Parked on the left hand side. Streets closed to traffic here. The only description we have from the Sheriffs Department is that it was a pipe bomb incident. We dont know where the pipe bomb perhaps was found. We dont know who reported it but it seem that the area is quiet. Keep this in mind. Its near danville. As we work to get more information we will bring it to you here at noon. In San Francisco, jurors in the trial are working on the case. The arguments that the men and women of the jury are considering are many. Reporter yes. We are closing arguments wrapped up in the past hour. During them defense attorney repeated his case that the shooting of the 32yearold was an accident and the gun used discharged without him pulling the trying e. Thats been their argument this entire trial. Prosecutors insist that in their closing arguments and throughout the trilith was careless, he knew what he was doing and that he was playing a dangerous game of roulette with himself when he pulled the trigger and the firearm used in this incident pointed according to prosecutors toward the middle of the crowded pier. The bullet flew 80 feet, back in july you see the gun was recovered out of the bay. The defendants wrapped up its case. Prosecutor hads a chance to rebut and now the case is in the hands of the jury. In order for the jury to find him guilty of Second Degree murder they have to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that he intended to kill her and fired in to the crowd. Jurors have been told they can also consider a stronger first degree murder verdict or a lesser manslaughter verdict. The case now in the hands of the jury and itll be up to the machine men and women of the jury. Now to new information on charlie rose. Cbs news has fired him after several women came forward saying that rose sexually harassed or assaulted them in the late 90s through 2011. In a statement the president of cbs said despite his important contributes to the News Division there is nothing more important in this or any organization than ensuring a safe professional workplace. More accusations on capitol hill. Several former staffers ceusing johnconyors. They say that he requested sexual favors and touched them inappropriately. Another former employee said she was fired when she turned down his advances. Earlier today he denied that he settled any complaints. Speaker of the house paul ryan said in a statement that the report is extremely troubling. Minority leader said that lawmakers must have no tolerance for harass helicopter. Discrimination, bullying or abuse. A judge in San Francisco hads blocked the president s order to cut federal funding. To sanctuary cities. The judge said that the president s order issued last january was not constitutional on its face add thats correct president cant set new conditions on funding already approved by congress. The suit was brought by San Francisco and santa clara. In a statement the president of the santa clara board of supervisors said this is a historic victory protecting residents of the county and jurisdictions across the nation from the president s unconstitutional abuse of power. San Francisco City attorney said this is a victory for the American People and the rule of law. Both counties filed suit claim that more than two billion dollars in federal funding was at stake. The white house has appealed to the court of appeals. Now to new details about an injury accident involving a Richmond Police officer that happened this morning. It happened about 8 00 on westbound 80 just west of solano. The officer was on his motorcycle when he was sideswiped by a sedan. The collision closed several lanes of traffic for a time. Officer was taken to the hospital after suffering injury that are called nonlife threatening. The driver of the mercedes is cooperating with investigators. In the south bay a state Police Officer is recovering after police say he was attacked while on patrol near campus. This happened over night. Alex savage has more on what led to the incident. Reporter this violent confrontation happened just after midnight outside the hammer theater in downtown san jose. It ended with three people being rushed to the hospital including the san jose state Police Officer who was on patrol on his bike. That veteran sergeant was attacked as he responded to a call for help from a group of students who were being harassed by three young men who were not students. Authorities say that one of those men punched the officer in the face. He then called for back up and other officers took three men into custody for the assault. Two of them though were hurt in the process. One was tased and the other was hit with a baton. Students we talked to were surprised to hear what happened so close to campus. That is pretty aggressive but then again you have to realize that its downtown and its not just here. Especially after hours. During like its okay. I feel safe. Reporter Authorities Say that the 23yearold man accused of punching the officer is now facing assault charges. The other two men involved in this fight are facing charges of resisting arrest. The University Said that all three men arrested are believed to be gang members. I University Spokeswoman is thankful nobody was seriously hurt. Our thoughts go to everybody involved in this incident. The three suspects young men. They are in their 20s. They around the same age. All of these people were young people. We care about all of them. Yet we also are concerned about our officers. Reporter the injured state Police Officer has been with the department for more than 25 years. He was treated this morning at Valley Medical Center and has been released and he is now recovering at home. In san jose. Alex savage. Fox 2news. Richmond police are giving credit to an officer at the high school for catching a student who brought a gun to school the officer received a tip that the 14yearold had a loaded gun in his backpack last thursday. By that time students had left for the day and administrators confronted him on friday and found the loaded gun in his backpack. Police arrested him, nobody was hurt. A father is asking for help in finding his missing daughter who hasnt been seen for two months. She had just been elected class president when she went missing. She is 14. Someone could take advantage of that innocent young girl. So thats a scary thought for me as a father. She is a student at oceania. Firms confirm she attended class on september 27th but her father said she didnt go home. The morning of her disappearance her father said he talked to her about her school work but said they didnt argue. Human trafficking is huge. Its huge everywhere, especially here in the bay area. Thats my biggest fear. As any father how do you sleep at night knowing you have a 14 yearold daughter that we dont know where she is at . She is 1 her family hired a detective but said there are no solid leads. Friends have indicated she may be in San Francisco or san mateo and may have changed her appearance. New information about two more close calls at San Francisco international airport. The ntsb said its investigating an incident that happened last september involve involving a skywest plane that came close to another plane. Investigators ares looking into an incident from february in which a Compass Airlines flight had to abort a landing because another plane was on the same runway waiting to take off. We are learning more about lawmakers plans to investigate the response to the north bay fires. The San Francisco chronicle reports state representatives will start to hold hearings next month to look into how First Respond s responded to the fires. Senator bill dodd said that the states mutual aid system may not be enough for the growing number of fires every year. They will look at why sonoma didnt use cell phone alerts to warn residents of the fire. In the nations capitol california lawmakers speaking out after the white house decided not to include the wildfires in its 44 billion dollar disaster aid package. Lawmakers asked to the white house for 7. 4 billion to help people rebuild after fires burned across the state. Most of the disaster aid package goes to Hurricane Relief in texas and florida. A lawsuit has been filed by four residents of a Senior Living facility claim that the staff did not safely evacuate many of the residents during the fire storm. It was destroyed october 8th in the tubbs fire. More than 70 elderly and disabled residents were abandoned by staff who were working that night. The families of it would have them arrived and evacuate all of the residents they could find using their own vehicles. As expected new captions have been issued against north korea. While hundreds of millions of dollars could be at risk. Cloudy arounded bay but slightly warmer compared to yesterday. We will check in with rosemary for the details. This holiday season. Give the gift of effortlessly smooth feet. From amope. Amope pedi perfect with diamond crystals. Removes rough, hard skin. Effortlessly. For touchably smooth feet. The perfect gift. For that special someone on your list. A mild day shaping up around the bay area with partly cloudy sky in store for today. Temperatures running warmer than they were yesterday at this time. Lets take a live look outside the doors where we have a beautiful view thereof the golden gate bridge. Dry weather in store for today, for your travel day, into thanksgiving. Our next chance of rain does president come until the weekend. Here say look at Storm Tracker 2 where you can see the midand high level clouds passing over the bay area. We will be in and out of the clouds for the day. Temperatures expected to warm in to the 70s for our warmer spots today and itll continue as we get into wednesday. Level off on thursday and then on friday we do start to cooldown just some but we have a fabulous forecast in store for folk that need to be traveling out of town. For folk that are coming in to spend the holiday. 63 right now in San Francisco. Half moon bay in at 70. Low 60s oakland. Upper 60s san jose. A few records broken as we get in to the second part of the day. In to the north bay its not bad but 58 degrees in santa rosa, trailing behind the rest of us by several degrees. Temperatures up by seven degrees. Seven in napa as you get around the bay. San carlos just a bit cooler where yesterday san jose checked in about 70 degrees during the lunch hour. Here is a look at your extended forecast in to the afternoon today. Not a lot going on outside of that beautiful mild weather. Here is a look at your travel day wednesday. We will remain dry. If you think about traveling to the Pacific Northwest or this is going to remain active through the coming days. Areas over washington and oregon. Are you going to have rain to deal with. Even the Northern Edge of california you can see a little bit of light rain here. Thats your travel day wednesday. We are into thursday. Thanksgiving day and we are be log at mostly dry conditions as well. Tahoe area. Mostly sunny. Looking good for the holiday. If you are thinking about going that direction. Notice farther north we continue to rain overhead. Into friday maybe are you thinking about holiday shopping. Dry weather in the forecast. Going to be just a little cooler for friday. Saturday a quiet day. As we get into sunday. Things start to change just a little bit. Right now we have a slight chance of scattered showers moving in to the bay area by sunday. Afternoon highs expected for today. We will go 70 for san rafael. Upper 60s oakland and 68 for San Francisco. Low 70s for brentwood today. South bay locations 74 in san jose. 75 loss g atos. 76 the afternoon high for santa cruz. Here say look at your extended forecast in to the bay area wednesday. Temperatures continuing to climb just slightly and then cooled just a bit as we get into thursday. Weekend looks good if you have outdoor things going on. Temperatures will continue to cool off as we get into sunday with that possibility of rain. A goodlooking week for the holidays. United states has put in new captions against north korea. The sanctions focus on four Training Companies and a National Said to have conducted hundreds of millions of dollars in business with north korea. The companies are barred from Holding United states assets or doing business with americans. This is part of what the president has called his maximum Pressure Campaign to convince the country to end its Nuclear Weapons program. Reporter images captured one day after north korea was back on the threat list, it showed the president of north korea touring a car company stressing their need to grow economicly. The event coming amid mounting pressure for the north to get rid of its nuclear program. The Treasurey Department announcing new sanctions to try to convince them to back down. I think the very fact that the Nuclear Weapons program in north korea and iran is a terrorist device to intimidate innocent populations. Reporter still mixed reactions after the president called north korea a state sponsor of terrorism. Lindsey graham is among those applauding the move saying its clear that the president wants to avoid a military conflict with north korea. The government of china stopped short of criticizing the United States but said it hopes more will be done to urge north korea to talk rather than make tensions worse. Still the secretary of state said the president s tough stance is making a difference. I think its making a differences. This why we havent had a provocation in 60 days . We are hopeful this period will continue. Reporter and just this week the south Korea Spy Agency reported that the north may be ready to do more missile defendants this year to improve its long rain Missile Technology ramp up threats against the United States. At the white house, ktvu fox 2news. The president wants the Supreme Court to enforce his latest travel ban arguing that its in the United States National Security interest to do so. Last week an Appeals Court ruling let it take partial effect interpret venting people from several countries from entering the quarrions they have a relationship with someone in the United States. The full ban would do away with the relationship exemption. The zimbabwe president is stepping down effective immediately. That was after the government had started impeachment proceedings and Ruling Party Officials said the fired Vice President will take over as the leader with in 48 hours. The 93yearold had ruled the country for 37 years. People were seen dancing in the streets in the capitol city after the announcement. Coming up more lawsuits over the deadly Las Vegas Shooting as the investigation in to the motive continues. We need to be ready for my names Scott Strenfel and r im a meteorologist at pg e. We make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. So every single day were monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. During storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. Learn how you can be prepared at pge. Com beprepared. Together, were building a better california. Viers of the Las Vegas Shooting are filing lawsuits. Lawsuits were filed against mgm resorts, live nation and the estate of the killer. Five lawsuits were filed in loss also yesterday. One is on behalf of the 450 havings hurt during the shooting. Two wrongful death suits have been filed on behalf of two people who were killed. As for the investigation its been seven weeks since the shooting and there are few answers. Authorities are still trying to determine if the gunman acted alone. Jonathan hunt has the story. Reporter we met with one survivor of the shooting, jenn gibson. She saided failure of officials to so far provide any answers as to the shooters motives is very tough. It suc,ks. I know that im not alone in feeling like with just need more answers. I know that the police or the fbi or whoever, they have a job to do and im sure they dont want to leak a lot of information but its been seven weeks. Reporter she went to the concert that night with her dear friend carrie. She did not survive. Investigators meantime say they are doing everything they can. They have taken apart the shooters computers, they have picked apart his gun buying records, they have gone through his gambling habits, Real Estate Investments but so far no real red flags and Security Experts say that we may never get an answer. I think that unless during that looking of his brain we find 666 on his brain and it turns out he was satan himself, that may suffice as to the why but honestly i dont know that is ever going to be something that the public will be satisfied with based on law enforcements investigation. Reporter in the absence of firm answers conspiracy theo riies fill the vacuum. Officials say none of them have any credence. They believe he actedda len but at this point cannot say why. In las vegas. Jonathan hunt. Fox news. The department of justice has opened an investigation if looking in to how race plays in to admission at harvard. The Justice Department is investigating a 2014 lawsuit that claims harvard discriminates against asian americans, limiting how many are admitted. The Justice Department also said that harvard hasnt given documents related to its admission practices. Harvard said it follows a precedence that said race can be a factor in admission to have a more diverse student body. The Justice Department has filed suit against at t to block it merging with time warner. Its looking to bundle Video Entertainment along with mobile service. The government argues that the deal would hurt customers leading to higher monthly bills and fewer options for viewing. The doj said that the president s objections to the deal didnt play a role. At t called the merger routine and stayed it expects a court to reject the lawsuit. Take a look at those numbers because they are good. The doj jones up by more than 150 points, gaining month than one half of one percent. S and p up over a half percent. Nasdaq up almost a full percent. Stocks in record high territory as most Industries Including tech and health care are posting solid gains movement agents say they arrested several bay area members of the hells angels, charged with multiple crimes including murder, robbery and extortion. We will tell you more isnt the raids. And muni responding to complaints about marijuana ads on its buses. A vote happening today when we return. Sorry. I cant make it. Its just my eczema again, but its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Authorities say 11 members of the hells angels have been indicted for a series of crimes range tag murder and assault to racketeering and witness intimidation. Eight of them are alleged associates of the hells angels Sonoma County chapter. Reporter a raid on saturday outside the wagon wheels saloon is one of 13 locations where the fbi, state and local authorities seized weapons, motorcycles, drugs and a garment with blood evidence. Six members of the hells angels chapter were arrested outside the bar where a group was meeting up to arrive. Three more arrests happened in San Francisco, fresno and boston. A 10th suspect is in custody. One is outstanding. This investigation has found significant criminal activity and is not over yet. The indictment doesnt bring charges against the Hells Angels National organization it describes how members of the Sonoma County chapter are alleged to have used the National Organization as a means to commit conspiracy, to commit murder, assault. Maiming, Home Invasion robbery, extortion and witness intimidation. Reporter the crimes date back to 2007 according to the indictment unsealed mondayt. Says members of the Sonoma County chapter allegedly killed someone inside the fresno hells angel clubhouse in 2014. Others are accused of committing bank fraud and Money Laundering to buy a property in 2007 that was to be used as an indoor marijuana grow house. Other allegations include assault, Sexual Assault and weapons charges. The organized criminal activity was designed to intill fear in the parts of santa rosa that are around these motorcycle gangs. The victims have lost their lives, their property and the neighbors, their sense of safety. Reporter the fbi said the goal of the operation is to bring justice to victims by going after members that used violence and indentation for their own personal gain and greed. In santa rosa. Ktvu fox 2news. Now to where authorities rearrested an 18yearold, one of the original six in the killing of a Concord High School student two weeks ago. Is he now charged with murder in the shooting death of lawrence jansen, a student at olympic. He was shot outside the school two weeks ago. The charges against all six include crimes committed under gang enhancements. San jose and its Police Department are facing a possible Class Action Lawsuit over its enforcement of laws against public lewdness. It said they werent equally enforced and usually targeted gay men. One of the men who had signed on to the lawsuit says that the charges against him were dropped but other men could be facing charges or living with a conviction. He said he was arrested two years ago outside a bathroom in the park after being arrested by a stranger. He came to me and asked me if i wanted to have fun. I said yeah, not here and i said we can meet somewhere else and i started to walk away and they ran up and handcuffed me. San jose police chief said that type of undercover sting operation stopped two years ago. He issued a statement saying the Gay Community often gets forgotten in efforts to increase trust with the police. We are doing more to make sure that is not the case in san joyce. I spokeswoman said that the department has already changed and has ongoing discussions about policing methods in the community. An attorney for plaintiffs in the deadly balcony collapse in berkeley say they have reached a partial settlement. Five irish students and a woman from roanoke park were killed when a small balcony collapsed. Seven others were hurt. The amount hasnt been disclosed but its between the people hurt and the families of those killed and the company that owned that building. In oakland the new fire chief has been in charge of the department for a month. Candace spoke to the new fire chief about some of the hurdles his department is facing including suspicious construction fires and under staffing. I do. [applause], [cheering]. Reporter congratulations. You were swornn. Thank you. Reporter how has the transition been . Very busy. Reporter 30 years as a firefighter, darron white has spent 20 in oakland. Last month ats at citys new fire chief. Its been a more unusual or difficult month. Reporter he is talking about suspicious construction fires, the fire on san pablo avenue and of course the goat ship warehouse fire where the fire chief theresa reid faced hard criticism for going largely unseen in the aftermath. Reporter how would you have handled it . I would hope i would continue to be strong. One of the conversations i had with the former chief after the incident happened was i dont envy the situation are you in. This is not your fault. Reporter when goat ship happened where were you . I just arrived on scene right after the order was made to go defensive. It was a day i wont forget. Reporter this past year construction fires, goat ship. Staffing, inspections, catching up on backlog inspections, is your department overwhelmed . I would say that we have had to adjust to a new reality. We had to adjust to a variety of thing that i havent seen other agencies have to adjust too. The same amount of time. Im trying to get everybody to have a perspective of lets look ahead. Reporter a challenge as many in and outside his department are still working with the past. Controversies and all. In a jail house interview the goat ship Master Tenant told us some oakland firefighters knew of the warehouses condition before the fire. In Court Documents a firefighter admitted he had been to the goat ship for a party. They didnt want to shut us down. The Fire Department as well. They came up those staircases and dabsed at the party. The day after they put out a fire. I dont want to speculate. I think if a firefighter recognizes there is a danger or problem they need to elevate it. I dont want to speculate on what was seen or not seen or recognized. Reporter this month city officials released a memo revealing more hurdles for white. They included a Staffing Shortage in the Fire Prevention bureau and a backlog of 1,000 state inspections. How do you take a proactive approach . You are still trying to catch up on them. You are right. We have had to set priorities for the inspection process. We have had to balance that with the fact we dont have a significant number of staff right now. We are working to improve that. Reporter the chief said that he and his firefighters are ready. Even in what may be one of the toughest paths to take on right now in oakland. Ktvu fox 2news. Following breaking news out of San Francisco right now where sky fox is overhead here in the outer richmond. 41st and balboa. This is near golden gate park. That truck there had initially the report was the truck into a house. We can see a truck there in the street. Maybe it got pulled back a little bit. No word from San Francisco fire in regards to any injuries. You can see pg e trucks on scene. Make checking gas lines and power lines. You can see that one pg e employee or worker down there working on something. Again this is happening at 41st and balboa. No reports of injuries right now. When we get more information about this incident there in San Francisco, we will bring it to you. The city of oakland is speeding up the process of repaving streets. Yesterday city officials revealed a new piece of equipment bought with money from a measure approved by voters next year. It grinds away the old asphalt before new asphalt is laid down. A key part of the paving process obviously. This replaces the prior machine that has reliability issues to say the least. Reporter it helped the city fire 20 workers in recent weeks to pave roads and sidewalks. They are on took to accomplish the City Councils fiveyear paving plan adopted in 2014. Now to the north bay where it may be quieter for people around some portions of the smart train. It will no longer use horns at rail crossings. Other crossings luling the ones in never do are quiet zones already. Trains will have limits on when and how often they can honk the horn unless there is an  emergency. Still lights and bells will flash and ring at the railroad crossing. Smart train officials urging drivers to be alert through all of the process. The Transportation Agency will decide most likely today if itll ban marijuana ads on muni property. Muni already prohibits ads on the side of buss and trains and city leaders said marijuana ads shouldnt be any different there. Are more than 100ads for marijuana on bus shelters and vehicles. People have seen them. They have expressed their concern about seeing them throughout the city. We are responding to that feedback and presenting a proposal to the board to address it. If they vote to ban the ones that are up or paid for they will stay up until their contracts expire. In Sacramento City leaders rolling out a new program to help women and minorities break in to the marijuana industry. I have a product manager. Reporter kimberly is a rare find in sacramento. She say female Business Owner under 40. Very little money and just slowly work my way up and very little help. Reporter there are women in her field but few women owners. She got in early. In 2007 she opened one of the first pot d isp ensaries in sacramento. Certificate from the california cannabis association. Reporter she said its true. Women in the industry dont always get the same respect as their male counterparts. Its happened a few times where men walk in the room and the grower on the other side of the table is like hey, bro, tell me about this and i was like i just told you. He learned everything he knows me. Just want to make sure that these opportunities for ownership are across multiple sectors. Reporter now the city of sacramento is taking up a new initiative to help women and minorities break into the pot industry. The Cannabis Opportunity Program would help women and minorities with mentors, waive certain start up fees and fast track permits for those who wish to open up legal businesses. They intend the program to really promote and establish some equity with in the cann ib is industry. Reporter they have picked argyle as a mentor. Reredoing the stair sos they are up to code. Reporter if she is maintaining the building, the books. Extraordinary burden when it comes to taxes. Reporter or the buds. The city is making room for more cannabis queens like her. That was joe reporting. Still ha head, a thanksgiving tradition at the house. I will be a much nicer president today. After the break the lucky turkeys who goal the president ial pardon. Forget sweater weather. Some parts of the bay area are to warm to layer up. Rosemary is next with a look at the high temperatures. A 70 year tradition continued this year. Drum stick you are here by pardoned. After getting more than 40,000 votes on twitter the president pardoned drum stick. His friend was given a free pass also. They are from a farm in minnesota. During the ceremony the president said joked he looked into revoking the previous pardon from last year. Very been very active in overturning a number of executive actions by my predecessor. However, i have been informed by the White House Councils office that tater and tots pardons cant under any circumstances be revoked. Tater and tot were pardoned by obama last year. Drum stick and wish bone will join them at their new home at virginia tech. I had a moment to take a hike in the oak hills and it was lovely. Brought a jacket i didnt need. We have great weather for the holiday and into the weekend. We will start to siddhas by saturday and sunday. Between now and then in and out of partly cloudy skies and beautiful weather. Temperatures in the 60s. We will top out in the 70s and there is a beautiful view thereof the golden gate bridge. Looks like a cargo vessel giving you a view fear at the cloud cover overheadt. Looks thick but its not. Just midand high level clouds. Thats about all we are seeing. For the next few days we will continue with the ridge in place over california many the farther north the better the chance you will get scattered shower activity. It talked about in the last half hour areas over washington and oregon. If this is your place to be. For us we will remain mostly sunny and today we will be warmer. Wednesday it be loos like you will be one of the one of the warmest days. Thursday holding onto some of that. We will see temperatures begin to slip on thanksgiving day. Temperatures will continue to cool. Right now 66 degrees in livermore. We have 66 in concord. To the north bay 66 in napa and around the bay. Widespread 60s. 70s palo alto. 72 in fremont and 71 areas over half moon bay. Around the peninsula a few more numbers to check for you here. 70 in belmont. Upper 06s for wood side. Temperatures up for most. Up by 11 degrees. You are feeling the difference today. In to the south bay a bit cool america areas over san jose. Half moon bay up by nine degrees this afternoon from where we were just 24 hours ago. Temperature also range in the upper 60s to low 70s. Low 70s for the east bayshore. Low 70s expected inland. 67 degrees in the afternoon high for San Francisco. Into the south bay some of our warmer temperatures, 74 in san jose. 75los gatost. Will feel good in your neighborhood. As we get in to the coming days notice that rain line still to the north of us. At this hour. As we get into your travel day wednesday. We have just a little bit of activity there. The park northwest will continue with the rain and mix of high elevation snow and down in to the southeast areas over florida, scatters showers and thunderstorms will be a possibility. For the rest of the nation it looks quiet. For not only the big travel day on wednesday but for thursday, turkey day as well. If are you going to the sierra you have nice weather here. Mostly supy skies companied on thanksgiving. Low 60s the afternoon high and then on friday temperatures just a bit cooler in the offer night hours. Temperatures into the 30s. If you thinking about skiing we have resorts opening just in time for thanksgiving. Here say look at your extended forecast. No complaints with the mild temperatures. Today, tomorrow. Into thanksgiving day. We remain dry through most of the weekend on sunday we see a chance of scattered showers move into the bay area. Perfect. Thank you. Back now to that breaking news near danville where the Sheriffs Department is investigating what it called a pipe bomb incident. We just arrived on the keep and have the latest. Reporter we just got here on the scene. We can tell you that the streets have reopened in the area. You can still see Fire District has their hazmat team out here. Even though this incident is wrapped up. We will get the update with the san ramon Fire District. Thank you for joining you. You can give us the explanation. Someone dropped off fireworks and they felt it was something that they didnt want anymore. They just found them. They dropped them off at the fire station and we found there was some other stuff that we not now normal fireworks. We contacted the so, the bomb squad and they came out. There was no hazard to the community. It was just something isolated to the fire station and just something in the interest of everybody that we call the bomb squad. Reporter so novak hughess in the nearby area. This was a home made pipe bomb. Correct. For all intents and purposes thats what it was. It was just something that something felt at one time was nice to make and now they wanted to get rid of it. Reporter you can toccatas and maybe point out where it was found or dropped off . Someone came to the front door there and just dropped it off and then thats where they left and again noma accomplishous intent. It was just something that for safety reasons we had to take precautions. Reporter i appreciate your time. Thank you for that update. It wags the wall nut creek bomb squad that came out. The hazmat team out but novak hughess of the surrounding neighborhood. No threat to any of the neighborhood communities here but fireworks were dropped off. There was a home made bomb that was in those fireworks that were dropped off and they had to call out the bomb squad. Guys. Very good. Thank you. Still to come new changes at disneyland aims to reduce crowds. How disney is changing its yearly passes. The crusty paw. This is not funny you all. This is not funny. One woman complained to one of the executive producers on one of his projects, and this woman said that is just charlie. Well, you. Ikea is recalling 26 million pieces of furniture. Ikea said it affects its long chest of drawers and dressers which can tip over if they arent anchored to a wall. It comes after an 8th young child was found dead after being trapped under a dresser that had fallen over. They announced it when that happened last may but wants to bring more awareness to the problem. Customers can contact ikea for a free wall mounting kit or can get a full refund if they dont want the furniture anymore. Disney has made big changes to its yearly passes. Its temporarily suspending the sale of its Southern California yearly pass, one of its most popular and least expensive passes. It sold for 469 and let guests go to disney and disney california volunteered cal adventure. For existing pass holders you can rune them but disney wont sell new ones. A record breaking diamond is going up for auction next month. Take a look at what is a 110caret diamond. Its the largest round diamond to be offered at action in new york city. Its expected to go for as much as six million dollars. If thats out of your price range dont worry. Its also auctioning off other rare jewels starting at just five thousand dollars. If you have invested in stocks perhaps today is a good day to take money out. We see the dow is up by 150 plus points, gaining 1 half of one percent. S and p and nasdaq also very strong today. Jurors in the steinley trial are working on the case. We are monitoring the situation. We will have the legal export in house for when that verdict comes in. Continuing coverage coming up today on the four on two. Now to concord where dozens lined up to get a food box. The center has an emergency footed pantry but helps provide meals to families during the holidays. Hung certify a big issue. Having that thank giving meal and continuing that tradition is very difficult for them. Every year we try to provide thanksgiving meal, a turkey, the fixings and just some extra attention to our families at that time of the year. The monument credit i Sessions Center is handing out food boxes until noon today, late their evening and tomorrow morning. They will serve some 9,000 families. They are looking for donations. The airport seeing more travelers this thanksgiving holiday. They said they expect nearly 450,000 from now through the 27th of november. Thats an 8 increase compared to last year. The busiest travel day is expected to be on sunday. Thats when 61,000 are expected to pass through the airport. If you have a flight in the coming days are you being urged to arrive at least two hours early. Meanwhile amtrak is preparing for its busiest time of the year with more than 760,000 passengers. Expected to use the transit system. A spokesman for the train said riders will notice some new features this week including new seat cushions and a spotify play list people with listen too. Due to the crowds amtrak suggests showing up to the station 30 minutes early. If you are hitting the roads we have some tips on how to avoid thanksgiving day traffic courtesy of google. They used traffic conditions to democrat the best time to leave tome to avoid the worst holiday traffic. In 25 major metro area across the country. It determined that for nearly every city on the list the best time to hit the road is as early as possible on thanksgiving day. Going the recommends handing out at six but we are anchoring mornings. My sister should listen. She is coming in from sacramento and always waits. Thats a bad drive on 80. 6 00 a. M. Hit the road. Across the country looks like wednesday afternoon is the worst time to drive. Specifically for San Francisco google said that traffic will be at its worst wednesday at four and then saturday at five. My children and i are at the window. Where is angie. Shei she will make it. Thank you for watching everybody. , dr. Oz women starved and branded. They claim to be a women self combroiment organization but is it really a Improvement Organization but is it really a cult . Last thing they said ill see you in jail. Dr. Oz and the murder of sharon tate by the manson family cult. Coming up next. Dr. Oz sounds like the scene from a movie. It was first start to be a small town

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