations about trumpp russia collusion, maybe that wouldve been taking care of faster than the three year investigation the country went through. Your final word . The clinton operation or investigation ended quickly and they jumped to trump, that played a role together and leaves a bad taste in peoples memory and wonder what the d. O. J. Would be under potential President Biden. Elizabeth they stand for joining us, good to see you. Coming up retired ice acting director tom homan with more on how violent drug cartels continued to hammer away at the u. S. Border, theyre doing it right now, we will talk to him about what he thinks about how joe biden would handle these increasingly dangerous criminal syndicates. That is next. Every place they put up border. The border wall it has resulted nn decreased illegal immigration and decreased drug, the Border Patrol put this in the president given exactly what they wanted, President Biden needs to do is research before he makes a reversal on this decision. Ry. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. children laughing music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. One of the worst things about a cois how it can make you feel. 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St for a secondhat yha you hyoeay psidentsimial week n, president si bid b needseedses ok t t datat want to m it clear he is not our president , hes not President Biden so the soundbite lost some of my words i want to make that clear i support the president and his lawsuit so i want to make that right off the getgo. , President Trump has had unprecedented success on the border, you cannot argue that, 80 decline in illegal immigration, no president in my lifetime and i worked for six has had that success, he had agreements in Central America that no other president was able to get and with mexico they are doing a more secure border, illegal immigration on 80 which means cartels are not making millions of dollars in smuggled drugs, women are not being sexually assaulted by the cartels, children are not dying if President Trump did a great job and if biden takes over we will lose the border because he made promises, he will give them free healthcare, he will put a moratorium on deportation, he will not allow raids anymore, he said he supports sanctuary cities and ice detention, why wouldnt anybody in the world not want to come to the United States when you wont be arrested, detained or reported and you could get a job easily and ice will never catch you because they wont raid. If he becomes president we lose the border on the success President Trump has had. Elizabeth i think its been hard for people to understand that america is proimmigration, often face immigration that is hard to grasp, when you have a protected border and you havent done safely in a humane way where people come here in a humane way instead of trying to cross the board illegally, if you try to cross the board or illegally you are subject to drug and human traffickers, one in three women are getting sexily assaulted, children get attacked and then we have a lot of issues with Border Patrol seizing tons of drugs, they deceived one and half tons of meth and piano me at the texas Border Crossing in late october, we have drug cartel a street value of 60 million, drug cartel using drones to drop drugs across the border in tunnel systems. These attacks are still going on at the border despite President Trumps efforts to shut all of that down, that is an issue right . You are 100 accurate, everything you said, thinking for saying that, why are more drugs being captured, because the cbp, the Border Protection in the Border Patrol 50 60 are not taking care of family groups on the border, they are vigilant, doing their jobs and catchy narcotics, however, it joe biden becomes president we will see a surge on the border again which means you have overcrowded facilities, more children will die unfortunately, more women will get sexually assaulted, cartels will make millions and when you lose control of the border and have your border no longer on the line, more drugs will come across of the port of entry that wont be caught, more people wont die of opioid overdoses, it doesnt make sense that you would take away the Border Security that this president has one in keeping america safe, you talk about the drones, they are a serious serious problem, a drone carries 10 pounds of fat and all across the border, that is worth 6 million when its cut. Just a small amount in a drone flying over the border it means a lot of money for the drug cartels, thankfully cdp has technology that can trace them in track them. Elizabeth and Southern California the border guys caught enough methamphetamine to give doses to every man, woman and child in both the United States and in mexico, to top former officials and mexicos government the equivalent of the fbi chief and the head of the pentagon accused of drug corruption, we also have major major violence going on at the border, i cannot imagine that the biden team will not see that, do you really think that they do not see that and theyre going to try to unwind things like the border wall or the hardline policies that the Trump Administration has put in place . Absolutely unless hes lying, he said he would stop building the wall, what is shameful in 2006 he voted for th defense act which would spend up to 50 billion on border barriers, that is a fraction of what the Trump Administration has spent, at one point he voted for that because he knew it worked, before he makes the decision he ought to look at the data you play this before, every place has border barrier, every places that a decrease of illegal immigration, and drug flow, decrease in deaths, decrease in assault, the border wall is something the Border Patrol has been begging for, this is not President Trumps border wall this is americas wall hes giving them exactly what they need and its working, i was in san diego in the early 80s and we had 2000 illegal aliens on a ship to tijuana, i think last time they got 48 compared to a thousand, border walls work and he should not shut them down, what he said himself, you can go to his website, he will stop operation so they can work here illegally he will stop deportation to put a moratorium on deportations, when they resume deportations its only for those illegal aliens convicted of a serious felony. He just sent a message, you can work here illegally, we will not deport you, we will not detain you and you can commit multiple misdemeanors and we will not remove you, does not take a Border Expert to realize what that will do to her border. We hear what youre saying and under the Trump Administration they arrested 600 ms 13 gang members a majority who were illegal aliens, final word. Allstate once again loud and clear the border and immigration should have been a major issue during this campaign, our sovereignty of the nation is important to every american, our safety as americans rely in the border, President Trump is unprecedented success, we cannot lose it, im glad he is fighting and im glad we have spending and will see what happens. Elizabeth tom homan, good to see you, thank you for coming on. I am Elizabeth Macdonald you been watching the evening edit on fox business. Thank you so much for watching we hope you have a good evening, join us again tomorrow night. Good to see. Everybody, and well see you back here psalm time tomorrow. Same time tomorrow. Lou good evening, everybody. It has been a week since the radical dems tried to steal an election from President Trump, or so it appears. And finally there is a signal of life coming from the department of justice. Attorney general william barr has authorized the Justice Department now to investigate substantial allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 president ial election. Within hours of the attorney generals or authorization, the man who would normally lead such an effort, the director of the department of justice election crimes branch,

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