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The coronavirus pandemic, the fight for social justice by protestors nationwide and professional athletes. And just today a category four hurricane brought widespread damage to the gulf coast. How americans believe the president is handling these cries cease, plus crises plus the largest economic recession since the Great Depression could determine whether he gets a second term in office. Joining me on the final night of the convention is cbs news senior political analyst and 06 mince correspondent john dickerson. And joel payne former advisor on Hillary Clintons 2016 president ial campaign and a cbs news contributor. And john, this night is unlike we have ever seen. Never before has the white house lawn been used for a political event, a campaign rally, no less some 2,000 people packed in in the midst of a pandemic. Yeah, it sure looks like a regular old campaign if the backyard of the peoples house. Jared kushner the president s son in law said tonight was the culmination of the hostile takeover of the republican part and that is kind of the way he has taken over the white house as well. Last week when joe biden spoke people had to imagine him as president , what he would do in the office. Donald trump doesnt have that problem. He has the office and that offes an opportunity on those essues you mentioned, the pandemic hitting the country, the crate aring economy and the fact the country is tearing itself up over race. Because the president can say, when are you a challenger you say this is what i would do. The president can say i can do this to and in doing so draw a lane to his secretary term and say follow me, this is the way i will go. But then of course there is a risk in that too. Which is that the messy reality that is there for him tomorrow upends this pretty reality show he is trying to create tonight. Odonnell but joel, he is campaigning as an outsider even as he is there on the white house lawn and saying that these protests happening now under his presidency will prove you cant be safe in a joe biden america. What i see is really a shrine of and i imagine i fourth day here with the president finishing us out, i think the president is trying to position himself like the challenger like in 2016. St almost like he thinks is he running for his first term but no, he is the president. This is a mess that has been created under his leadership and stewartship, so can he convince the country that he is detached from the problems they are experiencing and that he can be the person that can bring about the change that he claims is needed even though he is the person that has been leading. I think that is really what the Trump Campaign is trying to do. Just to let you know what is going to happen, President Trump will be introduced tonight by his oldest daughter and president ial advisor ivanka trump. She is about to speak from the same place that we will hear from her father as you can see there. They are going to be exiting the diplomatic room as we see now, ivanka trump as she takes the stage. She has served in the white house for the past four years along with her husband, Jared Kushner who is also a very close advisor and enforcer of President Trumps policies and personnel. Lets listen in now to i ivanka trump. Good evening, before i begin i want to send a special message to everyone who has been affected by hurricane laura. Our hearts are with you. The president will continue to support you every step of the way, and just like americans always do, the nation will come together to help you rebuild your home, businesses and communities, stronger and more resilient than ever before. applause four years ago i introduced to you a builder, an entrepreneur, an outsider and the peoples nominee for president of the United States. Tonight i stand before you as the proud daughter of the peoples president. applause hes our commander in chief, champion of the american worker, defender of common sense and our voice for the forgotten men and women of this country. He is our president and my father, donald j. Trump. applause this evening i want to tell you about the leader i know and the y amers i wish every american could see. I want to tell you the story of a president who is fighting for you from dawn to midnight, when the cameras have left, the microphones are off and the decisions really count. When jared and i moved with our three Young Children to washington we didnt exactly know what we were in for. But our kids, our kids loved it from the start. My son joseph promptly built grandpa a lego replica of the white house. The president still displays it on the mantle in the oval office, right over there, so that he can show World Leaders just so they know he has the greatest grandchildren on earth. I agree. Over the last four years we have t. Arned a lot. I have seen in washington its easy for politicians to survive as they silence their convictions and skip the hard fight. I couldnt believe so many politicians actually prefer to complain about a problem rather than fix it. I was shocked to see people leave major challenges unsolved so they can blame the other side, campaign on the same issue in the next election. But dn ald trump did not come to washington to win praise, donald trump came to washington for one reason and one reason alone, to make America Great again. applause my father has strong convictions. He knows what he believes. And he says what he thinks. Whether you agree with him or not, you always know where he stands. I recognize that my dads Communication Style is not to everyones taste. And i know that his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered. But the results, the results speak for themselves. applause he is so unapologetic about his beliefs that he has caused me and countless americans to take a hard look at our own convictions and ask ourselves what do we stand for. What kind of america do we want to leave for our children. I am more certain than ever before we want a future where our kids can believe in american greatness. We want a society where every child can live in a Safe Community and go to a great school of their choice. We want a culture where differences of opinion and debate are encouraged, not rcemented, where Law Enforcement is respected, where our countrys rich diversity is celebrated and where people of all backgrounds, races, genders and creeds have the chance to achieve their godgiven potential. This is the future my father is working to build each and every day. Building after all is what he has done his whole life. He is admired and befriended construction workers on countless job sites. But it has been a new and profound experience for him and for me to see these stoic machinists and Steel Workers come to him with a tear in their hee and thank him for being the only person willing to go to the math for them, for their jobs, families and futures, to the hardworking men and women across america and here tonight, you are the reason my father fights with all of his heart and all of his might. You are the reason he ran for president in the first place. And you are the reason he is going to keep fighting for four more years. applause four more years. Four more years. I remember one evening in early february 2018 we were in the oval office with my fathers top economic advisors and the president was pushing to keep the promise he made to renegotiate the bad trade deal that had gutted millions of middle class jobs. Most of his advisors argued that the economy was so strong, following our historic tax and regulatory cuts that it didnt make sense to risk rocking the boat. After the meeting as i walked with my father back towards the residence he said, you know, the reason this has never been done before is because our leaders havent had the guts. When the economy is good, they settle for good. And when things are bad they dont have the will or ability, so they kick the can so it is someone elses problem. He was right. If my father didnt take on these fights, no one would. In the months that followed President Trump refused to settle for a good deal. He wanted a great deal. And ultimately that is exactly what we got. applause i remember each time he was updated on the progress of the new trade deal with mexico and canada. He would say dont letdown those Dairy Farmers i melt in wisconsin, i dont like them to like this deal, i want them to love it. applause today in the midst of this unprecedented imlobbal pandemic its more clear than ever that our president was absolutely correct to take on trade when he did. And bring our jobs, our factories and lifesaving medicines back to the u. S. A. Plus applause as our nation endure this great trial, i pray for the families who are mourning the loss of a loved one, for those who are battling covid19 and for the First Responders and Health Care Heros who remain on the front line of this site. The grief, sorrow and anxiety during this time is felt by all. I have been with my father and ive seen the pain in his eyes when he receives updates on the lives that have been stoleen by this plague. I have witnessed him make some of the most difficult decisions of his life. I sat with him in the oval office as he stopped travel to europe. I watched him take the strongest most inclusive economy in t lifetime, the lowest unemployment in a half century and highest wage increase forern lives. applause it is why our president rapidly mobilized the full force of government and the private sect tore produce ventilators within weeks, to build the most robust testing system in the world and to develop safe and effective treatments and very, very soon a vaccine. My father isnt de terred by defeatist thinkers. The word impossibleing, well, it only motivates him. Donald trump rejects the cynical notion that this countrys greatest achievements are behind us. He believes that nothing is beyond our reach and that the e. St is yet to come. applause i have seen all of my life how my dad believes in the potential of each individual. Earlier this evening we were all inspired by the incredible testimony of alice johnson. A great grandmother who is sentenced to life in prison for first time nonviolent drug offense. I was with my father when he decided to commute alices life sentence. Together we watched alice leave prison after nearly 22 years. As she ran into the arms of her family and they celebrated a joyful reunion, my father got very quiet. I could see the emotion on his face. After a long silence he looked at me and said imagine how many people there are just like alice. From that point on he became a voice for those who had been unfairly silenced in our prison system, President Trump rectified the disparities of the 19 crime bill that t africanamericans. Against all odds he brought together republicans and democrats and passed the most significant criminal Justice Reform of our generation, and were just getting started. My father did not campaign on this issue. He tackled this injustice because he has a deep compassion for those who have been treated unfairly. More than rhetoric and political prose, the ability to build consensus and achieve bipartisan success will help heal our countrys racial inequities and bring us forward together. President trump is advancing the American Values of work and family. Four years ago in cleveland i ldid President Trump would deliver for working women. Last year over 70 of all new jobs were secured by women. applause myur years ago i told you my father would focus on making chieltd care affordable and accessible. In President Trumps first term, we secured the largest ever increase for child care funding giving more than 800,000 low income families great child care at a cost they can afford. Ss part of republican tax cuts in 2019 alone, our Child Tax Credit put over 2,000 dollars into the pockets of 40 million american families. Democrat politicians recently introduced a plan to increase the Child Tax Credit, yet when i was fighting less than three years ago at the president s direction to get congress to double the Child Tax Credit, not a single democrat voted to pass the law. We got it done anyway. Four years ago i promised that President Trump would support mothers in the workforce. In his first year in office he signed into law the First Ever National paid leave tax credit. Today 8 million more americans have access to this benefit. Four years ago i said that americans needed an economy that permits people to rise again, during President Trumps first three years in office, 72 of all new jobs went to americans who had been outside of the workforce. Four years ago i told you i would fight alongside my father and four years later, here i am. applause many of the issues my father has championed are not historically republican priorities. Yet where washington chooses sides our president chooses common sense, where politician chooses party, our president chooses people. applause since the day he took the oath of office i have watched my father take on the failed policies of the past and do what no leader has done before. Recently he took dramatic action to cut the cost of prescription drugs. Despite fielding angry calls from the c. E. O. S of nearly every major pharmaceutical company. Now when we see attack ads paid for by big pharma pie dad smiles and says to me, you know we are doing something really right if they are hitting us so hard. This spring our president saw that american crops were going to waste because Food Supply Chains were disrupted by the virus. He directed secretary perdue and me to find a way to get this nutritious food, fresh fruit, cheese, meat and dairy to families most in need. Within a matter of days we launched the farmers to Family Food Box Program which has now delivered over 100 million meals into the hands of american families. applause to protect the most vulnerable among us i have worked along the long side the president as he signed into law nine pieces of legislation to combat the evil of human trafficking. Plawtion applause i have sto mathers side at Dover Air Force base as he has received our fallen heroes. And each time it has steeled his resolve to finally stop, finally stop the endless foreign wars. applause to change the par dime in the middle east he took a fresh approach. Approach. I heard foreign leaders beg him not to move the American Embassy to jerusalem yet he delivered on a promise also made and unfulfilled by past president aecause my father knew it was the right thing to do. applause defying all expectations, just weeks ago he rewrote history again by making a Peace Agreement in the middle east, the biggest breakthrough in a quarter century. applause plaws for the first time in a long time we have a president who has called out washingtons hypocrisy and they hate him for it. Sad, dad, people attack you for being unconventional. But i love you for being real and i respect you for being effective. Place applause our president refuses to surrender his beliefs to score points with the political elite. To my father, you are the elite. Sou are the only people he cares about scoring points with. If these problems were easy to solve, previous president s would have done so. But you dont achieve different results by doing thingthe sa had donald trump. Donald trump has changed washington. applause america doesnt need another empty vessel who will do whatever the media on the fringe of his party demands. Now more than ever America Needs four more years of a warrior in the white house. applause tonight i could not be more proud to introduce my father, a man i know was made for this moment in history. My fellow americans, our first lady and the 45th president of the united sta trump. Will cheers and applause . Where at least i know im free. And i wont forget the men who died. Who gave that right for me. And i gladly stand up. Next to you. Odonnell it wouldnt be a Republican Convention without Lee Greenwood who has been singing this song at every republican event for a long time. A strong speech by ivanka trump calling her father the peoples president. Weijia jiang is at the white house as we await the president and first lady to give his acceptance speech for the partys nomination. Weijia . Norah, nearly 2,000 guests are eagerly waiting to hear from the president , sitting and now Standing Shoulder to shoulder here. And the Trump Campaign insists that they are following strict protocols but many of these attendees are not Wearing Masks even though there is no social distancing am but we know President Trump feeds off the energy of a big crowd and his chief of staff tells me that his m o. J. O is back after holding Campaign Events last week. However norah, there are hundreds of protestors outside of the white house hoping to disrupt his speech. Norah . Odonnell week gentleman weijia, thank you, and john, there might not have been a speech equal to ivankas trump, and sort of embracing the uncongress vengsal nature of fonald trump, the tweets, all of it saying that is exactly why he is the president s president and is he fighting for you. E old line. He may do some things a little differently. Having this event on the white house lawn, but that is why we love him, she argued. She testified to the moments where she saw him reacting emotionally. But two things still are in existence. She talked about his compassion for those who have been treated unfairly. Most americans dont believe they have seen that from him with respect to racial unrest or covid19, she described him as dont wait a nano second to tackle a tough problem. He downplayed that, most americans have given him bad marks for that, so the reality is inconsistent with this glowing portrait she presented of his achievements. Odonnell and joel, you heard her describe joe biden as an empty vessel, once again this idea that he is the trojan horse for what is going to be a set of liberal policies. That is the best that they have figured out how to stitch isgether about joe biden this entire week. Inn now the president of the United States. Thank you very much, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Friends, delegates and distinguished guests, please, i stand before you tonight, honored by your support, proud of the extraordinary proha mades ncyears imi the Bright Future we will build for america over the next four years. applause we begin this evening, our thoughts are with the wonderful people who have just come through the wrath of hurricane laura. We are working closely with state and local officials in texas, louisiana, arkansas, mississippi, sparing no effort to save lives while the hurricane was fiercne strongest to make landfall in 150 yearses. The casualties and damage were far less than thought possible, only 24 hours ago. Plawses applause and this is diseu to the great work of fema, Law Enforcement, and the individual states. I will be going this weekend and congratulations, thank you for that great job out there. We really appreciate it. We are one National Family and we will always protect, love and care for each other. Here tonight are the people who have made my journey possible. And filled my life with so much joy. For her Incredible Service to our nation and its children i want to thank our magnificent first lady. applause i also want to thank my amazing daughter ivanka for that introduction and to all of my children, ivanka, please stand up. applause and to all of my children and grandchildren, i love you more than words can express. I know my Brother Robert is looking down on us right now from heaven. He was a great brother, and was very proud of the job we are all doing. Thank you. We love you, robert. Let us also take a moment to show our profound appreciation for a man who has always fought by our side, and stood up for our values, a man of deep faith, and sted fast conviction, our Vice President mike pence. applause and mike is joined by his beloved wife and teacher and mili mom kren pence. Thank you karen. My fellow americans, tonight with a heart full of gratitude and boundless optimism, i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the United States. applause u. S. A. , u. S. A. , u. S. A. The republican party, the party of abraham hundred con goes forward united, determined, ad ready to welcome millions of democrats, independents and anyone who believes in the greatness of america and the righteous heart of the american people. applause in a new term as president we will again build the greatest economy in history, quickly returning to full employment, soaring income and record prosperity. applause applause we will defend america against all threats and protect america against all dangers. We will lead america into new frontierses of ambition and discovery and we will reach for new heights of national achievement. We will rekindle new faith in our values, new pride in our history and a new spirit of unity that can only be realized through love for our great country. applause because we understand that america is not a land cloaked in darkness, america is the torch that enlightens the entire world. Here at our beautiful and majestic white house, known all over the world as the peoples house, we cannot help but marvel at the miracle that is our Great American story. This has been the home of largerthanlife figures like Teddy Roosevelt and andrew jackson, who rallied americans to bold visions of a bigger and brighter future. Within these walls lives tenacious generals like president grant and eisenhower, who let our soldiers in the cause of freedom. From these grounds Thomas Jefferson sent louis and clark on a daring expedition across a wild and unchartered continent, in the depth of a bloody civil war, president Abraham Lincoln looked out these very windows upon a half completed washington monument, and asked god in his providence to save our nation. Two weeks after pearl harbor, franklin del a no rootion velts welcomed Winston Churchill and just inside they set our people on a course to victory in the second world war. In recent months our nation and the entire planet has been struck by a new and powerful, invisible enemy. Like those brave americans before us, we are meeting this thilenge. We are delivering lifesaving therapies, and well produce a vaccine before the end of the year or maybe even sooner. applause we will defeat the virus and the end the pandemic and emerge stronger than ever before. applause what United Generations past was an unshakeable confidence in americas destiny and an unbreakable faith in the american people. They knew that our country is blessed by god and has a special purpose in this world it is that conviction that inspired the fore maition of our union, our westward expansion, the abolition of slavery, the passage of civil rights, the space program, and the overthrow of fascism, tyranny and communism. This powering american spirit has prevailed over every challenge and lifted us to the summit of human endeavor. And yet despite all of our greatness as a nation, everything we have achieved is now int important election in the history of our country. applause thank you. At no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies or two a begunkedas agendas, this election will decide whether we save the American Dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny. It will decide whether we rapidly create millions of highpaying jobs or whether we crush our industries and send millions of these jobs overseas as has foolishly been done for many decades. Your vote will decide whether we protect lawabiding americans or whether we give free reign to violent an arcuses and agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens. And this election will decide whether we will defend the or whetheray of life or whether we will allow a radical movement to completely dismantle and destroy it. That wont h applause at the Democratic National Convention Joe Biden and his party repeatedly assailing america as a land of racial, economic and social injustice. So tonight i ask you a simple question. Kow can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when its wnent so much time tearing down our country. applause in the less backward view, they do not see america as the most free, just and exceptional nation on earth. Instead they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins. Our opponents say that redemption for you can only come. Rom giving power to them. It this is a tired anthem spoken em every repressive movement throughout history. But in this country we dont look to career politicians for salvation. In america we dont turn to government to restore our soul. We put our faith in almighty god. applause applause joe biden is not a saffier of americas soul. He is the destroyer of americas jobs and have if given the chance he will be the destroyer of american greatness. For 47 years joe biden took the donations of Blue Collar Workers gave them hugs an even kisses. laughter applause and told them he felt their pain and then he flew back to washington and voted to ship our jobs to china an many other distant lands. Joe biden spent his entire career outsourcing their dreams and the dreams of American Workers. Opening their borders and sending their sons and daughters to fight in endless foreign wars, wars that never ended. Four years ago i ran for president because i could not watch this betrayal of our country any longer. I could not sit by is as career politicians let other countries take advantage of us on trade, borders, Foreign Policy and national defense. Our nato partners as an example were very far behind in their de fence but at my strong urging, they agreed to pay 130 billion more a year the first time in over 20 years that they upped their payments. applause and this 130 billion dollars will ultimately go to 400 billion dollars a year. And secretary general sultenberg who heads nato was a amazed after watching for so many years and said that President Trump did what no one else was able to do. Do. Thank you. From the moment i left my former life behind, and it was a good life, i have done nothing but fight for you. I did what our political establishment never expected. And could never forgive breaking the Cardinal Rule of washington politics. I kept my promise. applause together we have ended the rule of the failed politer kal class and they are desperate to get their power back by any means necessary. You have seen that. They are angry at me because instead of putting them first, i very simply said america first. applause thank you. Day after mawking office we shocked the washington establishment and withdrew from the last administration, job killing Transpacific Partnership. I then immediately approved the keystone xl and Dakota Access pipelines. Ended the unfair and very costly paris climate accord. applause and secured for the first time American Energy independence. applause we passed recordsetting tax and regulation cuts at a rate nobody had ever seen before. Within three short years we built the strongest economy in the history of the world. Washington insiders asked me not to stand up to china. They pleaded with me to let china continue stealing our jobs, ripping us off and robbing our country blind. But i kept my word to the american people. We took the toughest, boldest, strongest and hardest hitting action against china in American History by far. applause think said that it would be impossible to terminate and replace nafta but again they were wrong. Earlier this year i ended the nafta nightmare and signed the brand new u. S. Mexico Canada Agreement into law. And right now Auto Companies and others are building their plants and factories in america, not firing their employees, and not deserting us for other countries. In perhaps no area did the Washington Special interest try harder to stop us than on my policy of proamerican immigration. applause but i refused to back down and today americas borders are more secure than ever before. applause thank you. We ended catch and release, stopped asylum fraud, took down human traffickers who prey on women and children, and we have deported 20,000 gang members and 500,000 criminal aliens. applause we have already built 300 miles of border wall and we are adding ten new miles every single week. The wall will soon be complete and it is working beyond our wildest expectations. applause we are joined this evening by members of the Border Patrol Union Representing our countries courageous border agents. Thank you very much for being here. Thank you, brave, brave people. applause you see this country loves our Law Enforcement. Thank you. They really do. Love and respect. When i learned that the Tennessee Valley authority laid off hundreds of American Workers and forced them to train their lower paid foreign replacements, i promisely removed the chairman of the board and now those talented American Workers have been rehired and are back providing power to georgia, alabama, tennessee, kentucky, mississippi, north carolina, and virginia. They have their old jobs back. And some are hear with us this evening. Please stand, you went through a lot. Please stand, thank you, thank you very much. applause you have bj through a lot. Thank you very much. Last month i took on big pharma. You think thats easy . Its not. And signed orders that will massively lower the cost of your prescription drugs and give critically ill patients access to lifesaving cures. We passed the decades longawaited right to try, right to try. We also passed va account ability and va choice. Our great veterans, were taking care of our veterans. 91 percent Approval Rating this moant, the va, given by our veterans, first time anything like this ever happened. By the end of my first term, we will have approved more than 300 federal judges including two great new Supreme Court justices. applause and to bring prosperity to our forgot rch inner cities we worked hard to pass historic criminal Justice Reform, prison reform, opportunity zones and longterm funding of historically black colleges and univnar came in, produced the best unemployment numbers for canamicans,panic americand Asian Americans ever recorded. applause an i say very modestly that i have gone more for the Africanamerican Community than any president since Abraham Lincoln, our first republican president. And i have done more in three years for the black community than joe biden has done in 47 years. applause and when im reelected, the best is yet to come. applause foir more years, four more years, four more years, four more years. Four more years, four more years, four more years. Four more years, four more years. Four more years. Thank you etch. When i took office the middle east was in total chaos. I isis was rampaging, iran was on the rise, and the war in afghanistan had no end in sight. I withdrew from the terrible onesided iran nuclear deal. applause unlike many president s before me, i kept my promise, recognized israels true capitol and moved our embassy to jerusalem. applause but not only did we talk about it as a future site, we got it built. Rather than spending 1 billion on a new building as planned, we took an already owned existing building at a better location, real estate deal, right . T and opened it at a cost of less than 500,000. Anything like that, a government is doing right now, we also recognize israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. And this month we achieved the first middle east peace deal in 25 years. Thank you to uae, thank you to israel. In addition we obliterated 100 of the isis caliphate and killed its founder and leader abu backar albaghdadi. applause then in a separate operation we eliminated the world a number one terrorist by far solumini. Unlike previous administrations i have kept america out of new wars and our troops are coming home. We have spent nearly 2. 5 trillion dollars on completely rebuilding our military, which was very badly depleted when i took office as you know. This includes three separate pay raises for our great warriors. We also launched the space force, the first new branch of the United States military since the air force was created almost 75 years ago. We have spent the last four years reversing the damage joe biden inflicted over the last 47 years. Bidens record is a shameful roll call of the most catastrophic betrayals and blunders in our lifetime. He has spent his entire career on the wrong side of history. Biden voted for the nafta disaster. The single worst trade deal ever enacted. He supported chinas entry into the world trade organization, one of the greatest economic disasters of all time. After those biden kal amities the United States lost one in four manufacturing jobs. We laid off workers in michigan, ohio, new hampshire, pennsylvania and many other states. They didnt want to hear bidens hollow words of empathy. They wanted their jobs back. As Vice President he supported the Transpacific Partnership which would have been a death sentence for the u. S. Auto industry. He backed the horrendous south korea trade deal which took many jobs from our country. And which i have reversed and made a great deal for our country. He repeatedly supported mass amnesty for illegal immigrants. He voted for the iraq war. He opposed the mission to take out osama bin laden. He opposed killing solumini. He oversaw the rise of isis and cheered the rise of china as a positive development for america and the world. Some positive development. That is why china supports joe biden and desperately wants him to win. I can tell you that, upon very good information. China would own our country if joe biden got lichtedded. Elected. Unlike biden i will hold them fully accountable for the tragedy that they caused, all over the world, in recent months our nation and the world has been hit by the once in a t china pandemic, that china allowed to spread around the globe. They could htout they allowed it to come out. We are grateful to be joined tonight by several of our incredible nurses and First Responders. Please stand and accept our profound thanks and gratitude. Many americans including me have sadly lost friends and cher you wered loved ones to this horrible disease. As one nation, we mourn, we grieve, and we hold in our hearts forever the memories of all of those lives that have been so tragically taken. So unnecessary. And in their honor we will unite and in their memory we will overcome. An when the china virus hits we launched the largest mobilization since world war ii. Invoking the defense production act. We produced the Worlds Largest supply of ventilators in the a single american who needed a ventilator has been denied a ventilator which is a miracle. Good job heading the task force by our great Vice President , thank you very much please stand up. We shipped hundreds of millions of masks, gloves and gowns to our Front Line Health Care workers. To protect our nations seniors, we rushed supplies, testing kits and personal to nursing home, we gave everything we can possibly give and are still giving it because we are taking care of our senior citizens. The army corps of engineers built field hospitals and the navy deployed our great hospitalship. We developed from scratch the largest and most advanced testing system anywhere in the world. America has tested more than every country in europe put together and more than every nation in the western hemisphere combined. Think of that. We have conducted 40 million more tests than the next closest nation, which is india. We developed a wide array of fengive treatments including a powerful antibody treatment known as con va less ent plasma con va less ent plasma that will save are thousands and thousands of lives. Thanks to advancements we have pioneered the fatal iterate and you look at it and you look at the numbers, it has been reduced by 80 since april, 80 . The united tates is among the lowest case fatal iterates of any major country any about in the world. The European Unions case fatal iterate is nearly three times higher than ours but you dont hear that. They dont write about that. They dont want to write about that. They dont want you to know those things. All together the nations of europe have experienced a 30 greater increase in excess mortality than the United States. Think of that. We enacted the largest package of Financial Relief in American History. Thanks to our paycheck proterks program we have saved or supported more than 50 million american jobs, that is one of the reasons that were advancing so rapidly where our economy. Great job. applause as a result, we have seen the smallest Economic Contraction of any major western nation. And we are recovering at a much faster rate than anybody over the past three months we have gained over 9 million jobs and thats a record in the history of our country. Unfortunately from the beginning our opponents have shown themselves capable of nothing but a partisan ability to driticize. When i took bold action to issue a travel ban on china, very early indeed, scwhroa biden called it hysterical and xenophobic. And then i introduced a ban on europe, very early again. If we had listened to joe hundreds of thousands more americans would have died. And instead of following the science, joe biden wants to inflict a painful shut down on the entire country. He has shut down would inflicter unthinkable and lasting harm on our nations children, families and citizens of all backgrounds. The cost of the biden shut down

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