Dont meddle. What the president is saying about that moment morning. New clues, a mysterious disappearance of a College Student in utah. The search enters day 11 were live with the very latest. Those stories, plus, red flag that deadly shark attack in the bahamas raising concerns that beaching here at home here ahead of july 4th. And do more. Fan safety at every Major League Ballpark now coming from capitol hill. And fever pitch. Whos going to win . Excitement builds and so do temperatures in paris as team usa gets ready to faceoff with france at the world cup today, friday, june 28, 2019. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza and good morning, everybody. Welcome to today, nice to have you with us on a friday morning. Good to have you back good work down there, and good to see you even if its on two hours sleep. I cant believe eight hours ago i was in miami and here we are. Last night the debate, our top story. A much different feel on night two with four of the Top Democrats taking part last night. Former Vice President Joe Biden Center stage and at the center of repeated criticism including that pointed exchange with senator Kamala Harris. Complete coverage. We start with our chief white house corners Hallie Jackson. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you, savannah. We expected this debate to heavily feature the frontrunner joe biden, and it sure did, although maybe not in the way his team would have wanted. Biden was front and center, but so were his vulnerabilities as senator Kamala Harris made very clear and personal in whats arguably not just the most dramatic moment of the debate but the entire primary season so far. A local decision reporter its the most explosive exchange of this democratic primary yet. Im going to now direct this at Vice President biden. Reporter senator Kamala Harris confronts Vice President joe biden over working with two sec segregationist senators two decades ago. I do not believe youre a racist and i agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding Common Ground and i also believe and its personal and i was very it was hurtful. You also worked with them to oppose bussing, and you know, there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public school, and she was bused to school every day, and that little girl was me. Reporter the audience stunned into silence with biden forced on defense. Mischaracterized my position across the board. I did not praise racists, thats not true, number one. Number two, if we want to litigate this campaign on who supported civil rights and whether i did or not im happy to do that. I was a public defender. I didnt become a prosecutor. Reporter within moments Harris Campaign tweeting this photo of the senator as a child. The caption that little girl was me and image framing the marquee moment in a contentious debate. Candidates, please guys, you know what . America does not want to witness a food fight they want to know how were going to put food on their table. Reporter harris the most breakout moment and 9 biggest target, biden. His younger rivals repeatedly made the case for new leadership. Joe biden was right time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans 32 years ago. Im Still Holding on to that torch. Reporter making a point to promote his record alongside a Popular Party favorite, former president barack obama. President obama did a heck of a job. Reporter pointing out how aggressive their policies should be, big differences on health care and all unanimous on this. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. Reporter the pdent pouncing on that stance tweeting from the g20 summit in japan, how about taking care of american citizens first . Thats the end of that race. And on iig, millennial mayor Pete Buttigieg to say it is okay, to suggest god would smile on the division of families at the hands of federal agents that god would condone putting children in cages, has lost all plans to ever use religious language again. Reporter the sharpest attacks saved for the man these candidates hoped to replace. What is the greatest National Security threat to the United States . Its donald trump. Trump is a phony. Trump is a pathological liar, and a racist, and that he lied to the American People during his campaign. Reporter so today the candidates are getting back on the campaign trail and that includes joe biden who is set to deliver a civil rights speech group to go to chicago and speak with those folks. Bidens sources inside the campaign are pushing back on reports there was a freakout moment, if you will, among staff given bidens performance, describing the atmosphere as remarkably calm. Savannah . Hallie, thank you. Former democratic senator Claire Mccaskill served with many and shes here with us. Good morning. Good morning. About last night. Thats the theme of the morning. What did you think about Vice President biden . He came in as the frontrunner. Do you think last night hurt him . He certainly took some shots. No question that it was not his best night. He had a solid performance. But kamala, she was she brought it. I would put it in context, though. This was the opening curtain on a very long drama. And while i think kamala certainly assured hes going to be in the final group of people on the stage debating come end of this year, i think we cant assume that joe biden cant recover or that now its a done deal for Kamala Harris. Senator, heres the thing. There seems to be a different narrative emerging about joe biden. Everyone knows Barack Obamas number two, but also heres the senator who has a complicated relationship with bussing. He has this, this relationship with segregationists he worked with while in the upper chamber. Do we think that last night moves the needle, or do you think this is a narrative that will start to perhaps manifest itself in polling . If you look at the votes in the democratic primary, nothing is more important than the africanamerican vote and the youth vote, where you see growth, quite frankly. What happened last night . Some of the younger candidates go after bernie to try to grab some of that youth vote and you saw Kamala Harris go after joe biden trying to reassure the africanamerican community, hey, im real. You guys need to get with this. I can be not only the second black president in the United States but the first woman president of the United States. The dynamic in the primary, whether a republican primary or democratic primary, is always things that happen in the primary may later come back and haunt in the general election. Did you see anything on the stage that concerns you as a democrat on those grounds . It will be interesting to see how this plays out because Kamala Harris said after the debate that when she raised her hand to lester holts question about private insurance, she thought he was referring to her own. He used the word their he thought he meant hers and not saying all private insurance should be outlawed. That going to be something here. Theres 150 Million People in this country with Health Insurance at work and are not as excited about giving that up. Senator warren staked her claim on those grounds the night before. Yes. Obviously, thats going to be one of the big debates in this primary. Should we do away with all private insurance in this country and make it illegal as bernie and elizabeth think we should do . Or should private insurance still be an option for those people who still want to provide insurance at work and get insurance at work. Quickly, who else had a good night last night . Mayor pete had a pretty good night. Frankly i think one of the reasons joe biden didnt meet expectations because all the candidates were pretty damn good. You know . I maybe shouldnt say that on morning tv. I apologize to all the parents out there, but they were all theyre going to wash your mouth out with soap. Im going to see this glass as half full, as long as it doesnt get too personal. If it does voters will react. What we saw the last two nights is a lot of strong candidates to take out the mess in the oval office. Senator Claire Mccaskill on the democratic primary. Thank you, appreciate it. You bet. Breaking overnight, President Trump sitting down with Russias Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the g20 summit. The first meeting since the end of the Mueller Investigation and President Trump raised eyebrows with how he handled the russian interference in u. S. Elections. Nbc news correspondent keir simmons traveling with the president. Hes in osaka, japan, this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The white house confirming this morning the russian president , president putin, did indeed invite President Trump to moscow next may if he agreed to that, and the white house says that he has not accepted the offer. It would be pretty stunning, because next may would be just six months before the 2020 election, but it was President Trumps comments on election meddling with president putin sitting right next to him that is truly raising eyebrows this morning. Asked if hed warned russia not to meddle in the 2020 elections President Trump appeared to jokingly reprimand president putin. Dont meddle in the election. Reporter mr. Putin laughing along. Its the first time the two men have met since the conclusion of Robert Muellers investigation blaming russia for sweeping and systematic election interference in 2016. Mr. Trump praising putin, who has repeatedly denied meddling. We have had a very, very Good Relationship and we look forward to spending some very good time together. A lot of very positive things are going to come out of the relationship. So vladimir, thank you very much. Reporter earlier the two men chatting ahead of the family photo of all the gathered leaders. President trump standing beside saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin salman. The summit taking place amid a backdrop of international instability. Iran, north korea, climate change, all big issues here. A fist pump with india and japans leaders couldnt conceal divisions on trade. The United Nations secretarygeneral determinant ly, diplomatic. To what extent do you hold President Trump responsible for disagreements among here at the g20. It is very important that that dialogue is foreseen before china and the u. S. Reporter those crucial u. S. china talks set to take place in less than 24 hours. Today President Trump warning americas security and intellectual property must be protected. A renewed dialogue on trade, but will there be a deal . Back to that meeting between President Trump and president putin. It lasted between 45 minutes, and an hour, and they talked about arms control, about iran, venezuela, ukraine and syria, but it was one agreement that may be criticized. The white house says they agreed to improve relations. Savannah and craig . Keir simmons in osaka, japan, thank you. Two big rulings from the Supreme Court. One was a blow to the Trump Administration plan to put a Citizenship Question on next year the census form and Pete Williams is at the court for us. Pete, good morning. Reporter good morning, savannah. The Supreme Court rejected the Trump Administrations claim for why it needed to put a question about citizenship on the census form that goes to every u. S. Household next year. It left the door open for the government to try again, but there may not be enough time for that. What do we want . To be counted. Reporter immigrant groups cheered the decision. A big win for them and 17 states who said asking everyone who gets a census form if theyre a u. S. Citizen would discourage migrants from responding resulting in an under count. We have a victory. We can stand proud and sure that every single one of is will be counted. Reporter required by the constitution every ten years, the census determines how many members each state gets in the house of representatives, and how much money states get in federal grants. For densely populated states, the Citizenship Question could make a big difference in the results. It would be a sad appearance if people said, well, since thats on there im not going to be counted, because it means so much in terms of who we are as a nation. Reporter the ruling gives the government another chance to come up with an explanation for why it needs the Citizenship Question, and that will start another court battle. The Census Bureau claimed it needed to start preparing the forms by the end of june, but President Trump tweeted that he has asked government lawyers if they can delay the census until the Supreme Court is given more information. Can you imagine you send out a census and not allowed to say whether or not a persons an american citizen. Pete, another major decision as mentioned from the court yesterday. Tell us about that one. Reporter right. This involved two cases from maryland and North Carolina and in those cases the court said its not for federal judges to weigh in when the states draw the maps for their congressional and legislative districts and heavily favor the party in power. This was a 54 ruling with conservatives in the majority saying that the court has no authority to reallocate political power among the major parties. If this decision had gone the other way it could have led to changes in who controls congress and the legislatures. Key decisions there. Pete, thank you. Lots more to get to on this friday morning including new pressure on Major League Baseball to extend protective netting at all stadiums. Leaguewide. This comes after a number of alarming incidents where fans have been injured by foul balls. Nbcs Gadi Schwartz is in chicago with more on that. Gadi, good morning. Reporter good morning, craig. The white sox, tigers and pirates, some of the first teams to pledge for more netting at their stadiums stretching as far as the foul poles as some lawmakers are calling for more to be done to protect fans like the little girl whose skull was fractured during a cubs astros game last month. This morning the pittsburgh pirates, the latest to extend netting in their stadium announcing plans to extend nets to or near the foul poles at the stadium. They join a growing list of teams that have been announcing changes including the tigers, nationals and white sox following a number of recent injuries to fans hit by foul balls. It was a foul ball straight at a 2yearold girl in the stand and looks of horror for many became the rallying cry for more protective netting. This morning the lawyer for the family saying the ball struck with such force it fractured her skull. Bleeding in the brain. Theres swelling. She sustained a seizure episode. Shortly after she was discharged originally and, of course, readmitted for the seizures. Reporter since the incident albert almora, jr. , who saw his line drive hit the girl has become one of the first to call for action. I want to put a net around the whole stadium. Reporter now congress is getting involved. Senators cowriting a letter to Major League Baseball commissioner thursday stating, mlb and every team should expedite plans to extend netting to further protect fans. Bellinger rifles a foul. Reporter injuries as other stadiums continue. A teen in los angeles hit in the face. Im not the only one at Dodger Stadium thats gotten hit with a ball. Reporter last year a 79yearold woman killed at Dodger Stadium as well and these incidents leading parents and kids across the country to say, enough is enough. Watching that last little girl get hit was traumatic. Reporter for those bringing gloves to the game the recommendation of extending netting to at least the ends of the dugouts is a good enough. You shouldnt detract from the game. Its never going to be totally safe. Reporter now, the mlbs recommendation last year to extend to the dugouts after the death at Dodger Stadium got all 30 teams onboard, but injuries continued. So far this season the league hasnt weighed in whether theyll ask for the netting to be pulled back even further. Gadi schwartz in chicago. Thanks. Time of the morning to check in with dylan. Shes in for al. Whats going on in the forecast . Good morning. Talking about heat. In fact, we have heat advisories in effect for 7 Million People in the midwest and air quality advisories. Its hot, its humid. The air is stagnant. Anyone with any sort of respiratory issues especially asthma could deal with basically increasing those symptoms today. Just something to keep in mind. You might want to stay indoors in those areas today. Take a look whats going on in miami. We have been breaking tons of records this week. We had four consecutive recordhigh temperatures. Also recorded the hottest june temperature on record with a high of 98 degrees, and seven days this month have been at 95 degrees or higher. All of these areas. Pensacola, stanford, melbourne, down to miami, the top five warmest junes on record, and we are going to see a little bit of relief today. Although temperatures will still be in upper 80s, lower 90s. Another area dangerously hot and humid, back through the midwest into parts of the plains with your heat indices up around 100 to 105 degrees. Morin that expected as we go into saturday. We are looking for the heat to continue to expand to the north. Minneapolis up to 93. North platt, nebraska, 95. Omaha, 94. Thats a look of the weather across the country. Well get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. Freedom is the ability to go where you wanna go. And do what you wanna do. So. What do you wanna do . The 2019 jeep compass. Hurry in to the 4th of july sales event and get 500 additional bonus cash on select models. Visit jeep. Com good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Here is a live look outside in San Francisco, we can see the low clouds in the distance there, some sunshine in San Francisco, and were going to have another breezy day with highs in the mid60s. Low 70s for oakland. San jose reaching 76 and low 80s for a few of the inland valleys. Its going to be slightly warmer than it was yesterday, and as we go into the weekend, some low 80s in the forecast, but that holds even into the fourth of july. And thats your latest forecast. Thank you, dylan. Coming up, are police one step closer to find out what happened to the utah College Student who vanished two weeks ago. Were going to have the overnight developments in that investigation. And new details on the deadly shark attack down in the bahamas amid safety concerns of u. S. Beaches heading into this fourth of july holiday, but first, this is today on nbc. Fourth of july holiday, but first, this is today on nbc. Show me the crown. Show me homecoming. Baby sloth videos on youtube. Amy, do you uh mind giving someone else a turn . Oh. Yeah i made myself a little comfortable here. I got a pizza for amy yes, thats me xfinity lets you search netflix, prime video, and youtube with the sound of your voice. And i dont have my wallet, so. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Experience the entertainment you love on x1. Access netflix, prime video, youtube and more. All with the sound of your voice. Click, call or visit a store today. Coming up, as world pride celebrations come to new york, we are going to take you to the place where the movement started with people who were at the Stonewall Inn 50 years ago. Also, get ready. A live concert on the plaza from dan shay after your local news. Nature valley brings that satisfying crunch that gets you going again. 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At kohls but were also a company that controls hiv, fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. Good morning. 7 26. Im marcus washington. A driver is under arrest and a popular east bay restaurant has a lot of cleanup after a truck plowed into it early this morning at the sweet tomatoes restaurant in downtown Pleasant Hill pleasant plaza off contra costa boulevard. Officers arrived to find the driver still in the cab of that pickup truck, with the wheels still spinning on the sidewalk. We have video of officers giving him a sobriety test, facing dui charges. The restaurant was empty at the time of the crash but sweet tomatoes expects to open this morning in time for the lunch crowd at 11 00. Right now, lets look at that beautiful forecast that we have for the weekend. Yes, we are seeing the clouds rolling by the south bay right now, and this is what well see for the next few hours, keeping those temperatures down a bit, so were reaching into the mid70s, in palo alto, 76 degrees in san jose. A few spots will reach the low 80s, a little bit warmer in some of our inland valleys and as we go into the weekend low 80s in the forecast and no major changes headed into next week. We continue on with low 80s inland and some 60s in San Francisco, at times some fog drifting by near the coast. Well have another update on that and mike has an update on the commute. The headline the bay bridge toll plaza no metering lights, no backups, lots of sun. Good stuff. A smooth drive a little slowing through berkeley from west 80, as well as toward the richmond raph bridge toll plaza and traffic does slow on the bridge once you approach San Francisco. Were building a bit there. Over on the peninsula, we have a crash, 101 at woodside, not a slowing but keep that in mind if you travel through the area. The south bay shows the most pronounced difference from between, thats a Little Orange north 101 at capitol expressway, 87 through the same area and 85. Back to you. Thanks, mike. Well have another local update for you coming up in 30 minutes. 7 30 now. Friday morning, june 28, 2019. 50 years to the day after the stonewall uprising began and kickstarted the Gay Rights Movement here in the United States. Stonewall, of course a big part of the world pride fest held here in new york city including Rockefeller Center as well. The famous rink lined this morning with more than 100 rainbowcolored flags as you see there and every night the plaza will be lit in rainbow colors as well. Much more on world pride and the history of stonewall just ahead. All right. Lets get to the headlines of the morning. Things got contentious on night two of the democratic debates. Former Vice President joe biden forced to defend his record on race in the face of tough questions from california senator Kamala Harris. I was actually it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. The mischaracterization of my position across the board. I did not praise racists. That is not true. Number one. Number two, if we want to have this campaign litigated on who supports civil rights and whether i did or not im happy to do that. On the issues of the candidates on health care and socialism. When asked if they support health care for undocumented immigrants all ten candidates raised their hands. And President Trump met with Vladimir Putin First Time Since release of the Mueller Report. It outlines russias interference in the 2016 election. The president appeared to jokingly reprimand putin in osaka, japan, as they sat on the sidelines of the g20 summit. Dont meddle in our election. Dont meddle in the election. The president went on to praise putin saying a lot of very positive things would come out of this. Researchers discovered a new dinosaur species that inhabited the earth 90 million years ago. Computer animation just released. Experts say the species is about five feet long, carnivorous and traveled on two feet. Investigators believe the dinosaurs breeding ground was northwestern brazil. Fossils found at a dig site and put on display for the media in southern brazil. New developments on the case of a missing College Student in Salt Lake City, utah. Nbc National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer has been following the story and joins us with the latest. Good morning. Reporter the search entering day 11, authorities are making progress. They have identified a person of interest, but there is still no sign of the missing university of utah student. At the Salt Lake City home where police used shovels to dig for new leads, now identifying a person of interest in the disappearance of Mackenzie Lueck. While no arrests have been made, the unidentified homeowner has been questioned by detectives, officers removing bags of evidence including ammunition. The police chief telling nbc news the investigaon is complex. A lot of this investigation focuses on a Digital Forensic footprint. Wed like to know who she was communicating with up to the night she disappeared. Reporter spending 19 hours at the home, investigators paid special attention to a detached garage. Police now looking for this mattress which was given away. Neighbors say a foul smell and smoke recently drifted from the property. Rooms here were also rented on airbnb. Jillian says she stayed at the home. As i was leaving, he was asking me a bunch of questions about where i was going, what i was doing, why i was in Salt Lake City. Asked me where i was working. And then a couple weeks later tried to friend me on facebook and i just didnt accept it just because a little weird. Reporter missing 11 days now, Mackenzie Lueck was last seen arriving at the Salt Lake City airport. Police say she texted her mother that she landed safely and then took a lyft to a park and was dropped off just before 3 00 a. M. Detectives believe another car was waiting for mackenzie. The park just miles from where police recovered evidence. I can only imagine what the familys doing right now. We will do everything we can to find mackenzie. Reporter this morning, mackenzie still missing as Police Identify a person of interest while digging for new leads. So, miguel, i know police didnt reveal a lot of specifics at the News Conference on thursday. Have we heard from mackenzies family . Reporter we are told they are talking to investigators every day and their first public statement, the 23yearolds family says in part they hope and pray shell be safe, found, and brought back home adding that while Police Continue their search, they are not going to give up hope that mackenzie will be found safely. And a check of the forecast with dylan. Whats going on . Scattered storms for most part the weekend looks okay. Nice and hot for folks headed to the beach or outside to the pool. Right now a lot of Severe Weather moving through northeastern iowa. That severe thunderstorm warning, lots of clouds to ground lightning and continuing in this line through southern wisconsin and northwestern michigan. This will eventually slide into the chicago area later today. More storms will fire up this Late Afternoon and evening, especially across montana and northwestern north dakota. We could see damaging winds and large hail. Low threat of tornadoes in that area. Going into saturday that cold front is going to slide through. Its warm, its humid. The cold front moves in and it gives a risk of some severe storms likely saturday afternoon and evening especially across the northeast with large hail, damaging winds and a very low tornado threat. Something to keep in mind as the frontal system continues to make its way to the east. Elsewhere its all about the heat. Temperatures well up into the 90s through the middle of the country with feelslike temp good morning, im meteorologist. A live look outside in dublin, looks pretty good, mostly sunny skies. Some clouds across parts of the bay area. Well see a partly cloudy day and cooler than normal weather in the south bay, reaching 76 degrees, low 80s for the inland east bay, and the north bay up to 83 in santa rosa. Our sevenday forecast brings that up into the low 80s and holding steady, as we go into next week, even into the fourth of july. For San Francisco, 60s throughout the weekend. And that forecast. Dylan, thank you. Coming up, are they feeling the heat . Well hear from members of team usa ahead of this afternoons epic match at the womens world cup. Also ahead this morning, the centerpiece of world pride celebrations. The Stonewall Inn. Were going to talk about the impact of the riots and the movement that they sparked with the man who was there 50 years ago today. And then a great concert on the plaza this friday. Country music sensation dan shay. Just a few thousand of their friends out there. Before all of that, though, new details on the shark attack that killed an american tourist in the bahamas. Also, a growing concern for beachgoers here in the United States as we head into this fourth of july holiday right after this. States as we head ins o every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. 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Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Talk to your doctor about chantix. It cstill polishingearth every grain of sand. splash noise. charting our direction. From where we go to where we gather. splash noise. shaping our daily lives. water noise. water coming out of faucet. Water Designs our life. Who designs for water . This morning on indepth shark sightings and attack as it could be cause for concern with the fourth of july holiday coming up. And new information on the fatal attack that claimed the life of a Young American tourist. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is following the story for us. Good morning. Reporter authorities telling nbc news this morning it was one very large shark that attacked jordan lindsey. She, the california student, was out in the water snorkeling with her family and other tourists when this tragedy unfolded. This morning a California Family still in shock. Their bahamas vacation taking a horrific turn. Officials telling nbc news its believed this tiger shark attacked 21yearold jordan lindsey. The california College Student died after suffering devastating injuries. Her right arm torn off and multiple bites to other parts of her body. Her father saying in a statement shed been snorkeling will her mother before the attack. My wife tried her best to get her up to the shore but unfortunately jordan lost too much blood. A professor at her school Loyola Marymount University Says the Communications Major was passionate about animals. In some ways not a surprise that she would be in nature doing the thing she loved to do. Reporter despite what happened, some families say it wont interrupt their plans to go snorkeling in the same spot as the shark attack. Well, right now the plan is to still go there, but, you know, weve got to kind of figure that out. Reporter in the u. S. , its already been a dangerous season for shark attacks. Just this month off the coast of North Carolina, three nonfatal attacks. Off bald head island. An 8yearold boy bitten on the foot. 19yearold surfer austin reed bitten at another beach. Came out of nowhere. Reporter up the coast 17yearold paige winter wading in waistdeep water lost her leg and two fingers to a shark. Her paramedics father quick thinking saving her life punching the shark. Experts say punch a shark in the snout and gills, if you dont have the wherewith all to do that, whats the most important thing . Know your first aid and heavy blood loss to improvise a turn kit. Reporter statistically from 2011 to 2017, more than two times as many people died taking selfies than in shark attacks. In their environment, respect them, and, you know, stay away from them. Kerry, doing reporting. What more do you know about this attack . Reporter there were initial reports from the chaos of the scene that three sharks had attacked jordan lindsey, but now the government says it was just that one shark, and when this was all unfolding, according to a statement from jordan lindseys family, they were shouting to her to get in, that they could see there was a shark in the area but she did not hear them shouting and then as we know, this horror unfolded. How awful. For them. All right. Kerry, thank you very much. Up next on this friday morning it is the hottest ticket in steamy paris. Todays world cup match between team usa and the host country, france. We are there live, right after this. Is is not just a headache. This is not just a fever. This is not just the flu. Its meningitis b. And youre not there to help. While meningitis b is uncommon. Once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal. Sometimes within 24 hours. Before you send your teen to college. Make sure you help protect them. 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Some people are calming it one of the biggest soccer matches in womens world cup history. It is. The United States facing off against host nation france today. The quarterfinals of the womens world cup. A muchanticipated showdown that will be hot in more ways than one. Huh, Kelly Cobiella . Reporter intense. More intense than this paris heat. Another sizzler here today. Income, france could break its alltime high record of 111. Theyre bracing for 113 in the south of france. A brutal heat wave in the middle of world cup fever. In steamy paris, this is the coolest place to be, and this is the hottest. Barricades up, streets cleared for tonights epic showdown. Whos going to win . Reporter the u. S. Womens Team Practicing in the full sun taking on the home teams france tonight. I think its going to be a great stage for both teams who have had a lot of pressure and a lot of eyes on them to really just go out and perform and enjoy themselves. Reporter it just happens to come in the middle of a recordbreaking heat wave. Temperatures are expected to hit the triple digits again today in parts of france, italy and spain. In paris, where theres little air conditioning, concern for children and elderly in the citys swelters apartments. So these turn into saunas . Yeah. Absolutely. I would say most people might have a onebedroom apartment and no possibility of having a draft. Reporter frances coach said the heat will affect both teams. The u. S. Cocaptain Megan Rapinoe talking about a different kind of heat after this video went viral. Im going to [ bleep ] reporter President Trump fired back tweeting an invitation win or lose saying megan should win first before she talks. Rapinoe not backing down or apologizing. I stand by the comments i made about not wanting to go to the white house with the exception of the expletive. My mom would be very upset about that. Reporter team usa says its not a distraction. Having a little fun on social media. So i think we need to write a note to get people out of work. 100 . Reporter the game starts at 3 00 eastern. Will they listen to us . They have to, right . They better. Were in a world cup. Yeah. Reporter theyve been a huge draw selling out games breaking viewership records. These students already doing back flips for a win. And its going to be a sellout game tonight. Theyre expecting some 40,000 fans in that stadium shoulder to shoulder in the heat about 85 degrees at kickoff. They are planning for some of that with sprinklers and handing out more water bottles, and, guys, even though its sold out, there are still tickets available. We found two on a resale site for about 800 each. All right. Wow. Thank you, kelly. Straight ahead, the moment attempting to work magic on David Lettermans legendary beard. And also dan shay after your local news. Hey siri, play me something new. Music playing it was just past one when two three men from four five step to me door like oh my gosh just throw that cash in a black bag run around the back and pull up the track, cause yaow i just learnt some jazz today, its true you gon learn you gon learn you gon learn, hey with licensed agents available 24 7. Its not just easy. Its havingawalrusingoal easy roooaaaar its a walrus ridiculous yes nice save, big guy good job duncan way to go [chanting] its not just easy. Its geico easy. Oh, duncan. Stay up. No sleepies. Shes doing it again. Its geico easy. vo no cover up spray here. Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, burying them in a flowery fog. Switch to febreze air effects febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air. Freshen up, dont cover up. Febreze. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® im gonna be a ballerina. Good, better emma. And soutenu. Im gonna be president. And the winner for president emma williamson. Im gonna start a juice bar. Emma, the numbers are looking really good. Youre gonna start a juice bar. At u. S. Bank, we believe hard work works. And for everyone working toward a goal, were here to help. Good friday morning. Right now at 7 56, we are seeing sunshine in San Francisco and well see those clouds also for the inland areas, keeping it a little bit cooler, with some breezy winds. Were going to see some low 80s for some of our warmer spots, while the coast stays in the low to mid six tod60s today with b winds. This pattern holds into the weekend and early next week, slightly warmer and the fourth of july up to 84 degrees, while San Francisco for the weekend will be in the mid60s, still some gusty winds before some of the pride festivities going on this weekend, the weather looks really nice, just a little bit on the cool side, our saturday forecast for the coast in the upper 60s. The bay up to 75, and the inland valleys in the lower 80s. Make some plans to get outside. Well continue to watch out for those clouds moving in, and mike, you have an eye on the commute. I do. Overall looking at a calm commute but here on the peninsula, north 101, it does slow headed up towarded woodside area, the earlier crash left a lane or two blocked, why we see that slowing. The rest of the bay calm until we get to the north bay with a Traffic Alert for highway 12, probably not on your commute route. If it is, there is a gravel spill with highway 12 at lynch with traffic control. Up in the north bay good, the bay bridge is smooth. Slower at berkeley but clear at the toll plaza with no metering lights. Smooth sailing there, mike, thank you. A short time ago the u. S. Supreme court confirmed justice also hear arguments whether the white house can end the federal daca program, but that case will not play out until next fall. You can go to our twitter feed now to link to the full details. Democrats coast to coast buzzing about last nights president ial debate, and the performance by california senator and bay area native Kamala Harris. You can go to our home page to link to some of the debates top moments including harris Emotional Exchange with former Vice President joe biden. Well have more local news coming up in 30 minutes. Compare comcast business to your current provider. My Current Service provider does not provide half of what you provide. And to know that i could save money . Id be thrilled. This sounds like a whole business package, which would be incredible. So what are you guys waiting for . Lets do it. laughs comcast business gives you a full suite of products with great performance and value. Get fast, reliable internet on the nations largest gigspeed network for less than at t. Thats 120 dollars less a year. Better, faster. I mean sign me up. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up turning up the heat. Ten more candidates its 8 00 on today. Coming up turning up the heat. Ten more candidates faceoff during round two of the democratic debate. Senator Kamala Harris stealing the spotlight. Hey, guys, you know what . America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how were going to put food on their table. And confronting joe biden. Im going to now direct this at Vice President biden. How will this change the race to the white house . Live with the latest. Plus, rolling out the rainbow carpet as new york city prepares for world pride this weekend. Well take you to the place that helped spark the civil rights movement. Stonewall said you now have the permission not to be passive anymore. You can fight back. Just ahead, those who took part in the stonewall riots 50 years ago. And were already speechless. Im speechless grammy winning country duo dan shay taking over our plaza for a live summer concert you do not want to miss, today, friday, june 28, 2019. Graduated high school yesterday dan and shay concert today celebrating my 21st. All happy friday from atlanta. Boston. And dallas. Starting our day with today good morning, everybody. That is a crowd. This is how you hold a concert. Its friday morning and were so happy to have you with us and were going to have a great concert. We are. You say friday. I say fryyay. I say that, too. Especially this week. We cant wait to get out and enjoy the crowd and enjoy dan shay. You can always take part in the fun. Record a short message post it on twitter put it on instagram as well, and land yourself in the open. Thats right. Lets get right to the news at 8 00. Everybodys talking about it. Democrats returning to the campaign trail after that confrontational second night of president ial debates. Nbcs chief White House Correspondent Hallie Jackson is on the story. Shes got the key moments. Hallie, good morning. Reporter hey, savannah, good morning to you. And listen, there really are two candidates that are getting all of the buzz this morning. Joe biden and Kamala Harris. Both the two most tweeted about democrats onstage and the most tweeted about moment. A very personal moment that had joe biden on defense on his civil rights record. So thats where reporter its the most explosive exchange of this democratic primary yet. Im going to now direct this at Vice President biden. Reporter senator Kamala Harris confronting frontrunner joe biden over comments about working with two segregationist senators decades ago. I do not believe you are a racist and i agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding Common Ground. But i also believe, and its personal, and i was actually it was hurtful. You also worked with them to oppose bussing, and you know, there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day, and that little girl was me. Reporter the audience, stunned into silence with biden forced on to defense. A mischaracterization of my position across the board. I did not praise racists. That is not true. Number one. Number two, if we want to have this campaign lid gated or who is a are the intoes civil rights and whether i did or not im happy to do that. I was a public defender. I didnt become a prosecutor. Reporter tweeting this photo as a child. The caption that little girl was me framing a marquee moment to a contentious debate. Candidates, please hey, guys, you know what . America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how were going to put food on their table. Reporter harris having the nights biggest breakouts moments and the nights big effort target . Biden. Younger rivals repeatedly making the case for new leadership. Joe biden was right saying it was time to pass the torch op to younger americans 32 years ago. Im Still Holding on to that torch. Reporter and touting former president barack obama. President obama did a heck of a job i think. Reporter and hashing out how progressive policies should be with big differences on health care but all unanimous on this. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. Reporter the president pouncing on that stance tweeting from the g20 summit in japan, how about taking care of american citizens first . Thats the end of that race. Some of the sharpest attacks saved for the man these candidates hoped to replace. Trump is a phony. Trump is a pathological liar, and a racist, and that he lied to the American People during his campaign. Reporter so you might be wondering what is happening inside team biden right now . Sources inside that campaign tell nbc news that they are feeling confident that biden will be able to potentially withstand any pressure, any polling drop that could come with his performance last night and pushing back on reports about a freakout moment over how he did, if you will, and biden and other candidates will be back out on the campaign trail today. Biden in chicago alongside Jesse Jackson speaking with a civil rights group. Hallie, thank you. President trump met with russian leader Vladimir Putin overnight at the g20 summit. The first meeting since the Mueller Report blamed putin in the 2016 election. Asked whether hed stay out of the 2020 election, the president appeared to jock jokingly sold putin. Dont meddle in the election. The president also said he and putin have a very Good Relationship that will lead to positive things. The house voted yesterday to pass the senates version of a border crisis bill backed by the president. The 4. 6 billion package provides money for humanitarian aid along with funding for pentagon and immigration and customs enforcement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wanted stronger protections for detained migrants especially unaccompanied children but also police support. Pelosi says the house would reluctantly pass the bill to get aid before Congress Takes its fourth of july break. Fisherprice recalled baby sleeper products. The playyard is not affected. Infants not sleeping on an incline can roll into unsafe positions. Back in april they recalled 4. 8 million rock and play sleepers after numerous reports of injuries and fatalities. 8 07. We got the news. We need the boost. Look what happens when this baby feels a fan blowing on her face for the very first time. Thats tiegan. Shes 3 months old. Likes the wind in her hair. Shes like beyonce. Dad says that shes a happy baby, lots of facial expressions and knew she would give him a reaction, wasnt sure what kind but that is priceless. Hey, i have a bonus boost for you. What . Powers that be authorized me to excuse you early. You had a long week. Youve got two hours of sleep. Savannah gets to start her vacation early. Are you serious . Well done. Have a great week off. Im going to take you up on that. Im going to leave before anyone changes their minds. Take off. Thank you happy weekend, everybody. Im out bye call me. You earned it. You earned it. See you, my friend. Enjoy it. Meanwhile, much more ahead on this friday morning including the unreleased song from music icon Whitney Houston just out overnight with world pride taking over new york city this weekend and also were reflecting on those stonewall riots and the fight for equality some 50 years later. Thats right after this. So kim, you going for our big drive safe save discount . Yup, using the app. Ive been quite vigilant. Sharon says step on it. The meetings started. Ok, write her back dear sharon, dont mess with my discount faster mommy, i gotta go to the bathroom. I do too honey, but were gonna hold it for mommys discount. Easy, easy but youre in labor . Dont mess with my discount uh hem. Get a discount up to 30 with drive safe save from state farm. Rigshop 100s of. S. Epic deals no coupons needed . Plus. Get kohls cash family tees start at 6. 99. Swimwear starting at 11. 99. Mens flipflops 9. 99 bath towels and pillows just 2. 99 its not your everyday sale . Right now. 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People from around the world have descended to take part in world pride celebrations. This years events have special meaning commemorating the 50th anniversary of protests at the Stonewall Inn. Now a national, historic landmark and joe fryer made his way there this morning. Good to see you. Reporter craig, sheinelle, good morning. 50 years ago today in the Early Morning the riots started right behind me here. Pivotal moment in the Gay Rights Movement and today and throughout the weekend a light shining on the Stonewall Inn as the world remembers what happened here. In new york, theyve rolled the out the rainbow carpet. Pride is always a time when the Community Comes together. Right now we need to be reminded of our strength in numbers. Reporter its not just celebrities. At least 3 Million People are descending upon the city this week to celebrate world pride and remember the rebellion at Stonewall Inn. I heard it all started here. So i wanted to come. I feel like carry gratitude to those people in a way that we dont have to fight now. Reporter outside the ledge dear bar, those who took part ins uprising posing for pictures. It brings back a lot of negative memories from way back, but we also see how much progress weve made. Although were not done with our progress. Reporter in the Early Morning hours june 28, 1969, police raided the bar, a refuge for brigades, lesbians, drag queens and the transgender community. Raids were common back then but on this night the crowd battled back. Started throwing everything in their pockets they didnt need. Reporter the riots lasted several nights and helped launch the Gay Liberation front and an activist group that became the center of this mans life. Stonewall said you now have the permission not to be passive anymore. You can fight back. Reporter and thats what they did. The years that followed, pride parades were held around the stonewall anniversary. Now half a century later, the city is preparing for sundays massive march. At least 130,000 marchers are expected. Far more than last year. Police are promising the highest levels of security with thousands of officers on duty. Right up there with new years eve. Right up there with thanksgiving. Reporter stonewall has been the centerpiece of pride celebrations across the globe, from tel aviv to the uk, miami to minneapolis. All remembering what happened in the heart of Greenwich Village 50 years ago today. The riot that sparked a movement. Already this morning people are swinging by stonewall. That will happen throughout the day. One thing thats important to keep in mind, the first pride march in new york was held on the oneyear anniversary of stonewall. Back then it wasnt about parades or partying. It was very much meant to make a political statement. This weekend you can expect more of a celebratory mood, but that initial spirit is going to be on everyones mind. Back to you guys. Joe fryer there at the historic Stonewall Inn. Joe, thank you. Mark siegel was at stonewall 50 years ago today and helped organize the very first march for gay rights here in new york. On sunday hell return as one of the grand marshals of the world pride parade good to see you. Good morning. Good to see you. Lets go back 50 years here. Its been compared to the boston tea party. Its been compared to seneca falls. It was a transformative night. What does stonewall mean to you . Visibility. What do you mean . Freedom. Well, when i was in the bar and the lights blinked i was an 18yearold that had only been in new york six weeks. I was terrorized. I was scared. After seeing the brutality of police in the bar literally taking drag queens anybody who was stereotypically looking and slamming them up against the wall. Going to people who were prosperous, telling them to take out their wallets and taking the money and putting it in their pockets. That scared me. Id never seen that form of violence before, but when i got outside all of a sudden, 50 to 75 people i felt empowered. I was a street kid then. People say panicked, others say a moment of pride saying enough is enough. Seems like perhaps all of that wrapped into one . It was. It absolutely was. Getting outside and the police being trapped in the bar. Remember, they had always entrapped us. They imprison the us. What do you mean . Trapped inside . How did that happen . Kept trying to leave. Got all the money they could possibly get. Ready to leave and go back to the station. Opened the door, all of a sudden we were screaming, yelling, surrounding that door. Eventually after the third, fourth time of them trying to get out we started throwing whatever we could find on the street. A can, a stone, pennies from our pockets. Whatever. They felt under siege. We had entrapped the police. Thats what the time, that this community, for the first time, fought back. And literally imprisoned them. The police were imprisoned rather than them imprisoning us. In the wake of that you start a group. And part of what this group did, as i understand it, at least, you interrupt live tv broadcast to protest what you guys dubbed, or deemed, unfair coverage of the Gay Rights Movement at the time, and one of the broadcasts that you crashed was this very broad cast and we love going into the archives to pull out we found. You found it . Oh, yeah. We want to show it to you. Here it is. Tired of nbcs [ muted ] well, we found the video. The sounds not great. It wasnt sorry about that interruption. I assure you, we had nothing to do with it. It was a surprise. Who he is, we dont know, but well find out. We know now. That was frank mcgee at the time. Tell us what happened. Barbara walters took you out into the hallway, talked to you . What happened . First wrestle me to the floor. Pick me up, took me to the hallway. Barbara walters came out, taking notes, asked what id done. A producer came out and said get in there, youre on the air. Said, not until i have the story. Barbara walters came back on and became the First Network reporter to report on a gay demonstration on national television. The first. Sunday the grand marshal in new york city. What is that going to mean to you . I did that disruption to bring visibility to gay people. We were 100 gay activists in 1969. Today we are millions. I think that Visibility Campaign added a little to our movement and i think were very visible. How else could you say were visible that im on this very show today . Full circle. Mark siegel. Thank you. Congratulations. By the way, anyone who wants to learn more about the past, present and future of the Lgbtq Movement check out the series stonewall 50 the revolution watch it at nbcnews. Com stonewall 50. And over to dylan with a check of the weather. Good morning. Talking about the heat pretty much everywhere. Broken down details through florida. Look how warm it is up north as well. New york city, 91 degrees. Not too humid. Philadelphia 92. D. C. Same. Salisbury, maryland, same thing. Highs once again in the 90s saturday. Charleston, west virginia, 91. New york city, 90. 94 in washington, d. C. Thats nearly 10 degrees above average for this time of year. It will cool off a bit for sunday. Erie, pa, first market in tv, low to mid70s. New york city drops back into the 80s. Quickly pointing out in paris it is going to be about 92 degrees today. It is going to be the last of the extreme heat, though. Should start to see things cool good morning. Im meteorologist kerry hall. Sunshine. Were enjoying clouds in the inland area. Were going to see our temperatures head into the mid70s for palo al toe, upper 70s for the trivalley and low 80s toward antioch and also for santa rosa. As we go into the weekend, well see sun. Clouds and 60s in the city. And thats your latest forecast. Time to put your pop start hat on. Must be getting close to a holid holiday. Everyone left. Up next, seth macfarlane, animated series family guy set to enter its 18th season. And this is just one of three successful series he partnered with fox on. In his latest role as brian lewis in the loudest voice, he plays the former head of Public Relations for fox news during the networks rise and fall of its founder roger ailes. Told our own willie geist the showtime series sparked interesting conversations with fox. Take a look. You know, as a courtesy i did call, you know, my my friends up there in murdoch land and said i want to let you know im doing this. They said, sounds great. A great show. Im sure it will be cool and youll be great in it. Its a very on a daytoday basis, its very civil. Ive worked for them for years and ive had personal conversations where ive said i think this is, this is a massively irresponsible operation over there. You said that to the executives at news corp. . Yeah, and yet it still, were still able to interact. Interesting. To catch the rest of the interview, catch sunday today. Up next, Whitney Houston. Yesterday clive davis posted this video to instagram teasing debut of an unreleased recording of a houston song. Overnight, it was dropped. Take a listen to Whitney Houston singing higher love. Bring me a higher love well, that higher love, i keep thinking of thats, thats, that love, bring higher love love bring higher love ohoh classic whitney. Right . Yes. Good to hear her. Fantastic. Originally sung by steve wynwood. Houston performed this song at a 1990 concert in tokyo. Hence where the recording came from. Finally, David Letterman took a seat in the barber shop chair groomed by none other than queer eyes jonathan van ness. By the looks of it, dave was having trouble keeping up with jonathans level of excitement. Heres a look. Let me just ask you a question about beard care generally. Yes. I just use a bar of soap on my head and on the beard. Well, i do like that youre disinfecting your face and your beard and your head. All of these little guys want to follow the rules, but then this one is like, meh. We can trim it were not trimming anything. This triangle of hair up here is bermudas triangle. Should we just get that hair . If you touch that with anything sharp with a blade, im gone. This is the theresa may of your hair right here. All by herself and no one wants to listen to her. Literally i interviewed erin brockovich. Shouldnt you love thamovie . Has anyone in conversation ever just fainted from talking to you . No. He was exhausted. The meeting coincides with pride month discussing gender, identity and progression of the lgbtq race. Check out the full interview on youtube. He had the opportunity to shave it all off right there bud but respected the beard. Its almost become a thing now. Do you know what i mean . Yeah. Just ahead, we are going to head outside where the crowd gathered gearing up for that live concert from dan and shay. Country duo right after this. Right after your local news. And a good morning to you. They have cleanup ahead after a truck collided into a tomato stand. Officers say that they arrived to find that driver still in the cab of the pickup truck with wheels still spinning on the sidewalk. Weve got video of that officer there giving him a sobriety test. He faces dui charges. Sweet tomatoes expects to be open this morning in time for lunch. Right now lets get a look at the commute this morning. Mike inouye. All of the productivity starting today, continuing all weekend. Were looking at the south bay peninsula, no real problems. There was a slowing up to palo alto. In the north bay were looking at highway 12. Activity near that gravel. Im going to say if you can, avoid that area. A lot of people dont have alternate route through that area. It continues down the east shore freeway and the backup at the bay bridge, still there. Probably late morning. Im sure people will love that. Well have more local news for you in 30 minutes. We we are back 8 30 now on this friday morning june 28, 2019. Everyone here on the plaza, everyone watching at home is in for a treat. Dan shay, about to treat us to a full half hour of music. You guys ready . Love it. And a beautiful day. This crowd is insane. Are you guys ready . [ cheers and applause ] dylan is ready. Shes down with our massive crowd. Hows it going . Where were you, dylan . Im here with molly and linda from new jersey and just found out theyre from a town ober from where im from. So freehold, new jersey. Yes. Go to all the same places. Jakes creamy freeze. Right. Whats special is you guys were just in the car for 24 hours together. Right . Yes. What did you listen to the whole time . Dan shays selftitled album, whole way. No joke. Over and over and over again. Both of you can sing their songs. Were going to bring dan shay over here. You can sing it to them. How are you guys doing . [ cheers ] oh, my gosh. So nice to meet you. Very nice to meet you. Awesome. Thank you guys for coming. Dan shay, this is their first concert. My goodness. First concert with you guys. Good experience so far . Oh my amazing the best. Thank you. Come up and sing lead for us. Is that all right . Sure. Cool. Might actually take you up on that, though. So you guys are actually going to gish them tickets to see you on tour . Gish you free tickets to our concert. Yes. Absolutely. Give you meet and greet, the whole deal. After meeting us, you probably dont want to meet us again. I dont know. Thank you so much oh, my gosh. You guys are amazing. Hopefully we do a good job, wont scare you away. No way. Driving 24 hours. Thats true. Awesome. Thank you so much for being fans. Such amazing fans. We love you guys. Thank you so much. So nice to meet you. The two nicest people youve ever met. Of course you, too. Youll be in there, too. Ill hang out with these guys anytime. Dylan, thank you. Good stuff. Well get to the music in a moment. First, quick announcement about our next summer concert one week from today. Another country star will be here. None other than mr. Toby keith himself. Another large crowd for sure. Oh, yeah. The crowd today is unbelievable. Just ahead on our third hour, well meet two friends who turned an idea born in an airport into a Company Worth more than 1 billion. Well get to that. First back to dylan with a check of the weather. You held it together really well. Im internally screaming. Im impressed. Pretty cool. Both played it cool. Lets take a look at whats going on with the weather. Into the weekend its going to stay pretty hot. In fact, temperatures will be up around 90, lower 90s across the northeast. Hot and humid through the middle of the country. Fire danger southwest. Warm and dry sunday out west. The heat continues through the plains and into the midwest. It will start to cool off a bit across the northeast. A bit unsettled through the south as well with scattered showers and thunderstorms and temperatures stay close to 90 with fairly high humidity as. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We have clouds over soes and sunshine in San Francisco. Our high temperatures will read up to 73 in san jose, 81 in concord. 71 will be the high here. Low 80s in north bay. As we go io the weekend, our temperatures stay in the low 80s with breezy winds, mostly sunny skies, and were going the see our weather continuing stay nice and comfortable for the fourth of july. And thats your latest and thats your latest forecast. Guys . All righty, dylan. Up next, dan shay about to leave this crowd, shall we say speechless. Live concert here on the plaza, but first, this is today on nbc. We say speechless. Live concert here on the plaza, but first, this is today on nbc. Announcer the citi announcer the citi Concert Series on today is proudly presented to you by citi. Welcome back. Just moments away from our live concert from grammy winners dan shay. Before they take over the citi stage, check out what makes them one of musics hottest duos. They have been making Music Together for more than six years. But it was after three albums, five number one songs and more than 1 billion streams they are in their breakout moment. When i taste tequila reporter their hit song skyrocketing on the charts and earned the duo the 2019 grammy for best country performance. And awards keep coming. Dan shay landed seven Billboard Music award nominations and took home a statue for top country duo. Dan shay speechless reporter earlier won video of the year second time in a row at the music awards for their hit speechless proving there is no stopping this dynamic duo as they continue their rise to the top and this morning we are thrilled to have them stop by our citi concert stage. And here they are, ladies and gentlemen, dan shay [ cheers and applause ] you say youll be down i still lub you say youll be down i still love your perfume and shaking out your hair like you do i know that ill be there the second that i see you you wont be surprised oh, no i think that you can read my mind when you look at me with those eyes, im speechless what its doing to me speechless, watching you is all that i can do, and im speechless showing all my weakness after all im just as nervous every time you walk into the room im speechless it started when you said hello just did something to me and ive been in a daze ever since the day that we met you take the breath out of my lungs cant even fight it and all of the words out of my mouth without even trying and im speechless staring at you standing there in that dress and what its cog to me aint a secret because watching you is all that i can do and im speechless you already know that youre my weakness after all this time im just as nervous every time you walk into the room im speechless yeah, baby it started when you said hello just did something to me and ive been in a daze ever since the day that we met you take the breath out of my lungs cant even fight it and all of the words out of my mouth without even trying and im speechless staring at you standing there in that dress what its doing to me aint a secret because watching you is all that i can do and im speechless you already know that youre my weakness after all this time im just as nervous every time you walk into the room im speechless yeah, baby oh, hmm, ohoh, ohoh, ohoh its always on a night like tonight i thank god you can read my mind because when you look at me with those eyes im speechless standing there in that dress, and, girl, it aint a secret because watching you is all that i can do oh, oh, oh im speechless, you already know that youre my weakness after all this time im just as nervous every time you walk into the room im speechless oh, you know it, baby oh, oh, oh mm [ cheers and applause ] dan shay just getting warmed up. Coming right back with more music from the duo. But first, this is today on nbc. Duo. But first, this is today on nbc. And we are back with count and we are back with country superstars, magical dan shay. Third album a huge suction debuting at number one on billboards top country charts. So nice. Always nice to have you. They are. I dont know about that. Yall making me feel real good. Everything you guys are saying, oh, my confidence is very high right now. Guys, welcome back. Thank you, man. How long ago . I do. December 7, 2012 is the exact day. Does it feel like its a long road or does it feel like it happened in the blink of an eye . A little of both. Looking back, a lot of amazing experiences and fans with us since day one [ cheers and applause ] yeah. Incredible. Feels it happened like that, just because dan and i, i feel ive known him for years. This all has been a whirlwind and having a great time. Amazing. You have quite the audience here but also online. Views of your videos are just off the charts. I will say your video for speechless i have watched so many times. So sweet. Actually footage from both of your weddings. Our wives are the stars in that one. Were kind of there. The bystanders. Footage from our actual weddings. Our fans a part of this story since day one and thought it would be cool to let them be a part of these special days and what we wrote the song about, wrote a song about our wedding days, what better way than to share our wedding videos. You have your wedding, wedding video. You dont often get to watch it. The fact ours is all over the place is cool. Were going to watch it after this. It will be great. One the thinks ive enjoyed you think about things we love, love, tequila. Mainly tequila, though. A sign, its never too early for tequila. Appreciate that. Where does the inspiration come from . Dan said a song like speechless our wives inspire us every day and we write about what we know. Were in this space, happy, married but have been through heartbreak, songs like tequila and how not to as well. We have been through heartbreak. And to our wives watching from home, hello from there. Really sweet. Ready to take it away . Yes. Lets do it. Doing a song off our selftitled album called alone together. Yall ready to get crazy on this one . [ cheers ] lets do it get your hands in the air. Come on. Get them up. Hands up get the hands up i couldnt help but notice you were sitting by yourself dropping limes in a corona like youre drying to get over somebody else its funny how your story sounds a little like mine oh, because ive been at a table with a bottle peeling labels to pass the time we can be blue as neon light singing them sad lush songs all night we can say goodbye just head home but if were going to be alone we should be alone together kissing over there in the corner where nobody else can see keeping each other company we should be alone together leaning up against my car door parked outside on the street where its just you and me we should be alone together i couldnt help but notice you could use another drink, yeah, i dont want to leave ya and its two for one tequila so what do you think and we can be blue as the neon light singing them sad love songs all night we can say goodbye, just head home but if were going to be alone we should be alone together kissing over there in the corner where nobody else can see keeping each other company oh, we should be alone together, leaning up against my car door parked outside on the street where its just you and me we should be alone together we should be alone together we should be alone together, oh, yeah oh, we should be alone together over there in the corner where nobody else can see we should be alone together kissing over there in the corner where nobody else can see keeping each other company we should be alone together leaning up against my car door parked outside on the street where its just you and me we should be alone together we should be alone together we should be alone together, oh, yeah we should be alone together [ cheers and applause ] oh, were not done yet dan shay with one more for us. Straight ahead, but first, this is today on nbc. Straight ahead, but first, this is today on nbc. This is fred. Hes dancing like nobodys watching. And because all of the devices on freds wifi network are protected with xfinity xfi, literally, nobodys watching. Except for millions of you, of course. Wait, millions of people are watching . Yeah. Were making a commercial. If its connected, its protected with xfinity xfi. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity delivers the best inhome wifi experience. Plus, add xfi advantage for enhanced network security. Click, call or visit a store today to learn more. Were having a fun morni with dan shay and their fans. Here a the guys once again singing their hit all to myself. Take it away. [ cheers and applause ] im jealous of the blue jeans that youre wearing and the way theyre holding you so tight im jealous of the moon that keeps on staring so i lock the door and turn out the night you ready . I want you all to myself, we dont need anyone else let our bodies do the talking let our shadows paint the wall i want you here in my arms well hide away in the dark slip your hand in my back pocket go and let your long hair fall i want you all to myself, to myself im jealous of the song that youve been singing and the way its rolling off your lips hmm, yeah, it might be selfish but im thinking i dont need nothing between you leaning for another kiss, yeah i want you all to myself we dont need anyone else let our bodies do the talking let our shadows paint the wall i want you here in my arms well hide away in the dark slip your hand in my back pocket go and let your long hair fall i want you all, all, all to myself to myself, yeah new york city, make some noise [ cheers and applause ] oh, yeah girl, i want you in the worst way yeah, i want you in the worst way hmmhmm i want you all to myself we dont need anyone else let our bodies do the talking let our shadows paint the wall i want you here in my arms well hide away in the dark slip your hand in my back pocket go and let your long hair fall i want you all, all, all to myself, to myself i want you all, you sing it all all to myself, to myself yeah [ cheers and applause ] dan shay phenomenal. Come on back, guys. What you got to say for dan shay . Folks lined up down the street, around the block. You see that this morning . The good thing, you guys are sticking around. Third hour. Be with us on 3rd hour today in a little bit. Not going anywhere. Were going to grill you the hardest questions we can come up with. Check out today. Com all day for the joyous moment that a member of team usa reunited with her son at the world cup. And monster trucking. Dylan and i check out monster jam. Cant even tell you about our experience. The third hour of today straight ahead. Enjoy your weekend. First though your local news. Good morning. 8 56. Im marcus washington. The event is brewing, bringing together the Lgbtq Community and their supporrs. Right now at the plaza security barriers are already going up. It marks the 50th anniversary of the stonewall riots. About 50 Million People are expected to participate. The rally and celebration kicks off at city hall tomorrow at noon. Sunday, a parade from marcus street to the plaza. Happening now with the countdown under way, were talking to organizers about the preparations. Well also have a live report in our midday newscast. The Supreme Court this morning confirmed it will hear arguments on whether the white house can end the federal daca program. It will not play out until fall. You can go to our website for a link. Last night was buzzing with lath nights president ial debate and californias senator and native Kamala Harris. You can go to our home page to look at the top exchanges including the Emotional Exchange with joe biden. Well have more local news coming up for you in an hour. For get those fees. Theyre dropping fees s. T. A. R. T. Ing monday. And the forecast, what you can expect as you make plans for the holiday. Join us monday morning, 4 30 to 7 00. Live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza, this is third hour of today, welcome to the third hour of today. Happy friday, in no one told you yet. Im sheinelle. Craig had to run. We have dylan with us and with us today. Both of your hair looks amazing. Ah, thank you. And mine, pin straight. Welcome can relate. Fourth day of a blowout. Interesting. I love it. Welcome, welcome

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