Adviso advisor, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi about calls to the russian ambassador. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller now penetrating the president s inner circle. Is the president s soninlaw, Jared Kushner, the next in the crosshairs . Could a pardon be coming . Were live with the latest. Safe and sound. A 17yearold florida girl who disappeared with her soccer coach nearly a week ago is found more than 1,000 miles away in new york state. Surveillance cameras able to track their moves along the way. How one cop finally caught up with them. All that, plus the department of justice issues an arrest warrant for an undocumented immigrant found not guilty in the shooting death of a San Francisco woman that set off a nationwide uproar over immigration. Oh, and lindsey vonn goes down lindsey vonn walks away after a scary crash at the womens world cup season opener. And tigers roar. Tiger woods right near the top of the leaderboard in his first pga tour event since his fourth back surgery and his humiliating arrest. Fans everywhere hoping to see that classic tiger fist pump as he gets set to play round three today, saturday, december 2nd, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with sheinelle jones, craig melvin, and dylan dreyer, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, welcome to today and thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. Im sheinelle jones. Glad to have you with us, im craig melvin. Dylan dreyer is also here. Big, breaking news overnight. That breaking news this morning, the Senate Passing the most sweeping tax cut plan in decades just hours ago. President trump rejoicing. Garrett haake is on capitol hill with the dramatic overnight developments. Garrett, good morning. Reporter good morning, sheinelle. Senators cast their final votes around 2 00 this morning on the biggest rewrite of the american tax code in more than 30 years. This is a bill that will affect every single american if it becomes law. Thats something thats looking a lot more likely this morning. Days of frantic deal making and fiery debate ending overnight with a celebration by victorious republicans. The tax cuts and jobs act as amended is passed. Reporter in the leadup to the vote, democrats complain they were given just hours to read the 400 plus page final bill packed with late additions, sometimes scribbled in the margins. This is the tax bill. See how thick it is . I want you to take a look at this, folks. This is your government at work. Reporter on the floor, a furious debate. This legislation will go down in history as one of the worst, most unfair pieces of legislation ever passed. This bill is about helping americans for the long term. Its about restoring the american dream. Reporter but the result, a 5149 republican victory, was largely a foregone conclusion after previously undecided senators, jeff flake and Susan Collins, declared their support for the bill on friday. I do believe that this bill will help to promote Economic Growth and the creation of jobs. Reporter bob corker, the only republican to vote against the bill, said phone calls from President Trump and negotiations with Party Leadership could not overcome his concerns about the bills 1. 5 trillion price tag. Is it the kind of situation where you hope that you are wrong about this bill . Absolutely. I want good things for our country. Reporter the next step, the house and senate must hammer out some of the big differences remaining between their bills, including how many tax brackets there should be, when Corporate Tax cuts should take effect and just how generous to make the child care tax credit. One last round of negotiations on a bill republicans believe the American Economy demands and democrats say it cant possibly afford. This bill has been a big priority for President Trump and he congratulated republican senators overnight with a tweet writing we are one step closer to delivering massive tax cuts for working families across america. Special thanks to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and finance Committee Leader orrin hatch for shepherding our bill through the senate. Look forward to signing a final bill before christmas. How difficult will it be for the house and senate to come to an agreement on the final bill . Reporter make no mistake, its going to be tough, but they have already been working behind the scenes to try to hammer out some of those sticking points. There is a lot of work that congressional leaders have to get done on the hill before the end of the year. This is just one more thing on the plate but they feel the pressure to get it done. Garrett, thank you. Of course the other big story were following this morning, President Trumps former National Security advisor Michael Flynns guilty plea. General flynn admitted that he lied to fbi investigators earlier this year when he was asked about whether he communicated with the russians. The plea deal sending shock waves through washington. This morning still no comment from President Trump about this. Nbcs jeff bennett is at the white house with more on this story. Jeff, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, craig. President trump is this morning set to head back to his hometown of new york city to attend a handful of fundraising events, still maintaining his public silence about that bombshell plea deal involving his former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn. Retired general Michael Flynn, once President Trumps National Security advisor and key confidant, now a convicted felon. Flynn, who had called for Hillary Clinton to be thrown behind bars over her emails damn right. Reporter pleaded guilty friday to willfully and knowingly making false, fictitious and fraudulent statements to the fbi about his contacts with russias former ambassador to the u. S. , sergey kislyak, contacts he had previously denied. Court documents state that on december 22nd a, quote, very Senior Member of the Trump Transition Team directed flynn to contact the russian government and others about a u. N. Resolution on israeli settlements. Sources familiar with the matter tell nbc news that very Senior Member was Jared Kushner, President Trumps soninlaw and senior advisor. A second contact came a week later. Documents show a senior official asked flynn to reach out to kislyak again about the Obama Administration sanctions meant to punish moscow over its election meddling. Nbc news has learned that senior official was k. T. Mcfarland who would later be sworn in as deputy National Security advisor. Flynns plea deal is a gamechanger, marking the first time that special counsel Robert Muellers russia investigation has penetrated trumps inner circle. General flynn, how great is he . Reporter the president , praising flynn just days after firing him. General flynn is a wonderful man. I think hes been treated very, very unfairly by the media. Reporter flynn, now the fourth Trump Campaign official implicated in criminal activity. In a statement flynn says he accepts full responsibility for his actions, adding, quote, my guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the special counsels office reflect a decision i made in the best interests of my family and of our country. White house special counsel ty cobb saying in a statement nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr. Flynn. But with flynn now cooperating with prosecutors, white house officials must be left wondering just what flynn will tell the special counsel. So still no word from President Trump on all of this, but one republican source close to the white house says the administration was blindsided by the news of flynns plea deal, craig. Beyond being blindsided, jeff, what is the mood behind you right now . What is the mood at the white house . Reporter publicly you saw that statement from ty cobb trying to create some distance between the president and mike flynn, but another source close to the president tells us this development is very, very bad for the white house, craig. All right, jeff bennett for us this morning at 1600 pennsylvania. Ari melber, good morning to you. Heres the thing. We learned on friday that it was Jared Kushner that directed general flynn to make this initial contact with the russians. They talked about the u. N. Resolution regarding settlements. Then a week later general flynn makes contact, again this time to talk about isis. Why would general flynn lie about these conversations . I think thats what bob mueller is zeroing in on here. The lie is what he pled guilty to. So theres no dispute anymore. Theres no two sides to that story, thats mike flynn agreeing with bob mueller that he lied about this and that was wrong. To your question of why, the implication is there was something worse going on. The other part of this story that bob mueller is telling is that mike flynn didnt act alone. Its always easy to dismiss a single person. The kplication of the report we just saw on the today show this morning is k. T. Mcfarland, Jared Kushner, these other people were speaking. Who were they speaking for . Potentially the president. Trumps attorney, ty cobb, said nothing about this guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr. Flynn. Thats technically true but should we assume this case is far from closed . Far from closed. Technically true and highly misleading the statement from mr. Cobb there. The reason is that when you make a cooperating agreement like this, you are explicitly saying to the feds, i have information i will give you on other people. Those are in the documents that we at nbc news have now obtained. So, no, there isnt a new name yet in public, but yes, there is an agreement to give information about other names. In fact bob mueller privately probably already has them. So we know that the president told the fbi director to drop this, to leave to leave Michael Flynn alone. Also word a couple days ago in the New York Times that the president was apparently trying to twist the arms of republicans on the Senate Committee who are investigating russias connection to the election and now this. If it is revealed that it was the president of the United States that did have some knowledge of Michael Flynn contacting russians, does that not then seem obvious to you as obstruction . This is how i will put it and ill put it carefully. There are enough issues swirling around here that are being exposed where even someone inclined to give this president the benefit of the doubt has to start to wonder why was there such an obsession over immediately appeasing russia as a first urgent priority of the transition. And when people started looking into that, why was the president s first impulse not to sort of address it or talk about it or get to the facts, but rather blow up the fbi, ask for a pledge of loyalty, which was happening around the exact same time this came out, and ultimately fire the fbi director, which is under investigation for obstruction. If there was no smoke or mirror there, why did you have people, including the president of the United States, running around saying, god, its so hot in here. As we look forward to the week here, whats next . Whats next is that bob mueller will be working with the former National Security advisor, the threestar general, this man who trump voters have heard over and over and over is a great guy from the president to get all of this information. Then hes going to go back and methodically going to check it all. By the way, the only good news here is if the president really wasnt involved in anything, if this all was maybe at a high level, but not the highest, bob mueller will find that too because his job is not to get anyone in trouble, its to find the facts. If it stops here and not there, then hell find that. That could be good news hell say it went to here, here and were done. But hes going to check every last lead. Good information this morning. Thank you. You sound surprised by that. No, it was a good conversation. In fact let me say this, you can watch aris show weeknights at 6 00 eastern on msnbc. Some other headlines, a former Stanford University swimmer who received what many called a far too lenient sentence for sexually assaulting a woman behind a dumpster is now appealing his conviction. This, even though brock turner, has already served his time behind bars. So why the appeal . Heres nbcs steve patterson. Reporter the highprofile case ignited public outrage across the country. Former Stanford University champion swimmer brock turner set free early after serving just three months for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. This morning, an appeal. Turners legal team now aiming to get his conviction overturned, blaming the media for misrepresenting the facts during the case, leading to Court Proceedings they now call unfair. There has been really a very lengthy and detailed set of lies that has been put out in the press about what type of case this is. We are saying that what happened was not a crime. Reporter the judge drew widespread criticism for his leniency, sentencing turner to just six months in county jail. The max term for the crime, 14 years in state prison. The 21yearold was expelled from school, banned from swimming and forced to register as a lifelong sex offender, returning last year to his home in ohio. Jeff rosen responded to nbc news request for comment saying brock turner received a fair trial and was justly convicted. His conviction will be upheld. Nothing can ever roll back emily doughs legacy of raising the worlds awareness about sexual assault. The appeal is confounding to some legal experts, who claim his attorneys are exposing turner to the possibility of a much harsher sentence at a time of heightened sensitivity surrounding Sexual Misconduct. That is really dangerous for brock turner. No one is sympathetic to a sexual abuser or offender at this time. Reporter looking for another day in court could mean more outrage in the court of public opinion. Also this morning the Justice Department has issued an arrest warrant for the illegal immigrant found not guilty of murder this week in the shooting death of a San Francisco woman. Kate steinles death set off a National Conversation about illegal immigration and why the mexican immigrant wasnt deported earlier. The Justice Department is considering federal charges. An update in the firing of matt lauer. Top executives learned that two other news outlets were working on articles about Sexual Misconduct involving the former today cohost several weeks before an accuser came forward. Executives at the network say they did not find any evidence of complaints against lauer or settlements that might have been reached, and when asked directly about any misconduct, lauer said he, quote, could not think of anything at all. On friday, one executive told nbc news lauer was fired for cause and there would be no settlement. The network has also launched an internal review into the events surrounding his firing as well as new measures to prevent sexual harassment. Some good news if youre flying with American Airlines over the christmas holidays. Overnight the airline reached an agreement with its pilots union to avoid having to cancel thousands of flights. A computer scheduling glitch left thousands of flights without a captain, copilot or both. Details of the deal have not yet been released. And former number one champion golfer, tiger woods, back in action today at the hero world challenge, his first pga tour event since his fourth back surgery, also his first since that highprofile arrest for driving under the influence of prescription medications. At one point friday, woods was in the lead. He starts the day five strokes back, and you can watch tiger compete in round three of the hero world challenge later today, 2 30 eastern, right here on nbc. Dylan dreyer, what did you think of tiger yesterday . Its you know, the best golfer in the world, its nice to see him come back. Yeah. He looked he looked like tiger yesterday too. I know. Lets hope his back holds up. Lets talk about the weather, shall we . We have a storm thats making its way into the west coast and thats going to turn into a big weather maker for the pretty much entire country as we go through the week. Not much going on beside some rain up from seattle down to portland and we are looking at the potential of the whole system producing several inches of snow. Up in the mountains we could see difficult travel, especially through the cascades. Up to 14 inches of snow possible in the Sierra Madre Mountains and wind gusts up to 45 Miles Per Hour so that would create blowing snow. Watch how expansive the amount of snow were going to see is. You can see from the west coast all the way through parts of the Northern Plains where we could see 3 to 4 inches of snow, some isolated higher amounts across minnesota but when you factor in gusty winds, that could create very low visibility and the possibility of blizzard conditions because of that reduced visibility. Cold air works in behind this front so any rain changes over to snow. Well see widespread rain from basically the entire east coast by the time we get to tuesday and on the back and around here, well see a much weaker version of that storm arriving later on tonight. For today, mostly overcast skies, increasing clouds and temperatures will be cool as the cloud covers thicken up later today. Well see highs in the upper 50s, north of San Francisco, low 60s across the south bay. Well see a chance of just a few showers, mainly from 9 00 tonight to 3 00 a. M. Sunday morning, so the weekend for the most part, at least during the day, looks dry, especially sunday. Breezy and dry in the hills which will set us up for chilly mornings and mostly dry forecast. And thats your latest forecast. Still ahead here this morning, a florida teenager safe, her former soccer coach under arrest after the two went on a run Cross Country together. This morning the latest on her condition and how police were able to catch up with her. Plus a deathdefying stunt thousands of feet in the air. You have to see this to believe it. First, this is today on nbc. You could save energy by weaving your own shoes. Out of flax. Or simply adjust your thermostat. Do your thing, with Energy Upgrade california. Has crazy low prices. Do you know how we do it . How . Bargainomics say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. Or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. Weve got namebrand, topquality groceries priced 4070 off every day. Bargainomics. Thats our Business Model. And our Business Model is. Delicious. Grocery outlet bargain market time now for the download, a look back at the week that was. President trump came under fire for his tweets and his public comments, and moatt laue was fired after allegations of Sexual Misconduct were leveled against him. The latest tv personality taken down by the recent wave of Sexual Misconduct claims, one of our own. Thank you for joining us. Matt lauer, anchor of nbcs today show for 20 years, was fired. We are devastated. How do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly. It did take a lot of courage for her to come forward. It was no doubt a very painful decision. President trump prompting fierce backlash this week from americas closest ally after retweeting inflammatory antimuslim videos posted by a farright Extremist Group in the uk. Theresa may saying, quote, it is wrong for the president to have done this. The topic sparking a heated debate in parliament. This is the president of the United States sharing with millions inflammatory and divisive content. Trump, also offending many with this controversial comment at an event honoring native american veterans. We have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago, they call her pocahontas. But you know what, i like you. Captured, a suspected serial killer in tampa accused of shooting four people to death. Police arrested 24yearold howell donaldson, taking him in following a tip that he was carrying a firearm inside the restaurant. The worlds most eligible bachelor, prince harry, off the market after announcing his engagement to actress Meghan Markle. It was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee. For the royal family, a groundbreaking love story. Markle, not only american, shes three years older than harry, divorced, and is biracial. The royal family overjoyed. Its brilliant. William and i are absolutely thrilled. For me personally i hope it means he stays out of my fridge. The two set to marry at Windsor Castle in may. A volcano in bali shot ash high into the sky sending locals and tourists scrambling. Airport Officials Say more than 400 flights were cancelled, stranding nearly 60,000 travelers. So much you can do, its a natural disaster. Some of the weeks most memorable moments caught on camera. An international courtroom turned into a crime scene when this bosnian war criminal protested his prison sentence by drinking poison and ending his life. A Police Officer in ohio actually tasered his partner during a traffic stop. Sorry, nick. These wing suit flyers pulled off a jawdropping stunt over the swiss alps jumping from a mountain and landing onboard an airplane midair. And katy perry accidentally hit a fan in the face with an inflatable ball. The fan laughing it off. Here at 30 rock, thousands joined the party and came to see the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. 4, 3, 2, 1. Joy to the world ah. Thats about as perfect of a Christmas Tree that you can get. I think weve got the tree popped up here in all its glory here on the ice rink. It is beautiful. Its breath taking. If you look behind you, craig, its right there. I know, i know. Its always funny when people come out and stand there at the corner. Theyre like wheres the tree, wheres the tree . Its right there, turn town thats actually paying people to move there. Well tell you where it is, but first these messages. Were alaska airlines. And we dont just fly lumberjacks to glaciers. We fly App Developers to mexico city. Novelists to nashville. And pilates instructors to palm springs. Sure, we love a good glacier. But we also like a little cocoa butter. Good saturday morning. It is 5 56. Heres a live look outside at christmas in the park. In downtown san jose. Just beautiful shot there, and you know what . This is a very cold morning. Good morning to you. Thanks so much for joining us. Im kira klapper with meteorologist rob mayeda. This is the first morning that i got in my car and i was like, its cold. Heres proof. You can see some of the temperatures, 30s around the north bay this morning, san jose 45 degrees, 40 in livermore. Afternoon temperatures today, upper 50s and low 60s. Were not going to warm up much because weve got increasing clouds that later on tonight, generally after sunset, we have a chance of seeing a few scattered showers moving through. North bay by 9 00. Rest of the bay area from 11 00 to about 3 00 a. M. And rain totals very light. A lot of this coming down later tonight. Maybe for late evening plans at best. But this is a cold system. This is good news for the sierra. Could see about half a foot of snow. Something to look forward to. Look out for winterlike driving tonight. We clear out tomorrow, breezy and unusually drylooking sevenday forecast as we head into the new week. Good to see dry weather, even though its going to be so cold. Brock turner may be headed back to court. Turners legal team is appealing his conviction. He, of course, is the former stanford swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. The victims statement about her experience drew national attention. Turners lawyers claim he was deprived of due process and that the media spread lies. Nothing happened behind a dumpster. There was no rape and mr. Turner did not find an unconscious woman and assault her. Once people start to begin to understand that the true facts of this case dont reflect any of those things occurring, theyll start to understand why this appeal is so important. The Santa Clara County District Attorney says turner received a fair trial and was justly convicted. Turner was sentenced to just six months in prison, a penalty well below the mandatory minimum. He was released after serving just three months in a county jail. Now to the east bay where fire crews were along the oakland estuay last night. This happened about 4 30 yesterday afternoon, adjacent to the Brooklyn Basin project. The pier was scheduled to be demolished. Well, coming up this morning on today in the bay, a manicurist on the run. How these people tried to skip the bill at an east bay nail salon. Well have that plus all your top stories and weather coming up at 7 00. Hope you join us. Right now, back to the today show. Well, we are back on this saturday morning, december 2nd, 2017. Lets check the headlines and we start with the Senate Passing its tax plan overnight. Republican revolution. Tax cuts and jobs act as amended is passed. On a party line vote, the Senate Passes a massive tax cut bill 5149 early this morning. This is the tax bill. See how thick it is . I want you to take a look at this, folks. This is your government at work. Not a done deal yet. A highstakes meeting with republicans. Flynn flips. Michael flynn pleads guilty to lying to the fbi. Damn right. Flynns cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller now bringing the russia probe into the president s inner circle. On alert. Hawaii sounds its Nuclear Attack Warning System for the First Time Since the cold war, but officials are investigating because the siren could barely be heard along the popular tourist beaches in waikiki. Scary crash. Oh, lindsey vonn goes down into the fencing lindsey vonn taking a major fall during the world cup downhill in canada. Amazingly, she was able to ski down the mountain and still has her eyes set on winning gold at pyeongchang. And Yankee Doodle dandy. The aaron boone who hit one of the most famous home runs in new york yankees history named as the teams newest managers. Yankees fans hoping he still has the right stuff. Today, saturday december 2, 2017. I was still hoping arod got the gig. I was holding out hope maybe they would bring back arod. Didnt happen. All right. Also this morning a teenager from florida who was missing for nearly a week is safe. 17yearold caitlyn was found overnight along with her 27yearold soccer coach after the pair left florida several days ago. They were found more than a thousand miles away in new york state. Nbcs Maya Rodriguez is falling it all from lake city, florida, the young womans hometown. Good morning. Reporter good morning, craig. The Sheriffs Office here is giving a lot of credit to that new york state trooper who spotted the car the pair had left in. Inside, 17yearold caitlyn unharmed and that soccer coach arrested. Do you have any comment . Reporter this morning 17yearold caitlyn is safe, found more than a thousand miles away from where her journey began in florida nearly a week ago. Caitlyn seemed to be in decent spirits. There was no injury to her. Reporter she was first reported missing on sunday from her home near lake city, florida. Later spotted on security cameras at a gas station in georgia and a pawnshop in North Carolina with 27yearold ryan rodriguez, a soccer coach at her school. Her family frantic speaking to nbc news on wednesday. I want her to come home. I want her to give us a call. Reporter no call came. But on friday afternoon, a new york state trooper near syracuse pulled over the car investigators had been looking for. Rian rodriguez red mercury sable. The pair was inside. Caitlyn unharmed, rian arrested without incident. Either one of them wanted to run or anything. I think wanted to come to a peaceful resolution. Reporter its not the only highprofile case this year involving a missing student and school employee. This past march 50yearold tad cummins vanished with a 15yearold student. They were both later found safe in california. Cummins pleaded not guilty and remains behind bars pending his trial in january. As for caitlyns family, joy and relief. Her mother emailing nbc news, she is safe. Were going to bring her home. We are elated that shes there. It will be final closure whenever we get her back here in Columbia County with her mom and dad and then they can start the healing process. Reporter caitlyns parents are heading to new york today to get their daughter. As for rian rodriguez, he was arrested for interfering with child custody. Maya rodriguez for us this morning there, thank you. Dylan, you have another check of the weather . Yes. I talked about that storm thats going to move across the country. Its with this cold front thats going to drag down some very cold temperatures from the north. In the meantime its been unseasonably mild. In fact 195 Million People are experiencing temperatures above average. Wichita 64, minneapolis a little chilly, 47. Nashville 65, new york city 50 degrees. As we go into tomorrow, still warm ahead of that front. Oklahoma city mid70s. Mid60s in st. Louis. But watch what happens as this front moves through. Temperatures drop down into the 30s back behind it. Well see the 50s and 60s replaced with 30s by wednesday in chicago 31 degrees. Thats why on the back side of that storm system we could see some of that rain change over to snow. In atlanta we go from 70 on tuesday down to 50. In new york city we drop to 41 by thursday. Right now, chilly temperatures north bay, east bay valleys, upper 30s and low 40s and with increasing clouds today. Temperatures during the afternoon also will be fairly cool. Upper 50s from the coast into the north bay, low 60s closer to san jose and later tonight under those cloudy skies, 9 00 to about 3 00 a. M. Sunday, a slight chance of seeing a few showers. Well clear out as the sun comes up tomorrow with a very dry forecast for this time of year with some chilly mornings, breezy and dry in the hills with morning temperatures cold enough for some patchy frost early next week. And thats your latest forecast. Thank you, dylan. Still to come, a warning from Actor Chris Pratt about an imposter on the internet. Up next sha, the are you taking the tissue test . Yep, and my teeth are yellow. Time for whitestrips. Crest glamorous White Whitestrips are the only adaaccepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. And they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. When a achoo alls. Answer it. With zicam cold remedy. It shortens colds, so you get better, faster. Colds are gonna call. Answer them with zicam zicam. Get your better back. Now in delicious fruit drops. [phhello. Ng] hi, its anne from edward jones. Im glad i caught you. Well im just leaving the office so for once ive got plenty of time. Whats going on . So those financial regulations being talked about . They could affect your accounts, so lets get together and talk, and make sure everythings clear. Thanks. Yeah. That would be great. Weve grown to over 900 billion in assets under care. By being proactive, not reactive. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. This morning a rossen reports update. A winter fire warning for all of us. Millions of people use portable space heaters to keep warm this winter but officials are sending out new warnings about how dangerous they can be if not used correctly. Today jeff rossen has more, including a dramatic demonstration. Hey, guys, good morning. Space heaters are popular for good reason. Theyre small, theyre cost efficient, and they can keep your family warm. But it turns out so many of us are using them wrong. And in an instant, tragedy can strike. This morning before you turn yours on, we need to show you some video how fast things can go wrong and what you can do right now to protect yourself. It happens in an instant. Oh, my god. I think the house is on fire. Deadly flames raging infernos, all these homes on fire. I got out, the flames were above the trees. Already this season, several tragic incidents. In texas during thanksgiving weekend, four family members killed in this fire and just days ago, this lone puppy survived a fire in oklahoma city. But five other puppies did not survive. In all these cases, space heaters are to blame. In fact according to the National Fire protection association, space heaters are a leading cause of house fires. So how do we stay warm and safe . Jamie novak, a retired fire investigator, shows us lifesaving tips. One, people need to realize that these are small but they draw a lot of electricity. So one, you plug it directly into the wall. And thats a big tip. Plug the heater directly into the wall. He says some people use cheap extension cords to move the heater closer, but many extension cords cant handle that amount of electricity. Just watch when he does it. There you have from a loose connection, the start of fire. Whats the next tip . The next tip is we keep this three feet from anything combustible that will burn. The couch, the end table, anything that will burn. Best to do it in the center of the room. You were telling me as ridiculous as it sounds, people sometimes let blankets fall on top of the heater. Thats right. And this heater is hot enough it can catch it on fire. Then the room is on fire and the house is on the ground. To show us, jamie sets up a real life demonstration inside this real house, which is already being prepared for demolition. We have a team of firefighters standing by. All right. Heater on, blanket on, and well see what happens. Remember, this happens in homes all the time. In just several minutes there we go, we have ignition. And you see how fast these fires can spread. A piece of the blanket fell off and now its burning the rug too. Flames race up the blanket. And look at that, it spread to the couch. Its already hard to breathe in here. Its kicking off serious black both. Now its got the couch on fire, you wont be able to stay in here another two minutes. Suddenly an inferno in our living room. Just like that it flashed over. Lets get out of here. You cant even breathe anymore. Everyone out. Oh, that happened, jamie, so fast. I mean you cant breathe in there. People dont realize how fast the fire takes off and how nasty it gets. I was able to breathe, then i wasnt. It is raging. And heres the scariest part of all. The fire immediately spreads, jumping from room to room. The fire is right here, but let me show you how fast it spread. Look over here, on the other side of the house, its been just a couple of minutes, we already have black smoke coming out here too. This could be your home and its super dangerous. Flames engulf the house, shattering these glass doors as it burns. If this doesnt show you to follow the instructions, i dont know what does. Youre dead if youre in this room right now. All from a space heater. All from a space heater and somebody improperly using it. Now, there are space heaters with an automatic shutoff switch if it gets too hot or is accidentally knocked over, but experts say just dont risk it. Remember the threefoot rule and dont plug them into extension cords. Also plan ahead. Make sure you and your family have a fire escape plan. I cant stress that enough. If you dont have one, go on our website right now today. Com. We have a link to take you through it step by step. Pack to you. Some potentially lifesaving tips there. You dont realize how quickly those fires spread until you actually see the fire. Absolutely. And weve covered plenty of them in our career so its important. Dylan dreyer, whats coming up next . Well, how would you feel about taking a big payout to move to a town thats looking move to a town thats looking for people to live more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. clapping and the United States Postal Service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. Even the smallest things whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums ifwhat would it say . Ash tag 80 glowing 50 freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. Thats why dove is sulfate free. The 1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. Thanks for the ridealong, captain ive never been in one of these before, even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . Back now on saturday morning with an interesting question. How much would you pay to live in an area where you could ski and take in gorgeous views all day long . Believe it or not, theres actually a place that will pay you to move there. Dylan will explain. We are talking about a swiss town offering that pay newcomers to settle there. The community has dwindled down to 240 residents and Officials Say this move will bring life back to the village. Theyre offering 25,000 per adult and 10,000 for each child. To qualify, here are the rules. You must be younger than 45, a swiss citizen or permanent resident and you have to be willing to build or buy a house that costs at minimum 200,000. You also have to commit to living there for at least a decade. As you can imagine, the offer has a lot of people talking online. One person writing simply, how do i apply . We asked you at home to weigh in. Would you move to a remote Swiss Village for ten years if they paid you 25,000. 63 said no. 37 said yes, theyd move there for 25,000. But doing the math, i mean for ten years, 25,000 per adult. You have to buy a house thats 200,000 minimum. Its not that much. I guess if youre looking for a change in life and dont know where you should go, maybe this is an option. If they have to pay people to move there, i dont know if its that great. Look how beautiful it is. We should take a trip and assess the situation. See what it looks like. That sounds like a wonderful assignment. Thank you, dylan. Lets talk to the boss. Still to come, will a mcdonalds manager get a huge reward for helping catch a serial killer . The answer coming up. First, this is today on nbc. [drumming] one time, in new orleans, well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. And Great Stories kept coming. [trumpet playing] some make you move to jazz, funk and bounce. Some of our stories arent quite as straightforward. Blocked by the saints [crowd roaring] while others prove that great things can happen. Even on a monday night. Cause for three hundred years, Great Stories have started the same way. One time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] still to come here on today, we are live with the latest on that overnight breaking news as the Senate Passes a Major Overhaul to this countrys tax code. Plus prince harry and meghan plus prince harry and Meghan Markle paying less for my medicare . Plus prince harry and Meghan Markle im open to that. Lower premiums . 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Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Ito become dangerous. D for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. Helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. Align, press and unzip. Even if you dont buy one at carmax,from us. Uy your car because maybe youre already buying a car somewhere else. Or maybe you want to shop around. Or, maybe you dont want to drive a car at all anymore. Like, maybe you want to ride a camel into the dessert and take a deep hard look within. Just figure some stuff out for awhile. Thats cool. Whatever your plans for buying a car, carmax is the place to sell your car. Okay, lets do this, tina, tchicktchick. Here we go, tchicktchick. I believe in ya tina. Cmon now. Ah, we can just hang out here. Good saturday morning. It is 6 26. Heres a live look outside at the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco. Cant quite see to the golden gate bridge, and it is a chilly morning out there. Thanks so much for joining us. Im kira klapper with meteorologist rob mayeda. He has a look at our microclimate forecast. I said chilly because you said chilly but its cold. We have it right now in the north bay, east bay valleys, 37 in napa, san jose, one of the more mild spots this morning at 45. 50 right henear the water in sa francisco and were going to stay in the 50s for probably areas around the peninsula coast up to the north bay as clouds increase during the day. Low 60s in san jose. Weakening system from about 9 00 tonight to 3 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning will bring a slight chance of showers. Theyll be gone by the time we wake up tomorrow morning and youll see breezy and dry conditions. In fact, the sevenday forecast thats unusually dry for this time of year. Chilly mornings and dry afternoons ahead. All right, rob, well check in again at 7 00. Thanks. We have some breaking news for you this morning. Here is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. Traffic on westbound i80 backed up and almost at a complete standstill. A big rig truck crashed into the toll plaza. Early reports are that one person died. Its not known when these lanes will be reopened. Well bring you the latest on our newscast at 7 00 a. M. Brock turner may be headed back to court. Turners legal team is appealing his conviction. He, of course, is the former stanford swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster outside a Campus Fraternity party back in 2015. The victims statement about her experience drew national attention. Turners lawyer claims he was deprived of due process and that the media spread lies. Nothing happened behind a dumpster. There was no rape and mr. Turner did not find an unconscious woman and assault her. Once people start to begin to understand that the true facts of this case dont reflect any of those things occurring, theyll start to understand why this appeal is so important. The Santa Clara County District Attorney says turner received a fair trial and was justly convicted. Turner was sentenced to six months in prison, a penalty well below the mandatory minimum. He was released after serving just three months in county jail. It is 6 29. Coming up this morning on today in the bay, a manicure on the run. Well tell you how these people tried to skip their bill at an east bay nail salon. That plus all your top stories and weather coming up at 7 00. We hope you join us. Right now, well send you back to the today show. You could save energy by weaving your own shoes. Out of flax. Or simply adjust your thermostat. Do your thing, with Energy Upgrade california. Good morning. Breaking overnight, tax plan passes. In an Early Morning vote, Senate Republicans pass the most sweeping tax plan in three decades. This after a down to the wire scramble to sweeten the pot to get reluctant republicans to vote yes. Democrats furious. President trump rejoicing. But its not a done deal yet. Were live with the latest. Flynn fallout. New reaction overnight to the bombshell guilty plea by general Michael Flynn after admitting he lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russians. New questions this morning. Could Jared Kushner be in legal jeopardy . And what does it all mean for President Trump . And the royal engagement. Prince harry and fiancee Meghan Markle making their first public appearance since announcing theyre getting married. Fans delighted. What were learning about the future princess as she gets ready for life in the public eye. Today, saturday, december 2nd, 2017. A familiar face on the plaza this morning. How many times have you been been here now . This is my fourth time. Why are you so excited this morning . Its my first trip to new york city. You actually brought your bucket to the today show. Whats number one . Being on the today show and saying hello im turning 40. Its my 43rd. Its my 54th. Its my 24th. Its our 13th too. And its my 12th birthday. Happy birthday and a good morning good saturday morning. Welcome back. What a fantastic crowd we have with us here on the plaza this first saturday of december. This is a holiday crowd. Its a holiday crowd, but you know what i appreciate . A lot of signs that they made in advance. You guys planned out these trips. We love a quality sign. Wheres the woman that this that glitter is going to be following you around for weeks. Thats a beautiful sign. Thank you guys for coming. What do you think of our tree, by the way . What do you think of the tree . What are they going to say . It is pretty great. We have a lot to get to in this final half hour, but lets begin with todays news. Im Garrett Haake on capitol hill where senators cast their final votes around 2 00 this morning on the biggest rewrite of the u. S. Tax code in more than 30 years. This is a bill that will affect every single american if it becomes law, and thats looking a lot more likely this morning. Days of frantic deal making and fiery debate ending overnight with a celebration by victorious republicans. The tax cuts and jobs act as amended is passed. Reporter in the leadup to the vote, democrats complained they were given just hours to read the 400plus page final bill, packed with late additions, sometimes scribbled in the margins. This is the tax bill. See how thick it is . I want you to take a look at this, folks. This is your government at work. Reporter on the floor, a furious debate. This legislation will go down in history as one of the worst, most unfair pieces of legislation ever passed. This bill is about helping americans for the long term. Its about restoring the american dream. Reporter but the result, a 5149 republican victory was largely a foregone conclusion after previously undecided senators jeff flake and Susan Collins declared their support for the bill on friday. I do believe that this bill will help to promote Economic Growth and the creation of jobs. Bob corker, the only republican to vote against the bill, said phone calls from President Trump and negotiations with Party Leadership could not overcome his concerns about the bills 1. 5 trillion price tag. Is it the kind of situation where you hope that you are wrong about this bill . Absolutely. I want good things for our country. Reporter the next step, the house and senate must hammer out some of the big differences remaining between these bills, including how many tax brackets there should be, when Corporate Tax cuts should take effect, and just how generous to make the child care tax credit. One last round of associations on a bill republicans believe the American Economy demands and democrats say it cant possibly afford. This bill has been a major pry o priority for the president and he tweed about it with a bit of hyperbole. Biggest tax bill and tax cuts in history just passed in the senate. Now these great republicans will be going to final passage. Thank you to house and Senate Republicans for your hard work and commitment. The president would like to see this bill on his desk by christmas. Thats ambitious, but Republican Leaders are committed to trying to get it done. Sheinelle and craig, back to you. That would be his first major legislative victory. Garrett haake, thank you. Another developing story this morning, fallout after former National Security advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on friday to lying to the fbi when he was asked earlier this year about whether he communicated with the russians. The president still isnt commenting on the plea deal. Jeff bennett is at the white house this morning with more. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning, sheinelle. President trump so far isnt talking about, isnt tweeting about that bombshell plea deal involving his former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn. A development, by the way, that marks a major milestone in special counsel Robert Muellers russia investigation. Retired general Michael Flynn, once President Trumps National Security advisor and key confidant, now a convicted felon. Flynn, who had called for Hillary Clinton to be thrown behind bars over her emails damn right. Reporter pleaded guilty friday to willfully and knowingly making false, fictitious and fraudulent statements for the fbi about his contacts with russias former ambassador to the u. S. , sergey kislyak, contacts he had previously denied. Court documents state that on december 22nd, a, quote, very Senior Member of the Trump Transition Team directed flynn to contact the russian government and others about a u. N. Resolution on israeli settlements. Sources familiar with the matter tell nbc news that very Senior Member was Jared Kushner. President trumps soninlaw and senior advisor. A second contact came a week later. Documents show a senior official asked flynn to reach out to kislyak again about the Obama Administration sanctions meant to punish moscow over its election meddling. Nbc news has learned that senior official was k. T. Mcfarland, who would later be sworn in as deputy National Security advisor. Flynns plea deal is a gamechanger, marking the first time that special counsel Robert Muellers russia investigation has penetrated trumps inner circle. General flynn, how great is he . Reporter the president , praising flynn just days after firing him. General flynn is a wonderful man. I think hes been treated very, very unfairly by the media. Reporter flynn, now the fourth Trump Campaign official implicated in criminal activity. In a statement, flynn says he accepts full responsibility for his actions. Adding, quote, my guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the special counsels office reflect a decision i made in the best interests of my family and of our country. And so the president this morning, sheinelle, is heading to new york city to attend a few fundraisers. The white house says President Trump is not focused so much on flynn, more so on the gop tax plan. The president s lawyer, ty cobb, issued a statement trying to downplay the impact of flynns plea deal saying that nothing about it implicates anyone other than Michael Flynn. Jeff bennett, thank you. Now to some more of this mornings headlines. The Justice Department has issued an arrest warrant for the illegal immigrant who was acquitted of murder in the shooting death of a San Francisco woman. Kate steinles death set off a National Conversation about illegal immigration and why the mexican immigrant was not deported earlier. Of the Justice Department is now considering federal charges. The mcdonalds manager responsible for tipping off police about an alleged serial killer in tampa, florida, will receive a 110,000 reward. The woman reached out to police when the 24yearold suspect, who also worked at the restaurant, handed her a mcdonalds bag containing a gun. Police say that gun matched the murder weapon used in all four shootings over the last two months. Howell donaldson iii is charged with four counts of firstdegree murder. The manager just wanted to do the right thing. A team of doctors in texas have achieved a medical milestone delivering the first baby to be born in the United States to a mother with a transplanted uterus. The mother gave birth to the baby at Baylor University Medical Center in dallas. The hospital has had a study under way for several years but the same breakthrough has already been achieved in sweden. The surgery is hoped to dramatically change the lives of women born without a uterus and other fertility issues. Dylan is out on the plaza with another check of the weather. Good morning, guys. Ive been getting tweeted several times by this lovely woman here. This is your fourth visit now to the today show, right . Yes. My sign says its my third visit, dylan, but i actually came yesterday. Yes, minnesota, we love today we love having you here. Thanks for coming back again and again and again, we love it. Lets take a look at whats going on across the con refor the weekend. We will see widespread snow across the pacific northwest. Thats going to be a storm that will affect the entire country the next several days, but in the meantime above average high temperatures through the plains, through the midwest. Highs in the 60s, even 80s down near texas. Some fog along the gulf coast this morning and in the northeast temperatures should be in the 40s. And then it warms up into the 50s in the northeast tomorrow, continued warmth back through the middle of the country. Some showers work into southeastern texas and heavy snow is likely, especially out toward the rockies and the areas moving into montana where we will see the possibility of blowing s were seeing a cool start to the morning. Mostly 40s outside. 38 degrees right now in santa rosa with afternoon highs staying in the upper 50s from the coast to San Francisco into the north bay and low 60s elsewhere as clouds continue to increase during the day. Later tonight from about 9 00 tonight to 3 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning, we have a slight chance of showers, then the rest of sunday, skies clear, setting us up for some breezy and dry conditions to start the week and chilly mornings ahead. Very dry sevenday forecast for this time of year. Your latest forecast. Craig. All right, dylan, thank you. Now to the it couple of the week, if not the year. Prince harry and Meghan Markle back at Kensington Palace this morning after a busy day on friday wowing the crowds as they made their first public appearance since announcing their engagement. Nbcs lucy kavanof is outside Kensington Palace, the couples new home. Lucy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Prince harry and his fiancee, Meghan Markle, dazzled the crowds yesterday but this morning some muchdeserved r r for the soontobe royal couple. This morning a quiet saturday behind closed palace doors for prince harry and his bridetobe. A day after the happy couple embarked on their First Official joint engagement in notingham. On the streets, Meghan Markle mania. British well wishers giving this american the warmest of welcomes. Doing a royal walk about. Thats the famous set piece of any royal engagement. And she handled it with aplomb. Meghan is divorced and shes a common a change that theyremodern. They visited a World Aids Day charity affair, a nod to princess diana, who championed hiv aids awareness. Were a fantastic team. Im very excited about that. Reporter Meghan Markle has been outspoken on womens rights too. At the age of 11 i had created my small level of impact by standing up for equality. Reporter campaigning against a sexist dish washing commercial when she was just 11, appearing on nickelodeon in 1993 in a segment recently aired on inside edition. Mom does this and mom does that. Reporter writing letters to then first lady Hillary Clinton and the soap maker. I was wondering if you would be able to change your commercial to people all over america. Reporter the company responding by changing its ad. Now, meghan will be giving up her causes to focus on royal work, but a lot of folks see them as a truly modern couple and are looking forward to meghan making her mark on the royal family. Sheinelle, craig, back to you guys. Lucy, thank you. How excited are you . I think its exciting. You know, we like to get into stuff. Its a nice distraction. Its fun. Looking forward to that wedding in may. Still to come here, when i think back to some of the gifts youve gotten over the years, whos given you the absolute worst gift . Think about that. Well tell you what one study says about the worst gift givers ever. And theres no one id rather. Hit the road with. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. Ever us one diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. Available at kay, jared and zales. Hey, guys. Where are the cookies for the. Bake sale . Bake. Bake sale . Need to bake in a hurry . Use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. Theres no softening required. So baking is delicious and easy. Ooh, cookies ah, ah, ah laughter how do you chase what you love with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis . Ooh, cookies do what i did. Ask your doctor about humira. Its proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist about humira. This is humira at work. And roomba from irobot gets to work using two multisurface brushes and powerlifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. Daily dirt doesnt stand a chance. You and roomba from irobot. Better together. We are back on a saturday morning and its time to trend. Take us trending. Do you like that holiday trend music . Before we get to trending. We just came off of no shave november. Clearly craig has shaved on his face. He missed a spot but its right under your can we zoom in . I didnt see it. Right there. This is what were going to do . I shave at like 3 45, 4 00 a. M. Oftentimes im having to get a 3yearold off so yes, youre right, i missed a spot. Dylan walks in and she said ew do you feel better now . If your wife was awake when you left the house, she would not have let you out. Youre right. Speaking of gifts, its the Holiday Season so it makes sense were talking about gifts, specifically the worst ones and who gives them to you. A new study by vista print via one poll. Com says inlaws are the worst gift givers. Theyre followed by coworkers, aunts and then sisters, all who apparently tend to give terrible presents. How do you hands an unwanted gift . A third of the people surveyed admitted they politely say thank you anyway and 13 say theyll act excited about a bad gift even when theyre not. In the spirit of a Holiday Season, 8 in 10 adults admit when it comes to gifting, its it thought that counts. Im a fake excitement kind of person because i do appreciate the thought that went into the gift. My inlaws im not saying this because theyre rabid viewers of the broadcast, but they give really good gifts. Really . Yeah. Like what . Shirts, sweaters. My motherinlaw is very good at buying me dresses that i wear on the show. A lot of times i get compliments. Where did you get it . From my motherinlaw. You know what i will say about my motherinlaw, i think she gives me gifts, things that i probably wouldnt purchase for myself and i end up liking it. Oh, i wouldnt have done this for myself. I always think underrated gifts are like socks. I feel like we all need socks. You know what we need . We need popstart. Apparently i need a razor. Lets start this morning with popstart on a warning from Actor Chris Pratt to his fans. Pratt took to instagram saying in part somebody is trying to pretend to be me on facebook and maybe other social media platforms, apparently hitting on a lot of different female fans, trying to get their numbers and who else knows what. Im not joking. Please know i find this behavior reprehensible and if i find out who it is, ill have their account shut down. He said to look for the blue certified check mark that shows that youre verified and the 38yearold is especially concerned about kids falling for the scam. The fake account seems to have been deleted from facebook since pratts post so hopefully it doesnt come back. Next up, good news for fans. Stranger things has officially been renewed for a third season. The Second Season of the netflix hit premiered to huge ratings so this news should come as no surprise but fans of the internet are still freaking out that creators are giving some details. Another jump in time is inevitable and whats to come for season three . If you finished season two, you know trouble is lurking for the residents of hawkins, indiana. I went to the rangers game last night and the actor who plays dustin he was there at the game. Were people excited . Yes. I was probably the most excited. A talented kid. Yeah. Finally, you can believe can you believe its been 20 years since jack and rose fell in love on that doomed ship, the titanic. To celebrate the anniversary, titanic is sail back into theaters for one week. It was rereleased at select amc theaters nationwide in 2 and 3d on friday. The movie made Leonardo Dicaprio and kate winslet household names but theres been one question about their characters that has followed them for years. Could jack have fit . While paying a visit to stephen colbert, winslet reenacted the scene and yes. Matthew mcconaughey originally auditioned for the role of jack with her. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Everything we stock at Grocery Outlet has crazy low prices. Do you know how we do it . How . Bargainomics say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. Or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. Weve got namebrand, topquality groceries priced 4070 off every day. Bargainomics. Thats our Business Model. And our Business Model is. Delicious. Grocery outlet bargain market and thats going to do it. Thats going to do it for us on a saturday morning. Tomorrow on sunday today willie sits down with Chris Stapleton and his wife. How stapleton went from my experience with usaa has been excellent. They always refer to me as master sergeant. They really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. Weve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. Usaa was there handson very quick very prompt. I feel like were being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. Were the webber family and we are usaa members for life. Usaa, get your insurance quote today. Achoosnap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. The toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. Fredget in, fred thing for his daughter. Even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. Fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. And that smell puts the giddy in giddyup ah. The irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. You cant help but smell happy. Advil liquigels minis. Our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. A small new size thats fast, cause its liquid. Woohoo youll ask, what pain . New advil liquigels minis. Bay. Brock turner filing an appeal good morning. Im kira klapper. Coming up next on today in the bay, brock turner, convicted of sexual assault, now filing an appeal to that conviction. Why his Attorney Says it didnt happen. Also, what caused a pier to collapse into the oakland estuary . And keep that umbrella handy. Meteorologist rob mayeda will let us know when the next chance of showers is this weekend. Good saturday morning to you. It is 7 00 on the dot. Heres a live look outside. Beautiful pink skies, and some clouds over the golden gate bridge. Dont be fooled by that picturesque view, though. It is cold out there. It was the first morning i was telling rob that i sat in my car and went, whoa. Thank goodness for heaters. This is really cold. Yeah. Good morning. Thanks for joining us. Im kira klapper, meteorologist rob mayeda in for vianey arana has a look at our microclimate forecast. And it isll

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