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Surge. Governor newsome announcing a major step back in reopening the economy, hes ordering all counties close indoor operations in select sectors but the restrictions are even tighter 4 counties that are on the states watch list which include a few here in the bay area Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala reports. Governor Gavin Newsome constantly compares californias reopening process to a dimmer and not a light switch. The governor announcing california as a whole is toggling back covid19 is not going away anytime soon. Intel, there is a vaccine. And or an effective therapy governor gavin newsom announced monday the entire state must shut down bars along with indoor operations at restaurants, wineries Family Entertainment centers museums and movie theaters. The governor also said 30 counties on the states covid19 watch list must move further and shut down into our operations at gyms houses of worship nonessential offices, personal care salons and indoor malls, those counties representing 80 of californias population, the states latest orders comes as Hospital Capacity dwindles in some counties across the state while the overall Positivity Rate continues to rise now at 7. 4 hospitalizations increased 28 over the last 2 weeks the data suggest not everybody is practicing common sense newsoms Administration Says these closures are indefinite and reopening will depend on data. In sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. And heres a more detailed map of the bay area counties on the states watch list that are affected. They include contra costa moran napa solano and sonoma counties, santa clara and Alameda County are on that list as well they were at a just this past sunday, the guidelines says that theyve had to have reopenings for 3 days in a row to be included in the latest health order. 24 hours ago Santa Clara County was reopening. Businesses but. Now not anymore yet they remain on the watch list today businesses will have to shut down again kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live there with a look at what this means sarah. There you james can you imagine being a Business Owner in just 24 hours ago youre getting ready, were just making sure everything was perfect before opening after months of being close like this nail salon behind me called nail bar the i spoke with the owners yesterday, i mean theyre making sure everything was perfect now Business Owners on edge being on the governors watch list they could have to shut down as soon as wednesday take a look at this video you can see me getting my temperature checked before even walking in they had a whole protocol here at nail bar, the owners bought plexiglas and put it at every single manicure and pedicure station made sure to be ready by monday even had an air filter in there all the while the county later that day was put on the state watch list. Why this happens when the countys coronavirus cases and hospitalizations county has to be on the watch list for 3 consecutive days restrictions to go back into place for 3 weeks shutting down businesses that just open were talking about businesses like gyms nail and hair salons tattoo in barbershops shopping malls. All of these may have to shut down on wednesday now this has got to be extremely frustrating for people who only shots but its all in the name of health and safety, its just hard when you open and then you have to shut back down again having to coordinate with your employees changes schedule and then employees counting on that money and now not being able to so its a big its a moment where we all have to you know be flexible but its clear from the governor that its up to us as patrons to you know do our part make sure where mass make sure you stay home as much as possible and distancing clearly that is the best way we can stop these numbers from surging and hopefully then these businesses can reopen were going to be live here in Mountain View again talking to some of these Business Owners who were excited to open and now are having to scale back possibly on wednesday. For now live in Mountain View Sarah Stinson kron 4 news and well also find out or i dont know if youve seen the numbers yet for that county if they are still headed up. Because if they are still headed up that will definitely be closed tomorrow unless suddenly those numbers are going down have you see the man said. Yeah, i mean i think theyre going up a little bit but i didnt expect them to be on the watch thats why i was pretty shocked myself, but if they continue to go up the for sure be on the watch list for 3 consecutive this is something theyre going to be monitoring for sure very closely ok, so well know tomorrow, thanks ot sarah. Under the governors new statewide orders and hes fame all is going to have to close its story yet again the Sun Valley Shopping Center in concord. Well have to close them all had just reopened last month with signs reminding everybody to maintain social distance and wear masks. We spoke with saw a some of the shoppers there and they say theyre disappointed. And then theres the i do go back goes on to join it from that time forward ago definitely need to. Of a 19. Were going to do that is by not having crowds of people. Near each other. People say that they you know may be frustrated, but they they do understand if the numbers are up. He got a clampdown yeah. State guidance issued over the weekend forced Alameda County to shut down its Outdoor Dining immediately. But many restaurants, were still open fact a lot of Restaurant Owners in downtown livermore say that there was just a lot of confusion about what exactly they were and were not allowed to do. Robert taylor second reports. Well here behind me people are still sitting outside and enjoying their meals its not just the restaurants that are confused or choosing to continue with Outdoor Dining anyways city leaders tell me that they received the information about the closures through a press release but not an official order saying the directions are unfair and inconsistent people in downtown livermore filled the streets and patio spaces for Outdoor Dining on monday thats after the city received this press release from Alameda County over the weekend saying quote yesterday july 10th. We learned the state issued updated guidance dated july 9th prohibiting Outdoor Dining in on various counties, including Alameda County. While Alameda Countys Health Guidelines allow for Outdoor Dining state announced its tightening of restrictions on friday that we are being hit again, you know i think that a lot of Small Businesses a little bit more time to prepare for these type of significant changes because of the significant amount of. Investment that goes into each business. You know, especially restaurants of course you know what supplies now were all of us and were school supposed to visit what happens to all the supplies that we ordered you know for the week it just its a loss huge loss. So addresses family owns el charro mexican food and cantina on their restaurant is closed on mondays she says their patio seating was open over the weekend like many other restaurants, its confusing and thats why i think some people are old thing because its like yeah well lets just take advantage until we get a little more clarity is whats happening right now. Meanwhile some city leaders say the changes are not binding since they were notified through a press release and not an official order and then email the mayor told me theres a lot of conflicting information and youll have a better read on things after the county needs on tuesday. The confusion also continues at restaurants in hayward we didnt know. Clear direction from the county up until about. 11 oclock 1030 11 oclock saturday morning. And still it was. You not to certain or clear as to what to do. So so restaurants went ahead without Outdoor Dining Hayward City Council member mark salinas tells me. Many restaurants in hayward have since closed down their Outdoor Dining and reverted back to takeout or delivery options as you can see livermore is still not complying with those guidelines from the state in he main issue here is that Alameda County does not have a variance from the state to allow them to continue with Outdoor Dining now on tuesday Alameda County board supervisors will meet to discuss this variance whether to continue to seek that variance from the state in livermore tiller the psac ii kron 4 news. Lets take a look at the numbers were just talking about where the numbers this morning and here you can see them county by county. And there are more than 34,000 cases now throughout the bay area with more than 640 people dying so far the most cases as you can see the top of the list. Alameda county with more than 7900 positives. The virus however has been the deadliest. In Santa Clara County just below there where you can see theyve been a 100 and 67 deaths. We have a full breakdown of the cases county by county. And even city numbers on our website at kron 4 dot com. And with less than a month to go before the School Year Starts education leaders in oakland say they want to begin the year with a 4 weeks at least of Distance Learning thats one of many plans that this took revealed at a meeting last night. Leaders say the focus of the curriculum will be centered around Distance Learning with the goal of adding in person classes or doing a hybrid later on the district ordered about 19,000 Chromebook Computers and 15 devices that let the kids get on the internet to handle the online learning. Leaders say that they want kids back in the classroom of course, but they stress that safety is more important families also have the option of keeping their children home. Full time. Pack that what we are experience e is uncertain in so as conditions change we have to continue to pay that and as ive said many times where we are now we absolutely have to to be adopted in to ensure that our plans and our proposals are nimble. The plans at this point our recommendation they still have to be signed off on by labor groups which are currently in negotiations with the district. Breaking news overnight the u. S. Supreme court has cleared the way for the execution of a federal prisoner. In the first time in 17 years. Daniel lewis lee was scheduled to die yesterday afternoon but a Lower Court Ordered a temporary reprieve of his execution an Appeals Court in washington d c refused the Trump Administrations plea to step in before the Supreme Court acted by a 5 to 4 vote. So his execution will proceed at a federal prison in indiana. Lee voice convicted in arkansas of the 1996 killings of a gun dealer his wife and his daughter. Well take a break at 5. 11 coming up a grim warning from San Franciscos Health Director about the spread of coronavirus in the city tell you what he says San Francisco isnt in the clear yet. Plus actress naya riveras body has been recovered from a california lake. See what a co stars did to honor. The covid19 pandemic is taking a toll on Health Care Workers, sometimes leading to something called moral injury. Im alexandra be on 5. 40 right now and i actually this is the first time in i dont know weeks that i should the fans off. Oh yes, it really was quite a chilly breeze noticeably cooler yesterday and definitely during the overnight Early Morning hours this morning, john yeah and i think a lot of us definitely appreciated that turn those fans off opening up the window just enjoying that breeze that. Does continue this morning, although not going to be quite as windy as it was yesterday, were still going to be holding on to those cooler temperatures which will be nice. When you think about how hot this weekend was youre really going to savor today you look outside at berkeley shows clear skies and what we had yesterday we obviously had quite a lot of cloud cover that settled into the bay yesterday morning seeing less of that this morning you still do have some at the coast even through the Golden Gate Bridge sitting right above the bay, but not a whole lot of it into the interior of the bay itself now this highpressure ridge sitting to our west starting to build back in the dip in the jet stream that actually brought us such cool weather yesterday compared to the weekend still is going to bring us some windy conditions today and keep us relatively cool. Daytime highs not changing too much from where we were on monday 60s and 50s for San Francisco as well as elsewhere on the coast. Bonne terre 59, daly city 64 Half Moon Bay 6370s from millbrae down through burlingame and all the way south to palo alto we only be at 77 today, Mountain View barely the 80s as will also be the case in san jose and santa clara at 80 to 81 today, los gatos in morgan hill in the 70s compare that to the weekends 90s and yeah thats a difference that youll appreciate mid 80s for areas like livermore and pleasanton hayward and union city in the mid 70s. Well oakland in the low 70s. Concord and dan villa, 84 today and for the north bay, not even in the 90s vacaville antioch in pittsburgh. You are 90 degree spots yesterday, not looking at that today just upper 80s. Santa rosa 81 novato in petaluma in the upper 70s so today all in all not a bad one daytime highs at their warmest in the upper 80s. Tomorrow will be a touch warmer than today but really not all that different and the rest of the forecast out looking much different either we level out in the upper 80s for inland highs through the course your next 7 days with 70s near the bay and 60s out along the coast. James. All right john. Thank you quick check of traffic looking at the bay bridge toll plaza camera so far so good. No issue here on westbound 80s you make your way into San Francisco, commuting on the span itself looking pretty good. No problems to worry about on the san mateo bridge either as we take a look at highway 92 you can see weve Traffic Building of course no surprise there, but everybody still moving at the limit no reports of any major problems slowing you down. That was a weather and traffic check more in a minute now lets get back to the news covid19 isnt just hurting patients also health care providers. Theyre at risk of getting sick and theyre having to make life and death decisions about their patients on top of it. And this can lead to something called moral injury washington correspondent alexandra le mon reports. Oh yeah, its its very scary Health Care Workers treating covid19 patients around the country austin worry about contracting the virus and exposing loved ones. Thats in addition to worrying about how to treat the growing number of patients sometimes without enough resources. Ok have one ventilator have 3 patients whose getting a ventilator doctor ron nelson bind an emergency room doctor says all of the choices can take a toll thats a really hard thing to have to do you have to be able to kind of sleeping night after making those decisions doctor rita block with volunteers of america says all of those challenges can lead to whats called moral injury moral injury is the way your soul gets tied up in knots when something happens to you that violates your core moral foundation brooks as the internal conflict can be harmful and led to addictive behaviors and the accumulation of this many failures as this crisis pandemic has cause. You can just wear them to the point where they give up on themselves and the work they do and even sometimes on their own lives. She also says simply talking with others who have experienced the same challenges can help thats why volunteers of america created a new program to help healthcare. What this connect with others online and anonymously if they choose the program is called rest in a similar to support groups that have been proven to help combat veterans for more information you can visit volunteers of americas web site in washington, alexandra le mon. If youre planning to go to hawaii anytime soon there not a loosening up on that 14 day quarantine regardless of if you show up and say look look im negative. Even if youre negative for covid hawaii has this 14 day quarantine and they were thinking about lifting it but no they have delayed the planned to do that so the rule is Effective Immediately that they are going to continue with that mandatory 14 according to. James it only works if youre jetting off for a month long vacation, i guess i know because youre just getting your choices are in the hotel and theyre straight like theres no joking about it the whole security on a little sample of that yeah and theyll kick you out. Happening today, a judge is going hear arguments about 20 universities. They filed a lawsuit against the federal government over the Trump Administrations new restrictions that affect International Students. What these restrictions do is basically it says that the International Students would have to leave the u. S. If theyre taking all of their Classes Online in the fall, harvard and mit filed a federal lawsuit over this in boston. The state of california and you see system said they too plan to sue. Authorities say a body found at a Ventura County lake is that of former glee actress naya rivera her body was recovered near the surface of lake monday morning. Investigators say they found no signs of foul play in her death does not appear to be a suicide. This point all indications are it was accidental. Theyve been searching for the 33 yearold since last wednesday when she went missing after running a boat to go out on the lake to enjoy the day with her 4 yearold son riveras son was found on that boat by himself, but he was safe and wearing a life jacket. She was found in a northeastern portion of the wake. Near the surface of the water. The depth of the water in that area is is between 3560 feet deep. And theres heavy brush and trees and the lake that there. And heres video from the beach sir that side of the lake the glee cast members there gathering Holding Hands during the search. As the officers there were looking for dias body and again it ended with some sad news this morning. The timing coming up on the kron 4 morning news said the covid cases keep going up and Health Officials say that the trend is going to continue so how are states coping with the impacts on education, very different approach that. Theyre taking down in the south lance, well tell you what la and san diego drastic move that. Theyre taking and kron fours hosting a live town hall tomorrow night with Police Chiefs from all around the bay area talking about changes that departments are making in the wake of those nationwide calls for police reform. And we are taking your questions you can submit a video question for the Police Chiefs just go to kron 4 dot com and then the town halls going to air july 15th. Thats wednesday at 09 00pm well 5. 25 is the time there are more than 13 million confirmed coronavirus cases around the world. More than a quarter of that total though is right here in the United States and that percentage is likely to keep rising. John lawrence explains. A surge in covid19 cases has some states taking action restrictions on indoor activities are reinstated in new mexico, oregon and california the sectors that were closing statewide again restaurants. Wineries movie theaters Family Entertainment zoos, museums card rooms and bars to Outdoor Activities to the extent possible most us states are seeing new weekly cases rise and Health Experts expect that trend to continue i dont see how this this these numbers looking to keep going up. Well go way past a 100,000 new cases a day some of these new cases will be from the younger part of the Population Research published this week in the journal of adolescent health. So its roughly a 3rd of 18 to 25 year olds are at risk of severe covid19 youre going to school you can come in contact with more people so even if theyre transmitting at a lower rate than adults it may get washed out or increased essentially. Because they have more contacts amid the crisis the Trump Administration is pushing for schools to reopen this year. Some teachers and parents are concerned for the first time in my 17 year career im scared and im not scared because of curriculum im not scared because of. Changes and scared for my own safety and to my children safe day im John Lawrence reporting. Heres a quick live look outside the bay bridge toll plaza camera where traffic is beginning to build but youre still making through the gates without having to slow down too much so all in all still nice drive westbound 8 in the covergirl clean fresh skin milk. A Vegan Foundation formulated without formaldehydes, phthalates, parabens, sulfates and talc. Giving me a healthy natural look that says. This is me. Clean fresh skin milk. From easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. Time now is 5 29 1 to get a look at the weather and the wind is refreshing it is yes things down nicely john good morning. Yeah, i know the wind lately hasnt necessarily been the nicest thing until yesterday when it really cool this off it was a very refreshing wind. So we can be thankful for that steady breeze that will continue today too giving us some relief from those hot temperatures we had over the weekend. No look at sfo this morning, not bad at all theres a little bit of cloud cover right around San Bruno Mountain were certainly not free of cloud cover this morning. But skies a little bit clearer than they were at the same time yesterday and you can see that here in future cast of fog just fog right along the coastline and then patchy stuff right over the bay that will burn off over the bay by the time we reach mid morning areas along the coast yeah going to stay a little grayer right along the immediate shoreline. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s right now with hayward in oakland to the low 60s. Dublin and livermore at 57 San Francisco and san mateo in the midfifties currently later on today. We can look for to temperatures pretty similar to yesterday is still warm for inland areas, not near as warm as we were over the weekend with highs in the mid 80s, inland 70s by the bay and 60s by the coast. Daryn. Thanks a lot john 7 bay area counties are now on the states covid19 watch list. Currently contra costa moran napa solano and sonoma counties theyve been on the list for 3 consecutive days alameda and santa clara counties were added on sunday and while San Francisco isnt on the list and they are far from being in the clear kron fours dan kerman reports during an online chat with the mayor monday San Francisco public Health Director doctor grant colfax. Gable word of warning there are downsides to where we are right now and the alternative unfortunately is even worse colfax indicated covid19 cases and hospitalizations are up even worse the reproductive rate that is the rate of transmission has grown from 0. 8 5 to 1. 2 5. At one 0. 2 5 that means each person infected will transmit it to at least one other person. For people infected will lead to 5 additional cases and if that number can be reduced, it means skyrocketing hospitalizations. I will tell you this is the side that keeps me up at night. It is now possible very possible that we had a hospitalizations that 8830 if we do not do more to stop the spread. And those lighter blue peaks are plausible scenarios as well. So we could get as high as over 6,000 hospitalizations a scenario that reflects the challenges that new york act and certainly we hope that this doesnt happen in colfax is skyrocketing hospitalizations will also mean skyrocketing deaths when average excuse me. 890 deaths from covid 1920 20. Edward 50 right now so by the end of the year we could be at 8. 90 with every project a rate of one 0. 2 5 colfax as reversing the numbers means more social distancing more maskwearing more hand washing. Not being with people outside your household and certainly not having any gatherings inside the fact he says your chance of catching covid19. Is 10 to 20 less with outdoor gatherings versus indoor gatherings that city hall Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. Well if youre eating out in contra costa have to keep your mask on and last year actually eating or drinking. A new face mask requirement went into effect yesterday which forces diners to keep their mask on while they order while they wait for their food or wait for their check the only time theyre allowed to remove their task is to actually put food and drink into their mouths and then the mask has to go right back on. Hair salons in Contra Costa County are also closing again. But many hair stylists in walnut creek tell us that their action not surprised by the governors latest order fact one salon on other we spoke with says that shes already been thinking about closing her business up once it once more. It seems as people are just very fed up and the numbers are going crazy and theres so many opinions. About how why its happening how its happening whats safe. Whats not it makes your head spin and then youre out in the public and when im home i think he my bubble. Just like are safe everyone when youre here. We cant control or people are going who theyre hanging out with what theyre doing are they Wearing Masks on their time off. So that parts a little nerve wracking in has it the numbers that crazy year. Thats right and got myself thinking i dont know i might want to go back a little bit. Hair salons and barbershops in Contra Costa County were first allowed to reopen back on june 17th, but not anymore. I mean its insane. If theyre able to do this to us to our members. Thats a north bay gym owner in Sonoma County complaining about having to close his gym. Again. The owner of the sonoma fitness club says that he and the staff they spent months getting everything ready to meet the new Health Sanders and theyre showing off some of it there. But not even a month into the reopening and the gym has to close immediately. He says the whole process doesnt make sense. I think the focus. This is absolutely insanity. Makes no sense theres no logic and yeah, its just side. Open know. I actually close but you can open partially know open limited. Well at these guidelines never mind just getting close again you might open. Well never mind youre not where 5 months in were 5 months in and were starting all over again. And people are still out there partying. And thats the problem. The governor has warned everybody all along saying that and all city leaders in county where said you know things can change and were going to have to tighten and loosen depending on the numbers at this gym you can see he took great pains to make everything laid out an isolated and show the distance but he says hes going to have to now for a low 10 to 15 more Staff Members and move their workouts back outside that stuff. San francisco sanctuaries policies to comply with federal law thats the ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. The decision upholds the 2018 decision which said that the Trump Administration cannot withhold federal grants from San Francisco overt policies. City attorney Janice Herrera filed the first lawsuit. Back in 2017 and he released a statement. Now reading in part quote the Trump Administration should spend less time villain ise ing immigrants and more time trying to help all americans during this devastating pandemic now is not the time to try and withhold funding from local governments. In the east bay, a stunning report shows a spike in violence in oakland, Oakland Police report assaults with a firearm are up more than 30 . But they say 86 of shootings go on reported. And thats why police say they use shotspotter technology. This is a look of that the locations pinpointed this year. Oakland police say there have been more than 2600 activations of the shotspotter system thats a 24 jump over last year. The Department Says it is among several cities in the country seeing a rise in shootings and homicides. 5. 37 is the time and still ahead here on the kron 00 04am morning news and east bay congresswomans life long fight for social justice is hitting the big screen while the sneak peek of a new documentary. Im barbara lee. Plus crime on camera one day before a highly publicized black lives matter demonstrations, someone slashed the tires of a car that has signs supporting the movement. Hi. Were glad you came in. Whats on your mind . Can you help keep these guys protected online . Easy. Connect to the xfi gateway. What about wireless data options for the family . You can customize and save. What about internet speeds that can keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. And now with our stores reopening, were putting Healthy Practices in place. Come visit a store today. Stop in or book an appointment online at a time that works for you. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover at your local xfinity store today. Great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. And were back in the east bay Martinez Police need your help in finding this man take a good look. He was caught on camera saturday morning slashing all 4 tires of a car. The car belongs to a 22 yearold woman who works in downtown martinez. She believes her car was targeted because of the signs that she had displayed showing support for the black lives Matter Movement in her rear window. Im proud to share my opinion in and where us and i think its important especially you know young people in a Small Community its important that we lead by example, i think. Martinez police are looking for them and that they say at this point theres no clear connection to the blm protest because it happened the day before. The owner of an antioch Dog Training Company has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for animal cruelty. Nor cal canine owner Gary Reynolds was convicted in march of felony charges of neglect and unsuitable Living Conditions for for dogs left in his care they were found at a home that 5200 lone tree way thats off of hillcrest avenue. They were found their living in horrible conditions. 2 of the dogs had to be euthanized because of their injuries reynolds will serve his time in state prison. Another cool start the morning temperatures mostly in the 50s to low 60s currently Oakland Hayward antioch some are more mild spots usaa is made for whats next were helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at usaa. Com i 44 right now checking out the weather on a Tuesday Morning. Yeah thats a good morning john find out whats going john you guys not about one ahead of us today, if you liked yesterday, youre probably going to enjoy todays weather as well. You can see at the Golden Gate Bridge. Theres really no fog out there. But theres cloud cover sitting or right above us thats making those skies a little bit grayer for those of you that are venturing out near the coastline also a bit on the breezy side right at the coast on to the carquinez into the delta elsewhere, calmer conditions and Clear Conditions than what we saw yesterday. High pressure ridge slowly Building Back in its really not gonna make a big difference in temperatures today, were still going hold on to that breeze in the hardest of weather. Its still going to be concentrated further southeast of us so the bay area definitely a lot cooler than some of our further inland neighbors and further southern neighbors too. 50s and 60s for your highs in the coastal areas like San Francisco down through daly city to happen bay. Now most of us right along the bay will be in the 70s burlingame in foster city at 74. Palo alto at 77 redwood city in woodside as well saying carlos at 78 degrees. Look at the south bay daytime highs a cool down from yesterday with los gatos in morgan hill in the 70s, san jose and milpitas 82 it was in the 90s this weekend for some of the south bay areas. Pleasanton dublin livermore in the 80s today hayward on through san leandro mid 70s. Oakland, youll be at 71 while conquered a 84. North bay daytime highs 70s to a tease for you know 90s left like you saw yesterday. Well santa rosa in petaluma hovering right around 80 degrees. A look ahead at tomorrow shows temperatures just a couple of degrees warmer, not a big change though, and really thats the way the rest of this forecast goes not a whole lot of changes to talk about upper 80s will remain inland 70s near the bay and 60s closer to the coast. Lots of sunshine and no chance of rain. James all right john. Thank you quick check of the couple the roads for you this morning. The richmond sandra fell bridge toll plaza shows that we have a nice light ride, no major problems to report at least on that stretch of your commute this morning. So so far so good as you make your way westbound on 5. 80. Heading into the north bay. If youre going to be heading across the bay bridge. Heres what the traffic looks like for you so far so good. Were looking at yeah volume building for sure but youre still making it through the toll gates without too much of an issue he only probably were tracking this morning was southbound on 6. 80. Out near eaton canyon road looks like we had a couple lanes this morning but theyre making progress on getting a clear suisse have that to enjoy for you this morning in short order thats the traffic in the weather. More checks lets get back to the news, the states 2 Biggest School districts are not going to open to in Person Learning this fall theyve already made the decision in los angeles and san diego announcing classes will be online. And this comes as the debate over reopening schools is intensifying nationwide with the president saying the kids should be in class nadia romero reports. And south florida teachers like sarah vause are uniting to fight a state order to reopen all schools in the fall for the first time in my 17 year career im scared the Sunshine State is breaking records with more than 27,000 new cases in the last 2 days. President trumps Administration Says the decision to reopen schools should be done on the local level the president calls the cdc guidelines too tough and too expensive. The reason theyre expensive is that you changes to the school to make it safer a former acting director for the cdc says because schools are funded by property taxes reopening now could put poor communities at risk means that wealthy communities may be able to make the changes so that schools are safe for their kids. Lowerincome communities are not going to be able to do so so the same disparities weve seen play out in terms of whos dying from this pandemic with more black and latino native American Kids adults getting hit hard. Youre going to see it play out with schools. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization says the decision should be made outside of politics. We cant turn schools into yet another political football in this case. Its its a fairly children a situation that is all too real for boston scared for my own safety and to my children safe day and just take a risk like this seems foolish to me in washington nadia romero kron 4 news. Well, Houston Rockets star Russell Westbrook is pausing his return to the nba after testing positive for coronavirus west protested positive before the team headed to orlando to practice. He says hes feeling well as looking forward to joining the team. Once again as soon as possible. But he is asking that people take the virus seriously and to wear a mask sello rockets star james harden has and joined the team yet either, although theres no word yet on why that is the 2019 2020 nba season is set to resume at Walt Disney World in orlando. On july 30th with no fans in attendance. These peak congresswoman barbara lee is well known throughout the bay area as a champion of progressive politics, but a local awardwinning filmmaker felt that her story need to be told to a bigger audience. Shes launching a documentary on lee and theres a special screening. At a drivein theater this thursday kron fours pam moore takes a look. Political item. Fighting for social myself more as a Public Servant, not necessarily a politicians. The reason i wanted to do it is because i felt like. Barber should be better known than she is outside of the bay area and i really wanted to share her story. The story traces barbara leisurely years born in texas the move to california her days at Mills College u c berkeley a single mom and a young activist. When she needs shirley who is the first African American representative in congress who she invites to come to mills. And she decides what now that i can achieve running for president maybe i can work in her campaign and in that moment, barbara becomes you know essentially a political activist sort of within the democratic party, the film follows her election to the california statehouse and then the house of representatives all the time and advocate for progressive issues fighting for the poor and communities which are largely ignored and it highlights her lone vote against the iraq war. This resolution authorizing the president to use military force president is authorized to use force. This is going to set the stage for endless war i rise today really with that very heavy heart understanding how barbara came to that boat why she was able to live with that. You know the pushback that came to her some of the death threat to cetera. Whats it all into context you meet her you instantly feel connected to her spirit. Were really is the conscience of the congress. We did not anticipate that we would be in a black lives matter moment when this film was released. And what i would say is that everything the barber is doing today. You know to ensure this year the strength of the black lives movement shes been doing her entire like what i think the film offers is an understanding or you know what deep in view of what it was like for her as a black woman. In america trying to be this kind of a committed Public Servant all these years. That was pam moore reporting at you have to buy tickets for that in advance by the way and to purchase tickets. You have to go to www dot j f. I dot org slash barbara lee. Theres a promotion code. Ca 1, 3, th the screening will be at the westwind solano drivein in concord. You only need one ticket per car. No matter how many people are inside. The screening is sponsored by the jewish film institute. As we head to break his quick live look outside we have our camera here at San Francisco international airport, one pick traffic help for you all lanes currently closed right now on southbound 6. 18 years and there was a a single vehicle accident at a dump a lot of gravel and sand on the roadways. So theyre having a sweep of trucks out there theyre closing lanes now so they can get that swept up should be hopefully done in the next few minutes or so to get everything well be right back. Welcome back 5. 56 on this Tuesday Morning as youre stepping outside today, youll notice that skies a little less grey youre going to have some brighter conditions at sfo and elsewhere across the bay area. Certainly a lot more San Bruno Mountain in the distance than what you saw yesterday at the same time. Were going to hold on to a breeze even into the afternoon not as windy as it was yesterday. But this breeze really going to be welcome helping to keep us cool into the afternoon right now temperatures in the 50s and 60s later on today, were talking daytime highs mostly in the 70s and 80s 60s near the coastline. Close to the 90s in areas like antioch mideighties in livermore and concord james. All right john thank you coming up in the next hour california is shutting down once again as coronavirus cases continue to climb, well tell you what this means for businesses were hoping to reopen and a very different morning for Santa Clara County speaking of which less than a day after theyre being told they could reopen some businesses now having to shut their doors once again were going to live report and reaction and education leaders in oakland are giving a clearer picture of what schools might look like when the Upcoming School year begins more on the plan that theyre putting together. [ ] alright, guys, listen up. My momma. Our grandpa. My daddy. Our dad works on the highway. Its so scary. Please be careful. Slow down. And pay attention. Be alert. Be work zone alert. Some people drive we havway too fast. Why are they driving so fast . Zoom. Please, be careful. We get scared. My mom. My dad. My jijis at work. Today requiring all counties to close their indoor act to that eastern indoor in the following sectors restaurants wineries tasting rooms movie theaters Family Entertainment centers. Zoos and museums card rooms. And the shuttering of all bars this is in every county in the state of california. California as you heard shutting down again over the next hour were going to have everything you need to know about the shutdown and how its going to impact your community. Youre watching kron 00 04am morning news at 6. Good morning and thanks for waking up with us im darya folsom and im James Fletcher we have john trouble standing by in the Weather Center with a look at the forecast will start their morning john good morning guys were off to a cool start to the morning a little clearer than it was yesterday at this time certainly still a few clouds overhead but San Francisco, a bit brighter than it has been and thats the case all across the bay area youre starting to see some

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