Beloved leaders in our nations history, Ronald Reagan. The beginner, the great communicator, americas 40th commander in chief. He railed against big government. The nine most terrifying words of the english language are, im from the government and im here to help. And sought peace through strength. Tear down this wall. 40 years after reagans landslide reelection, the Republican Party faces critical questions what does it mean to be a conservative . We fight for the truth. We are not going to worry about what the left and the media say about us. What is the key to a thriving economy . Its innovation, not regulation. America can do for anyone what shes done for me. We will stop the spending, we will stop the borrowing, we will stop the earmark. What is meshs role in the world americas role in the world . We need to build a military fitted to the widening challenges in an ever more dangerous world. Sometimes you avoid war by showing. Country faces even more challenges, would reagan even recognize the countryspecific friendsatfoxnews. Com in which we now live . Country in which we now live. The country converging in california to chart a new path for the grand old party. Now is the time for choosing. [ applause ]. Welcome to the second Republican Debate of the 2024 primary live from the Ronald Reagan president ial library in simi valley, california. Were inside the spectacular air force 1 pavilion where the stage is set for a show down. Stuart im stuart varney, a fox business and i am thrilled to be sitting alongside by comoderators Fox News Channel dana perino and ilia calderon, univision. Good evening. Ilia thank you, thank you, stuart. President reagan famously described america adds a shining city on a hill and tonight seven candidates will make the case they should be the one to lead that city into a brighter tomorrow. But first, they have to convince you, the voter. Please allow me to welcome our Spanish Speaking audience. [ speaking Foreign Language ] dana and good evening. S lets meet the candidates that have qualified and chosen to be on this stage the only thing. They are positioned by the order they rank in the polls with the highest polling candidate in the middle. Standing center stage, florida governor, ron desantis. [ applause ]. Stuart entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. And former South Carolina governor nikki haley. Inland and Orange County South Carolina senator tim scott. And former new jersey governor chris christie. Dana on the wing tonight former Vice President mike pence. And north dakota governor doug burgum. Stuart questions on a wide variety of issues and primary voters and candidates get one minute to answer and 30 seconds to respond if singled out. When their time runs out, well all hear this [ bell tolling ]. Stuart we have a holt of ground to cover so please keep it civil civilized. Dana lets get going. Were in a sparkes sunny place tonight designed to reflect the very nature and character of Ronald Reagan. Its a place that makes you proud to be an american. Yet today our nation is drowning in division, and incivility. Ilia voters say they dread the 2024 election and find politics exhausting. Two in three americans think the country is on the wrong track. And three in four say the economy is not in good shape. Stuart prices are up 18 since 2020. More than half of the u. S. Population has little access to child care. 85 of americans say their personal finances are a source of stress. Dana americans want to believe a leader who says you can follow me. Ive got you. Dont worry. President biden is trying to do that with bidenomics. Stuart and yesterday he joined the picket lines where auto workers are demanding more wages and job security. Senator scott, you recently reacted by praising Ronald Reagan for firing air Traffic Controllers in the 1980s saying, you strike, youre fired. Would you fire thousands of striking auto workers today, senator . Obviously the president of the United States cannot fire anybody in the private sector, however, we should look back at the first bill in congress under joe biden. The first bill had 86 billion for the Union Pensions because they continue to overpromise yet underdeliver. One of the challenges we have with the current negotiations is that they want four day french workweeks, but more money. They want more benefits working fewer hours. That is simply not going to stand. I sat in the finance Committee Hearing when a widow came before the committee whose promised mentions from the unions, 4,000 a month. Unfortunately it had been cut to 1,000 a month. We must make sure that we honor the commitments that we make and one of the ways we do that, do not overpromise and then underdeliver and leave the taxpayers on the hook. Ill say this, joe biden should not be on the picket line. He should be on the southern border working to close our southern border because it is unsafe, wide open, and insecure leading to the deaths of 70,000 americans in the last 12 months because of fentanyl. It is devastating. Every county in america is now a border county because fentanyl has devastated americans in every single state. I will also say 6 million illegal crossings since joe biden has taken office. And he eliminated title 42. The one thing he should do is finish the wall, reinstate title 42, and get the job done. Dana i can promise you were going to have a lot of questions on the border and immigration but in the meantime, we want to talk about the economy and jobs and especially want to talk about this strike for just a moment more. Mr. Ramaswamy, youve said you really empathize with the strikers. Youre standing next to senator scott and do agree with what he said or i did hes wrong . I agree with some of what he said for sure. I like the spirit of it. Ill say i dont have a lot of patients for the union bosses and thats where he and i have a common view. I have a lot of sympathy for the workers however. People are going through real hardship in this country. Ive been through hardship growing up. My father stared down layoffs at ge under jack welchs tenure at the ge plant in evendale, ohio. My mom had to work overtime in Nursing Homes in southwest ohio to make ends meet and pay off our home loan. I understand that hardship is not a choice. But victim hood is a choice. We choose to be victory yo victn the United States of america. If i was giving advice to the workers, i would say go picket in front of the white house in washington dc. Thats where the protest needs to be. Disastrous economic policies that have driven up prices and driven up Interest Rates and Mortgage Rates at the same time wages remaining stagnant. What we need is to deliver Economic Growth in this country. Unlock american energy, drill, frack, burn coal, embrace nuclear energy, put people back to work by no longer paying them more money to stay at home. Stabilize the u. S. Dollar itself and rescind a majority of those unconstitutional federal regulations that are hampering our economy. That is how we unleash american exceptionalism and thats not a democratic vision or a republican vision, that is an American Vision that we embrace Economic Growth and capitalism is still the best system known to man to lift us up from poverty and we should not apologize for it. Thats what it means to be an american. [ applause ]. Stuart together the ceos of general motors, ford, and stellantis make 336 times the number of rank and file workers. Thats just part of a wilder income ine wider income inequality in the country and richest 1 controls one fifth of all income. Vice president pence, last week you said you side with American Workers, but you also support how these companies operate. Which is it . Well, thank you for the question. I want to thank univision and fox business for assembling such a wonderful forrum. Look, i do disagree with something tim scott said. Joe biden doesnt belong on the picket line. He belongs on the unemployment line. I mean, look, im from the second leading manufacturing state in the country per capita. I was governor of the state of indiana. We brought 12,000 factories back to america during our administration. I know something about manufacturing and i got to tell you while the union bosses are talking about class wa warfare d disparity in wages, i have to tell you i really believe whats driving that is bidenomic has failed. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. Auto workers and all American Workers are feeling it. Families are struggling in this economy. Joe bidens Green New Deal agenda is good for beijing and bad for detroit. We ought to repeal the Green New Deal, get rid of the mandates and subsidies that are driving american gasoline, Automotive Manufacturing into the graveyard, and beyond that also as president of the United States, ill be standing with workers all across america and ill be standing for the right to work of every american to join a union or not join a union as they decide. Stuart senator scott. Care to respond . Theres no doubt that joe biden needs to be fired, thats why im running for president. I look forward to being the next president of the United States and i will also say i know america can do for anyone what shes done for me. Its why were focusing on restoring hope, creating opportunities, and protecting the america we all love. Growing umm in the single parent household, i wondered if the American Dream would work for the kid in the inner city. Ive got good news for every single child, whether youre in the inner cities of chicago or the rural parts of iowa, america and the dream, it is alive, it is well, and it is healthy. God bless these United States of america. Stuart Governor Haley, you raised your hand . Yeah, i think we need to look at exactly what happened. Biden showed up on that picket line, but why are those workers actually there . Its because of all the spending that he has pushed through in the economy thats raised the inflation so when you look at the fact that we are paying higher gas prices, higher grocery prices, 7,000 more a year for families. What we need to do is i came out with a economic plan, eliminate the gas and diesel tax so they have more money in their pocket, focus on going after Middle America and cutting taxes for Middle America and collapsing those brackets. Lets get rid of unfair distortions like the state and local tax that they give to wealthy people in blue states and not in red states, and lets make sure we make the Small Business taxes permanent. They only made those temporary. They made the Corporate Taxes permanent. Lets focus on what it fak takeo get more cash in the pocket of workers and well be able to deal with strikes like this and not sitting on the picket line. Ilia thank you, we have other questions about the economy. Allow me to i have to jump in because were missing the point and every other network is mizing the point. The reason why people are striking in detroit is because joe bidens interference with Capital Markets and with free markets. The subsidies, were subsidizing the auto makers and the cars and a particular kind of car. Not every kind of car but particularly electric vehicles. When you decide that were going to take all of your taxpayer moneys and take a billion dollars, subsidize a certain type of vehicle and the batteries come from kai that and china controls 85 of Rare Earth Minerals and theyre called rare earth because theyre measured in parts per million and china moving hundreds of pounds of earth in africa and destroying the planet to make a battery thats in a car subsidized here. Thats why theyre striking because they need twothirds less workers to build an electric car. Joe biden this strike is at joe bidens feet. Ilia were going to talk about the economy but allow me to followup question to governor christie. The government will shut down if congress does not reach a deal by the end of this week. Vice president pence warns that politics of trumps populous prodigies like mr. Ramaswamy are a road to the demise. Should voters blame the republican s . They should blame everyone. Theyve been sent down to do the job and theyve been failing for a very long time. Lets be honest with the voters. During the trump administration, they ad 7 trillion in National Debt. Now the Biden Administration put another 5 trillion on and counting. They have failed and theyre in the spot theyre in now because none of them are willing to tell the truth, none of them are willing to take on the difficult issues and they want to kick the can down the road. The inflation that nikki spoke about is absolutely right and caused by government spending, and thats why people all across this country are suffering tonight. Yet we dont get any answers because joe biden hides in his basement and wont answer as to why hes raising the debt the way hes done and donald trump hides behind the walls of his golf clubs and wont show up here to answer questions like all the rest of us are up here to answer. He put 7 trillion on the debt, he should be in this room to answer those questions for the people you talk about who are suffering. If the government closes, and if the government closes, its the blame it is to the blame of everyone in washington dc who has failed to do their job and just plays to the grand stand. Ilia next question for Governor Desantis. Can we please respect the time. Governor desantis, you havent spoken, please. The people in washington are shutting down the American Dream with their reckless behavior. They borrowed, they printed, they spent and now youre paying more for everything. They are the reason for that. They are shut down our National Sovereignty by allowing our border to be wide open so please spare me the crocodile tears for these people. They need to change whats going on . Wheres joe biden . Completely missing in action from leadership. Who else is missing in action . Donald trump is missing in action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added 7. 8 trillion to the debt, that set the stage for the inflation that we have. Now, i can tell you as governor of florida, we cut taxes, we ran surpluses, weve paid down over 25 of our state debt, and i vetoed wasteful spending coming to the bill and as your president , when they send me a bloating spending bill and ill take out the veto pen and send it right back to them. [ multiple people talking ]. Dana a question thats on the minds of a lot of moms and dads and youre think ago complete the catch it and child care costs topping 10,000 per month and some families spending up to half of income on child care. Theyre having to decide is it worth it for me to work or does it not make sense for me financially . 24 three days the pandemic era funding will send and 70,000 day cares could close. Theres an effort to broaden eligibility for child care assistance and that fell apart last year and for the moms and dads out there who are worried, what can you tell them if you werent able to get it through the congress, how could you do it as president . One of the things i did as a member of the congress was to make sure that we protected the head start programs around the country giving people the opportunity to pick and choose the place that they send their children. The challenges that we see today under the Biden Administration is that the cost for day care has gone over 15,000 per child. The build back broker plan, he called it a build back better plan, it was going up to 29,000. The way we fix that problem is to make sure that we actually cut taxes and give more americans their money back. When i help write the tax cuts and jobs act, we actually lowered a single mothers it taxes by 70 on the federal level. For dual income house cold by household by 60 . We went a step further and doubled the Child Tax Credit card and made it refunneledable and by doing that, more refundable and more parents had the resources to take care of their family. One thing we need to do is let the American People keep their money. When that happens, the greatest opportunities rise from the as ashes. Dana 15 seconds then were going to the border. Ilia mischaracterized part of my view. The Artificial Division is unhelpful in the party. Its not between the republicans on the stage for the real divide. In the Reagan Library, these are good people on the stain. The real divide is between the majority of us in this country that love the United States of america and share our founding ideals free speech, meritocracy, the idea you get ahead in the country not by the color of your skin but the content of your character and the fringe minority in the Democrat Party that has a choke hold over that party, thats the real divide and thats the populous debate is artificial and we need to unit this country. Dana we are going to talk about immigration. Ilia. Were going on. We had all these questions, were going to get to you and come back to you. Theres a lot of time. You asked about child care and nobody answered the question. In north dakota, we knew the cliff was copping and millions of people without it and we planned. We passed legislation dana sir, well get you some questions but youre going to have to let us mover on. Were going to the border. Dana dana no, sir. Ilia in 1984, president Ronald Reagan said the following the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally. Ilia two years later, president reagan granted amnesty to nearly 3 million immigrants, something no democrat or republican president has done since. Governor christie, as governor of nonborder state in 2010, you supported a path to citizenship but when you run for president in 2016, you flipped saying immigrants should be tracked like fedex packages. Where do you stand now on a path to citizenship for 11 million of undocumented immigrant s . The problem is since no one has done anything since we first had this discussion 13 years ago, were not in a position to be able to do any of that anymore. What we have to do now is first treat this like the Law Enforcement problem it is. Our law laws are being broken ey day at the southern border, every day. And joe biden and his crew is doing nothing about enforcing that law. They are letting it go and by the way, they announced during the president ial race they were going to let it go. And we need to have a president who acts like i did as governor, enforce the law. First and foremost and that means what ill do on day one is sign an executive order to send the National Guard to partner with customs and Border Patrol to make sure that we stop the flow of fentanyl over the border, but also to make sure that we send a match different message, we want you here in this country to fill the 6 million vacant jobs we have, but only if you come here to follow the law and only if you come here legally. If you come here illegally, we will apprehend you and we will send you back across the border from which you came. The fact is and until we set a law and order agenda in this country, not only now but in this future, we wont be able to continue this. Ill tell you this, donald trump failed on this as well. He said he was going to build a wall across the whole border. He built 52 miles of wall and said mexico would pay for it. If mexico knew hed only build 52 miles, they might have paid for the 52 miles. Dana Governor Haley, host Illegal Immigrants are coming from countries south of the border. The fox news drone captured steady stream of people coming into the country on a daily basis and thats a live picture happening right now live. In the last decade the u. S. Spent nearly 55 billion to address the root causes of migration and crime, poverty and corruption persists and number of myograbs is only growing. Myograns is only growing. Migrants is growing and are we wasting our money . When joe biden waived the green flag it told everyone to come and had 6 Million People arkoses the border and more fentanyl killing more americans than iraq, vietnam and afghanistan wars combined. We need to be a country of laws and the second we stop being a country of laws, we give up everything this country was founded on. We have to secure the border. The way we do that is first of all defund isnt ware cities and see whats happening . Defund sanctuary cities and stop is now. We need 25,000 more Border Patrol and ice agents on the ground and do their job. I spent days on the border and Border Patrol agents arent allowed to do their job. Go back to remain in mexico policy and instead of catch and release, go to catch and deport. Dana what about the aid that federal taxpayers are paying to deal with the root causes . Its not working or is it . Only aid we should be spending right now is to secure the border, the southern border, northern border, period. Dana cut off aid to the region . Itll keep americans safe and right now americans are not safe. Only when we fix the immigration system, only when we get the border secure should we ever look at putting anymore money into this. Our money should be about keeping americans safe. Were not doing that, joe bidens not doing that, and you mentioned congress and shutting down government. Ill make it clear, we have to change the budget process in four years. In 40 Years Congress has only driverred a budget on time four dimes in 40 yore times in 40 years. If they dont keep it open, no pay, no budget. Stuart Governor Desantis, we have a question for you. China invested 12 billion in latin america just last year. They signed a Strategic Partnership with seven countries including mexico and chinas military ties to the region now include armed sales and training exercises. Are you comfortable with china deepening ties with our southern neighbors . Of course not. The reason why were in this mess and the leads in dc far too long have chosen surrender over strength coming to the ccp. Some people in the country got rich, our Industrial Base got hauled out and theyve been able to build the second most powerful military in the entire world. We need a totally new approach to china. Were going to have real, hard power in the indo pacific like reagan to deter their ambitions and well have economic independence from china where were decoupling our economy and were going to go after the cultural power they have in this country as governor of florida, i banned the ccp from buying land in our state. We should do that all across these United States. We shouldnt have them in our universities. We shouldnt have confusion institutes china pass us and if they do that, thatll affect every American Household and as your president , im not going to let that happen and reverse this countrys i did cline and choose strength not surveillance vender coming to the ccp. America is not a country in if decline. Under joe biden, were a countryspecific friendsatfoxnewcountry counte citizens of the United States, under what legal premise will you expel u. S. Citizens . So the first i think i agree with everything and the republicans on the stage are on the right side of the issue, militarize the southern border, stop funding sanctuary cities and send aid to mexico and southern america to stop coming across. I go a step further and favor ending birthright citizenship for the kids of Illegal Immigrants in this country. Now the left will howl about the constitution and the 14th amendment. The difference between me and them is ive read the 14th amendment. It says that all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the laws and jurisdiction thereof are citizens. So nobody believes that the kid of a mexican diplomat in this country enjoys birthright citizenship. Not a judge or legal scholar in this country will disagree with me on that. If a kid of a mexican diplomat doesnt enjoy birthright citizenship, than neither does a kid of illegal migrant that broke the law to come here and the father of two sons its hard for me to look them in the eye and say you have to follow the law when our own government fails to follow its own laws. Thats how we really go the distance and solve this problem and restore the rule of law in the United States of america because that is part of what it even means to be an american. Ilia senator scott, do you oppose ending birthright citizenship . What does ramaswamy have wrong on the issue . Theres no doubt thinking of the constitution and the 14th amendment it was written relating to slavery and not illegal immigration and applied to illegal immigration and the challenge is one that has to do with whether or not the people that come here are under the jurisdiction of our laws and frankly if you come here illegally, you are not. Surviving a Supreme Court argument is something i cant tell you but from a perspective of the constitution, i think its simple that clearly it was designed for slavery and not for illegal immigration. Ill go one step further though. When we have a conversation about the things that are happening on this stage, we think about the fact that vivek said we are all good people, and i appreciate that because last debate he said we were bought and paid for and i thought about that for a while and said you know, i cant imagine how you can say that knowing that you are just in business with the Chinese Communist party and the same people that funded hunter biden millions of dollars was a partner of yours as well. Thats nonsense. Its not nonsense. I want to respond. These are good people who are tainted by a broken system. Its not the fault of anybody whos here. Some arent tainted. Thank you for speaking while im speaking. You said bought and paid for. [inaudible]. Gentlemen, youll have your turn. Please focus on the issues that matter. We know business is in china. Everybody knows that. Focus on Holding Joe Biden accountable. Thats what we need to be focusing on. Aego with ron de i agree with ron desantis on china. When every other ceo expanded into the chinese market, what i did with my first company, we opened a subsidiary in china. But what i did that was different, we got the hell out of there and when i started my next company, strive that was years ago. Right before you ran for president. Right before i ran my next company strive to compete blackrock, i made a commitment wed never do business in china and ill Say Something ilia you have more time to explain your pointblank layups. I was interrupted by a lot of people. Were sitting in the Reagan Library. And Ronald Reagan library, if i may. From one admire of Ronald Reagan to another. From one admirer of Ronald Reagan to another. [inaudible]. [ multiple people talking at once. ]. Ilia mr. Ramaswamy, i have a question. Thank you very much. Vice president pence, in 201, the Trump Pence Administration canceled daca, which put the legal status of 600,000 dreamers in the hands of the court. Dreamers work and pay tacks. As president if the Supreme Court ends daca, would you work with congress to reach a permanent solution for dreamers . First, let me say im glad vivek pulled out of his business deal in 2018 in china and must have been about the time you decided to vote in president ial elections. Nice to have you participate in elections. Let me speak to this issue. Number one, i negotiated the remain in mexico policy with the Mexican Government. We used economic power to bring the Mexican Government to the table. We built hundreds of miles of border wall and despite whats said her today, we reduced illegal immigration and asylum abuse by 90 . As president of the United States, i can do it again. The truth is we need to fix a broken immigration system and ill do that as well, but first and foremost, a nation without boarders is not a nation. We have to secure the southern border of the United States of america, i know how to do it and we will do it again. Let me say one other thing about china. One other thing about china ilia Vice President , would you negotiate with congress to give a solution to the problem that dreamers have right now . They are in limbo . Let me tell you, you served in congress for 12 years all though it seemed longer. You know something ive done different than everybody on this stage is ive actually secured reform in congress. You know, ron, you talk a really good game about cutting spending but youve increased spending in florida by 30 . When i was a member of congress in 2006, right after hurricane katrina, dana, you remember it, we stood our ground. I led house conservatives, we cut 100 billion out of the federal budget. It can be done but this is no time for on the job training. Im going to be ready on day one to get congress to step up, secure the southern border of the United States, build a military fitted to our times, and were going to get spending in washington dc under control once and for all. Stuart i propose to go to a break. How will these candidates make america safer as rising crime plagues our cities . Debate night continues in momentmoments. Is it possible to fall in love with your home. Before you even step inside . Discover the Magnolia Home james hardie collection. Available now in siding colors, styles and textures. Curated by joanna gaines. Explore endless design possibilities. To find your personal style. Endless hardie® siding colors. Textures and styles. Its possible. With james hardie™. Personalized Financial Advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. I can make this work. It can help you reach them with confidence. 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Id like to tell you about a cashew farmer from mozambique named carlos. Carlos used to struggle to provide enough food and education for his family. But then everything changed. Technoserve helps farmers like carlos lift themselves out of poverty by building skills, connections and confidence. Today, carlos and his family are thriving. And so are his cashews. Go to technoserve. Org and donate today. Its a different way to make a difference. Dana and welcome back to the Reagan Library for the second republican president ial debate. I want to remind everyone, theres one minutes for questions and 30 seconds for foal follow up. We want to talk about crime. This has been a horrendous problem in the country and fox news and everyone else covering it. Governor christie, last night looters took over the streets of philadelphia. You said in the last debate that youd use u. S. Attorneys to prosecute crimes local prosecutors wont. But they are stretched as well and they could not handle all of the lawlessness and shoplifting and all the carjackings and the armed robberies. Theyre all submersibling. Progressive prosecutors surging. Progressive prosecutors were elected by constituents and cant be fired by a president. What would you do to end the revolving door of criminallal criminality . Dana, im the only one thats done it and ran the fifth Largest Office in the coup couny and set records for the prosecution. The crime is affecting peoples lives and as president , ill appoint a attorney general and instruct that attorney general youre to put all the resources necessary to bring our zi cities back under control. The fact is they will be stretched. Theres no doubt about that but they what they take the job for and love the idea of enforcing the law. Weve got to bring law and order back to the country and not just in our cities, but we need to law and order back everywhere. We need it back in our supporter bushes, people are threatened there, in our rural area, people feel threatened there, and we need it in washington to see also. Donald trump should be here to answer for that, but hes not. I want to look at the camera right now and tell you, donald, i know youre watching. You cant help yourself. I know youre watching. Youre not here tonight not because of polls and not because of your indictments. Youre not here tonight because youre afraid of being on this stage and defending your record. Youre ducking these things and let me tell you whats going to happen, you keep doing that, no one up here is going to call you donald trump anymore, were going to call you donald duck. Dana Governor Desantis, you fired a couple of prosecutors in your state. As president , youd not have the ability to do that. How do you think about dealing with the root causes of crime, especially this resolving door of the criminals that just get out and come back and commit another crime . Well, the crime in the cities is one of the strongest signs of the decaying of america. We cant be successful as a country if people arent even safe to live in places like los angeles and san francisco. Just being in Southern California over the last couple days, my wife and i have met three people who have been mugged on the street and that would have never happened 10 or 20 years ago. In florida, we back the blue. We support the men and women of Law Enforcement. They are keeping us safe. We have a 50year low in the crime rate and yes, when i had two progressive prosecutors that werent following the law in florida, i removed them from their post and the people of florida are safer as a result of it. As president , i will use the Justice Department to bring civil rights cases against all of those left wing sorosfunded prosecutors. Were not going to let them get away with it anymore. We want to reverse this countrys decline. We need to choose law and order over rioting and disorder. Stuart on a related subject, governor hilly, theres a natioa nationwide policing shortage and retirement is up and recruitment is in the tank and moral at record low. Thee years ago, you signed a pledge to support Law Enforcement. Now pledges are a nice idea but whats your actual plan to get more police on our streets . Well, i actually did it in South Carolina too. You know, what we knew in South Carolina is you take care of those who take care of you. We have to start taking care of Law Enforcement. But its not just taking care of them with words but making sure you also follow through on what they do. Right now theres a lot of stolen guns on the street. These Law Enforcement officers they arrest these people and then they go and theyre let out the very next day. So Law Enforcement feels like they dont no one has their back. We have to prosecute according to the law and have the backs of Law Enforcement and we have to make sure that were a country of law and order. But i want to go back to china and i did think we spent enough time on that. We have to look at what government is doing to hurt zuckerberg too. You have a company, u. S. Antibiotics that produc produces sill leeanne and the number one ant amoxicillin, the number one antibiotic we need and we only get it from china. We need to focus on companies that produce in america and supporting those companies that produce in america. Not companies that are helping china. Stuart governor, well talk Foreign Policy later. Ilia. Ilia thank you, stuart. Staying on topic of crime because it affects all of us. Governor burgum, for the first time ever, a univision poll found Mass Shootings and gun safely it run of the most important issues for latino voters. Mental Health Concerns are not unique to the United States but gun violence is. What is your specific plan to curb gun violence . Well, first we need to know the liberal left seems to be complete bent on prosecuting and gun owners and every solution they have to this is southern rights of american and thats going to solve the problem and all these cities that were talking about that showed the videos of tonight, they have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. We know that thats not whats working but we have to get back to the core issues about the family, we have to get back to Behavioral Health and Mental Health. Weve got to get back to enforcing the laws. These people talked about and weve done in north dakota where weve got the goal and were on the track to be the most mel militaryfriendly state in the nation and military support of what were doing in Law Enforcement and the moral is down because weve been defunding the police because theyve been attacked in the press and police have become the bad guys and all these jobs of Middle America. Why be a Police Department if people dont respect them. Every time i see a policeman i say thank you and so does everybody else in my family and most of the people in our state and they know we have to reason the people out there defending us every single day. Can i answer a question on Mass Shootings. Ilia mr. Ramaswamy, according to customs and border protection, about 90 of fentanyl is seized at official border crossings and 57 of the smugglers are u. S. Citizens. How would you stop fentanyl brought into the country mostly by u. S. Citizens through ports of industry . Theres two sides to this and we voter to be very honest about it. One is we do have to seal that southern border. Building the wall is not enough. Theyre building cartelfinanced tunnels underneath that wall. Semitrucks can drive through them. We have to use our own military to seal the swiss cheese of a southern border but be honest. Theres a demand side problem in this country too. A Mental Health epidemic and i met family in iowa, two parents, cathy and derrick, they lost their son sebastian, 17 years old. He bought percocet on snap chat and then died. Why did he die . It was laced with fentanyl. That is closer to bioterrorism, not a drug overdose. Thats poisoning so it is our job to make sure that never happens. But its also our job to make sure that 17 yearolds dont turn to percocet via snap chat and bring back Mental Healthcare and faith based approaches that restore purposes and meaning in the next generation of americans and many are getting through social media and this isnt a Republican Point or a democrat point. But if youre 16 years old or under, you should not be using any addictive social media product, period. This is something that we can both agree on and we can revive both the Mental Health of this country while stopping the fentanyl epidemic that will kill more people this year than who died on 9 11 and i refuse to be a passive bystander sitting in the white house like the hollowed out husk of the current president we have and well address this problem and stand for the american children. That is why everything he said i agree with. Thats is why as commander in chief, im going to use the u. S. Military to go after the mexican drug cartels and theyre killing our people. In florida, we had an infant, 18 monarchies, parents rented an 18 months and arndts rented an aiairbnb and the people using it before used drugs and toddler was crawling on the carpet and ingested fentanyl residue and died. Are we just going to sit here and let this carnage happen in our country . Im not going to do that on day one, this is a day one issue for me as president. Well declare it a National Emergency and build the wall and do remain in mexico but those mexican drug cartels are going to be treated like the foreign terrorist organizations that they are. Dana Vice President pence were going to mover on. Vice president pence. Just last month Vice President pence, you said if elected youd repeal all obama mandates and made that same promise in 2016 and at that time, trump pence had congressional moten jordyties for the majorities for the first two years and didnt deliver on the promise. Obama care right now, it is more popular than ever. Why should Americans Trust you if you become president to fix that or is obama care here to stay . Well, first let me speak to the Mass Shootings issue and ill answer that question, its a important one, dana. Im someone that believes a justice delay seconddegree jus disdeny delayed and justice denied and father of three and grandfather of three beautiful little girls, im sick and tired of the Mass Shootings happening in the i dont understand of america and if im president of the United States, im going to go to the congress of the United States and were going to pass a federal expedited Death Penalty for anyone involved in a mass shooting so they will meet their fate in months, not years. It is unconscionable that the parkland shooter, ron, spends the rest of his life behind bars in florida. Thats not justice. We have to meet out justice and send a message to the would be killererers that you are not gog to live out your days behind bars. Youre going to meet justice in the system. Dana i appreciate that but does that mean obama care is here to stay . [ applause ]. Thank you for reiterating the question because id love to answer it. Look, its one of the choices here. My former running mate, donald trump, actually has a plan to start to consolidate more power in washington dc, consolidate more power in the executive branch. When im president of the United States, its my intention to make the federal government smaller by returning to the states those resources and programs that are rightfully theirs urn the tenth amount of the constitution. Amendment of the constitution. That means all obama care funding, all housing funding, all hhs funding, all of it goes back to the states. Well shut down the federal department of education. Well allow states to innovate. Were going to revive federalism in america and states are going to help bring america back. Dana not sure that answered the statement. Stuart may i remind everyone to stay within the time frame to get as many questions as possible. Governor desantis, over 26 million americans dont have insurance coverage. Governor desantis, 2. 5 million of them are in your state. Thats worse than the National Average. Can Americans Trust you on this . I think this is a symptom of Overall Economic decline. Everything has gotten more expensive and insurance rates going through the roof. People going to get groceries and spoke with a woman in iowa and said for the first time in my life im having to take things out of my grocery cart when i get to the check out line because the total goes up so quickly. This is very real and people are hurt out there so weve got to address the underlying problem with bidenomics, the overspending, taking all bidens rules and regulations and im going to throw them in the trash can on day one. Dont worry about that and open up all of the energy and well be energydominant in the country that will lower your gas price and we need to do with healthcare is recognize our healthcare is putting patients at the back of the bus. We have big pharma, big insurance, and big government, and we need to tackle that and have more power for the people and the doctor patient relationship. Stuart governor, why is your record in florida worse than the National Average . Our state is a dynamic state and theres a lot of folks that come, of course weve had a population boom. We also dont have a lot of Welfare Benefits in florida. We say this is a field of dreams. You can do well in this state but were not going to be like california and have massive numbers of people on Government Programs without work requirements. We believe you work, and you got to do that so that goes for all the Welfare Benefits and what thats done, stuart, our Unemployment Rate is the lowest amongst any big strait. We have the highest gdp growth of any big state and cnbc, no fan of mine, rank florida the no. 1 economy in america. Ilia on the topic of healthcare, Governor Haley, healthcare is the leading cause of bankruptcy for American Families acting for twothirds of all personal bankruptcies. As president , how do you protect americans who get sick from financial ruin . First of all, how can we be the best countryspecific friendsatfoxnews. Com in the world and have the country e world and have the most expensive healthcare. When we got the bill the Insurance Company in the hospital negotiated the actually for her without her having anything to do with it . When im president , we will break all of it from the Insurance Company to the hospitals to the Doctors Offices to the pbms and pharmaceutical companies, well make it all transparent because when you do that, youll realize thats what the problem is. Second thing, deal with torrent law. Doctors dont give you the ten tests because they want to but the 90 chance theyll get sued and competition back to healthcare. Get rid of certificate of need systems and make sure they can compete. We have to put the patient in the driver seat. Theyve been in the backseat for way too long and once we give the patient the ability to decide their healthcare, deciding which man they want, that is when we will see magic happen but were going to have to make every part of the industry open up and show us where theyre warts are because they all have them and we need to fix it on behalf of the people. Dana governor burgum, do you have a better way in 30 seconds . Yes, not talking about the real problem ever. Talk about why we have the most expensive healthcare in the world. The federal government got involved the same way with evs and said were going to subdecide a particular kind of software back in 2008 under obama and said, hey, were going to do this and make everyone more productive. All of you watching have been to a Doctors Office when the doctor has his back to you and hands on a keyboard and the only industry in the world thats ever absorbed 1 trillion of it and became less productive and less patients per day was u. S. Healthcare and subsidizing a technology and not improving healthcare but picking oners and loser and every time the federal government is involved with higher education, healthcare or auto industry, things get more expensive and less competitive. Dana that was a great transition and were moving on. The future of education in america. Whats the governments role in finding a way forward . The second Republican Debate rolls on from simi valley. Informed patriotism is what we want. Were doing a good enough job teaching our children what america is and what she represents in her own history of the world . Ive never been healthier. Shingles doesnt care. But shingrix protects. 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You say School Choice is the answer, but South Carolina, your home state, still has not enacted universal School Choice, and even a current expansion wont be fully implemented until 2027. Parents cant wait four years for a fix, so what would you do right now . Well, School Choice isnt the only answer, but ill tell you, its not out of a lack of trying that we didnt get School Choice in South Carolina. First of all, we have to acknowledge the fact that 67 of our eighth graders are not proficient in reading or math. Over 80 of our eighth graders arent proficient in history or civics, and recently 12 and 13yearolds are scoring at the lowest levels in reading and math in decades. So the first hinge weve got to do is make sure we catch our kids back up. We have to make sure they can read. A child that cant read by third grade is four times less likely to graduate high school. We need to do reading remediation. We need complete transparency in the classroom. No parent should wonder whats being said or taught to their children in the classroom. We need School Choice so that there is competition. We need to move all the programs from the federal government down to the states and let states decide what education looks like in their states, ask we need to Start Building things this america again. Lets put slow e casual classes back in our high schools and get our kids building the things that we know we can make. When we start to focus on that and really bring in that parental involvement, thats when well start to see a difference, but weve got to get parents back included. Weve got to quit spending time on this dei and crt and instead focus on financial literacy, on Digital Literacy and on making sure that our kids know what they need to do to have the jobs of the next generation. Moderator on the subject of education [cheers and applause] on the subject of education, a question for governor christie. Students in your state are getting high marks on their report cards. But minorities are not doing well with math and reading. Black and hispanic students averaging 29 points lower than white students in new jersey. Would you address minorities first . You have to address all students. And, look, if our state, stuart, frankly before i was governor, that gap was close to the 50 . And what we did was institute more Charter Schools and more renaissance schools and more public School Choice. In new jersey with Innovative Solutions in cities like camden where now we took what was the Worst School District in america during my time, and we have now increased that by nearly 40 in termses of their proficiency. It can be done when you give people choice. But lets tell the truth about what this is. This Public School system is no longer run by the public, it is run by the Teachers Unions in country. Randi weingarten and her crew [applause] are absolutely strangling, her taking the worst of their members and defending them rather than add slow crate add a slow candidatinging for our kids. And when you have the president of the United States sleeping with a member of the Teachers Union, there is no chance that you can take the stranglehold away prosecute Teachers Union every day. They have an advocate in the white house every day for the worst of their teachers, not for our students to be the best they can be. A president of the United States has to take on the Teachers Union. I did it in new jersey, and i will do it as president of the United States. [applause] [inaudible conversations] moderator Governor Desantis, i have a question for you. Governor desantis, i have you guys having fun [inaudible] [laughter] develop skills which in some instances could be apply for their personal benefit. You have said slaves developed skills in spite of slavery, not because of it, but many are still hurt. For descendants of slaves, this is personal. What is your message to them . First of all, thats a hoax that was person rate perpetrated by kamala harris. Second of all, that was written by descendants of slaves. With we need to stop playing these games. Heres the deal, our countrys Education System is in decline because its focused on indoctrination, denying parents rights. Florida represents the revival of education. Were ranked number one in the nation by u. S. News and world or report. My wife and i, this is personal to us. We didnt just talk about universal School Choice, we enacted it. We didnt just talk about parents bill of rights, we enacted the parents bill of rights. We now have american civics and the constitution in our schools in a really big way just like president reagan asked for in his farewell address back in 1989. Florida is showing how its done. Were standing with parents, and our kids are benefiting. [cheers and applause] moderator you opposed [inaudible] what is your message for Governor Desantis . There is not, there is not a redeeming quality in slavery. He and kamala should have just taken the one sentence out. America has suffered because of slavery, but weve overcome that. We are the greatest nation on earth because we faced our demons in the mirror and made a session. So often a decision. So often we think that all the issues, you talk about crime and education and health care, we always think that those issues go back to slavery. Heres the challenge though black families survived slavery. We survived poll taxes and literacy tests. We survived discrimination being woven into the laws of our country. What was hard to survive was Johnsons Great Society where they decided [applause] to put money, where they decided to take the black father out of the household to get a check in the mail. And you can now measure that in unemployment, in crime, in devastation. If you want to restore hope, youve got to restore the family, restore capitalism and put americans back at Work Together as one american family. Our nation continues to go in the right direction its why i can say i have been discriminated against, but america is not a racist country. Never, ever doubt who we are. [cheers and applause] we are the greatest country on gods green earth and, frankly, the city on the hill needs a brand new leader. And im asking for your vote. Moderator im going to have a question for you, mr. Ramaswamy. Over 18,000 Public Schools nationwide have the ability to change their identity without parental notification. Governor christie told stuart last week that he would pass a federal law to protect parental rights. Would you try to do the same . Transgenderrism, especially in kids, is a Mental Health disorder. We have to acknowledge the truth of that for what it is. [applause] i met two young women moderator specifically on parental rights in school. Parents have the right to know. And you know what the hypocrisy of this, even New Hampshire failed to get past a piece of legislation here. The very people that say this increases the risk of suicide are also the ones saying parents dont have the right to know about that increased risk of suicide. And im sorry, it is not come compassionate to affirm a kids confusion. That is cruelty. I met crowe clowe chloe and katie this their 20s now regret getting double mastectomy and a hysterectomy. One of them will never have children. And the fact that we allowed that to happen in this country is barbaric. So i will ban moderator okay, i want to know specifically, would you try to pass a federal law that says parents should have that right . We are going to require [inaudible] yes. Moderator in your state you do not have a law that says parents cant be notifieded. But you want to be president. Would you pass a federal law to say parents have that right . I think this is a states issue. All night long weve been talking about how its broken this in washington, and i respect all of the people on the stage here for their hundredplus years of public service, thank you. But the reason why were not talking about education or health care or safety being a problem in north dakota is because we have a Business Leader. Ive got more experience as a Business Leader than i think this whole group combined. I know ive created more jobs than everybody else else on stage that have real meaning. So as a businessed leader, you treat the taxpayer like a customer. In in instead of fighting with the teacher unions, we created a coordinating council. Moderator but you do understand that this is an issue that many people in america really are concerned about, worried about, about parents is and notifiation in schools. Yes. And thats why we have platforms many in innovation. There are certain things the federal government is supposed to do. Its not the department of education. Weve got to move if it back to states. Do what we did in north dakota. Instead of heres an old school an old way with the Teachers Union and the kids are trapped, we made every school in north dakota an innovation school. Every school got out from under the are red e tape, and the things that teach the values that a were trying to get like the 4h expwhrm okay, were going to move on. North dakota is at the top of the median s. A. T. Scores in the country right now. [applause] moderator Vice President pence, the department of Homeland Security warns that violence against lgbtq people is rising and intensifying. Members of that community are nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes. As president , how would you protect this community from Violent Attacks and discrimination . Well, as president of the United States, ill stand up for the safety and the Civil Liberties of every american. From every background. And i want the American People to know that. But i want to answer the question as well, dana, that you just asked because by way of full diss closure, chris, you mentioned the president s situation, my wife isnt a member of the Teachers Union, but ive got to admit ive been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years [laughter] and full disclosure look, education is a state and local function. The state of indiana had one of the very first School Choice programs in the country, and when i was governor of the state of indiana, we doubled that. And as to your question, dana, lets be very, very clear. When the Lin Mar Community Schools in iowa had a policy where you could, you had to have a permission if slip from your parents to get a tylenol, but you could get a gender transition plan without notifying your parents, i weighed in with a foundation. Thats not bad policy, thats crazy. Were going to stand up for the rights of parent, and were going to parents, and were going to pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery anywhere in the country. Weve got to protect our kids if this radical gender ideology agenda, and weve got to empower parents at the state level with the ability to choose where their kids go to school whether its public, private, parochial or home school. You empower parents, and our schools will straighten up and reflect our values and focus on the basics faster than you could possibly imagine. [applause] moderator next subject i just say one thing . [inaudible conversations] moderator china is investing if you talk over everybody, we lose time. Cu china is investing heavily in their tech companies. 280 billion every year on Semiconductor Research and development. That is one chips act per year with. Governor desantis, you say Companies Like google and meta have too much power. Doesnt going after them give china an edge . No. I think you look at how our societies developed, they have huge amount of power over our society. Theyve cracked down on free speech. Were not saying you dont want them to do business, but you want with it to be a free business, and right now their monopolies. This issue of china, i think, is fundamental. We have subcontracted out so much of our National Needs to the ccp. We rely on them for a whole host of issues. We need to reshore, and we need to decouple all those important industries. We need to get that back in the United States. They are our top geopolitical adversary by a country mile. Xi jinpings got huge ambitions not only in the asianpacific, but as you mentioned earlier, in our region. Ultimately, weve got to beat them on the economy. So thats what well do as president of the United States. Moderator governor christie, 22 of American Workers fear hair jobs will be lost to their jobs will be lost to a robot. And you said in the past the free market is the way to go. Would you retrain workers who lose a job to Artificial Intelligence and to do what . Well, look, what i think Artificial Intelligence offers us is an extraordinary opportunity to expand well beyond the productivity that we have now and to have americans be able to be involved in that revolution, dana. You know, each time we have shown incredible innovation and progress in this country, what weve done with it is to expand all kinds of new even unthought of opportunities for folks. Yes, we have to do retraining for folks who lose some of their jobs, and we should be doing that. We should have more training both at the county College Level and the local level for people to be able to access it. So, yes, i would be in favor of that. But this is a much bigger issue than that. We cant be afraid of innovation. America has been the Great Innovator of this world over the last 250 years, a technological innovate iser and a free come and governmental innovator, and thats why america has to continue to stand strong in the world, proinnovation, proprogress. As president of the United States, what i will do is to make sure that every innovator in this country gets the government the hell off its back and out of its pocket so that it can innovate and bring great new inventions to our country that will make everybodys lives better. [applause] moderator mr. Ramaswamy, tiktok is banned on governmentissued devices because of its ties to the chinese government. Yet you joined tiktok after dinner with boxer and influencer jim paul. Should the commander in chief be so easily persuade by an influencer . So the answer is i have a radical idea for the Republican Party. We need to win elections. And part of how we win elections and reaching the next generation of Young Americans where they are. Is so when i get into office, ive been very clear, kids under the age of 16 should not be using addictive social media. If were only going to ever get to declaring independence from china, which i favor, if we actually win. So while the democrats are running rampant reaching the next generation 3 to 11, theres exactly one person in the Republican Party which talks a big game about reaching young people, and thats me. Im the new guy here, and so i know i have toen your trust. What do you see . You see a young man whos in a bit of a hurry, maybe a little ambitious, bit of a know it all a, it seems, at times. No, i dont know it all. I will listen. I will have the best people, the best and brightest in this country, whatever age they are, advising me. We will be probably many of the people on this stage included. Thats how i built my companies. I want to be challenged. I want people who disagree with me. Thats what makes America Great, because theyre not a [inaudible conversations] were founded on the pursuit of perfection. [inaudible] and that is why well end it once we win this election i have to jump in here, im sorry, theres one with person on this this is infuriating because tiktok is one of the most dangerous social media assets we could have yes, it is. Honestly, every time i hear you, i feel a little bit dumber for what you say, because i cant believe [inaudible] tiktok situation. What theyre doing is 150 Million People are on tiktok. That means they can get your contacts, they can get your financial information, they can get your emails let me just say, hurling this is important. This is very important for our party thats exactly what were doing. Im going to say it. [inaudible conversations] in china, not america. Youre now wanting kids to get on this social media thats dangerous for all of us . You were in business with the chinese that gave hunter biden 5 million. We cant trust you. We cant trust you. We cant have tiktok [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] moderator mr. Ramaswamy, you have 15 seconds. [inaudible conversations] [applause] you have 15 seconds, mr. Ramaswamy. Thank you. I think we would be better served as a Republican Party if were not sitting here hurling personal insults and actually having a legitimate [inaudible conversations] following reagans 1 19th commandment in his honor, and the answer is that is what actually makes our [inaudible conversations] i believe in this [inaudible conversations] moderator thank you. Unless they have a legitimate disagreement, thats what i would say. Stuart, can we get back to the question moderator no, we cannot. Governor desantis sir, well have to cut your mic, and i dont want to do that. I dont. Governor desantis, experts say president putin has ordered assassinations across europe, cheated on arms control treaties with the u. S. And seeks to work with china to force our decline. President reagan believed that if you want to prevent a war, you better be prepared to fight one. Today the Republican Party is at odds over aid to ukraine. The price tag so far is 76 billion. But is it in do our interest to degrade russias military for less than 5 of what we pay annually on defense especially when there are no u. S. Soldiers in the fight in. Its in our interest to end this war, and thats what i will do as president. We are not going to have a blank check, we will not have u. S. Troops. Were going to make the europeans do what they need to do. But theyve sent money to to pay bureaucrats pensions and salaries and funding Small Businesses halfway around the world. Meanwhile, our own country is being invaded. We dont even have control of our own territory. We have got to defend the American People before we even worry about all these other things. And i watch these guys in washington, d. C [applause] and they dont care about the American People. They dont care about the fentanyl deaths. That they dont care about the communities being overrun because of this border. They dont care about the mexican drug cartels. So as commander in chief, i will defend this countrys sovereignty. [cheers and applause] but its not a territorial dispute. Its never been a territorial dispute. And 90 of the resources that we send over to ukraine is guaranteed, its a loan. It is not 90 of the money that we send over there is loan. We can talk about this, but at the end of the day, 90 of the money that we send over there is actually were not going to get it back. Its actually not paid by ukraine, its paid by our nato its a good topic for debate. I will say lets debate the fact that our National Vital interest is in degrading the russian military. The by degrading the russian military, we actually keep our homeland safer, we keep our troops at home, and and we all understand article v of nato, w [inaudible] i thought you said something about waiting your turn to talk a. 9 the end of the day, ill be happy to debate. Ill respond. Ill look forward to this one. When you think about the fact that you want to keep american troops at home, the attack on nato territory would bring us and our troops in. By degrading the russian military, we reduce if not eliminate an attack if i may finish that exchange, we have to level with the American People on this issue. The reality is we are leveling just because putins an evil dictator does not mean that ukraine is good. This is a country that has banned 11 a win for russia is a win for i china that. A win for russia excuse me. I forgot, you like china youll have your chance in just a moment. The hurling personal insults isnt helping. Chinas the real enemy, and were driving russia further into chinas arms. We need a reasonable peace plan to end this. Especially, this is a country whose president just last week vivek, if you let putin have ukraine, thats a green light to china to take taiwan. Moderator the time is up. Peace comes through strength. Moderator governor christie [applause] [inaudible conversations] moderator governor christie, president governor christie, president bidens first the two years have brought china, russia and iran closer together. Are we focused too much on ukraine and not enough on this threat from the new world order . No, theyre all connected, stuart. Theyre all connected. The chinese are e paying for the russian war in ukraine. The iranians are supplying more sophisticated weapons and so are the north koreans now as well with the encouragement of the can chinese. The naivete on this stage from some of these folks is extraordinary. Look, i understand people want to go and talk to putin. Guess what . So did george w. Bush. So did barack obama. So did donald trump. And so did joe biden when he said a small invasion wouldnt be so bad. Every one of them has been wrong. And the fact of the matter is we need to say right now that the chineserussian alliance is something we have to fight against, ask we are not going to solve it and we are not going to solve it by going over and cuddling up to Vladimir Putin. Look, donald trump said Vladimir Putin was brill with i cant brilliant and a great leader. This is the person who is murdering people in his own country and now not having enough blood, hes now going to ukraine to murder innocent civilians and kidnap 20,000 children. And let me tell you, if you think thats where its going to stop, if we give him any of ukraine, next will be poland. Right. This is a guy who said wait one sec. This is a guy who in 1991 said that was the darkest moment in World History when the soviet union fell. Listen, everybody, he wants to put the old band back together, and only america can stop it, and when im president , we will [applause] moderator i want to get to governor burgum, he hasnt had a chance. At least you have experience in this question, and we need to talk about americas farmers because there is a Foreign Policy connection here. The u. S. And china are in this fierce competition thats hurting american businesses, and there is blowback against American Farmers because china targets them in retaliation. How would you as president protect American Farmers and rancherses from that kind of retaliation from a Foreign Government like china. Well, first of all, weve got the best farmers and ranchers in the world right here in america. If they have a level playing field, they can outcompete anyone in the world. This is part of the larger issue. Were many a cold war with china. The Biden Administration wont admit that. Were also in an economic world through what were doing with agriculture and energy and also relative to cyber war. We get attacked every day. In north dakota, every state, every school district, our tribes all being attack by either china, russia, iran or north korea. And now weve got a Biden Administration whose whole policy is appease. Theyre making the world less safe. 6 billion they a traded for 5 people, they just now set a price on anyones head who is a tourist from america, a student from america, for a kidnapping. If you want more kidnapping, put a price on it. And theyre also helping iran get to have more, closer to Nuclear Weapons which pushes all of the middle east closer to china and russia. The whole thing is absurd. And then, of course, were going to give ukraine to russia and taiwan to china and think thats a Foreign Policy . That will make our nation less successful, make us more poor, and at the core of all that is Energy Policy because china imports 10 Million Barrels of oil a day. Theyre the largest importer in the world, and weve had four cabinet members from the Biden Administration this summer, and none of them talked about u. S. Energy . The first one to go to each of those countries was kerry to talk about the polyof the Climate Policy which folly of the Climate Policy which is making the world less stable and empowering dictators. We need to worry about the biden Climate Policies that are the existential threat to americas future. Moderator thank you. [applause] moderator Governor Haley, mexicos president supports sending u. S. Military into the country calls it, quote, scoundrels. Mexico is the United States important trade partner in border security. You say you will send special operations to attack the cartels in mexico. So this means boots on the ground, drone strikes . It means special operations. Thats how we deal with terrorists. What you need to do is understand mexicos not being a good partner if we lost 75,000 Americans Last year mexicos not being a good partner if theyre letting the cartels get away with what theyre getting away with. We will send in our special operations, and we will take out the cartels, well take out their operations, well take out thinking thats doing it. But were going to go after china because china is the one sending the fentanyl in the first place. And we will end all normal trade relations until china stops sending fentanyl. And then well do the special operations and get it from both sides. This is where President Trump went wrong. He focused on trade with china. He didnt focus on the fact that they were buying up our farmland. He didnt focus on the fact that they were killing americans. He didnt focus on the fact that they were stealing 600 billion in inte e lek chill property, cha they put a concern that they put a spy base off our shores in cuba. Weve got all these little surveillance cells. Need to start focusing on what keeps americans safe. That hasnt happened in a long time. As your president , i will make sure every american is safe, and well do whatever it takes to make that happen. [applause] moderator all right. I want to get to senator scott. [applause] youre all auditioning for the job as president of the United States. You want to earn these votes. But the worlds problems land in the oval office. During the president ial debates in the year 2000, neither al for nor if george w. Bush al gore nor george w. Bush was asked about alqaeda. One year later, alqaedas attack on september 11th claimed nearly 3,000 lives. And the farther we get from september 11th, the closer we are to september 10th. Senator scott, you have no executive branch experience. What has prepare if you to protect the nation prepared you to protect the nation from a major manmade National Security crisis . One of the things ive had the good fortune of doing is serving on committees in the United States senate like the Senate Armed Services committee. Im on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee also on the finance committee and the Banking Committee. Talk about addressing the issue of fentanyl. Ive written the legislation, passed it through the Banking Committee expect senate that would freeze the assets and sanction the accounts of the mexican cartels. There are weapons that we have within the arsenal that i was able to get passed 230 in the polarizing senate as it is. Ive also understood without question the fact that if you look at the details before 9 11, there was information that intelligence that was available that suggested an attack was coming. Having the right intelligence partners with us is key to making sure that we prevent the next 9 11 from ever happening. Having that experience over the last ten years is really important in getting the job done. Moderator 30 seconds to you, mr. Pence . Well, i think you asked a question about executive experience, and i think its vitally important. I stand before you as a candidate president because i think this countrys in a lot of trouble. You hear the fire on the stage tonight. You hear the fire in all of our voices, and its because joe biden has weakened the this country at home and abroad with. This is a time for those of us that have the exexperience experience, the tested experience and the commitment to the conservative agenda that Ronald Reagan brought forward in this party of a Strong National defense standing with our allies, standing up to our enemies, supporting limited government and traditional values need to step forward finish. Moderator understood. Frankly, our party does face a time for choosing as they said at the top of this debate, whether were going to stand on the conservative agenda that Ronald Reagan pour or whether were going to follow the moderator and now it is time for the most experienced, most qualified and most consistent conservative in this field, and im a ready to lead america at home and abroad on day one. Moderator time for a break. Moderator were going to build a coalition that lasted decades. 9 can any of these candidates do the same . Well take that up when the debate continues. Is it possible to fall in love with your home. Before you even step inside . Discover the Magnolia Home james hardie collection. Available now in siding colors, styles and textures. Curated by joanna gaines. Explore endless design possibilities. To find your personal style. Endless hardie® siding colors. Textures and styles. Its possible. With james hardie™. Its not just designed to look good. Its built to command attention. 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But heres the other thing that we can do moderator it takes forever, mr. Ramaswamy. And it addresses the national can debt as well as brings down prices, put people back to work. We are using taxpayer money to pay people more to stay at home than to go to work. That is wrong. That contributes to our supply chain crisis, it cribs to contributes to inflation. Thats the easiest way to unlock this economy. And the other thing, we have to put the Federal Reserve back in its plaits. This is an agency that has gone rogue. So many january 2020 2026 when i have the opportunity as your next commander in chief, we will have a new chairman in the federal are reserve who places the authority on dollar stability and most importantly send packing 75 of the Administrative State. Reduce the federal employee head count by 75. Rescind 50 of unconstitutional federal regulations that are shackling businesses both large and small. Ive offered a very clear, practical plan to do it. Thats how we unleash the economy. Thats how we revive the intreg integrity of a threebranch Constitutional Republic moderator Vice President pence, your response, please. [applause] i think one of the signature accomplishments of our administration was in just a few short years we achieved energy independence. We became a net exporter of energy for the first time in 75 years. [applause] but on day one, joe biden declared a war on energy which was no surprise, because when joe biden ran for president , he said he was going to enfossil fuels. And theyve been working overtime to do that ever since. If im president of the United States, were going to open up federal lands. Were going to unleash american energy. Were going to have an all of the above energy strategy. And i have a plan that actually would not only reclaim energy independence, but this 2006 america in 2006 america lost our position as the leading Energy Producer on earth. I believe in the next ten years with the right policies and experienced leadership in the white house, we can reclaim our role as the leading Energy Producer on earth, and thatll grow the American Economy for generations to come. [applause] moderator Governor Haley, reaction to that, please only person thats leading an energy state, could i answer the Energy Question . Moderator no. Governor haley. What i saw at the United Missions is Energy Security is National Security. We need a president that understands we have to partner with our producers and make sure that we have their backs. What you dont need is a president who is against energy independence. Ron desantis is against fracking, hes against drilling that is are ridiculous. You did it. He always talks about what happens on day one. You better watch out, because what happens on day e two is when youre in trouble. Day two in florida, you banned fracking that is not true. You did it on federal land, and you took grebe subsidies that you didnt need to take. Moderator Governor Desantis, off you can respond. Were going to choose midland over moscow, were going to choose the marcellus over the mullahs, and we are going to lower your gas prices. We are to going to get that job done because its important for our National Security, its important for jobs, and thats one of the best ways to drive down inflation. Moderator Governor Desantis [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] this is ridiculous. The state of florida, our voters enact ad a constitutional you banned it before they voted. No, its not true you banned it before they voted, and shes just totally wrong. They voted it many check it. Check it. Onshore, we do do it in florida. We dont have as much as maybe west texas, but we do it. That was a constitutional a amendment. So thats just wrong. Lets just get real here. My plan will get the job done before the voters even voted. The voters didnt even vote on fracking, and you banned practicing moderator we are moving on [inaudible conversations] excuse me, we cannot talk over each other. We must respect each others time. My apologies for that. Im ready, stu, lets do it. Moderator Governor Desantis, the Biden Administration is hell bent on student loan forgiveness, but you say colleges should be on the hook when graduates cannot pay their debt. How does that address the cost of how does in that the cost of college itself . Because the colleges are going to have to make a decision, do we offer, do we expand the gender studies department knowing some of those graduates may not have great learning opportunities . No. Theyre going to focus on the things that really matter. Theyre going to make different choiceses and try to graduate people in four years. I also want to come back the known because 9 11 because i was just at the 9 11 memorial with my family. I ended up joining the military as a result of that. [applause] id been a blue collar kid, min minimum wage, i ended up getting through yale and Harvard Law School and somehow came out more conservative than when i went in, and that is not easy to do. I wanted to serve, and ill never forget coming back on the plane from iraq, landing in coronado, california, north island and feeling that breeze off the Pacific Ocean and saying, you know what in i am lucky to have been born many america, and i think being able to serve and ill be the first president elected since 1988 whos actually serve overseas in a war i think thats going to help me as commander in chief 40 know to know how you see these issues and understand there are real lives at stake for people that finish. Moderator we know that Governor Haleys husband is serving right now, and we thank him for that. Senator scott, the National Department has nearly doubled in your time in office. If this were a business, youd probably all be fired in washington, but youre here tonight looking for a to to notion a to motion. Id like you to tell Governor Haley why you should be promoted to ceo of the nation instead of her. Certainly. One of the things id say and you look at our National Debt of 33 trillion or, i would love to have an opportunity to have this country pass a balanced budget amendment. That would constrain the spending in washington in the same fashion that it does at every state in our nation, number one. Number two, if you want to actually reduce our National Debt, you have to grow our economy. In order to grow our economy, you need to create about 101 million jobs 10 million jobs to grow our economy at 5 . You can do that in three specific sectors. Number one, the energy sect work r. We could create between 33. 5 million jobs if if we unleashed all of our energy resources. America is the most, were the rushest country if you combine coal, gases and oil. Why not unleash all of our resources . Number two, weve lost 100,000 factories, 100,000 factories in the last 25 years. If we we continue with my made in america plan, we could bring jobs back to america in a similar fashion that we did when i wrote the tax cuts and jobs act. We actually lowered the Corporate Tax from 35 to 2 , reshore ised or repate traited 1. 7 trillion, we brought the Unemployment Rate for africanamericans, hispanics and asians to the lowest level in the history of the country. Moderator Governor Haley and a [inaudible] lower for women. Moderator Governor Haley, you think you would deserve the promotion over him. Look, i appreciate tim. Weve known each other a long time. But hes been there 12 years, and he hasnt done any of that. Theyve only gotten four budget [inaudible conversations] hes increased the National Debt, he vote for the spending. You voted for you actually asked for a gas tax [inaudible conversations] 12 years, where have you been . Where have you been, tim . 12 years. Weve waited, and nothing has happened. Heres what youve done. Heres the thing that i just find interesting ron, let me finish. All these guys and i appreciate a lot of the things theyre saying. Im the only one up here whos gotten in the big fights and has delivered big victories for the people of florida. [cheers and applause] and thats what its all about. You can always talk, but when it gets hot in there, when theyre shooting arrows at you, are you going to stand up for parents rights, keep the state free . In the state of florida, because of our success, the Democratic Party lies in ruins. We have won the big fights. We have turned our state into a republican state. People respond to leadership. Ive done it while others have talked about it. [inaudible conversations] can i answer the question if i may just briefly interject here my 30 seconds. Zerobased budgeting. Tax cuts start with zero as the baseline for the budget and then see whats actually necessary. There isnt a blue state or a red state in this union that doesnt. The federal government doesnt do it. But successful companies, including the ones that ive built as a ceo moderator i think that governor burgum would disagree with you. Governor burgum runs a state. Yes, go ahead. The only guy to have Energy Questions, you dont ask anything, but im just going to say right now when you say nobody else has done it, the energy plans that have all been announced by these other folks on state, were already doing it in north dakota. Weve got troops down at the border flying Helicopter Missions from sand day owe san diego to the gulf coast trying to stop National National invasions and the mass casualties in our state. And on the Energy Policy, were already doing it. North dakota was leading the charge. We won the battle to get the Biden Administration was ignoring the law, he were the First Administration since truman that wasnt holding the quarterly required lease sales, and we won that in federal course. We won that in federal court. Were fighting the Biden Administration on 20 fronts. To say that nobodys fighting the big fights, just look at the record of what a were doing right now. Energy, economy, National Security, been talking about it since day one and now finally, good, were having the conversation, but weve got the answer in north dakota. Moderator governor burgum, lets talk big government. This questions for you. Big government keeps getting bigger. Onefifth of all new jobs this year have been created by the government. Governor burgum, you want to shrink the size of government, but it has been a century since any president has been done that. Why would you be any different . Well, because weve done it in north dakota. When i took office, we shrunk the state budget general fun by 27 in the first four months i was in office, and we have all the trains running on time. Why . Because you had a Business Leader that was actually there. Inside of every government job, theres 1 to 1020 of mindnumbing, soulsucking work that even the employees dont want to do. 20 after 2 million civilian employees, by the way, weve got 10 million jobs open. They could be generating taxes instead of being paid by taxes. This is totally possible to do if you have somebody that understands. Everything we had to do was to be better, fast ther and cheaper the next day. Thats what we can do in government, thats what were doing in north dakota. Moderator all right. Governor desantis [applause] i want to ask you about something that i think is on a lot of republicans minds. This election could come down to less than 50,000 votes in three states. Abortion with was on the ballot in six states in 2022. Republicans lost all of them. Next year abortion will likely be on the ballot in arizona. That is a mustwin state. Governor desantis, how are you going to win other independent, prochoice voters this arizona . Same way we did in florida. We won the greatest republican victory in a governors race in the history of the state, over 11. 5 million votes. We were winning places like miamidade county, palm beach that nobody thought was possible because we were leading with purpose and conviction. I reject this idea that from proliferrers are to blame for midterm defeats. I think theres other reasons for that. The former president , you know, hes missing in action tonight. Hes had a lot to say about that. Herb be here explaining he should be here explaining his comments to try to say that prolife protections are somehow a terrible thing. I want him to look into the eyes and tell people who have been fighting this fight for a long time. I was at, my wife and i earlier today to were at the grave if site of president and mrs. Reagan, and i noticed that there was a quote where it says every Single Person has purpose and worth. Were better off when everybody counts. And i think we should stand for what we believe in. I think we should hold the democrats accountable for their extremism, supporting abortion all the way up million the moment of birth. Until the moment of birth. That is infanticide, and that is wrong. Moderator let me ask governor christie yes, i will. Thank you. Moderator governor christie, do you think republicans can do that in rz if this in arizona if this referendum is on the ballot there . Yeah, because i did it in new jersey, dana. Moderator then why are all these other states losing . Theyre not leading the way it should be with led. Look, i was the governor of the only blue state thats represented up here. This is where the fight is really tough for republicans, and those are the states that were going to have to try to win if were going to win the white house back. And what we did was 14 times, dana, in 8 years i vetoed planned parenthood funding. 14 times. No one else gets it that much. The democrats kept sending it to me, and i kept saying no. I also believe in states rights, and i think we fought hard against roe v. Wade for decades to say that states should make these decision. What you need is a leader who can talk to people and make them understand that if youre prolife, you have to be prolife for the entire life not just the nine months in the womb. And we talked a lot about fentanyl tonight, and we havent spoken one moment about treatment. But we need to make sure for the drugaddicted 16yearold on the floor of the county lockup, her life is precious too. And we need to be providing treatment to cure this disease that it is. If youre prolife, youve got to be prolife for the entire life. We Start Talking like that, theyre going to do what i did in a blue state which is get reelected with 61 of the vote and won 70 of independents and 51 of latinos because i told them the truth from my heart. Moderator thank you. Moderator Vice President pence [applause] the latest univision poll found that 73 of latino voters think the Republican Party doesnt care about or is being hostile toward them. The hispanic community. Only Governor Desantis has translated his campaign into spanish. How would you talk to latino votersesome. Well, i promise you that were going to continue to build bridges to every community in this country. And im incredibly proud of that tax cut and and tax reform bill. I worked on capitol hill to help get that bill passed into law, the largest tax cut in american history. We saw literally the lowest unemployment ever recorded for hispanicamericans, the lowest unemployment ever recorded for africanamericans, 50year low for women. So i think the president of the United States needs to be a champion for the American Dream for every american. It begins with the unborn. And the aged and the infirm. And it begins with every ethnic group in this country. And i promise you if im president of the United States, ill be a champion, ill be a champion for the American Dream for hispanicamericans and for every american so help me god. Moderator senator scott, your reaction . Yes. Theres no doubt that if you lead by example, its the best way to get the job done. If you look at my office in the senate, my chief of staff is the only hispanic female chief of staff in the senate. I hired her because she was the best, highest qualifieded person we have. What we need are leaders who lead by example. And if i will simply say i would love to finish my conversation with nikki as it relates to the job that needs to get done. Nikki offered a 10 10cent gas tax increase in South Carolina. Talk about someone who has never seen a federal dollar she doesnt like. Ten cents on the gallon in South Carolina as the u. N. Ambassador, you literally bring it, tim [laughter] spent 50,000 on curtains and a 15 is million subsidized location. Next you got bad information. First of all, i fought the gas tax in South Carolina multiple times against just go to youtube d. Against the establishment. And you know want to know what that 10 cents was the establishment companies wanted me to do it so much that i said the only way is if you will give us three excuse me. If you willive nikki haley on youtube. If you will give me three times the deduction in income tax, then i will so you said, yes. Secondly, secondly, on the 50 million here is the nice part secondly, on the curtains, obama bought those curtains did you send them back . Its the state department. Did you send them back . Youre the one that works this congress. You get it done. Ooh ive been there before i even show up at the residence. You are scrapping. You are scrapping [inaudible conversations] you know i fought that heres the fact i cut i load up on [inaudible conversations] moderator not go ahead like this. In fact, were about to take a commercial break. Well have is more of the second Republican Debate live from the reagan president ial library in just a few moments. Hi, im stacey, and ive lost 60 pounds on golo. guitar music i decided to try golo when i had an International Flight coming up, and i realized i couldnt fly being the size that i was. My sisterinlaw tried golo and had lost 50 pounds, so i thought id give golo a try. I didnt expect the results i got on golo. 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I could go another hour, but we only have a few minutes and candidates, its now obvious that if you all stay in the race, former President Donald Trump wins the nomination. None of you have indicated that youre dropping out. So which one of you on stage tonight should be voted off the island . Please use your marker to write your chose on the note pad in front of you, 15 seconds start now. Of the people on the stage, who should be im absolutely serious. With all due respect, were here and happy to debate. Thats disrespectful to my fellow competitors. Dana nobody wants to participate. Its about the future of the country. Dana let me ask you something, if you wont answer that question, let me ask you this one, what is your mathematical path, Governor Desantis, in order to try and beat President Trump who has a commanding and enduring lead in this race . So polls dont elect president s, voters elect president s, and were going to take the case to the people in the early states and do it in a state by state direction and, why . Because as reagan said in his day, this is our time for choosing. Weaver not getting a mulligan on the 2024 election and republicans lost three straight elections in a row and supposed to have a red wave at 9 and crashed and burned but not in florida. We delivered in florida. Weve got to choose right, weve got to win, and we need somebody thats going to be able to serve two terms and in january of 2023, theyll be able to astress the nation saying turn the economy around and we secured the border and fended off the threat from communist china, as your president , ill get that job done. Stuart governor christie, i believe i saw you write something. Governor christie excuse me, governor christie, i believe i did see you write something on the card. No, but ill certainly tell you. Look, i think im the only one on the stage thats been clear about this. I vote donald trump off the island right now. The reason i vote him off the island stuart any of the people on the stage . No, every person on the stage has shown the respect for Republican Voters to come and express views honestly, candidly and respectfully. I have respect for every man and woman on the stage. Vivek, put your hand down for a minute, would you . I still got time, dude. Chill out. Look, this guy has not only divided our party, hes divided families all over this country. Hes divided friends all over this country. Ive spoken to people and i know everyone else have that sat at thanksgiving dinner or a Birthday Party and cant have a conversation anymore if they disagree with donald trump. He needs to be voted off the island and he needs to be taken out of this process. Dana give vivek 15 seconds. Stuart vivek. I have a different view. I think trump was an excellent president but the America First agenda does not belong to one man. It does not belong to donald trump, it doesnt belong to me. It belongs to you, the people of this country. The question is whos going to unit this country and take the America First agenda to the next level . When we rallied behind the cry to make America Great again, we did not just hunger for a single man, we hungered for the unapologetic of excellence. Stuart your 15 seconds are up. Ill respect donald trump and his legacy, its the right thing to do but well unit the country and take the America First agenda to the next level. Thats a different generation to do it. Stuart that does it. I repeat, that does it for the second republican primary debate live from the Ronald Reagan president ial library. Dana thank you so all the candidates. We loved having you hear tonight and well see you on we saw freedom in our very way of life. And so many other jurisdictions in this country wither on the vine. Florida held the line

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