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♪ man, oh, man, that looks good out there, can't wait to be out there with rob to talk about that. It's labor day weekend and i told my staff, if we don't get food, hopefully free food, i'm not hosting the show. And adding to the barbecue prices pretty fast, we are going to get there with chef rob get thoughts on this. And vicepresident harris and former president trump fired up on the campaign trail. See what we did there, fired up on the campaign trail. Love the puns. He was busy with two events yesterday, one in pennsylvania and the other in washington d. C. He made a little bit of news at that rally in johnstown, pennsylvania with a fox news interview with our colleague bryan llenas, where he said he would vote now on abortion after six weeks, he says that democrats allow abortion too late in the process. He, also, neil, like vp harris he would consider putting a democrat at the table. If i found somebody that had the right views and was very talented and was going to do good things for the country, i'd have no problem with it. After pennsylvania, he traveled to the nation's capitol for a moms for liberty event where he called out vp harris' changing position on fracking. She once was firmly against it back in 2019, well, here she was the other day in the cnn interview. Want to ban fracking? no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that i would not ban fracking as vicepresident i did not ban fracking, as president i will not ban fracking. And she will be in fracking country on monday. Vp harris and president biden will appear for the first time since she accepted the nomination in the heart of fracking country, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, speaking before a union late in the afternoon at a union hall to celebrate labor day, neil. Neil: thank you for all of that, david. Have a good weekend yourself. David spunt. And kelly keeping a close eye on the rust belt where the battle ground states we so often talk about are and that's where the race is really being waged, kelly. Hi, neil. Let's take a look at some of the new numbers we have on consumer spending, for example, personal spending increased ever so slightly. By. 5%, adjusted for inflation, that's. 4%. The commerce department said income rose. 3%, just. 1% after inflation. The tickets for the michigan state fair $42 to get personal access to the rides and fun. Just $10 if you want to see the butter cow and hang out with the farm animals. Food is up a little over 1% at home and over 4% while eating out. Credit card debt is at a record high 1. 4 trillion dollars in the last quarter, 5. 8% increase year over year. The $42 ticket doesn't include one of the biggest draws that you and i love to the fair, the food. Vendors told me the prices have gone up since last year's fair and fair goers are feeling the pinch. You can feel it the way the economy swe need a change. My wallet feels it. Sticker stock every time you go. Things that you were paying $2 and $3 are now $10. I think that people are definitely more conscious and i think what a lot of what i've noticed with a lot of people that they're doing, if they have children, the kids get to pick one thing. We are picking and choosing. We have a smaller budget this year, but we didn't want to miss the fair. Neil, i bring you this funnel cake for invitation for you and i to cover the michigan state fair together next year. Back to you. Neil: so easy. I love funnel cake. Have you ever tried to make funnel cake yourself? no, you can't at all. I tried it once and let's say kitchen got a little messy. All right, these guys know a thing or two about that kind of stuff, but never would hazard to try to make funnel cake at home. Right now they're pretty good at calibrating how the candidates are doing on the stump. Doug schoen, a former clinton advisor and democratic pollster. Maybe first to you, doug, the battle ground states, the rust belt states, michigan and others that have fairs and some don't, all tight as a tick and all of a sudden in play each and every one of them. What do you make of that. I make that the races tightened two to four points since kamala harris got in the race and had a bump and i think it's certainly the case that that's happened neil, but it would be an overstatement to say that she's jumped out to anything approaching a substantial or a commanding lead. Her lead in the real clear average nationally is about 1 1/2, 2 points and the battle ground states as i go through them are effectively within the margin of error. And my call on the race it's effectively a dead heat and we know that donald trump tends to underpoll his actual vote. Neil: how do you see it, dustin. I agree with doug, it's a heat. The race is tight. No question about that. And harris had an effect and gravity was headed to the trump direction, but definitely in four out of battle ground states, the shift in the margin of error. That's absolutely disappeared, but by no means is there a lead. They do tend to see in the newspapers that we all read and know and respect them. There's a onepoint difference between the two or for whatever reason that's called a lead. It's not a lead. It's within the margin of error and that's the range of uncertainty. So things are just too tight to call. Neil: to your points, i believe in the last two contests wisconsin has been decided under 20,000 votes and whatever that is and the state's electoral votes. And doug, the trends are going, and maybe the debate, the one and only presidential debate deciding it. Very good question, neil. First, the trend is clearly in harris' direction. I don't want to overstate it, but it would be a mistake not to acknowledge it, particularly with younger people, people of color, the traditional demodem democratic constituencies at that trump was making inroads against biden that harris has turned around. Not irrevocably, but made progress. The great reset in this election, how the two candidates do, how harris does, explaining her flipflops, how successful trump is in making the case that she's responsible for the bidenharris policies on the economy and on the southern border. Those are the big issues and we're not going to know until october 10th how that comes out. Neil: you know, one of the things that i am curious to get a handle on, dustin, is how the candidates behave with one another in that debate. There's still a battle going back and forth whether the microphones should be cut when the other isn't speaking, et cetera. Something that the biden folks wanted in that debate and became a bad idea and the microphones was the least of the primes, but the debate and the timing for joe biden. Are you sure this thing is still on? well, there certainly is a lot of kind of scrabbling about, and we're hearing complaints from the trump campaign and the harris campaign seems to be bull bore ahead. I think it's going to happen. If trump exits it, it's certainly not a position of strength and that's where he likes to lean into. It's a problem if he leaves. It's a mistake and opportunity. The american people haven't had the opportunity to hear from harris in an unscripted environment. This is the opportunity for former president trump if he's able to engage in a reasonably professional manner, you could make strides. It's going to be a challenge. We've seen how they panned out in the past. How different do you think it would be, doug, you know, from eight years ago when donald trump was going up against hillary clinton. You hear a lot of kamala harris' backers say she's no hillary clinton. That can be good or bad, a very different thing. What do you think? that's a fair and good question, neil. Hillary clinton, i think, most people, even her core supporters would acknowledge, was not a very likeable candidate in those debates. Kamala harris since her launch as a presidential candidate, in my judgment, has been far more likeable and approachable than she was previously so my question is will donald trump be able to get under her skin and vice versa, will she get under trump's skin. I would say to the former president, stick to the issues and i would say to kamala harris, this new persona you've developed has worked very well for you, don't go back to the old one which was more harsh and divisive. Whether the candidates can do that is a big deal and a big question prior to september 10th. Neil: we shall see. A final word on that, doug. Great seeing you as well. Thank you. Neil: in the meantime, we want to focus on another event, if jack smith in his new targeted legal case against donald trump whether that gains muster or a campaign issue even if it doesn't. All of that and what's cooking here, some delicious food, and i'm sure the guards and everyone else know there's a section of that for me, which is pretty much all of it, and then after this. ♪ that's why we've got the labor day deals you need. . . To end one season and start the next. Get great deals instore or online today. Here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. And there's no catch. It's fre. We make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Well, if at first you don't succeed, i guess if you're special counsel jack smith you try to keep coming up with creative ways to make sure you do. Apparently jack smith is leaving the trial timeline up to the judge here. He's not pushing for a trial, but targeted things he has stressed. Jack yoo is back here, berkeley, and sit behind them when you're working on sat's and he's a lot younger than i am. I am thinking all bets are off if he loses the election, and a moot point, but i don't know about that. First of all, he wants to save this thing, but it looks like it's floundering, what do you think? if you're going to cheat on me i was going to take one of the barbecued chickens and put it between us so you couldn't see over my shoulder. Neil: smart move. There's no way this trial can take place before the election which shows what a disaster the whole thing ended up being. You remember, jack smith tried to get this trial up and running and done before the november election. But because they broke our constitutional norms to never try former presidents and know not to try major candidates of the opposition party, jack smith, because of his aggressiveness and because of the lack of political control by president biden and harris, the attorney general, he went off and triggered basically all of these constitutional explosions. For example, is the pr president immune from prosecution, never been raised before. And the court decided to intervene and threw off the trial for over a year and we don't know if the supreme court decision whether jack smith can go ahead with some of the charges and use the evidence he wants to use and then another issue, is jack smith even constitutional? a judge in florida reading justice thomas' opinion in the immunity case just held jack smith as unconstitutional. That hasn't even been raised and resolved in the washington case about january 6th either. You have to fit as a judge here has to resolve all the issues first before any trial could can go forward and guess what? trump gets the right to go to the supreme court again on both the two issues before a single juror sits down. Neil: so what about the other, the situation in new york, the sentencing on that in september. What happens to that? that's a smart question, neil. You were looking over my shoulder. Neil: yes, i was. Because that really is the vulnerability for trump. It's not going to come from the january 6th case and special counsel, if anything that has been a benefit to trump. The alvin bragg case, the one with the hush money payments to a former porn star that took place allegedly before the election. That scheduling date is set for september 8th in two weeks, just at the same time when absentee ballots are going out in some states like my home state of pennsylvania. Judge marchan there shows every indication that he would go ahead and sentence donald trump, this is the weakest cases, went to verdict and resulted in conviction. The question there, a, is marchan going to is he actually going to sentence trump a nonviolent first time offender in a nonviolent case to jail time? i think he probably will, given everything he's done in this case before, and then, i don't think this is likely, but he as a judge has a discretion to make trump go to jail immediately while case is pending appeal. Most the time you let the defendant out while he's pressing his legal rights on appeal, but the judge has the to have the defendant sit in jail while the case is pending. He think that would be a disaster for our country and election, i don't think the judge will do it, but he has the power to do. Neil: and two ways to play out if he's,s at trump people alleged so based against him and has it out for him, but he must recognize that sending donald trump to jail in the mild of a presidential election, might not only galvanize support for him, but as we've discovered about the legal cases themselves. What do you think? i agree. Now, every time that other side from donald trump has tried to use lawfare, it's boomeranged and helped trump. I think if marchan sentenced him to jail and make him serve the sentence right away that would help trump. On the other hand judge marchan has never shown any flexibility. Never shown any consciousness of the magnitude of this case on our politics. Instead, rather than taking his time, rather than thinking things through, considering the effect the consequences of the trial on our politics, he's actually rushed forward every time he could. He's accelerated the case. He's embraced the here is one important example, the immunity decision from the supreme court. The case itself says you can't use evidence from the oval office to convict a president, even if you're trying him for things that occurred before he was president. That evidence was used in the marchan trial. Any normal judge would order a retrial, i think, because of the supreme court decision. This judge hasn't done that. Instead he wants to go ahead and sentence donald trump. I think he knows he's going get reversed on appeal, but he still wants to label donald trump a felon. Neil: so super quickly, donald trump loses the election. Is all of this stuff potentially back on? if he loses the election he's in big trouble. In fact, if you think about it, the democrats have given him a super personal incentive, if he didn't already have one, to win the election, if trump wins he can fire jack smith, if he doesn't win and kamala harris wins those prosecutions can go on, and they will go on for years and years before trump gets any legal peace. Neil: thank you very much. No one better i'd love to cheat off of, and john yoo, and might share some of my barbecue. No, i wouldn't do that. And in the meantime, kamala harris made headlines on her interview, and saying she would appoint a republican. And william cohen was bill clinton's press secretary. He's next. Welcome back, everybody. You know, kamala harris had a lot of interesting things in that cnn interview, in the eyes. Beholder of course. One of the things that caught my attention is the interest in picking a republican to the cabinet. It might strike some of you as unprec unprecedented, but it isn't. How she laid it out i guess we don't have that click, she said she would be open to that. And my apologies for the confusion there. A fellow who was clearly that republican in a democratic cabinet otherwise for a democrat president was william cohen, highly regarded defense secretary under bill clinton. And there are others post you, but they are rare. How did you deal with that? number one, it was not expected neil, and thank you for having me on. It's been a while since i've seen you. In any event, it did not come as a total surprise. I met with president clinton. He knew i didn't support him and didn't vote with him most of the time. So it was unanticipated until one meeting i had at the white house and we explored the possibility not of me joining husband cabinet, but just talking philosophy in general and then i had a second meeting and whether i would be willing, if he were to nominate me and whether i would accept it. And i had a great discussion with him, if i were to offer or accept you'd never have to worry about me going behind your back and tell my friends on capitol hill what's going on on in the white house and second thing, promise me if i'm offered the job, accept, that you'll never involve me in a political discussion, and he said basically you've got it and it was a great relationship. I think it was the first time it ever happened in modern history where an elected official from a different party had been appointed. Certainly to that high an office of secretary of defense. So, it was a wonderful relationship. We got along very well. And it was the highlight of my career in politics. Neil: usually it's someone outside the political sphere. You were a senator and all that. I always wonder, how, secretary, that worked out for you. You were highly regarded and praised from both sides through your stewardship. You were working in a democratic administrations and i've heard from democrats who work in republican administrations as well. They feel like odd man or woman out and not trusted or eyes rolling from other members at a table. How did you deal with that? i think the first couple of weeks were a little bit unique in that democrats obviously were wary of me assuming that position and republicans were upset that i was assuming that position, but after the first few weeks, it went by without any hitch whatsoever and i think it's largely due to two people, the president of the united states and also sandy burger, his national security advisor. Neil: right. Made me feel right at home. President clinton gave me almost everything, i would say 95, 97% of everything i asked for for the pentagon, for the department of defense, he granted to me. So there were virtually no differences and i had said, it was the most exciting, exhilarating, exhausting experience of my lifetime, but i will always be grateful to president clinton for giving that opportunity to represent the finest military in the world. Neil: i don't want to blow you smoke, secretary, senator, but you were very good defense secretary. You weren't a nut. You weren't crazy and i think we live in an age right now where they're polarizing, and i mean that to disparage both sides, it's polarizing if you say anything cross about anyone if you're a republican or the same if you're a democrat, you're dead. And you can't advance the ball. And i wonder if some of the more popular presidents we've had in the past could survive it in this environment today. So how do you think that that is going? and whether you could survive in this environment today. Well, i think you saw some of first of all, president joe biden who has he and i went to capitol hill together way back in 1972. So we've known each other over the years and been a good friend and i think he has made every effort to try to bring people together and he did that during his this most recent term. I think some follow through you would be shocked to hear that republicans disagree with you on that, but continue that thought, go ahead. Well, he did get a major infrastructure bill, the first one of that magnitude since eisenhower. Neil: fair enough. So i would say that was a major accomplishment since it hadn't been done before. He did get a chips bill and other bills passed in a very partisan atmosphere so i think he made an effort to bring the parties together, to bring republicans down to say how can you be a part of this and the republicans might disagree, but i think he made an attempt. I think kamala harris is trying to do the same thing by saying, number one, she would have a republican in her administration, but to see the number of republicans who spoke at the democratic national convention, i don't think that's been done before, certainly on that scale. So i believe she understands that you can't get much done in this country unless you find some middle ground. Neil: no, i agree with you on. But some of the democrats who had these republicans invited they were republicans who were very angry and abandoned by their party with donald trump, a lot of them kinzinger and some others and we know that and that comes with the turf. I understand that, but it's very hard within a cabinet to stand out in this environment today, it could change with a kamala harris and just as it might with a donald trump and wants to appointment a democrat on his cabinet. How do you see that going? depends on the position that the democrat or republican is going to occupy. The president of the united states has to be satisfied with the philosophical basis on which she or he would be selecting a high level cabinet official. So you have to be comfortable, you have to share basically the same viewpoint. For example, my friend and colleague of my firm, general jim mattis, he resigned, and marines rarely resign, but he resigned because he believed he no longer shared or the president no longer shared his world view for the need for allies around the globe. So he decided that he could not serve him well. The president is the one who is elected. The president is the with unwho sets the agenda. And so, if you can't live with that agenda, you never should serve, so the president has to be satisfied that the person that he or she picks is someone who will carry out his or her agenda. Neil: that's very wellsaid. I'm glad you clarified as well that mattis resigned as secretary, he wasn't fired by donald trump. He left. He wasn't canned. Always good seeing you sir. Thank you very much. More after this. Good to be with you, thank you. Knock, knock. #1 broker here for the #1 hit maker. Thanks for swingin' by, carl. No problem. So, what are all of those for? ah, this one lets me adjust the bass. Add more guitar. Maybe some drums. Wow, so many choices. Yeah. Like schwab. I can get fullservice wealth management, advice, invest on my own, and trade on thinkorswim. You know carl is the only frontman you need. . . Oh i gotta take this carl, it's schwab. ♪ schwaaaab! ♪ have a choice in how you invest with schwab. Only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. Memory foam doesn't come close. Get your best sleep guaranteed. Save up to $1,000 during our labor day sale. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. Hey folks, chris counahan here with leaffilter, america's largest gutter and gutter protection company. 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And the 10% tariffs coming into the u. S. You know why she said i'm going to raise it because i'm going to put tariffs on others coming into the country and nothing to do with taxes to us. That's a tax on another country. And i did it with china and we had no inflation. You know, i had no inflation. Now, there has been a public back and forth on tariffs. Vicepresident kamala harris believes it is a tax. Well, instead of a trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million americans. Still, vicepresident harris says that she will allow the trump tax cuts to expire, which is a tax increase for just about all americans, in addition she will push for further raising taxes on families making more than $400,000 a year. She wants taxes on unreal lied gains and an investment transaction tax on some people which could affect retirement savings. Finally, the vicepresident wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%. With the increased revenue she wants to plow it into more programs instead of reducing the former debt. Former president trump is also not talking about the reducing the federal debt. Neil: thank you, my friend. And back with us, a c. P. A. , and good read on the economy and the markets. And both of them, you think about it, it's about affordability of what they want to do and on that economic policy regarding housing, you can go after, obviously, kamala harris and $25,000 credit giveaways to buy a home. Even donald trump on whether if he extends his tax cuts, we see extended the limitation on mortgage interest and taxes to 10,000 which in a lot of states like the ones you and i live in are pretty limited. So, how do you sort out? well, what we see here is the classic difference between republicans and democrats, neil, right? so you have one side, kamala harris, who is looking basically to redistribute wealth. And on the other side, you have donald trump who is taking down the trickle down approach. So, we've heard these stories before, but what is important here, no matter how you look at it, both sides are going to continue to spend and when the government is spending like this, neil, that's what fuels inflation, which really, if you want to talk about taxes, that's the big one that everyone has been suffering through for the last three and a half years. So which plan is going to impact americans most? well, i guess it really depends on what your level of income is, and what your belief is, as far as whether we need to redistribute wealth or whether we believe by incentivizing people to make more, which means they would pay more, you would be able to have prosperity. Neil: and you think about it, they both add for the debt. And a lot of people who advocate tax cuts, and going on what you take away from the federal government revenuewise you have to add to the debt and they price that in and what are wharton and donald trump is a graduate of wharton and they say he's going to have five times the debt of harris. The bottom line, no voter pays attention to the debt and apparently no one in washington pays attention to the debt and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. It keeps bigger because no one right now is feeling the pain. What being thrown out there by both candidates is all this candy, right? i'm going to give you this. I'm going to give you that, but we always have to look at who is going to pay for all of this? that's the part that we seem to not pay attention to. So as long as we have candidates that are continuing to pander to voters, we're going to have more of this. Neil: yeah, if only we were as rich as you, dan, and find a way out of it. But we can't for the time being. Thank you for your help, dan for all of that. In case you're fired up, fire up the right way with delicious bills and how to counter the higher grocery prices you've seen as long as the conditions outside are proper for barbecuing. Rick reichmuth on that and the chef on the other. ♪ for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. I grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. And now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. Spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones. . . That's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. Welcome back to cavuto live, i'm meteorologist rick reichmuth. There are so many people travelling this holiday weekend, take a look at this, 2. 7 million people yesterday passed through a tsa check point and there's a lot of people doing at that today. I will tell you overall, weather is cooperating. The western part of the country, looking great. A beautiful day in store. Some troubles across parts of the east because of two different disturbances we're watching. First one of them is a cold front that's going to be moving through parts of the ohio valley and it's going to spark some severe weather so if you have plans for your barbecue or picnic outside you're going to want to be careful here. Very strong winds, possibly a tornado or two as well. I will also say anywhere to the east of that storm, to that cold front, we've got very warm and muggy air. Behind it, things are looking beautiful. You've got a gorgeous day for chicago and minneapolis. This is our trouble spot right there. The other trouble spot we're watching is down here across parts of the western gulf. A disturbance possible, maybe some sort of tropical development. Not very likely with this, but we're going to watch a lot of tropical moisture stay in this area. Parts of south texas, coastal texas and in towards south louisiana, that's where we're watching. A 20% chance of development over the next seven days. Probably not going to happen. What's going to happen, tropical moisture gets here and along interstate 10 and south you get a lot of rain so if you have beach plans in places like gaff stop island, unfortunately, the weather is not going to cooperate with you for the next couple of days. We're here to watch one more system way out in the atlantic. This is our next storm, potential for tropical development by the time it gets out to the caribbean. Lots of time to watch it and keep you informed, we'll do that here as well as on fox weather. Cavuto live will be right back. Dad is a legend. 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For the last five, six years, we're both getting old and i don't remember exactly. We've had ralph here and his beautiful daughter. I knew you when you were a little thing, honey, and look at you. Dad is now still traipsing off to the events and we have a good time. We had a what was the super bowl thing? six years ago, we built a snack stadium out of food for football. Neil: and i told you save some of it for me. And all of these guys ate it all and i didn't have anything. Neil, you've got to watch your weight and stuff, that was then and now you've got goodies now, prices are a lot higher than five, six years ago. Prices are higher. Neil: what do you do? we've got to cheat a little bit. Neil: okay. What i did was instead of your high end meats like filet mignon, tender loins, like the ribeyes and shrimp. I got cheaper cuts of meat, like a porkloin, i've got some chuck, and you say you've got some chuck, these still look delicious. Sure does. Don't eat it then. Neil: all right. Fine. What we did we tenderize and what we did, citrus is the key here. Citrus and salt helps to get the meat tender. Marinaded lemon and lime and that helps to tenderize meet. Neil: how long are you doing that? so, anywhere between four and 24 hours, the longer the better. Neil: right. Yes, we've got fresh local produce as well. Right now northeast corn is in season, jersey tomatoes. Neil: corn has gone up a lot. It's not at all and it's really, really sweet right now. Neil: right. So when you look at alternatively, you've heard this that everyone is going to sausage right now. I think it's you shouldn't do that. But sausage has gone up a little bit, but not as much as some of the other meat products, right. Correct. Neil: bacon is i think bacon is up. Bacon is up. Neil: i don't see any bacon here. No, that's your secret stash, we have it in the back for you. I know we need cavuto bacon. Neil: the thick cut. Are these different to cook? is there an order to it? so you want to see what takes the longest. So you want stuff that's going to hold the longest the best. Things are marinaded and tender, can stay the longest, so if you wanted to get a brisket or something, hold in the refrigerator for hours, things like burger or thinner peace of meat, this get them in and out and especially with the cuts, it's off the grill and right to your guest. Neil: and i talked to some chefs, no, no, i believe in the expensive cuts and i'm not going to cut back on that, but i might serve on smaller plates and do stuff like that. You don't do that. No sense? smaller plates. No, we don't do smaller plates and i think this is kind of the way to go, depends on your company. We don't get to use the don't invite them because of covid excuse. Neil: i keep knocking on your door and you don't answer. Anytime. Neil: people who get together for large, large barbecues at all. What's recommended crowd size. How big if you handle? what do you tell them? i'm italian and the more merrier, and the cavutos show up. [laughter]. Neil: or crowding the menu out. You say don't go too wild. You don't want to have a ton of leftovers, this stuff is not reheatable, you won't enjoy it the next day, two days later. Be cognizant. When you're shopping, know what you're going to get and order and don't buy extra stuff and you don't have extra stuff left over and don't have stuff to clean up the end of the event. Neil: you know, i have a problem when i cook, i'll overcook, chicken especially, i didn't realize how quickly chicken cooks and can dry out fast. Yes, it can. There's meat at 165, but chicken thighs, maintain the moisture and the juice and a ton cheaper. Neil: how often do you what are you in a rush for. Neil: my family says it looks like this just returned in the atmosphere. I know you've got to be patient. Lower the heat when you do that. Neil: lower the heat, do you constantly flip. The rule of thumb on a hamburger. Let it grill. Depends how you like it, 120, 135 for medium rare, but four sides. For medium rare, minute and a half, minute and a half, same thing, flip it over, 90 seconds, 90 seconds, it's done. Neil: what about steak? this is a major, it's a version of chuck. If you look, it kind of looks i've got a piece right here. Neil: okay. So, it reads like a filet mignon. If you're not really digging your people, your guests. Neil: right. This is an all right excuse for filet mignon, it's never going to be filet mignon. Neil: put it right here. But that looks delicious. It's wonderful. A little more tough like i said, we tenderize it, we had kaitlin beating the heck out of it with a meat tenderizer and marinaded in lemon which tenderizes. Neil: it sounds like you were doing the work, honey, and he was mailing it in. I've got to retire. Not all of us can work like you. Neil: really. Did you learn to cook very early yourself. Have you gotten anything from dad? like i did cook with him to get prepared for like this show and like other shows like this, too. Neil: it's working out. I want to go to some of the people here. You guys don't think you're getting any of this food, do you? no. Yeah, they said food, come over. Neil: they did? who told them that. Where are you from? staten island. Neil: and visiting in town or having fun? no, looking around. Neil: you smelled the food and thought you'd get free food. Admit it. There you go. How about you, young man. I'm good. Neil: what are you thinking about this stuff? it smells amazing, so, going to be good snack. Neil: yeah, that is if i share it here. All of this is meant for me. How about you? i'm fine. Neil: yeah? and anything, do you like to barbecue? do you go to barbecues. Yeah, i think it's nice. Neil: prices are very, very high. The chef has some other plans on you can afford it, does that sound good? i thought it was free. Neil: you did, okay. These are very smart people. You guys should go on a business newscast. Thank you very much, i hope you get a chance. Meanwhile, you're saying you could still cook, you could still have fun and you don't have to give up on the good stuff, but it takes a lot of time. It's a labor of love, but when you've got the good guests, it's worth it. Neil: food for thought. I want you to have a good time. With the pressures in the world you've got to eat and have fun and these guys invented and made it fun. Have a wonderful time, everyone. ♪ philip: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. Kristen: i don't think anybody ever expects to hear that their child has cancer. It's always one of those things that happens to somebody else, but it's definitely feels like your soul is sucked out of your body when they tell you that it's your baby. And you would do anything to get them to the best place that they can be for their treatment. And i knew with everything in my soul that that was saint jude and that we had to get here. Announcer: join the battle to save lives during childhood cancer awareness month by supporting saint jude children's research hospital. Please call or go online right now and become a saint jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. Hunter: my name is hunter. I'm at saint jude because i had osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is a special cancer that's in the bone. So they had to amputate my leg. [music playing] you're looking at a hero it takes a fighter philip: good catch. (singing) you're looking at a hero in the fight kristen: my hero. Philip: here at st. Jude you don't ever have to worry about how much treatment costs. You never get a bill ever for any of it. Announcer: this september when you call or go online with your credit or debit card, you will receive this saint jude tshirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. Kristen: without the donors. Saint jude wouldn't be here. Hunter: thank you so much. You have saved so many kids. Announcer: let's cure childhood cancer together. Sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure and instantly adapts. Sleep better. Live purple. Right now, save up to $1,000 during our labor day sale. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. An americanled military operation in

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