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The purchase of the Tribune Tower. Reporter Thomas Henderson probably stands in front of the building he recently purchased, tribune town tower in downtown oakland. Authorities say henderson use illgotten gain to purchase the structure. Henderson and two other men, peter koo a Chinese National and stanford disco peter lee defrauded investors about the use of funds and made false statements in connection with the employment braced based eb5 visa program. Henderson was the founder of San Francisco Retail Center based out of the tribune building. The companys website says safe investments to set your family on a path of american citizenship. The company solicited and obtained 240 investors who believed they were investors in american countries through the eb5 visa program. The eb5 visa Program Allows for nationals to obtain permanent foreign residency by investing in qualifying american businesses and creating jobs for u. S. Citizens. Henderson and the two other men took the cash from the investments and use money for other dealing such as the purchase of Tribune Tower and lied about the use of the funds to u. S. Customs and immigration services. Henderson was arrested this morning and made his original Court Appearance before the judge today. Is expected to appear again before the judge in october. A santa rosa doctor accused of killing patients with opioid just prescriptions pleaded not guilty. The doctors charged with Second Degree murder in the death of 4 patients. Prosecutors say he will hundreds of opioid prescriptions. He remains in custody on 12 million bail. Preliminary hearings are set for september 3 and four 4. The man accused of attacking a woman in a San Francisco condemnation condominium building is in jail. He was back in court this afternoon on allegations he threatened 4 people it with a knife in february. Vincent faced a judge last week in connection of the attack on august 11 which was captured by surveillance cameras in the condo lobby. There was a public outcry when he was released from jail. Then these new allegations came to light. The judge agreed today that vincent should remain in custody without bail. He was getting the help that he needed vicki was having the root cause of some of his issues being addressed and now he is in jail where he is not going to get help for those issues. There is a balance that is done and we believe the balance definitely merits keeping the defendant in to advance public safety. Today vincent pleaded not guilty to assault with a deadly work in and weapon and criminal assault against 4 people on february 3. The District Attorney says the two cases will be heard together going forward. Dumpsters, garbage trucks and heavy machinery were out today to clean up one of oaklands many homeless encampment spec this one is located at Union Point Marina and park along the embarcadero in oakland. Ktvus tom vacar was at the park this morning during the eviction. He is in the newsroom now with more. This problem appears to be a problem universally that has neither any solution, any resolution, or any end game. With a temporary federal restraining order lifted, the state made good on its long sought promise to clean up Union Point Park in an adjacent parking lot occupied by a growing homeless encampment since last december. We are getting complaints from the coastal commission, obviously from the marina residents, and because this is on a waterway and it made the park unusual. There is a rat infestation that they will have to deal with. Reporter homeless advocates came here to make sure the officials of the ting residents followed the rules. From being evicted last year, i know the city has promised things which they do not follow up on which is why many and cameron including this one and the one i was part of decided tosue the city. With the judge allowing the eviction to proceed, work began on literally tons of debris. Once again, as we have seen time after time, the next tragic chapter of what some homeless folks say is human whack a mole continues. We are from the community we live in. It is not helping the problem by evicting us from point a two b and from to a. There will not be any end. The city needs to build Affordable Housing for everyone, not just luxury apartments the nobody from here can afford. There are a lot of Affordable Homes in the pipeline but there are not being built festina. We need other cities to follow suit. We cant have smaller cities refusing to build Affordable Housing and expecting larger cities to shoulder the entire burden. Reporter this is far far more than just inconvenient. It is very very exhausting and it is hard work. This cleanup of justice one place will take two days but there are many, many other encampments here, there, everywhere across the bay area and well beyond. Tom vacar, ktvu fox2 news. I guess the eviction, who wants them in the park or the neighborhood but you have to ask yourself, okay somewhat we a victim and where that is go, ask Homeless People and they say, what do you want us to do . While they might go to smaller towns and that becomes an issue and other issues is there are fires in some of the homeless camps and that becomes a very big issue. We lack as a state a uniform policy to deal with this to try to get ourselves through it. Ive been here 40 years and ive never seen it this bad and this is about as bad as it gets and it is likely to get worse. I couldnt agree with you more and it seems like this is a regional problem, a state problem, not just one city against another city. Not only is it not that, you know, there was some talk about democratic cities as opposed to republican citys. Phoenix, arizona is very republican and has very much as many problems as other cities. It is a National Problem needing a national solution. Not to contra costa county. A man from rodeo was arrested at after authorities found pounds of drugs, cash and a gun inside a home. The antiviolence seized drugs and cash from a home on california street in rodeo. 32yearold james runkle was arrested at the scene and booked into jail. Berkeley police are looking for an attacker following an an assault overnight that left a man in critical condition. Police say it happened just before 2 am this morning on channing way near telegraph avenue. Officers arrived and found a man between 40 and 50 years old, unconscious with head injuries. There is not description of the attacker. Starting today, one more thing you will need to bring on your next flight out of sfo. A refillable water bottle. The airport is facing a plastic Water Bottles. Ktvus Sara Zendehnam tells us there are still some exceptions though to the plastic water bottle band. Reporter sfo sells about 10,000 Water Bottles every day so there are a lot of unsold Water Bottles still here in stores and vending machines across the airport. Officials tell us they are going to be able to sell these unsold Water Bottles but will not stop them. They are easing their way into the transition and Officials Say it is a step in the right direction. Reusable Water Bottles . I always take my own. Reporter weather running through the airport to catch a flight or get thirsty while flying, water is on the list of travel essentials but if you are traveling through San Francisco International Airport you will notice a change. Sfo is phasing out the sale of singleuse plastic Water Bottles starting today. The goal here is to get to 0 waste going into landfill by 2021. Reporter there other options. Bring your own water bottle to fill up at one of the water stations around the airport. There oftentimes you would like smaller Water Bottles. Reporter by an aluminum, glass or compostable water bottle it is good idea to change to other kinds of bottles. Reporter there are some exceptions. You can buy soda, juice and other drinks in plastic bottles and plastic Water Bottles larger than one liter are still for sale. Sfo spokesperson, doug, explained why. We want to make sure retailers have alternatives. If we require a policy like this we want to make sure we set up retail for success and there is no good afternoon of then we went we would not be doing that. Reporter passengers say there on board with the change. If you have more than three ounces of liquid, you cannot bring it to the checkpoint so if you have a reusable water bottle, there are stations where you can do about some of you water and go inside and refill it at all the water and stations around the airport. At sfo, Sara Zendehnam, ktvu fox 2 news. Feeling targeted in their own neighborhood. At 5 30, the group suggesting they should take gun safety classes and arm themselves at home iSan Francisco. The new facebook feature aimed at perfecting your privacy. One day after 3 jurors were thrown off the case, a new jury restarts deliberations in the ghost ship warehouse trial. Why the jurors who were removed could face legal trouble of their own. Another pretty mild day out there, low clouds and fog and hire clouds coming in. Temperatures on the way to more warming up, back into the 90s. We will see you back with the five day. There is to follow over the shakeup in the ghost ship warehouse child jury. Today we are learning some of the jurors who were dismissed by the judge could face contempt proceedings. Crime reporter henry lee joins us with where things stand. Henry . Reporter this new jury finished the first day of deliberations without reaching a verdict. Some of the jurors could be facing legal trouble. A day after 3 women were dismissed as jurors in the ghost ship trial, judge Trina Thompson said at least two of them might need attorneys of their own for violating rules against improper communication and considering outside material. The judge said those two offending jurors could face potential contempt. It is certainly possible but of course we have no idea what the misconduct was. Reporter a veteran criminal defense attorney not involved in the case says the violations would have to be very serious to trigger a contempt in court case. If it was something serious like corruption, bribery, whatever have you, certainly that would be possible. I think it is unlikely that the county is going to start prosecuting jurors for who knows what. The attorneys involved in the ghost ship trial are again under a gag order because the judge wants to stabilize the new jury. One thing, though, is for certain. There is only 1 alternate set and the judge is trying to juggle requests by jurors for timeout for things like taking kids to callers. This certainly puts a serious crimp in the trial. It is now in jeopardy. The judge has been inundated by questions as to when there will be a verdict that the response has been this is not a csection. It is a natural birth. The babies arrive when they arrive. Henry, during your piece you referred to the nonoffending juror. We kind of get defense the sense of what these two jurors did but the third juror, what did they think she did . There is an insinuation that she knew about misconduct by the other two and did not report it. The jumped out and said they dont consider it misconduct if you dont talk about a. Is there any chance the alternate would be alone ultimate a loan alternate, a man no alternates technically, if both sides agree that an 11 men member jury but no defense attorney in the right mind would agree to that. Thank you. Facebook is rolling out a new feature aimed at protecting user data privacy. Users in 3 countries, ireland, south korea and spain will be able to use the Nuclear History tool so users will see a new section called off facebook activity. When a user clicks it they will see the apps and websites tracking activity and sending reports to facebook for ads targeting. A history button will erase the data from the account. Facebook is essentially rolling this out and it is going to hurt their ad platform if people adopted in droves but most likely most people arent going to know its there. They may be hesitant to use it and facebook is getting a pr win by coming up with this interesting feature. The future should be available to users in the United States later this year. In hayward, police are looking for the man caught on camera damaging a security robot at a parking garage in the downtown area. Police say the knightscope k5 robot took this picture of the suspect before the man knocked it over. The incident happened on august 3 at the Watkins Street parking structure. Anyone with information is asked to call hayward police. The bay area housing client crisis is leading residents and environmentalists to worry that development could doom areas that were once offlimits. , south bay reporter, jesse gary has the reference point. Reporter the 1400 acre redwood city park industrialization has altered what was once and now summary the areas could be for housing and businesses. Their development partner, dmv have made a statement they plan to invest into what a Development Plan could look like here. Reporter at a conference tuesday, politicians, residents and environmentalists gather to sound an alarm. You cant build on the bay. It is a practice we examined a long time ago and we should not be doing it here. Stretching back to the 19th century, marshlands surrounded the San Francisco bay. Industrialization and development converted them to either small ponds or concrete structures. 90 of the historic wetlands have already been lost to development so we really need as much as possible every acre. Reporter environmentalists such as Alice Kaufman say that the trumpet ministration has rolled back environment the protections. The company and its real estate partner, dmv associates are eyeing the site. We spent a decade trying to build 12,000 homes on the site and they were forced to withdraw the proposal in 2012. They apparently havent learned their lesson. Reporter we reached out to dmv associates and cargo about the possibility of the Company Looking to develop on that site. We have yet to hear back from dmv but carles gil responded. In an email, david smith writes, nothing has been proposed other than what there is now. Our intent is to engage in a communicate Community Conversation about the potential. Development on the site puts people at risk of flooding and see over rice. Reer recent studies show much of the natural system has been lost. Marshaling would benefit nature and residents. Im jesse gary, ktvu fox2 news. Lets take a quick glance at the country look where the heat is. You can get an idea where we are, dallas is 98, that 98 comes with a lot of humidity. The same with atlanta and new orleans. Out west, we have hundred 11 at phoenix, vegas at 107. We are going to warmup but we should not see heat like we saw last week when the purples and reds really infiltrated the bay area with heat advisories. We have clouds overhead now. Will put a loop on this and you can see higher clouds. They are coming in right here. That is a weak system sliding by. It has temperatures on the mild side. It will warm a little tomorrow as the high builds back in. We will see temperatures back in the low 90s. There is some fog and there comes, some low clouds and high clouds in there. You are seeing a little bit of everything. With that said, there are the highs right now, 85 in fairfield, 76 in napa, 71 in concord. These highs are running ahead of yesterday by a few degrees which is what we suspected and tomorrow, further warming as we go into wednesday so we will see temperatures on wednesday back into the low 90s and that will put up us back into the fire danger concern and back into the air quality issues all the stuff that goes with late summer in the bay area. The last two days have been a respite for cal fire folks to some expect extend. You can tell, weather is related to fires. Think about the last few days. As we get until, last week we get into the heat, we talked about fires nationally and locally. What we are looking at now the last couple days and today has been mild so we are not talking about fires, fortunately. We have the opportunity as we come into the next few days. There is the fog forecast for tomorrow morning. The fog burns off. The highs are warmer but still manageable. Those are 90s, most of the bay area will be upper 80s and low 90s, in the hotspots around the bay. 5 day forecast, what you can expect as we go through the rest of the week. Coming up, protests now turning financial. What People Living in hong kong are doing as they worry about chinas response. Coming up on ktvu news at 6 00, a 13yearold boy is credited with saving his fathers life after a shop owner says he was being strangled by a homeless man. We are learning about the bay area case that led to Colin Kaepernick taking any during the national anthem. Concerned residents in hong kong are reportedly moving their money as protests escalate. Fox news susan lee tells us twitter and facebook are also taking action during the pro democracy demonstrations. Reporter money is leaking out of hong kong, going according to the wall street journal, businesses have been taking their money out of the city, concerned about chinas response. Meantime, protesters have come up with eight nonvolatile violent protest tactic to cash out of eight atms and send a message to the public of china. Not everyone sees the action as being effective. I dont see that this stage, these protest movements are going to precipitate a significant run on the currency or significant cash out outflow. I thought how much money they take up and how much market share they have so im not really concerned about people pulling out money from the Bank Accounts at this point. Reporter all of this will slam facebook and twitter as it suspended almost 1000 accounts as they would ban add for state funded media. Several accounts were move including some for protesters. Chinese leaders use foreign social media to communicate with with people around the world. I dont know why Certain Companies are peoples reactions are so strong. I dont know if this had some of their weaknesses. Will help to restore the order in hong kong and we tried to pull all the people together again. Twitter says the accounts were pulled from a Larger Network of 200,000 network suspended before they were were substantially active on the service. In, in hong kong, susan lee, ktvu fox2 news. Italys Prime Minister announced he is handing in his resignation. Prime minister, Giuseppe Conte is stepping down. During a fiery speech to parliament, he blasted his deputy Prime Minister who is seated right next to him. A snap election was called for by him over a week ago citing difference in the Countries Coalition government. Giuseppe conte says the move was done for political gain. And election to form a new coalition in the government is expected in two months. Is called arms of double is a call to arms of sorts, why one local group in San Francisco believes they should arm themselves for self defense. Plus a new chapter for thousands of college students. It is movein day at cal state. Plus a Bay Area Company says it has a new use for your wisdom teeth. Why dentists are not going on them away but now they say them for the future. Heres one you guys will like. Show me making it. Oh i got one. The best of amy poehler. Amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that youre not in. Show me parks and rec. From netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites with the Emmy Awardwinning x1 voice remote. Show me the best of amy poehler, again. This time around. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Experience the entertainment you love on x1. Access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. Click, call or visit a store today. Here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone . Barb you left me hangin on the high harmony there. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. A recent wave of Violent Crime against Asian Americans in San Francisco has left many frustrated, fearful and looking for answers. One Neighborhood Group is encouraging them to consider buying guns for selfdefense. Tremont rob roth talk to leaders of the organization and with those who think the call to arms is a bad idea. Reporter in a city that no longer has any gun stores, one grassroot San Francisco neighborhood says Asian Americans should consider arming themselves for protection. I think people have been so scared and feel helpless. Reporter loralee chow is a member of the coalition for good neighbors. She is also a gun owner. I have not seen such an outrageous crime that is targeting asian people over and over. Reporter those crimes include a man beating and robbing this Business Owner in chinatown last month. Dash cam video shows the attacker pushing another man who tried to help. Even more disturbing, the brutal kidnapping and of a 64 yearold Asian American woman who was held captive for hours. If asians are filling vulnerable, we have been targeted for violence, we should get up and stand up for their own rights and own a gun and practice with a gun and know how to shoot it and protect themselves. Reporter San Francisco law prohibits people from carrying guns on the sheet but the Organization Says Asian Americans need to protect themselves in their homes. The group is encouraging members to take gate gun safety classes. The reason why it is around so much attention, to the community lately is because it is not normal to advocate to do selfdefense. Reporter many other evocation the asian advocates encourage its. Americans have a lot of gun violence already. Reporter asked in a statement, expanded Police Patrols and more security cameras are better answer than guns. Putting more guns in the communities escalates the risk of crimes against innocent bystanders. A Neighborhood Groups as a lot of people have expressed interest. In semper cisco, rob roth, ktvu fox2 news. The sf mta is expected to vote this evening on whether to name the chinatown subway station after the late rose pack. The agency is hearing Public Comment on the issue right now. Demonstrators relative against the idea before the meeting. They want the subway stop spot to be named simply chinatown station. Rose pack who died in 2016 was strongly involved in getting the subway stop expanded to chinatown. Opponents say pack was a divisive figure. They said she had caused division in our community. We want a name that we can have 100 support from the community. Not half. We want 100 support. Reporter back in june, a vote ended in a traffic we expect a new director to be the deciding vote this evening. And amtrak train hit and killed a pedestrian just after 8 am this morning between the richmond and berkeley stations. Amtrak says the person was trespassing on the tracks. There were no injuries to passengers or crew members on board the train. Amtrak did report delays systemwide because of the crash and passengers had to be transported to get to the location. Two students in modesto were arrested after making threats to their high school. Police were called to investigate a snapchat post of a student appearing with a gun with the caption, dont go to school tomorrow. Officers who were involved in the took the two students involved in the post into custody. Police later determined the gun in the replica was post was only a replica. Today, was movein date to student at cal. Am headed there early to avoid the rush. The students are also being asked to bring along a dolly if they need one because the university is moving carts are in such high demand. I talked with an upperclassman and they said prepare to be waiting for a long time and you will have to check into orientation so i will just kind of start waiting for that and we will go out for lunch whenever we can. Berkeley police are telling drivers to be prepared for extra traffic. Officers expect the campus area will be busy for a couple more hours. A grand opening is underway for the new Cherryland Elementary School in hayward. This is the time laps the nstruction that began back in march of last year and ended this june. School serve more than 800 students from kindergarten to sixth grade. Next monday is the first day of school for the Haywood School district. The research that shows californias red flag law is helping to reduce the threat of mass shootings. Plus the single piece of evidence keeping a family optimistic as the search for missing boaters goes into the fourth day. Ktvu fox 2 news where the power of 2 comes from you. Its time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep us asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, all beds are on sale save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus free home delivery. Ends saturday. A new study shows californias red flag law appears to be reducing the threat of mass shootings. State lawmakers passed the bill 3 years ago big it seeks to remove guns from people who are seen as a public danger. Researchers at uc davis looked at 21 cases where guns were taken and purchases were blocked because of court orders. The study found those individuals did not attempt to obtain guns illegally and were not later involved in gun related violence. We cant say that the orders are responsible for the shootings not occurring but there is a certain logic to the idea that if someone is threatening violence and firearms are part of the threat, if you remove the firearms from the situation the threat is less. State lawmakers are studying bills to expand californias red flag law. One measure would allow teachers , coworkers and to request a order. Reporter surveillance pictures of a suspect in a deadly set stabbing at the cal state campus. Investigators say retired college administered a, 57year old stephen chan was killed in a parking lot yesterday as he got out of his car. Today, Police Released a sketch of an asian man in his mid20s. Surveillance video shows a man running. They say he got into a black sedan with tinted windows and took off. Investigators say it is likely that the victim knew the suspect and that it was a targeted killing. First responders and volunteers were out for a fourth day of searching for two firefighters missing off the coast of florida. Family members say they are staying optimistic. As fox news jill keating reports, a lot of optimism is resting on a single piece of evidence recovered in the ocean. Reporter mark crews to fill the skies in the sees in a search for firefighters are never returned from their florida fishing trip. Brian mccluney and Justin Walker have not been seen since leaving from cake canaveral friday morning. They were in a 24 foot center console. Both men are experienced voters. The coast guard launched a large surf at search effort. Firefighters personal friends joined the missing. Missing mission on. Reporter other volunteers have never even met the. Search and rescue has covered 500,000 square miles stretching all the way up to the carolinas. One glimmer of hope, mcclunes talk about was recovered about 50 miles off the coast of saint augustine. It is a significant distance for a 24 foot boat but doable. His wife said the bag was probably tossed overboard as a breadcrumb to guide search and rescue crews as her navy veteran has been is trained in survival. I am confident and hopeful. Reporter searches are relying heavily on the bag. We found other pieces of trash out there but we just cant distinguish pieces of plastic and things like that. The reality is we are Still Limited to one bag at the moment. We remain optimistic but regardless, reporter about 200 volunteers on 70 boats and 10 aircraft are searching the water today. Other agencies involved include the navy and customs and border protection. In miami, phil keaton, fox news. Wisdom teeth have been thrown out as waste but not anymore. I think it is we are in the silicon valley. Coming up next, the new use for pulled wisdom teeth and how it could impact your health in the future. An unwelcome guest on a tahoe vacation. How a family finally got this black bear out of their home. We are getting a lot of bears. I know it. Reporter temperatures warming up in the next couple of days. You back here with details. The Bay Area Company is jumping into a new type of medical. It is harvesting stem cells from wisdom teeth. Reporter when wisdom teeth are extracted, most of the time the teeth are considered medical waste and thrown out. This menlo park park surgeon says patients have a new option throughout company that offers to harvest wisdom 24 stem cells which are then stored. This new option as we can send them to the company to cryogenically preserve them. This dark portion is the active growing portion of the 20. This is where we would harvest and extract the stem cells from. Dr. Frost had his first patient use the service this summer with two others lined up. The company was cofounded by stansell a stem cell researchers at usf who says after the teeth are taken out they are searched shipped to the midwest. They remove the pump which is the soft living part of the inside of the 20 and from that, they remove the stem cells. Better safe than sorry is how i live everybody. Everyday. This redwood city mother learned about the option well having wisdom teeth extractions for her child. The teeth will be harvested for stem cells. If she encounters medical issues i want her to have every fighting chance. Stem all don x has been fda approved and says a cost about 2000 for the stem cell attraction extraction and then 22 a month for storage. Clinical trials show a lot of potential for more uses in the future. Some scientists discourage patients from storing stem cells because there is no known application and say while great for research, there is no therapeutic use yet. I hope that if she ever has to use them, that i feel a lot better knowing that they are there. Reporter in men more menlo park, maureen naylor, ktvu fox2 news. A wildfire across it will be built over a major Southern California freeway in an effort to save mountain lions. It would give big cats and dear a safe route for open space and better access to food. The crossing will span over 10 lanes of highway 101 northwest of downtown los angeles. Officials say the 87 million bridge is mostly privately funded and will be the largest of its kind in the world. Construction is expected be complete in 2023. Today, the 23rd annual lake tahoe senate. The senator is hosting the event in south lake tahoe. The emphasis this year as in years past is keeping the water in lake tahoe clean. However, there was a bigger focus on Climate Change in general, more specifically on wildfire prevention. Ntio these fires are going to occur more frequently as temperatures continue to rise. I think it is selfevident. The huts are getting hotter, whats are getting wetter, guys are getting dryer. The summit has been held every year since 1997 and senators from california and nevada take turns hosting. There were frightening moments for two teenagers from San Francisco over the weekend when abe there look into their Vacation Home in turkey truckee. The bear was shooter weighed and it lingered in the driveway but the teenagers say they were grateful for a deputies quick actions. After everyone was safe and the bear was gone, a deputy took a picture of the two teenagers. It is something that the bear opened a refrigerator. They are clever. The bear, to me, looked like my 19yearold son in the kitchen. He went in the fridge and just started doing that. They just go through it. And can you imagine going out and going what . There is a bear over there. It is an indication that the bear population has really come up in the last 10 to 15 years. There was a time 30 years ago on lake tahoe you did not see bears. Even 20 years ago, you barely saw them. Now bears are commonly occurring and we were talking about before in the stories were there doing the bypass. We have one up here on the east side of the caldecott tunnel that is really effective. When they built 24, a lot of deer were getting hit and there were a lot of problems because the animals were adjusting and they have a nice singletrack that allows wildlife to cross and thats why you dont see a lot of dead it deer and animals on highway 24. It is amazing that they figured it out. Animal overpasses, really, not overpasses but bypasses, the animals figure out really quick where the right place to go is. Okay, there is the fog. A lot of it out there. Fog, low clouds and high clouds out there. This is tomorrow mornings forecast. Not much fog coverage tomorrow morning. It burns off and it will be a little bit warmer. We had a lot of fog this morning. Not as much as tomorrow morning. And then we have a temperature for print like that. The reds are 90s. We did not see a lot of that last couple days. Tomorrow, air conditions enters will be clicking on in places like vacaville and fairfield. For several days, air conditioners have been dormant because those hot spots has have been in the 80s. Tomorrow morning, San Francisco, tomorrow afternoon, oakland. It looks like that pretty much everywhere. We will see some middle and high clouds and it will start to clear out a little bit to partly sunny in the afternoon. That is wednesday. Thursday, warmer still as we go in. Here is the fog forecast for tomorrow morning. Here is torrow afternoon. Fog back in, wednesday or thursday morning, thursday night, and you can see the heat coming out a little bit because the high clouds are going away. Forecast highs, 94 vacaville, that is about what we would expect. These numbers are about what i would expect for this time of year definitely. It is more typical. We have been below average and now we are about where we should be which is always encouraging. Again, with this, fire danger does elevate a little bit. Air quality takes a bit of a hit. We are watching it but we are not expecting any records like last week. Here is the fiveday forecast. It is not horrible. I dont see any of those 105s. In the middle tier of numbers representative of the day so lots of 80s. There is the forecast. You back here at 6 00. A new video tonight showing a red tailed hawk had quite an ordeal in half moon bay. On friday evening, the bird crashed right through an apartment window and became stranded inside a bedroom. The couple was outside the building and saw it all happen. They worried the hawk would fly through the shattered glass window and injure itself. Firefighters removed the broken glass and went into the building and rescued the bird along with the peninsula Humane Society. The Humane Society says it has never seen a bird crashed through a window. Still ahead, new york joining with california in a legal fight against the Trump Administration. Up next, what others are doing to defend immigrants. Coming up on ktvu channel 2 news at 6 00, we are hearing from the a 13yearold who robbed a that when a stranger was strangling his father. Download the new fox 2 weather app. The power 2 prepare. 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. Secretary of state mike pompeo address the Un Security Council today warning iran is continuing to promote terror and unrest in the Persian Gulf Region. He urged members to do more to enforce iranian sanctions. The Persian Gulf Region has seen 6 attacks on oil tankers in recent weeks. As well as the downing of a u. S. Surveillance drone. The since the United States declared intentions to bring all uranium production to 0. The iranian government has been all in on aikins extortion conspiracy. He also wants the u. N. To continue the embargo against iran except to expired this fall. Several cities along with new york city and the state of california are filing a lawsuit targeting immigration against the trump immigration. Ray bogan tonight with more on the public charge litigation. Reporter 3 states joining together to take on the Trump Administration of the definition of a public charge. What it could mean for immigrants in the country legally. New york announced it is joining connecticut and vermont as well as new york city in a lawsuit against changes to the public charge rule which would deny green cards to legal immigrants who are dependent on public assistance. Under this rule, more children will go hungry but more families will go without medical care. And more people will be living in the shadows and on the streets. Reporter once in effect, the new interpretation could impact immigrants who rely on things like medicaid, food stamps and housing vouchers. Issue refugees and those seeking asylum would be exempt from the rule. President Trump Administration is reinforcing the ideals of selfsufficiency and personal responsibility. Ensuring that immigrants are able to support themselves and become successful here in america. Reporter more than a dozen other states are also challenging the new interpretation of the rule. A lawsuit seeks a nationwide injunction blocking enforcement until the cases are fully litigated. This rule will cover almost 400,000 people per year who have applications to become legal permanent residents and will include a meaningful analysis as to whether they are likely to become a public charge or not. Reporter the public charge rule is set to go into effect in off in october. Ray bogan, fox news. This is ktvu fox2 news at 6 00. A San Francisco shop owner says its 13yearold son saved his life. It happen when an altercation with a homeless man escalated and the shop owner found himself in a headlock. I was thinking to myself, if this keeps going on, this guy keeps strangling my dad im going to hit him. The shop owner says he was being strangled and may have passed out if it not had been for his son who stepped in. Good evening, im julie haener. Im frank somerville. The 13yearold came to the rescue armed with a baseball bat. Tonight we hear from the father and the son. Alyana gomez is in the north bay section of symphysis go were all this happen. Reporter frank and julie, the north Beach Community has been known as a Family Friendly community known for its food scene, some of the finest italian cuisine nestled among small momandpop shots shops. The owner says he moved to San Francisco 30 years ago from the south of france and says the neighborhood is changing and in the last week, he has been attacked twice, once inside the store and went out. Fresh coffee and homemade truffles, a simple menu here at sos truffles. They are among the best in the world. A steady flow of customers at the small shop in this neighborhood. The truffles are incredible. Is a great the guy. Reporter customers were disappointed to find out the owner, john mark was attacked inside the store. He is seen here telling a man who appeared to be homeless to get out. He then forced the man to leave. He was outside and he turned around and im like, you need to go. I step forward for my place on the sidewalk and i fell to the ground. When i fell on th

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