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61 oakland. 62 for san jose and for concord. Daytime highs about three to five degrees below average for this time of year. Tracking our next storm system, details on the rain chances. I will show you future cast. Lets check in with a look at traffic. Good morning. Checking the roadways right now. So far so good as far as accidents at the bay bridge. We are getting word of a wind advisory. Be careful as you work there if you are traveling in a high profile vehicle. Be careful to have two hands on the steering wheel. Other than that its fairly quiet. They are working on one crash on 680 as you work southbound right at diablo road. Looks like one car involved in this trouble spot. Its blocking at least one lane. The rest of the bridges quiet. Golden date bridge not seeing any trouble spots. We are seeing a few cars. San mateo bridge 13 minutes to go between 880 and 101 and the freeway checking in problem free. To the coronavirus. The state now forcing contra costa and abouta cruz back into the red and new roll backs for San Francisco even though its still in the yellow. Emily is live with what restrictions we can expect to tighten up. Emily. Its bad news for people in San Francisco, especially for businesses that use the parklets as temperatures get colder and rain is entering the forecast. The case rate in San Francisco has doubled. It hasnt officially changed tiers but the mayor is deciding to make changes. Infor dining, shut down. No more. Capacity at gyms, and Movie Theaters, that has now been dropped to 25 . Plansfor in Person School are also on hold. Now these are major changes as the temperature starts to drop and again likely to rain toward the weekend. Many businesses arent even sure if they will make it through that. We are essentially limited to take out for delivery and Delivery Services take a significant portion of the sames as well. San francisco isnt alone. The spike also affected contra costa who slipped back in to the red. They will have to reduce capacity for Indoor Dining and churches once again there. As we head in to the Holidays Health officials arent particularly positive when deare looking forward because as people spend time with their friends and family and go to holidays they worry this case rate will continue to climb instead of the opposite which is what everybody wants. Reporting live in San Francisco. Emily turner kpix5. Contra costa slid back to the red. That means starting friday, Indoor Dining goes from other to 25 capacity. Bar that dont seven food with alcohol must close. Retail stores must scale back occupancy and Office Work Spaces must operate remotely. The county said cases are rising at alarming rates. There were 46 people in the hospital with coronavirus. The highest one day total in two months. For businesses struggling to stay going this roll back is another blow. Developing this morning a heated debate over in person learning. Parents and kids swarmed last nights Livermore School Board Meeting demanding students return to class. A parent backed petition for reopening has already gathered 500 signatures. District leaders sent surveys to parents asking what they want and explaining a hybrid model doesnt guarantee students will return to their same teacher or classroom. Some students will get new teachers. Some will we will have to rebuild our classes if we move to a hybrid model. 1346 the parents have indicated that they would rather stay where we are than move to that kind of system because they love their teachers. You fight until those rights restored to you and they have a right to education, to a free and Public Education and right now its being taken from them. The district said if a super majority is reached in the Parent Survey the plan is to start hybrid learning in january. In San Francisco, the city is demanding a set timeline forgetting students back into classrooms. Its asking the district to present a set timeline for Elementary Students by december 8th giving School Leaders until january to release a plan for middle school students. Plans to bring more High School Students back into classrooms have been put on hold. In marin the Branson School said its moving back to online learning. This after the school said students attended several halloween parties and didnt follow social distancing guidelines. No confirmed cases. Its unclear when students could go back to the classroom. To see whats happening in your district head to kpix. Com. Happening today the city will honor its veteran was a ride by procession featuring vets on motorcycles and cars representing each war. The procession will start at the Veterans Building and will lead through the boulevard, East Washington street and mcdowell boulevard. The city of pittsburgh will also be celebrating its vets with a Ground Breaking for new Affordable Homes in a complex called veteran square. The project by sat liana fordable Housing Associates will help build 30 homes to support veterans. The Ground Breaking starts at 11. Vote count 200 in the east bay. Activists who helped lead the moms for Housing Movement has notched a stunning City Council Election victory. I think people want real solutions, not fluff and feel goods but they want to know how we are going to address some of the challenges we are facing and they trust me. Carol ran for district 3 challenging the incumbent last year. She made National Headlines after taking over a vacant west oakland home with a group of homeless mothers. Updated results for proposition 15. The Associated Press reporting 52 of voters rejected a revamp manied state to the property tax system. Proposition 15 would have allowed local governments assess Properties Every three years, that would have generated up to 12 billion. They are starting to fire. After scenes like this during the george floyd protest in san jose theres now a major change when it comes to Police Body Camera video. The City Council Vote to give itself the power to release body camera video. Previously that decision was made by the police chief. It took four months for the San Jose Police department to release body camera footage from the george floyd protests. The images could be used to hold police responsible or prosecute violent protestors. Under the new policy the release of body worn video could come down to a City Council Vote. Find that the actions are inappropriate we need to know that as soon as rather than six months or a year or never down the line. We never saw that video. Its one of the first Police Reforms coming out that have years protests in san jose. More will follow under the just passed measure g which gives the indianapolis auditor greater power to investigate Police Involved shootings. We just got the announcement from hong kong that one Lawmakers Said could mean a death kneel for democracy. Four lawmakers were basically thrown out of hong konga government because of a new rule that doesnt allow them to voice promotion of independence from china. So those four were disqualified and then the remaining 15 in the prodemocracy party announced they are stepping down in protest of that. This could really reshape the political make up of lawmakers in hong kong leaving many those that are very loyal to bejing. We have seen tensions rising in hong kong over the last year with a lot of protests there. The Chinese Government has been trying to tighten controls there. We will watch it. Back to you. Still ahead, streaming on cbsn bay area. The Supreme Court hearing arguments on the Affordable Care act. Whats at stake. Chaos and disaster in our California Health care system. And here is a live look with the mark hop kins hotel cam a. You can see the clouds in the sky looking at San Francisco anda us contract the bay. Thats the reason why temperatures not as cold this morning. The 40s and 50s. The full forecast tracking our next storm system coming up. And chp working on a crash along 680. I will have the update on that and your travel times through the pass. And here is a look luke outside before we go to break. This is from the rooftop ca sfx turkey gobble sfx dog bark sfx bubbles give thanks, no matter how you share it. The president elect is vowing to defend and even expand the Affordable Care act as the Supreme Court hears arguments on if it should be overturned entirely. I a majority of justices seem to lean toward preserving it theres no guarantee how they will rule. What is at stake for the bay area and california in a kpix5 original report. Obama care has faced legal challenges before but this time is different. We are in the middle of a pandemic. A week the election and theres a new conservative justice on the ben. We can potentially have over four million loose coverage. Many millions more will see higher premiums, reduce Consumer Protection and chaos and disaster in our California Health care system. 21 state attorney generals led by california asked the United States Supreme Court to step in. We would suffer if the Affordable Care act were to go away. The most visible effect of overturning obama care. Once again allow the insurance discrimination against people with preexisting conditions. Roughly half of all difficults in the bay area has at least one preexisting condition including heart and lung disease, immune problems, substance abuse, hiv, obesity, depression and cancer. They could face sky high premiums or loss of coverage. Kpix5 first met one man 11 years ago. At that time the auto mechanic was paying a small fortune for an individual policy. Today he has covered california. He said its more affordable with better coverage, no yearly or lifetime limits and free prevention screening. If the law is thrown out it all goes away. He was diagnosed with lung cancer. I need it now because im really ill. The most significant blow, under obama care california gets 27 billion a year in federal funding to Cover Health Care costs for low income families. Its been a god send during the pandemic with the scores of the newly unemployed. Theres no way in the world california is a state or any state can make up for the roll back of federal support provided by the Affordable Care act. The thing we can do now if you are with covered california, renew your coverage. The court is expected to rule before its term ends in june. In San Francisco, kpix5. Community Health Centers partly funded by the Affordable Care act and are responsible for testing vaccinating community members. They too would loose out. Now to the uptakist in the oakland goat ship case. Nearly four years after the dead lay fire this morning the city of oakland has settled its final claims. The plaintiffs, 12 former residents of the fruitvale artist warehouse that went up in flames in december of 2016. The chronicle reports they will be splitting a 399,000dollar settlement though the city admits no wrongdoing. Early their year the city settled with the families of 32 victims and one survivor for nearly 33 million. Here is a check on traffic for you. Good morning. Hey. Good morning. As we take a look at your wednesday morning ride not bad. Just a couple things to look out for if you are going across the bay area. Theres a trouble spot just as you come off the sky way. Broken down vehicle blocking at least one lane. Its not a crash but its stalled out. It may cause a back up. Theres also wind advisory for the bay bridge. Be careful. Especially if you are traveling in a high profile vehicle. Other than that things are fairly quiet for the rest of the bay bridge commute. We are seeing just a few cars make that trek westbound. Its light head from here into the city despite that broken down vehicle. Taking a look at your travel times we are still in the green for that ride into pass. Westbound 580. 205 toward 680. Still 25 minutes. East year freeway. Highway 4 to the maze. No delays. Highway 4 looking good and 101 out of the south bay no major snags. Just a heads up on 280 northbound. I am getting reports of an accident. A traffic collision reported with two cars over to the right shoulder. San mateo bridge, traffic pretty light. 13 minutes to go between 880 and 101. No delays on the freeway. Once you get on 101 photograph sick clear there as well. A live look at the golden gate. Traffic moving at the limit. No issues or break lights. Theres road work north of here near the waldo grade. They have cleared the cones. They do this before 5 30. Right now in impact to traffic. Things are moving nicely. The drive out of marin so far so good. Time to take a look at your forecast is it here is mary. Good morning to you. We are looking at temperatures not as cold as yesterday admonishing. Thankfully so. I know a lot of people were talking about how chilly its been. Our temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. It is all because of the cloud cover acting like a blanket. Milder temperatures as we start off our day compared to the month 30as and the 20s we had yesterday morning. 54 concord and oakland. Down to 49 for san jose and santa rosa. We are looking at more clouds for today. Cool temperatures that will continue below average for this time. Showing you future cast and taking you hour by hour. You can see the clouds streaming in. We have a weak disturbance bringing those clouds for us today. As we look to tonight looking at those clouds as well and then for tomorrow very similar with those chilly temperatures. Those Cool Temperatures as we start off the day and then below average with those clouds for the thursday as well. As we look to friday and saturday track be the next storm system with the chance of shower back to the bay area. Especially as we look to friday and for saturday. Not expecting a lot of rain with this system but still beneficial showers chances for sure. As we take you hour by hour there and our temperatures as we look to our afternoon, 61 in santa clara. 62 in san jose. 62 campbell. This afternoon for the south bait as we look to the east bay. Concord, pleasant hill. 62, low 6o s for the tri valley. 61 dublin, pleasanton. Livermore this afternoon. Around the bay, 59 in San Francisco. 61 oakland. 60 for alameda and san leandro. For the north bay a low to mid 60ss. 63 in santa rosa looking at 62 for the park. Sonoma, napa at 61 degrees. For windsor, saint helena. 63 this afternoon. There we go with that extended forecast. What you can expect as we are looking at those cool below average daytime high was the clouds that are back for today and for tomorrow. Again tracking this next weather system that will bring return of showers for us as we look to thursday night. Especially by friday and for saturday. So rainfall for the bay area and snow in the sierra. That will be nice to see for all of the skiers and snow boarders as we look to sunday and monday. Catching a bit of a break and then showers return with the next weather system for next tuesday. Looking at kind of an unsettled weather pattern with rain chances every few days. Back to you. Thank you. Still ahead, streaming on cbsn bay area. Party patrol. We can tell you whether they are ten people in your room or 200 people in your room. How a new high tech gadget aims to help air b b owners crack down on parties. And from our sales force camera. And coming up at seven on cbs this morning a news investigation finds Major Concerns about how some Service Members with serious injuries are being treated. What a whistle blower is saying about one va hospital. And coronavirus cases around the world. A visit to an overwhelmed i contribution u in rome. We will be right back. Just goes to show you how hard life was before cell phones. Where were you, man . I was waiting for you outside the Movie Theater for 110 years sorry, my pigeon gets no service in this neighborhood. Is that what i was supposed to do . Was i supposed to do notes to the two guys or was i what i meant. Its hard to have an invisible illness. Like depression. No one sees you need help. No one knows youre not okay. So when someone recognizes the importance of Mental Health and offers a hand, it means everything. My illness may be invisible. But thanks to covered california, im not. All covered California Health insurance plans are comprehensive with Mental Health coverage, and financial help for people who need it. Covered california. This way to health insurance. Enroll by december 15th. New technology is helping crack down on air b b parties without hitting cameras. Its called the party squasher. A small sensor is connected to the homes internet raute are, that counts the number of cell phone signals. The rental owner puts a maximum number of guests. If it exceeds the limit a text is sent warning the homeowner. And by recognizing the presence of a cell phone we can tell if you there are ten people in your room, or 200 people in your room. I say we will take off for the weekend and that is when we have the party squasher. We can kind of monitor things get crazy. The company said there are no privacy issues because it only detects the presence of signals without actually identifying or recording them. My mom would have liked that when i was younger. She would go out of town. I get. You had parties . Maybe. Michelle. In our next half hour on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area about two moss until Inauguration Day and the president is still refusing to step down. The latest on the transition of power as both parties move forward with their dual plans. And no parties here in San Francisco. Especially not inside. I will tell you what the new restrictions just ahead. And a live look outside before we head to back. You are looking at the trans america building on this wednesday morning. Its 5 26. We w ready to take your immune support to the next level . Natures bounty is here for you. The number one herbal supplement brand has everything you need to help keep your immune system strong. Immune support comes naturally with natures bounty. Right now on nows bay area approaching new restrictions amid a concerning coronavirus strike. Where the state stands in the national crisis. Plus, the president is still refusing to concede. We will have more on that in a bit. We have not seen him in public for a few days now. And the president elect moves ahead with the transition as President Trump refuses to acknowledge it. The latest on their dualing plans. Its wednesday, november 11th. Lets get a check on the weather now with mary. Okay. A bit warmer but we are still cold. Its still a little chilly. I still have the sweater dress, still have the thermal. The wool sock. I get cold easy. We are looking at temperatures not as cold as yesterday morning. We were down to the 20s, 30s and 40s. This morning, check it out. We are in the 40s and 50s for many locations. Here is a live look at the mark hop kins hotel cam a. The clouds are helping act like a blanket and insulate us. Thats why the temperatures arent as cold. 454 concord and oakland. 51 San Francisco. 49 for santa rosa and san jose. You can see that cloud cover extensive this morning. Even patchy fog down to a mile and three quarters. As we start off the day with the visibility. Daytime highs mid to upper 50s. The clouds cool, below average more this time of year. About three to five address below average for this time of year. Tracking the next terrorism system. Lets check in with gianna. So far so good. In fact because day being veterans day we will likely see fewer cars. People may be observing the holidays. You have a very easy ride at the bay bridge toll plaza. No delays in to San Francisco. We did have a broken down vehicle just as you come off the skyway near that fremont exit. Looks like me managed to clear take off. Collecting the seven source be looking at the map. A lot of green on the freeway. If you are out and about now is a good time to be on the roadway. Broken down vehicle near the Golden Gate Bridge on the north end. Thats as you head more toward the Robin Williams tunnel. Really not impacting traffic. Things are light in both directions of the golden date. The san mateo bridge checking in problem free. To the coronavirus now. Infections across the state continue to trend upwards. Here are the latest numbers as of last night. More than 5300 new cases. 3. 7 positive rate. Hospitalizations up more than 30 . Icu patients also up nearly 30 . The case rate in San Francisco. Im emily turner and because of that spike there are now going to be new restrictions here in the city. Not just in San Francisco bah in contra costa. We will all all be spending monther time outside in places like this the case rate in San Francisco has doubled and it hasnt officially changed tiers but the mayor has decided to make changes. Indoor dining now officially shut down. Capacity at gyms and Movie Theaters has been dropped to 25 and plans for in Person School, those are on hold. These are major changes as the temperature is beginning to drop and rain is back in the forecast. Many business president businesses arent sure if they will be able to make it. San francisco isnt alone. That spike affects contra costa who slipped back in to the red tier. They will have to reduce capacity for Indoor Dining churches again and Health Experts worry going in to the Holiday Season will make things worse. Even if he with havent seen them for a while just because they are close to us personally doesnt mean that they have lower risk of either passing coronavirus onto you or having coronavirus come from you to them. And because San Franciscos changes are voluntary, not mandatory, those will go into effect at end of day on friday. And for a list of whats reopened in your county and across the bay area just head to the website. There is good news. Dr. Fauci believes a Coronavirus Vaccine could be widely available by april. That comes a report that the vaccine was more than 90 effective. There could be challenges when it comes to december contributing the vaccine. The government mapped out an propose including working with state officials who will play a key role in giving out the shots. In michigan they have turned a stretch of land into a staging ground. They are ready to take delivery of millions of doses of vaccine. They have to be kept cool which is part of the challenge. Happening today the Sonoma Health officer will hold her weekly online briefing. It all starts at 3 30 this after. And in fremont Bay Area Community health will hold free testing for people in the warm springs area. It starts at 9 00 a. M. Also happening today santa rosa will hold its veterans day event at 11 00 a. M. For the first time itll be held outside all because of coronavirus. Itll take place in the parking lot of the abouta rosa Veterans Building. Today the president is expected to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier it. Will be his first public appearance since last thursday. The ceremony will be virtual this year. Despite the president s refusal to concede joe biden is preparing to take office. The Trump Administration is blocking the biden team from accessing funding agencies needed for the transition. This as the president continues to claim widespread voter fraud despite providing evidence. Just think its an embarrassment. I think it will not help the president s legacy. What this president is doing at this point in time is not in the best interest of this country. President elect joe biden has been receiving congratulations from world leaders, however leaders in russia, china, brazil and mexico have remained silent. At the live news desk. The pope just made his first Public Comments since we got that report yesterday morning that was admonishing the vaticans handling of sex abuse accusations against a former cardinal. The pope said i renew my closeness to victims of abuse and mittment of the church to getting rid that have evil and then he paused silently for almost a minute. The vatican report blames a number of bishops, cardinals and popes for down playing gross misconduct but it fell short of admonishing the pope himself and the pope did some defending this morning in this appearance of appropriate john paul who was called into question in the report. Live new to oracle park. A former giant is claiming the design of the park cost him his career. The injury was hard to watch. He was running full speed after a full ball when he tripped over a bullpen mound and slammed head first into a wall. That was back in 2018. He said that he still suffers post concussion symptoms. My intent in filing lawsuit is to hold the park owners responsible for not only taking away my career but carelessly risking every other players career by placing the mounds on the field. Pens have been relocated. Williamson and his attorney didnt take questions yesterday so its unclear how much money they are seeking. In a statement the giants said that William Soons claim should be resolved through the grievance or workers comp processes, not the courts. Jc pennys life line is getting stronger before the Holiday Shopping season and ring is recalling show thousands of its video doorbells. Those stories and more in todays money watch report. Good morning, diane. Good morning. Wall street has mixed as investors continue that rotation out of tech and into blue chip. The dow rallied 260 points while the nasdaq fell 159 and the s p500 lost 4. Jc penny is getting closer to exiting bankruptcy. They will be property by the two largest mall owners. It its valued at 1. 75 billion. Lawers say the deal will save about 60,000 jobs. And some rick doorbells are being recalled. The Second Generation smart doorbell can over heat if the wrong screws are used to install it. Its led to at least 23 begin incidents. And in the spirit of onorring veterans day today i hear several chains offering deals for Service Members. Give us the details on this. All right. Veterans and active duty military can receive a free doughnut at dunkin. No purchase necessary. Buffalo is offering ten boneless wrings and fries and veterans can get a free small breakfast at wendys just make sure to show a military id to demonstrate proof of service. And they deserve it all and more. Yes. Absolutely. Apple bees has one to as well. Love to see the line was the Service Members. We will see you at 6 30 when the stock market opens. All right. Time is now 5 39. Coming up, the link between feeling alone and your age. And a peek at one of the most incredible golf shots you will ever seen at augusta. You dont want to miss this one. And here is a live look with our cam a. Clouds and even patchy fog as we look to San Francisco. You can see the bay bridge out there because of that temperatures not as cold in the 40s and 50s. Details coming up. As we take a look at the roadways. I have a trouble spot along 4 in Discovery Bay with a broken down big rig blocking lanes. And here is a live look outside before we head to break. Look at that. You can see parts of the eastern span of the bay bridge on this wednesday morning. Its 5 40. We will be r theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. Welcome back on this wednesday morning. Its a little bit more comfortable outside. Temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Not as cold as yesterday morning. We have clouds and patchy fog. Because of that, really acting like a blanket. Because of that temperatures not as cold as we start off the day. Tracking the next storm system that. Will bring the return of showers back to the bay area. Ly show you future cast coupling up in just a few minutes back to you. Heaters are flowing off the shelves as restaurants try to winterize Outdoor Dining and with Health Officials urging people to hold dinners outside regular citizens also warming up to the idea of a heated patio. They are likely out of luck. One Hardware Store we talked to is back ordered until at least february. The answer is always the same. Dont know when we are going to get them. Are you not the only one calling. New private movie show yous are coming soon to an amc theater near you. The theater chain launched its private Rentals Program yesterday. Customers can rent out a showing at any of the 600 screening rooms. The starting price for one showing around 99 dollars for up to 20 people. For new movies the starting price kwames to 149. Researcher the looking for a connection between loneliness and age. Some less searchers say that levels of loneliness are highest in a persons 20s. They believe that its due to stress over finding a partner and excelling in ones career. The age group that reported the least amount of loneliness were people in their 60s. Whether you are a fan of golf or not you have got to appreciate this. Check out this shot. This is at augusta national. Its a yearly tradition before the masters to try to skip shots across the pond at the 16th hole. One shot was truly incredible. Takes the long way around the green. Takes forever to finally get into the hole and get this. This crazy shot as we are still watching right now for it to happen. There it is. Yeah. Happened on his 26th birthday. What a birthday gift. That is a birthday gift. I mean look how cool that is. Do you think that was skill orioles a little of both . Maybe a mix of the two. It was impressive. Did you see that . That was so cool. I think its a little bit of both. You have to be skilled because are you in the masters and have you to have a little bit of luck. I will take that. Absolutely. Taking a look at the roadways, nice to see golf back on the green for the masters. I cant wait. Taking a look at the roadways. Bay bridge looking good. Dont have delays. Its a bit windy. Gusty. Wind advisory is in effect. That was issued by chp. We had a trouble spot off the skyway. Thats been cleared out of lane. You are out of the east bay in to the city. Should be easy. Traffic light any way. A lot of people may be off. There is a trouble spot along highway 4 westbound just east of old river. Theres a broken down vehicle. They called out traffic control. Lanes blocked in and around that area. Plan for that. The rest of the bridges quiet. Golden gate bridge no delays or issues. More volume on that southbound side which is a commute direction as you work heading in to San Francisco. Elsewhere the san mateo bridge not bad. Westbound is pretty easy ride. Thats the commute direction. Folks traveling out of heyward over to 10 and things moving at the limit. A 13 minute drive time to work across the span there. As we take a look at the travel times no delays at the pass. Theres a pocket of slowing as you come off that connector but its minimal. Just a 25 minute drive time. Light to go between 205 toward 680. 680 itself. No troubles there. It was report of a minor incident between there and capitol on that southbound side of 680. Thats more to the south bay side. Doesnt seem like its causing any troubles or issues. Its 5 47. Its a little warmer but i dont know. It still felt cold. And still a little chilly for sure. Temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Just not that bitter cold that we had yesterday and the day before. Here we go. A live look at the sale its force tower camera as we look east across the bay. You can see the bay bridge and the clouds in the sky. With those clouds and patchy fog it just acts like a blanket. Insulating us. The temperatures not plummeting down to freezing and subfreezing morning like yesterday. Check it out. 54 in concord and oakland. 53 livermore, San Francisco at 51 and 49 for san jose and santa rosa with those clouds. We are looking at below average temperatures with the clouds as we head through the day. Another cool day. In fact about three to five degrees below average for this time of year. As we take you hour by hour on future cast, stopping the clock at 4 00 p. M. And you can see those clouds streaming in for today as we look to tonight as well and then into tomorrow very similar, chilly but not down right cold like what we saw yesterday and the day before and those clouds as well. We are tracking our next storm system that will arrive by the end of the week. That will bring the chance for showers back to the bay area as we look to friday and for saturday. Itll be a welcome sight for sure. We need every drop that we can get. We are in a truth and even in extreme drought in some locations for the bay area. Not expecting a lot of rain but maybe about a tenth to a quarter inch if that. As we go through the day with the clouds 61 in santa claire a. 62 san jose and 61 campbell. For the east bay 62 concord, pleasant hill. Low 60s for the tri valley. Around the bay. San francisco in at 59 degrees. 61 in oakland. 60 for alameda and san leandro and low 60s for the north bay. 62 for the park and 63 for windsor, saint helena and yukia. Here is the extended forecast. What you can expect with the clouds as we look to today and for tomorrow as well with the next weather system bringing the chance of showers thursday night and especially into friday and for saturday. So some wet weather ahead by the end of the week and snow up in the sierra with this weather system. Catching a brek sunday and monday and then another weather system for the middle part of next week. Really in that weather pattern of those cooler temperatures and shower chances every few days. Back to you. Thank you. Happening today, s. W. A. T return was a two hour sea sop premiere. The first of two back to back episodes features the history of racial tension in los angeles and protests against Police Brutality over the summer. In the second episode the team acts as a domestic surveillance unit for the cia confirm if an International Crime lord has resurfaced in los angeles. Happen in that video was released and everybody saw a man who is like in such a way, this is just as a black man first but then as a human being it was wrong. There are bad apples in Law Enforcement but its such a small number because the men and women of Law Enforcement are risking their lives every day. Catch s. W. A. T tonight on cbs at 9 00. Surprised you didnt fight someone to do that interview. If i would have known about it. I talked to him once before. Again, i will do it. Next on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn. How soon a popular tourist spot will welcome foreign visitors. What you need to know before planning your next trip. And a live look outside. And remember kpix5 wants to bring you the good news in the bay area. Go to kxix. Com together to find stories of how with you are better together. And coming up today on the Drew Barrymore show, this is United States star joins drew to talk a the shows new season many thats today we have the power to harness californias Abundant Solar and wind energy, but its not available all day long. Use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. Welcome back. Here is a live look with the Mount Hamilton camera. Its helded away. This morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Not as cold as yesterday morning. Still a bit chilly. If you are heading out dont forget the jacket. We will talk about the next storm system. Details on the rain chances in just a few minutes. New this morning the International Airport in cuba has been closed for seven month amid the pandemic. Starting sunday itll reopen its airport for International Flights following health guidelines. According to cuban state media all traveler also be required to submit a health declaration. The near total band on tourists has greatly impacted the economy. A small Craft Brewery in fresno is turning to delivery. Full Cycle Brewing Company had to put a stop to indoor events amid the pandemic. It found the creative solution because of crowd funding. It is shipping direct to consumers all over the state using their own personal delivery vehicle in the Central Valley area. Its now 55. Hospitalizations hitting all time highs. Some doctors arent worried. In the next half hour and streaming on cbsn bay area how think prepared for the winter spike. And we are back out on the street. Find out where you can dine now because of coronavirus. I will have that story just ahead. And a live look outside before we head to break. Are you looking at the mark hop kins hotel camera this morning and that is a beautiful shot as we start the day. Also kpix5 as a new app that gives you easy access to cbsn bay area and kpix newscast. You knead to delete the old and download the new. We will be right back. Im 53. But in my mind im still 35. Thats why i take osteo biflex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. While helping with occasional joint stiffness. Osteo biflex. Breaking right now on kxix45 and streaming on cbsn bay area. A pedestrian hit and killed and a Police Officer behind the wheel. The new information just into the newsroom. And some counties slide, others stay in place. We have your roll back round up as the third wave hits. Another record broken. This time for hospitalizations. Why bay area doctors say they are ready to fight the spike in cases. And this. My buys are crying. Im crying. Its not sustainable. Demanding to go back to the classroom. The district has other ideas. Why east bay parents say the options on the table are not acceptable. Good morning everybody. Its wednesday. November 11th. It is veterans day. Thank you to all of the Service Members out there. A big thank you. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Lets get to your forecast first with mary and for those who like it a bit warmer. Today is the day. Yeah. For sure. We are starting off the day with those clouds and with the temperatures not as cold as yesterday. We are not dealing that bitterly the bitterly cold conditions like yesterday and the day before. We are in the 40s and 50s as we start off the day on this veterans day. Looking at 52 in concord, oakland. San francisco, coming in at

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