Transcripts for BBCNEWS Newscast 20240604 00:46:00

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time. so it is interesting he's -ot time. so it is interesting he's got the, _ time. so it is interesting he's got the, and _ time. so it is interesting he's got the, and it— time. so it is interesting he's got the, and it is— time. so it is interesting he's got the, and it is kind - time. so it is interesting he's got the, and it is kind of- got the, and it is kind of crazy— got the, and it is kind of crazy how— got the, and it is kind of crazy how liz _ got the, and it is kind of crazy how liz truss - got the, and it is kind of crazy how liz truss is i got the, and it is kind of. crazy how liz truss is now got the, and it is kind of- crazy how liz truss is now out of number _ crazy how liz truss is now out of number ten, _ crazy how liz truss is now out of number ten, but _ crazy how liz truss is now out of number ten, but yes, - crazy how liz truss is now out of number ten, but yes, it i crazy how liz truss is now out of number ten, but yes, it is| of number ten, but yes, it is cool— of number ten, but yes, it is cool in— of number ten, but yes, it is cool in some— of number ten, but yes, it is cool in some ways _ of number ten, but yes, it is cool in some ways seeing - of number ten, but yes, it is cool in some ways seeing it l cool in some ways seeing it happen— cool in some ways seeing it happen as _ cool in some ways seeing it happen as well. _ cool in some ways seeing it happen as well.— cool in some ways seeing it happen as well. tell me about how, happen as well. tell me about how. when — happen as well. tell me about how, when playing _ happen as well. tell me about how, when playing a - happen as well. tell me about how, when playing a character that you are trying to replicate or dramatise reality how you go about absorbing the real life character, whether it be how they look, their manner, their demeanour, their dress, their demeanour, their dress, their speech patterns, how do you go about trying to become them? ., ~' you go about trying to become them? ., ~ ., them? kind of like in a unique situation- _ them? kind of like in a unique situation. there _ them? kind of like in a unique situation. there is _ them? kind of like in a unique situation. there is lots - them? kind of like in a unique situation. there is lots of - them? kind of like in a unique situation. there is lots of tv l situation. there is lots of tv where — situation. there is lots of tv where people _ situation. there is lots of tv where people play— situation. there is lots of tv where people play real- situation. there is lots of tv i where people play real people but this — where people play real people but this was— where people play real people but this was so _ where people play real people but this was so unique - where people play real peoplel but this was so unique because these _ but this was so unique because these people _ but this was so unique because these people were _ but this was so unique because these people were very- these people were very prevalent _ these people were very prevalent at _ these people were very prevalent at the - these people were very prevalent at the time, i these people were very. prevalent at the time, and these people were very- prevalent at the time, and the story— prevalent at the time, and the story we — prevalent at the time, and the story we were _ prevalent at the time, and the story we were telling - prevalent at the time, and the story we were telling was - prevalent at the time, and the story we were telling was onlyj story we were telling was only 'ust story we were telling was only just one — story we were telling was only just one year _ story we were telling was only just one year ago, _ story we were telling was only just one year ago, so - story we were telling was only just one year ago, so the - story we were telling was only just one year ago, so the wayl story we were telling was onlyl just one year ago, so the way i went— just one year ago, so the way i went about _ just one year ago, so the way i went about it _ just one year ago, so the way i went about it was _ just one year ago, so the way i went about it was just - just one year ago, so the way i went about it was just trying i went about it was just trying to look— went about it was just trying to look as _ went about it was just trying to look as much _ went about it was just trying to look as much as - went about it was just trying to look as much as i- went about it was just trying to look as much as i could . to look as much as i could about— to look as much as i could about matt _ to look as much as i could about matt whitley, - to look as much as i could about matt whitley, he i to look as much as i could i about matt whitley, he has to look as much as i could - about matt whitley, he has his own youtube _ about matt whitley, he has his own youtube channel - about matt whitley, he has his own youtube channel now, - about matt whitley, he has his|

Related Keywords

It , Liz Truss , Kind , Some , Yes , Number , Ways , Crazy , Got The , Crazy Got The , Ten , Character , Demeanour , Dress , Playing A , Manner , Reality , Real Life Character , Tv , Lots , People Play Situation , Like , People , Situation , Speech Patterns , Way , Story , Youtube Channel , Matt Whitley , Telling , Youtube , Must Story , He , Onlyl , Onlyj , Awayl , One ,

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