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Everybody thanks for being here on kron 4 news at 9 im grant lotus and im justine waltman in for vicki tonight. Now Assemblymember Phil ting and other members of a San Francisco delegation are calling on superintendents in their districts. To reopen schools as soon as possible this is new coronavirus cases reach new heights in the last 24 hours. The country has reported more than 195,000 new covid cases and close to a 100,000 patients are currently in the hospital because of covid this is according to the covid tracking project in california nearly 21,000 new cases were reported in a single day. This is the most new cases recorded in a single day in the state since the pandemic started california has recorded more than a million total cases so far. In the bay area more than 153,000 cases have been recorded and nearly 2000 people have died. And despite a surge in infections, a San Francisco delegation has now sent letters to several School Districts in the bay area demanding that schools reopen kron fours taylor spoke to Assembly Member ting and the director of Covid Response at ucsf about schools reopening she joins us live. Outside of the district headquarters in San Francisco with more taylor whats the vibe tonight. Well grande despite the surge in cases doctors and lawmakers are saying that school should still reopen, you know based on the data. Of schools that have already began in Person Learning in the bay area they say that its safe to do so is something that we should move forward which. This letter sent to superintendents at San Francisco Unified School District on tuesday. Assemblymember phil ting along with senator scott wiener and Assembly Member david chiu since similar letters to other School Districts in San Mateo County urging them to bring students back into their classrooms as soon as possible. We do believe based on the Public Health data. And the sun will Public Health officials are telling us that there is a way to safely reopen schools in this is so important for Young Children we have already a learning gap inequity gap and achievement gap so we want to make sure to close it despite surging coronavirus cases in news of more rollbacks to come in San Francisco. Doctor g noble who is the director of Covid Response at ucsf believe schools can still reopen at this time we should schools down back in march and we didnt have the knowledge that we do now of covid we assume that it was going to be similar to influence a similar to the flu in the children would be the main drivers of transmission. Over the last many months weve learned that that isnt the case in jax kids are underrepresented as covid cases nobles been advising bay area schools on safe reopening strategies in evaluating the impact on schools that have chosen to do so Orange County really been leaders in the area School Reopening have now have more than 3,000 kids back in school. They have more than 350,000 student days meaning all of us thousands of kids and teachers back for more than 50 days. And today they have exactly one campus spaced case of covid transmission. That means one additional case and all of them are in County School system noble says marine County School system picked up 30 total cases within the School Population from School Screening which has been effective in crucial meanwhile in San Francisco, some private schools already returned to the classroom, but students at Public Schools are expected to return in phases starting january 25th. Sf usd made the january target date before San Francisco slid back into the purple tier. But the School District says there havent been any changes to that plan. San Francisco Unified School District is working on a plan at the moment Assembly Member ting says he wants to keep the fire under these superintendents and under the School Districts. He says of course we know that we are expecting rollbacks to come to San Francisco. But despite that he says we need to prioritize schools and students even if that if that means closing some other businesses. Live in San Francisco tell if the sec the kron 4 news. Thank you taylor just into the crowd for newsroom, everybody who lives in los angeles is being ordered to stay at home unless theyre leaving for essential business. Mayor Eric Garcetti just issued this new emergency order all travel is now banned and nonessential businesses must shut down anybody who doesnt follow the rules could get fined or even arrested. The mayor wants this vigorously enforced by Law Enforcement saying hes urging all of the lapd to get on board and enforce it garre said he says his message to people in l a is simple. Its time to hunker down. And cancel everything. No counties in california in the least restrictive yellow covid tier, 99 of the states population. Now sits in that most restrictive purple tier, including l a and in the bay area all counties except former in are in that purple tier. Santa clara county which is of course in the purple tier does not allow Indoor Dining presently requires all restaurants and bars to follow mandatory requirements to stay open and it limits indoor Retail Stores to 25 capacity but not everyone is following the rules nearly 200 businesses in the county were fined for violating Health Guidelines over the thanksgiving weekend. Kron fours gayle ong caught up with a restaurant manager in san jose. Who says though despite that he did nothing wrong. Im here santana row where a number of restaurants and retail shops were fined over the thanksgiving holiday i spoke to one restaurant manager who says the countys guidelines were not very clear streets restaurant and santana row received to fines over the thanksgiving weekend one for not social distancing the other for a customer not wearing a mask we try our very very best to tell all. Just to wear masks all times they cant even answer the restaurant says the restroom without a mask julian yeah was a restaurant operator. He says he understands the purpose of fines but says his business was following Health Orders. We dont get it off for actual social distancing that the tables were distance. We got because we have a patio thats outside of our restaurant. And the teams that it has its. Its below an archway that they said theyre considering that hes talking about this space the restaurant was serving customers here outside the entrance but county Business Compliance officers considered the areas indoors. So they got fined. But the business next door could be seen serving tables at a similar spot wednesday evening, the county Business Compliance unit visited 427 businesses over the thanksgiving weekend in issued 181 violation notices. Heres a map of the locations businesses find in Stanford Shopping Center santana row any Eastridge Mall from valley fair oak ridge mall and the gory premium outlets as covid cases and hospitalizations continue to rise at record levels county Public Health officials warned before thanksgiving, they would be out in force issuing citations and fines during the Holiday Weekend county Officials Say the top 3 violations were failure to submit a social distancing protocol failure to properly post required signage for social distancing and required capacity. Plans to contest his fines kind of difficult working with them because theres no guidelines there is no. Its on their own discretion. Theres no vision theres no consistency with these finds either its its kind of just like what they see on the spot if this is right this wrong. The low is fine was 250 the highest single fine was nearly 3800 and the cost goes up for repeat violations, reporting in san jose gayle ong kron 4 news. Now to the east bay and covid19 Health Order Violations are resulting in fines in contra costa county. Diablo crossfit in Pleasant Hill and fitness 19 in danville and in concord also an indoor pool hall have all been fined for operating without consent from the county. These businesses have been fined a total of 2500. Craig howard owns cross fit in pleasant helen says his members support him and the Health Measures that he has implemented which include extreme. He says social distancing. Constance sanitation and prohibiting shared equipment. We have fresh air circulating through our gym regularly we have large 2 large rollup garage doors. That are 15 feet wide 20 feet high we have 20 foot ceilings. And negative pressure air ventilation so everything in this gym goes up and out. The District Attorneys Office says it is just enforcing the law howard though says hes doing his best to keep all this that are safe and healthy and his employees employed in the meantime he intends to maintain his Current Operations and is expecting more fights. Fed up and frustrated by seeing bay area leaders including the governor to find their own Health Orders during the pandemic. Pacific a Business Owner says she and others have had enough. There you have it they say even if Outdoor Dining gets banned. They plan to continue to stay open and serve customers they told. Our Jonathan Mccall they want to hold leaders accountable while also protecting their livelihood. The owners here at pacifica brewing say that since the pandemic started they have been following the Health Orders to a team playing by the rules. So they can keep their doors open and keep customers safe when they come inside. They say after seeing the recent news, a big area leaders not practicing what they preach. They say they were forced to take a stand. Well its impossible to tell people you cannot go to work and you could not provide for your family, but you must pay your bills helena thrilled and says enough is enough shes no drawing a line in the sand in order to protect her business. She says that since last november she and her husband have owned pacifica brewery. And since the pandemic her business has been losing some 50,000 a month. Like so many other struggling during the crisis. Health orders may limit the number of customers from showing up. But those orders dont stop the bills from piling up. Thats why shes now on a mission to let bay area leaders know the real impact of their decisions. Shes hoping to start a coalition with other businesses who are fed up and frustrated to educate leaders on the real impact of their decisions. She says after seeing recent headlines, a bay area leaders defying their own Health Orders. She says shes staying open even if Outdoor Dining is banned. We are all not ignoring any Health Orders every single guideline has been applied. The only order that were willing to say enough is enough is telling us you much shut down and stay at home, but you must pay your bills and those bills continue to pileup. Nasa rolled in says shes still paying for rent on a 21,000 square foot location, even though the inside is closed. Just last month she forked over more than 12,000 to pg and e because of new gas heaters she had to buy in order to keep customers warm outdoors with no relief in sight and no help on the way. She says its hard to trust leaders who do one thing and say another you know, and its so disheartening and its. We dont trust them. We dont trust what they say we dont trust what they do. The owners here say they are now reaching out to a number of other businesses across the pfizer and competitor moderna are waiting for approval. In the United States. The fda is meeting on december 10th for pfizers vaccine and on the 17th for modern us. The department of defense has released these images now of a covid19 vaccine record card and also the vaccination kit. Kelly moore, the associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition tells cnn that everyone will be issued written card. They can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when the next dose is due. The cdc says the vaccine will be administered in 2 doses separated by 21 or 28 days because of different covid19 vaccines cannot be interchangeable people must get the second dose by the faith same manufacturer. The vaccine kit includes a card. A needle syringe alcohol wipes and a mask operation warp speed has 100 million vaccine kids ready to go. If and when distribution of the Covid Vaccine starts. And doctor fauci says once a vaccine is approved early shots will likely go to healthcare workers and the elderly first kids will have to wait because getting approval to give vaccines to children requires further safety data and studies. Thats because the vaccine studies to date have mainly involved adult participants. California is expecting the first batch of the Covid Vaccine in the coming weeks officials are now sorting out how the vaccine will be shipped and stored and who will get are going on state was to put teachers and school staff at the top of the list. Assembly member jordan cunningham who represents part of the Central Coast says he has some serious concerns with the Rising Mental Health issues and learning loss among students. I think we need to do everything we possibly can to protect our workforce within the education system. Prioritize them the way they should be for vaccinations and make sure that we can get our schools as soon as practicable as soon as possible in terms of safety. Back into the classroom setting i think our kids need it. I think our teachers deserve. The cdc recommends states to finalize their Vaccine Distribution plan by friday. Joining us now to discuss the latest developments with the vaccine is doctor hugh Van Maldonado she doctor and an Infectious Disease expert at stanford medicine, thank you so much for joining us here on kron 00 00am tonight. Do you still believe that december 10th this one will get that first vaccine approved. All signals indicate that thats the case so the will review the vaccine on december 10th as far as i know that hasnt been changing expect. And the state way and shortly thereafter is hopefully within 24 hours or so. So many people didnt trust that masks were effective or at least didnt want to wear them. During this pandemic are you confident that enough people will take this vaccine to really make a difference. Well it depends on the results of the review next thursday, and it depends on whether all of us in in the Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Community and our societies actually have access to the data and feel comfortable with the data thats presented so what do you want the data to show you that would make you feel comfortable taking the vaccine, yourself or for to take it. You first of all i think these the efficacy data that is the ability of the vaccine to prevent disease looks very good. But its all been a press release so far we want to see the actual numbers who was it develop disease in terms of age groups demographics. Etc but even more importantly for the general population i think we need to really get our handle on what the safety signal stuff like that is what adverse effects if any were and what often do they occur. And were they similar in the vaccine placebo groups not what were the differences so all of those things are going to be really important to be fair the fda is looking at that data very carefully i think in europe for example and in the uk. The data came straight from the company in the fdas eyes, they wanted to see the data specifically by themselves. People are dying to get back to normal obviously lets lets just assume for a second that the advocacy checks out and you feel comfortable. The medical Community Feels comfortable with the vaccine. And the timeline starts progressing yo. The oldest people the Health Care Community getting it first and so on and so forth. If you want to plan a trip say in july to see grandma and grandpa and you have to fly to do it. Do you think that is something that is reasonable given the timeline that were probably working with. Well you know i dont have a crystal ball. Theres so much that could happen between now and then but assuming that the day to hold up. And assuming from what weve heard that many people if not most americans will have access to the vaccine. By early summer then its possible that with still with masking and distance traveling might in the parks. What would happen if this first round a vaccine goes out to the front line workers and Senior Citizens and if its not working or. Theres some adverse side effects with that then pushed back the next phases of people getting vaccinations. Of course i think theres something called these are faced 3 trials that were seen there is something called faced 4 trials and theyre basically what we call polce licensure survey surveillance which is tracking vaccines of any type. After theyve been licensed to see how well theyre working individuals and how well the side effects are. Mary what you see with the trial so we will need to continue to side effects and effectiveness of the vaccine even after their license. You see whats happening in Santa Clara County in alameda county. The hospitalizations are ascending at a disturbing rate. Just told everyone they have to stay at home and the mayor in los angeles is going to enforce that where do you stand on how bad things are right now and what is reasonable action in the bay area to get a handle on this thing because as you alluded to its going to be several months before the majority of folks get the chance to be vaccinated. Well unfortunately i think were at the worst of pandemic so far i know we keep saying that but the numbers we really are telling us that he defends the numbers are really going up. We havent even probably a heat from after thanksgiving. There is concern that we are going to. Close to our Hospital Capacity around the country around the country and in the states so it will be interesting to see the Governors Office and other counties have to say about limit teen at travel and more our restrictions on movement because it it is pretty bad right now real quickly what would you recommend. I think we have to listen to that advice weve been getting all along is really staying apart this in asking. Really only going out for services obviously if you need to get some exercise you do that away from others if you can if you need to walk it got all of those things similar to what we did back in march but without full on lockdown at this point because where and much worse shape right now than we were back then and wash your hands. Thank you doctor, hugh Van Maldonado for joining us here tonight on kron 4. National news, the public should expect a flurry of pardons before President Trump leaves office that is according to a source close to the white house and that source. Tell cnn the president s advisers believe it would be fined for trump to pardon his family members and other Associates Even though they have not been charged with any crimes this comes one day after the Justice Department said it was investigating a secret scheme to lobby white house officials for pardons in exchange for hefty political contributions. San Francisco City administrator naomi kelly says that she is taking a voluntary leave and this is coming after kellys husband. Was recently charged with wire fraud in connection with the scandal involving former public works director Mohammed Nuru kelly read little east a Statement Today that read in part this in light of recent events ive decided take a voluntary leave to focus on my family and especially on my 2 children. I will leave my work in the hands of my excellent staff during this critical period as much as it breaks my heart not to continue helping tur community navigate the pandemic kelly went on to say that she has spent her career fighting corruption and that she plans to fight the allegations against her family. Mayor london breed released a statement on kellys voluntary leave that reads in part this. While naomi has not been charged with any crimes managing our Covid Response while still delivering basic City Services requires the full focus of all of our departments, including the city administrators which has been a central part of many of our efforts to mitigate the spread of this disease. Deputy city administrator ken borkowski will now serve as the acting city administrator. News continues with the Coronavirus Vaccine with the director of operation warp speed says of the challenges, distributing the vaccine once one is approved. Across the county says there are high rates of we transmitted diseases among young people how the county plans to help young people and lower that rate that storys coming up and its been 4 years now since the ghost ship warehouse fire why there are still concerns a similar tragedy could happen now in oakland. Im meteorologist Lawrence Karnow sunny skies, warm temperatures but weve got some big storms generates a big time waves along the coastlin got the county is offering to send condoms to teenagers because of a high rate of stds and the county. In just california the county ranks 14th in gonorrhea rates 20th include video rates 24th in syphilis rates thats according to data released by the cdc. Couple years ago the condom access project now alas teenagers and young adults to sign up to get condoms delivered to their homes confidentially as often as once a month for free. We have posted a link on our website if youd like to sign up that kron 4 dot com. The u. S. Could see its first Covid Vaccine in the coming weeks were going to hear from the director of operation warp speed about the challenges of distributing the vaccine once one is approved. Today also marks the 4th anniversary of the deadly go ship warehouse fire in oakland. We will reflect on the lives lost and also whats being prevented being done to prevent a fire like that from ever happening again and the tsa is now changing the rules on what animals that will allow on flights and. Where theyll have to ride in the plame make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less yep get the gifts you love. Yesss . For everyone on your list. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you. With all the gift for less. At ross. Yes for less weve reached a milestone in the pandemic late last night britain authorized emergency use of the pfizer vaccine. This is to covid19 vaccines possibly near approval here in the u. S. , the next step would be getting those shots into hundreds of millions of peoples arms reporter joe clear spoke with the head of operation warp speed ahead of one of the largest vaccine plans in history. Yeah by all accounts, especially from doctors and people on the Coronavirus Task force at the white house operation warp speed has been a success. But now at this point it is going to be a challenge to distribute the vaccine. Nationwide and frankly around the world and today we got a chance to talk to doctor slaoui who is the director of operation warp speed about some of those challenges. Things happen and when they happen. It would be ready to do with them just spent about doctor Moncef Slaoui chief scientific adviser for operation warp speed says developing Covid Vaccines in under a year. Was a Monumental Task now he says distributing those vaccines may be just as difficult we are working the streaming hot to avoid. The inevitable challenges and you its come as we start to execute doctor slaoui says its hard to anticipate what those inevitable hurdles will be he tells news nation. The white house Coronavirus Task force has run rehearsals with states to try to prepare different states are in different of preparedness as we speak states will be ultimately the deciders about who fits into those different categories and how to prioritize and actually get vaccine to individuals crafter josh, show with the Kaiser Family foundation says rural states with fewer hospitals and care centers. May have a tougher time getting the vaccines to vulnerable populations and medical workers both of whom are First Priority some states will be much more ready to get the vaccine out there in the quick efficient way another challenge me showed says making sure those who received their first dose come back for a second both moderna and pfizers vaccines require 2 shots that is a significant logistical challenge to track all these individuals will be making might be moving around congressman and physician doctor raul ruiz says while much of this will be left to the states the federal government has a role to play the ideal would be a massive coordination partnership, driven by the federal government collaborating states. He says that means helping states identify those most vulnerable who need the vaccine first we also need to put money towards mean vaccine administration. To make sure counties have the equipment they need in order to store the next team to administer the vaccine. Doctor slaoui says even as a vaccine begins to go out its important to stay vigilant, were still going to be a long way from being out of the woods even has its end distribution so the answer is yes because we are. Not a overnights to immunize the guys here or position in the u. S. It is very important that we are patient and resilient and get to the very end of the tenant. But doctors always says that there is light at the end of that total in the form of this vaccine and he says that by the summer time. He hopes the vaccine will be successful. It will be distributed to the general public and he says next summer hopefully will not look anything like this previous one day in washington joe khaleel news nation. That music and the scene from a vigil held tonight honoring the lives lost in the deadliest fire in the history of oakland, the ghost ship warehouse fire and december second 2016 36 people attending an electronic music event at that go ship warehouse. Lost their lives trying to escape a fastmoving fire inside that building. Yeah it was a horrific scene the lights went out thick smoke filled the 2 story structure making it impossible. To find a way out kron forces secret u n takes us back to that night. The ghost ship warehouse and illegally converted home for oakland artists, the site of a horrific fire killing 36 people attending a party back december second 2064 years later, there are concerns the city has not done enough to prevent another tragedy. Are you concerned Something Like this could happen again. Absolutely the mast attended of the ghost ship Derick Almena and go ship resident matt harris stood trial for the incident. Curtis briggs was the lead defense attorney for max harris. So im very concerned the leadership allowed this condition turned just 4. Almost 2 decades. And i dont think that same leadership absent being public we accountable. Can affect any type of meaningful change oakland paid them millions in terms of legal suits. Although the converted warehouse was considered artists collective by those who lived there during the trial prosecutors described it as a death trap filled with flammable materials, a hazard as mays powered by dangerous electric wiring with no we little bit dated at sits city councilmember noel guile talks about what oakland has done in the wake of the tragedy to strengthen the citys ability to spot and permitted uses of warehouses, well, you know for what it is weve heard it. Additional at the Fire Department of fire marshal. So what inspect their validate your permit. If theres more visitation of the sites. You may have taken further steps i think theres more to be done Mary Alexander is one of the attorneys representing 13 families among the 36 victims. Is just like yesterday from his parents home. Some of young people lived at thanksgiving is always hard because that is one last time some of the parents saw their child in september 2019 max harris was acquitted on all 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. The jury was deadlocked on the same counts for Derick Almena. He is facing a retrial the oakland Fire Department official investigation classified the cause of the fire and determined. 4 years later as we reflect on the 36 people who lost their lives. We see the tragedy has led to some changes but most agree. There is more to be done. Has made kron 4 news. Oakland mayor libby schaaf released a statement about this anniversary saying quote the 4th anniversary of the go ship tragedy is a moment of profound grief and reflection for oaklanders our hearts are with the families friends and loved ones of those who lost their lives. Our city will never stop working for the safety and security of our beloved Creative Community who calls oakland home. These days more and more people who live in Murray County are calling a suicide hotline for help how the pandemic and the holidays may be factors in where people can turn for help. Weve got a lot of sunshine around the bay area tonight, some clouds begin to move in some changes on the way well talk about that coming up. And in sports, the warriors held their pre season workouts today but only individually jason dumas steph currys thoughts on training and playing in for sports. It has been a while since the warriors played competitive basketball. Even longer says they played a game that truly mattered in the standings in fact the last time they played meaningful basketball was the 2019 nba finals. Steph curry he remembers it vividly look how much fun. He was having i was there 2 in toronto. Watching all the basketball being played now sense then mainly from the sidelines or his count frankly has started to annoy staff. The warriors superstar is ready to get back on the court. He doesnt pay too much mind to what is being said about him and his teams chances, but he definitely hears it and he definitely reads it. This years edition of the dubs will be full of new faces and new challenges and steph curry is ready to embrace them all. Plus the mobile is was was nice to be a fan for a little bit but i want know we played competitive, basketball lying in games that matter and the challenges that face you know every year this is a different narrative thats something need to focus on interest has this and everything. About a new life so whenever we do get the whole group together for Training Camp preseason games going to keep building. All right. Brace yourself because theres a whole lot going on in this next several stanford programs are still scrambling to adjust plans after Santa Clara County announced a new covid19 restrictions, the Mens Basketball Team will stay in North Carolina following the camping world map of maui invitational the teams 3 nonconference home games scheduled in december have been canceled the Coaching Staff is working to add a couple of games in the carolinas. The woMens Basketball Team is still trying to find somewhere else to play their 3 home games coming up in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, the Football Team arrived in washington this week. It will stay on the road through next weekends game at oregon state. And this pandemic is relentless its brutal. The dedication and effort of these young academically athletically socially. For us to be in the middle of the pandemic and we havent had a single positive knock on wood. Team in months. Means that our our our student athletes are working really hard because they want to play. So i think we need to work just as hard to give them that opportunity. One thing of note stanford Womens Basketball coach Tara Vanderveer is just a couple wins away from becoming the alltime wins leader and Womens College basketball history. And who knows where or when shes going to break that record. Well have to figure that out and see thats a look at sports. Well were ready now for some weather its cold at night, but it feels really nice during the day people might want to head out to the coast guess suns out but the waves might be a little meteorologist Lawrence Karnow our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow joins us now to look ahead yeah, almost feels like Southern California weather right and these temperatures pushing near 70 degrees certainly make you feel like you want to head out the beach but if youre heading that direction be extra careful. Weve got some big time swells that are moving in there. Theres actually storms off the coastline. There does not bring in the rain here so storm clouds rolling in as you head out toward the beaches and is going to bring with it. Chips some pretty big swells i think tomorrow morning starting out maybe 3 maybe 7 feet the building throughout the day tomorrow. These temperatures waves a really big by the afternoon. Maybe some 40 maybe to about some 18 footers now has more of a west northwest swell from the storm developing out in the pacific. So some of these westerly facing beaches ocean beach uses a big time waves there by tomorrow afternoon to be extra careful rip current, its going to be very very strong all the storm swell theyre getting close here. But you see counties right over the top of that ridge by the time they get here, theyre shredded apart mostly energy headed city northwhst, even there theres not much were left with some dry conditions a dry start to our season. So far temperatures get chilly 43 in dublin, right now youre down to 41. In the bottle 47 degrees on 42 in santa rosa so little chilly out there already and right now we just cant get these storms are break through the kind of run that ridge of High Pressure that ridge starts to flatten out a little bit and once that front moves by that ridge builds back in our temperatures warm up. We stay nice and dry and that is where we sit right now that the forecast is showing you those clouds approaching the coastline you can see just kind of fall apart tonight just left some patchy fog. The couple clouds moving in overhead otherwise were going to see some dry conditions that is going to be the case as we head into the next few days temperatures tonight, 30s and 40s by day tomorrow, were up in the 60s almost 70 degrees and some of the warmest spots but about 60 degrees in some hot spots inland so next few days were going watch temperatures staying pretty darned mild around the bay area above normal during the day at night though were into the 30s in spots right now theres no major rain on the horizon, although it looks like there may be a significant change in the weather pattern may be some rain as we head toward the 10th 1310th of this month and warm in december, a 70 areas more money and that may be conservative wow. Thanks well you will soon be seeing some a few are pets on planes. Theres a new ruling from the u. S. Department of transportation that cracks limits on which animals are allowed to fly with passengers and which ones must be checked into the cargo some people try to bring chickens on planes member that moore says yeah they will support animals will no longer now be considered Service Animals. And just one type of creature. Well now fall into that category Felicia Bolton reports. When it comes to allowing emotional support animals often known as essays on a plane. The u. S. Department of transportation is saying no more the department received more than 15,000 comments prior to making the new rule according to the agency only dogs will be considered service you see that could get on the likeness. Linda fox is the founder and owner of Heartland Service dogs in chicago being provided to rate her body and providing. Pressure on me she spent years training puppies for people with disabilities. Fox says often times emotional support animals are not trained to behave on flights. I dont them all together but. Most of are our pets and havent had a lot of basic obedience training and that she believes psychiatric support animals are very much needed that is able to. Not have a meltdown at you know 40,000 b im all for the final rule by the department of transportation defines a Service Animal as a dog that is individually trained to perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, the agency no longer considers an emotional support animal. To be a Service Animal and requires airlines to treat psychiatric Service Animals, the same as other Service Animals, the rule also limits individuals to only 2 Service Animals on a flight for people with dogs as emotional support animals or even cats para keys, pigs turtles and many horses. Theyre now forced to check them into the cargo hold pay a pet fee or leave them at home Author Service dog training guide jennifer hack says the ruling does make significant safety improvements but it doesnt address the core issue theyre afraid to fight or dogs cargo they dont trust the Airline Industry to flight or putts hack suggest airlines create a set of standards to train all animals before getting on board think Airline Industry themselves might look at how to make it affordable trustworthy maybe even to have a Business Opportunity of like a pet specialty airline. That was Felicia Bolton reporting for us tonight and the new rules take effect in 30 days airlines can require people with a service dog to turn in paperwork up to 48 hours before a flight but they cant prevent those passengers from checking in online. Like other travelers. Moving on now because suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States thats according to the cdc and in recent months, a hotline in marine county has been getting more collars every month with a lot of them citing the pandemic as the center of their woes kron fours Ella Sogomonian is live in studio tonight with the help that. May bring some people some hope l a. Granted justine for the pandemic keeping people apart in the holidays, coming up loneliness can be a major factor. So callers are turning to this hotline for Human Connection and help. The image of wealth and health in Bergen County contradicts a morbid fact. That leaves the bay area and is above the state average in the number of people who take their own lives. As people are isolated or restrictions meant to prevent the spread of covid19 more are looking to resources and help is a phone call away with the national hotline. 1, 802 7, 3 talk individuals i think were for lockdown in terms or stay at home orders that there was a higher volume of calls one of the things we know for any bit hope condition is negatively impacts that in july of 2019. Of the 329 marin county callers, 62 cited coronavirus related issues. Last month there were less with 32 of 284 people who reached out we are seeing there are many people are reporting. Loneliness and isolation. We also are seeing that many people are trying to reach out to get 3 sources and to connect with people so which is actually a good sign but as we approach the holidays, its not confirmed, but it is suspected. The more people may have these thoughts come up whether if theyre not i think that the holidays are a time when people tend to it can come together and be connected. So i during this time, especially where were not able to connect with each other there definitely sense of decreased isolation and but you called feeling down or just feeling disconnected from your your core group of erics family or friends. So ember a p is on the other line standing by 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Well be sure to post that information on our website kron 4 dot com doctor africa with marin county also tells me that it is very important for loved ones to check in on their family members and their friends. Just ask the simple question are you okay live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you another model lift has been discovered this time in california. How was discovered after t vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Every day and hes sure that this model it was not there yesterday. The sudden appearance comes just 2 weeks after a model it was discovered in the utah desert. Seen a lot of pictures of that that monolith has since disappeared. As did another in romania. It is unclear if the 3 objects are connected. I have an alibi. Yes, you and that wraps kron 4 news at 9 but grant and i will be back at the top of the hour because opening schools as soon as possible is the message that bay area lawmakers are sending to superintendents by the Covid Response director at ucsf is on board and says that schools actually one of the safer places that can reopen and almost 200 businesses in Santa Clara County where. Fines for violating Health Guidelines over the thanksgiving weekend coming up why one Restaurant Owner plans to fight the citation those stories and much more coming from the bay areas local news station. Watching kron 4 news. Child. Now attend a renewed push this evening to reopen schools across the bay area and beyond a local delegation wrote this letter asking districts to bring students

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