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Practice. Joining us with the latest, monica alba. What more do we know about the president s exams today . Reporter today is what is known as partial physical because that is there are usually a couple components that go into it. And the president had what is more locally referred to as a complete physical in 2021 where he even had a colonoscopy, he had to hand over his duties for the momentto the vice president. We dont expect that today. He is at walter reed undergoing labs and some tests and we expect the white house and the president s personal physician will be able to put out a summary of how that went later today. This is really something where they continue to assess certain things that the president is constantly dealing with, certain medications that he is taking. Certain effects of a Stiffened Gate from a foot injury hes had in the past. Well be being look at all of that. And in his 2021 physical, he also had biopsy of a small lesion that could have potentially been skin cancer. So they will look to see to see if there is anything else they need to examine. But this is something the president and the white house have pledged transparency on. They have said they want him to be doing this about every year or so. But it comes of course as many voters have expressed concern about the president s physical fitness, perhaps his mental acuity to serve as he is running for reelection. So getting the answers to a lot of that will help paint a better picture at how the oldest president ever to serve at 81 is doing. Again, it is the annual physical exam. Annual means every year. So this is not unexpected. It quantity on his calendar, but that is not unusual either. Exactly. This is the kind of thing that they had been looking to do around this time of the year. It was about a year ago where he did another partial physical and they did do those similar test and procedures. They had always said that the president intended do this, to complete the physical especially before novembers election. And so this is something where well have a lot more detail in the coming hours. Monica, thank you so very much. And were also following two big stories unfolding on capitol hill. Right now President Bidens son hunter is Behind Closed Doors before the House Oversight judiciary committees answering question. This is part of the House Republican Impeachment Inquiry into whether the president benefited from his familys Business Practices. This is after House Republicans threatened to hold him in contempt of congress. The younger biden told the committee i did not involve my father in my business, not while i was a practicing lawyer, not in my investments or transactions domestic or international, not as a board member, not as an artist. Never. This as lawmakers scramble to avoid a partial Government Shutdown at the end of this week. Funding expires friday night. Funding for the rest of the government expires a week later. With us now to talk more about this, Garrett Haake and ryan nobles. What are the republicans going to hear from the president s son today . Probably not what they are looking for. They are attempting to find a very specific link between Hunter Bidens Business Dealings and the president of the United States, particularly interactions that would have led to joe biden using his Public Office in some way to benefit his sons Business Dealings. This is something hunter biden has been specifically clear about that at no point was his father ever involved in his business work. House republicans are skeptical of those claims. One of the reasons that they have brought in a number of Hunter Bidens Business Associates to press him on this exact question. And that is why they have also subpoenaed bank records and a lot of other information to try to prove that point. But they have fallen short of finding that direct evidence. And i pressed the chairman of the Oversight Committee james comer on that as to what it will take to get to that point where they could move to articles of impeachment. Listen to how he responded. You dont understand what weve said over and over and every on. Joe biden took 200,000 directly from he was a private citizen at the time that 200,000 check went through, was he not . The 40,000 the 200,000 check which youve cited twice. So it is okay do you have a problem that joe biden has lied about it, do you have a problem that america reporter so what you see on display there is part of the problem republicans have. They have a lot of smoke, throwing a lot of accusations out about Hunter Bidens Business Practices and Business Practices of joe bidens brother james, but yet to directly link that to the president and then an official act as a result of that connection. And that is part of the reason why were increasingly starting to see more moderate republicans in particular raising questions and being to a certain degree skeptical of the Impeachment Inquiry which will make it that much more difficult for them to get the 218 votes necessary on the house floor should they choose to take this step. And just this morning we got a trial date for Alexander Smirnov charged with lying about the bidens receiving bribes in a Ukrainian Energy company in 2015. What do we know about that . Reporter we know prosecutors are moving very quickly as it relates to this trial. They are planning an april trial date, that is just about two months since they arrested alex an lex ander Alexander Smirnov. And it is the tip sheet smirnoff oig was the source of that accused joe biden of being part of a Bribery Scheme that House Republicans have based a lot of their Impeachment Inquiry on. In many ways the foundation of the accusations they are making against biden. They repeatedly said over and over again that the tip sheets unto itself was enough to draw up articles of impeachment. Now that tip sheet proven to at least be suspicious and not very trust were any. One of the reasons that federal prosecutors didnt act on it beyond the initial tip. Now were seeing issues with the informant himself which will play out in a court of law in a couple months. And garrett, President Biden met with top congressional leaders at the white house yesterday to talk about the Government Funding and a bill to provide billions to ukraine and israel and taiwan. Were talking friday night is a pretty solid deadline. How are things standing at this hour . No deadline is really all that solid up here. It is entirely possible the dead line could shift. But lawmakers left that meeting at the white house yesterday largely singing from the same him natural saying they had made progress on the goefsh negotiations to keep the government open. Natural saying progress on the goefsh negotiations to keep the government open. Just a matter of getting the homework done before the deadline. Chuck schumer was on the floor continuing the optimistic tone. Take a listen to what he said just a few minutes ago. Im hopeful the four leaders can reach this agreement very soon so with we cannot only avoid a shutdown on friday, but get closer for finishing the appropriations process all together. 23 our House Republican colleagues of good will want to avert a shutdown, if they want to govern responsibly as they say they do, they must resist the centrifugal pull of the extreme hard right. And agreement on that third of the government that funding would expire friday night does seem close, but it is important to separate out there is still another twothirds of the government it that would have to be funded in following week. And the money in ukraine, israel and taiwan, is it a whole other matter entirely. It has passed the senate and still sitting on Mike Johnsons desk. It is not at all clear if or when he will move on that bill or a bill like it. It is very much in limbo as we speak. And we have the clo being on the bottom right of your screen. Two days, 12 hours and 50 minutes before this partial Government Shutdown kicks in. When i look at the clock, im like this thing is coming quickly. Is there no sense of urgency on capitol hill . Not yet. Ive been through a number of these now and usually you dont see the urgency until about the last 24 hours. Right now the problem is there arent even bills to rush through either chamber. There is still negotiating to be done. I think the most likely scenario were looking at here is Congress Like a bad football deal, like ryans Buffalo Bills punting here unnecessarily, dragging things out giving themselves a little bit more time to finish their work here with this deadline this week unlikely to be satisfactorily cleared. Garrett haake and ryan nobles, i happen to agree, in football we need lionel messi to be stepping into this one and it is not looking like there is any lionel messi on that aspect of football. Thank you so very much, guys. Coming up there will be of course continuing this, but i want to continue this conversation with Robert Garcia who is on the Oversight Committee. Great to see you. I always thank you for your time. What has been happening so far where youve been . Weve been in the deposition now for about an hour. And one thing is crystal clear, there is zero evidence, republicans have zero evidence linking hunter biden to any sort of Business Dealings with the president. This has been the case now where they have been on this kind of political Sham Impeachment now for about a year. Lets remember it is Marjorie Taylor greene that actually started this process. But nothing has been actually developed. Nothing found. And at the end of the day, what were hearing is essentially we have a father who loves his son, a son who loves his father, and his father was never involved in any Business Dealings. So this has been a complete waste of time. It is an affirmation once again that there is zero evidence linking the president to any Business Dealings with hunter biden. And so what is it that we can expect for the remainder of the day there . Were right now trillion there will be a break, there will be a next round another round of questioning for another hour or so where democrats will be able to do some questioning as well. But this will go throughout the entire most of the day today. But so far in this first hour, we have heard absolutely nothing. And quite frankly, it is embarrassing and a joke were wasting so much time. Were on the verge of a Government Shutdown and we have real issues with National Security across the country. This Impeachment Sham is over. There is no evidence. We need to move on. And you mentioned, i mean, look at that clock, two days, 12 hours, 48 minutes. And yet there is not sense of urgency among some on capitol hill. What do you see Going Forward . Is this just like what well be living through Going Forward forever . What is really a complete joke and quite shameful is that there is a good group of us in Congress Sitting here all day in in deposition where we could be out working to get the Budget Challenge solved. There is no plan presented completely. We want to avert a Government Shutdown. This of course as we know impacts millions of people across the country. And mike johnson has absolutely no plan. What they do have a plan for is their obsession with trying to hurt President Biden politically. That is what this is all about. They dont want to solve the border because it they want to hurt President Biden. They want to try to impeach the president and hurt hunter biden because they want to make sure donald trump wins reelection. We know donald trump is calling the shots. He is controlling the speaker. Controlling the caucus. And they wont stand up to Vladimir Putin who we know right now is causing huge damage to Eastern Europe and ukraine. So it is time to get back to work. Robert garcia, thank you very much for being with us. Still ahead, breaking overnight, details on why pope francis was taken to the hospital. Plus breaking in texas, a series of wildfires explodes in the panhandle forcing residents to flee a Nuclear Weapons facility. And when we come back, both President Biden and former President Trump claim big wins in michigans primaries, but there are Warning Signs for both. If he doesnt get it together and change what he is doing, we will not vote for him in november. M in november taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. I know what its like to perform through pain. If youre like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, Nurtec Odt May help. Its the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks. Treat and prevent, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Relief is possible. Talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. Were following Breaking News concerning pope francis. The pontiff is now back at the vatican after visiting the fire this morning. The vatican says the 87yearold underwent diagnostic tests at a rome hospital. Over the past week the pope has been suffering from a mild flu causing him to cancel some appointments on saturday and monday. And now to the race for the white house and new Warning Signs for both frontrunners, former President Trump and President Biden. They each won their respective primaries in michigan. An effort by state democrats to protest bidens handling of israeli hes war in gaza, garnering over 100,000 votes. Joining us now, political director chuck todd. Great seeing you this morning. So what do you make of lets break them down by parties. The democrats did last night and how the republicans did last night. When you look at the amount of organization and attention that the writein campaign got, i think it was kind of an underwhelming number given that two of President Bidens primary opponents from 2020 endorsed this. It was actually a free vote, right . There was no consequences to the vote. So to me it was as easy to rally folks for a vote like this as you could, and it certainly measured the intense if i of this issue in one congressional district, but i kind of look at the results and it is like look, there is a there are Different Levels of issues you got to deal with on a campaign, there are concerns, there are problems, there are fires. I dont think this is a fire. I think this is a concern. And comparing bidens primary performance to the other previous to me no different. To me it was not i did not make it as noticeably different. To me if this number had been 25 or more, if they were winning delegates in a significant way, then i think look, i do think that the folks that organized this, i think a lot of progressive members of the press and media wanted this to see this succeed, and i think everybody is trying to create a magical bar of success. At the end of the day to me success is are you going to win some delegates and sort of really force the president s hand here. And i dont think this result did that. And meanwhile on the republican side, what did you see with trump there . Well, look, on one hand he is clearly his party is not as united as the democrats. We hand wring a lot about joe bidens issues. But he ebbed up winning a writein in New Hampshire when up against a candidate with millions of dollars and an electorate that didnt like that he moved the primary away from New Hampshire. And he had some michigan situation. Trump doesnt have any of these issues and he is winning by less. He still has a significant chunk of Republican Voters who are comfortable voting against him even though he will be the nominee. They already know he will be the nominee. So i certainly think when you look at the two results, trump has a lot more issues getting his party united than biden does. And nikki haley didnt win a single county in michigan. Super tuesday doesnt look a lot easier for her. What is she do you think gaining by staying in at this point . It is a good question. I think the gain i would imagine for her is long term. This is not about winning the nomination in 2024. Perhaps this is about becoming the leader of a reformed Republican Party in the post trump era. But to me only rational for her to keep this going is to press the case that donald trump is not the right leader for the Republican Party and if he goes on to lose the general, shes in the i told you so position, i stood my ground. The question is how does she bring this piece of her campaign to an end after super tuesday. She needs to bring it to an end. You dont want to get to the point where you look like a gadfly out there, but can she find a way to stay a republican and not necessarily endorse trump but maybe she says im going to vote for the republican nominee but never endorsing him, Something Like that. She does have to find an end game because the writing is clearly on the wall who the nominee will be. Chuck todd, thanks. Tomorrow both President Biden and former President Trump head to the border as immigration remains a Major Campaign issue. Up next, were on the ground, this is obviously not the video we wanted to show you, that is the video were talking about, on the ground there both biden and trump will be at border areas tomorrow. What we can expect, well be following up on that. And were also following up the dangerous situation in texas where wildfires are tearing through the entire panhandle. That and more next. At and more t one breath. Can delight them all. Protect yourself against rsv. 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At one point the fire shut down a Nuclear Weapons facility as precaution but back open today. The governor declared it a disaster in at least 60 counties. Now to the u. S. Border where tomorrow President Biden will make a visit in his Second Border Trip since taking office. This comes as he faces pressure from both democrats and republicans to address the Migrant Crisis. Former President Trump is also heading to the border tomorrow for a separate visit. Our Telemundo News anchor is joining us. Julio, great seeing you. So after record breaking numbers of people crossing into texas the last several years, what is the scene like today . Always nice to see you. So numbers have been coming down here at the border. Migrant crossings came down in january. Were at the gateway bridge, one of the points that join mexico and texas. And you can see just the movement here how people really connect both communities like crossing in their everyday lives. But these communities have been really impacted by the amount of people crossing the border illegally or requesting asylum. So President Biden will be joining Border Patrol agents and trying to send the message that republicans blocked my bill, they blocked my plan to bring more resources to the border and stop people from crossing illegally. At the same time, as you just said, President Trump will be pointing a finger at President Biden and saying that it is his fault, it is President Biden to blame for this Migrant Crisis across the whole country really. This is becoming a blaming game. And a central, central issue in this Electoral Campaign towards november. And i thank you very much being there for us in brownsville. Of course well watch you tonight at 6 30 for the latest from there. And joining us now from dallas is fernando garcia, Border Network for human rights which works with border communities. And always a pleasure to see you. I thank you for being with us this morning. It is so easy and so common to immediately see how this issue a split politicized, but it is about humans. What is the reality for migrants at the border and on their way to the border . Jose, thank you for having me again on the program. Listen, i think the president comes in a moment where we didnt have any specific actions humanitarian crisis at the border. As you know, the president has been in office for more than two years already and we have not seen substantial reform making this border more safe and secure for migrants. We still see people going long journeys to get to the border, through the jungle, and when they get to the border, they dont see clearly what is the process, what is happening at the border. Only thing that they do is listen to the rhetoric among migrants and migrants are getting frustrated and many times not even going to Border Patrol any longer. They are risking their lives going into the deserts and mountains. So were very concerned that humanitarian crisis is not addressed the way that it should be. What was promised by the administration. What is it that you want to tell President Biden . First thing is that i hope president meets with the state underground. Last time he came to the border, probably you will remember, it was for a few hours. He didnt meet with humanitarian organizations, with the people that actually work with the way migrants are released at the border. So i think he ought to listen to the stories of people in the local area. That is the first thing. But second thing, it is very important. I hope the president will push back on this narrative that there is criminals, that migrants are rapists and the way other politicians talk. So i hope that he comes with a narrative and emotion that at the end of the day, this is still a mission of needs. I thank you so much. Ive seen you work with such diligence, passion and compassion to help others. I appreciate your time. Thank you. And up next, hundreds of families are rallying right now at the Alabama Statehouse over the future of ivf treatment. Their message to lawmakers. Plus what a key witness had to say when questioned about the relationship between the Fulton County d. A. And her special prosecutor. Prosecutor at typical insurance, youre just another senior. Thats the third Health Insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. Right . Dont get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but its like those Companies Think were all the same. Thats why i chose humana. Before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. She told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental. All in my budget. I finally feel in control. What are you doing . Taking control. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. [ ] if youre only using facial moisturizer in the morning, humana. Did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night . 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But garveys surging in the polls. Fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. Stop garvey. Adam schiff for senate. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. 35 past the hour. Unfolding right now at the Alabama State capitol, demonstrators are protesting the States Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are children suspending Ivf Treatments in the state. Joining us now is kathy park live in montgomery, alabama. What are you seeing there . Reporter hey jose, good morning to you. The rally held earlier this morning has wrapped up. But the work hasnt wrapped up. Hundreds of ivf patients, priors and their supporters are now inside the statehouse right now talking directly with lawmakers, pressuring them to amend that recent ruling that came down with the state Supreme Court. Now, weve heard a lot of stories over the last couple of days, a lot of heartache especially among ivf patients who are now in limbo because they dont know where their treatment goes from here. Earlier we had a chance to speak with a picture who was about to undergo her first ivf treatment. She wanted to expand her family until this ruling came down and now shes unsure as to what will happen next. Take a listen. We, you know, have already made Lifestyle Changes to afford the treatments. We moved in to a camper to be able to not have a mortgage or not have anything like that. And so that money has 100 gone back into our fertility treatments. That is just one of the things that weve done to be able to afford this. And now that were here at what seemingly to us we were finally getting hopeful again, we actually just remodeled a part in our camper so that wed have space for a nursery when the time came and were just waiting to see, you know, what that will look like for us. Reporter and jose, weve also heard from the physicians who have had the painful task of calling each of these patients, letting them know that they had to cancel their embryo transfers, cancel their ivf cycles. But in some hopeful news, it appears on both sides of the Aisle Lawmakers both democrats and republicans have presented their own pieces of legislation trying to preserve ivf in the state. But obviously this is still a gray area right now. A lot of legal limbo and uncertainty right now. At least three clinics have stopped operations for now, but obviously this has become a National Issue as duckworth is expected to present her owes piece of legislation on the floor today. And now the Election Interference Case facing former prthd. President trump. 11th circuit denied mark meadows from moving his case from Fulton County to Federal Court, this is after former divorce attorney for nathan wade testified tuesday he couldnt remember when a romantic relationship began between wade and fani willis. Ive said over again that i was not i didnt have any personal information where i could personally say when it started. Ive said that time and time again. So i dont know when the relationship started. This testimony is part of an effort by trump and his codefendants to remove willis from the case. Joining us now maya wiley, president of the Leadership Council on civil and human rights. What is your reaction to what were hearing about the Mark Meadows Thing . He cant go from state to federal. Well, my reaction is, a, not surprised. And b, it reminds us why the soap opera were seeing in Fulton County, georgia is just a distraction from the actual merits of the prosecution itself. Because remember, mark meadows had argued, well, i shouldnt have to be held in a proceeding in Fulton County, georgia, i should be in Federal Court because i was just doing my job as Chief Of Staff to a president in a white house. Well, there is really no job of Chief Of Staff that includes rigging an election. Or attempting to create a different outcome in an election. You might be working for the campaign in that instance, but not for the people of the United States of america. So i think what were hearing this 11th Circuit Opinion is right, you didnt demonstrate you were doing the job, and in fact one of the reasons mark meadows last is he actually said in the Court Appearance below the 11th circuit that he didnt have anything to do with the fake electors, nothing to do at all. And then the prosecution could offer an exchange where he said we just have to get people to this, to coordinate these electors in georgia about. That really just demonstrated that he actually was engaged in something he said he wasnt. So if we want to talk about where and how were seeing the facts of the prosecution in georgia, i think the 11th circuit just reminded everyone that this is about whether or not these defendants violated georgia law in an attempt to interfere with the outcome of what georgia voters voted for. So the relevance of what we saw yesterday with this lawyer testifying for more than two hours, a lot having to do with the romantic relationship, when it started, when it didnt, what his knowledge of it was or wasnt. You call it part of the soap opera. What is the relevance of all of this . Well, you know, i would argue that it is really not very relevant at all. I understand it is salacious. I understand that it generates a lot of eyeballs and a lot of attention. But here is the point. For disqualification as judge mcafee has said, you have to demonstrate a financial interest in actually bringing this conviction this prosecution and seeking this conviction. I mean, the issue here of when an affair started doesnt in and of itself, regardless of when it started, really tell us is this why there is a prosecution . Is this why a grand jury decided that there should be a prosecution . Is there a personal financial benefit . While weve seen some smoke, we have yet to see the fire. And remember fani willis own father to the extent that you could try to make a connection when they started the affair, i think the implication they are trying to make here is that the affair means that that was the interest, like you are having an affair, you will hire your boyfriend, and therefore you are going to get some kind of financial benefit. But you have to prove that. It is not enough to have a personal relationship to have a financial interest. And i dont think that they have uncovered any evidence that actually demonstrates that, not withstanding when or how the relationship started. But at the end of the day, the witness says i did not have any personal information. So unless they find personal information that this particular attorney had, they still dont have evidence. Maya wiley, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Up next, the Supreme Court considers the ban on socalled bump stocks. Plus how students in puerto rico are going viral for about x. Posing horrible conditions in their schools. Ible conditions in their schools. Introducing neds Plaque Psoriasis. He thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat Plaque Psoriasis. It can help you get clearer skin. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. 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The Deadliest Mass Shooting in the u. S. Joining us now is laura jarrett. Good morning. What are the central arguments in this case . It is interesting, the justices were not so focused on the carnage produced by bump stocks. Everyone seemed to accept the fact that the bump stocks allow you to Fire Hundreds of bullets potentially per minute. Instead, the court is really focused on whether or not this meets the technical definition of a machine gun under federal law. And they are grappling with this because at the time the statute was passed in the 1930s, no one had ever conceived of a bump stock. So they are looking at the technical definition to try to figure out whether it fits. Obviously gun owners say that their rights have been violated by the Trump Administration trying to pass this through without congress. The Justice Department now run by President Biden, different administration, in court today defending the Executive Action that was passed through by the Trump Administration. Well see what the justices do with this, but i did not hear five votes on that court that seemed inclined to strike it down. And also were watching the Supreme Court regarding trumps Immunity Claim and also colorados attempt to keep him off the state primary ballot. The primaries are next tuesday. What do you expect in terms of when the court could come up with these decisions . Still no indication of the timing here, but they are just as well aware of the calendar a would think we would see something before then. As of right now, the former president remains on the ballot in colorado and everywhere else. If they were inclined to take him off, they needed to move faster than that. The ballots were being printed by february 14th. We will see what they hand down soon. Laura jarrett, thank you very much. Coming up, why videos calling out horrible conditions at some of puerto ricos schools are going viral. We will have that for you next. You are watching jose diazbalart reports on msnbc. S. In real time. jen so we partner with verizon. Their solution for us . A private 5g network. ella we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. marquis with a custom private 5g network. Our customers get what they want, when they want it. jen now were even smarter and ready for whats next. vo achieve enterprise intelligence. Its your vision, its your verizon. When dry eye symptoms keep. Coming. Back. Inflammation might be to blame. Overthecounter eye drops can provide temporary relief. Xiidra can provide lasting relief. It targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. Xiidra . Nooo xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. Dont use if allergic to xiidra. 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The students tell us the older generations are pushing back on their criticism, saying this is something that they had to deal with for a long time. The difference is, this Younger Generation are less likely to sit quietly and endure injustice or inequality. Tiktoks show sinks draining to the floor, no toilet paper or soap. High School Students in port porto rico showing conditions at their schools. Using this phrase, poking fun at being told to wear full uniforms while campuses are quite literally falling apart. This girl, a senior in a coastal town, started the trend this month. Telling nbc news, its not just her school, its a systemic problem thats been happening for years. More videos followed. Other students showing the rundown conditions from their own schools, using humor to demonstrate the issues, like pretending to wash their hands in broken sinks. This girl says the bathrooms at her school were often locked or in such bad shape, her classmates had to leave or wait until they went home to use the bathroom. How did things end up this way . This man, with the Puerto Rico Teachers Federation says its been years in the making. Due to lack of maintenance was aggravated by the recent hurricanes and earthquakes. He also questions how funding is being used, saying there have been cases where companies have been hired to repair the schools and the job never gets completed. The Education Department is the islands largest agency, with a budget of 2. 4 billion. An additional 4. 6 billion in federal funds. Nbc news reached out to the Puerto Rico Department of education as well as all schools shown in the videos and we have not heard back. The Education Secretary addressing the tiktok controversy in a Radio Interview saying the work is being done, but not all schools have been addressed. Telling telemundo the rough situation was worsened by hurricanes and the pandemic. Politicians and Leaders Debate who is to blame. The students say they will continue with their tiktok activism. We did hear back from the federal department of education. They say maintaining the schools, thats puerto ricos responsibility. They are trying to decentralize the education system. The union we talked to them, they say this sounds like more charter schools. The first opening there in 2018, taking off since then. The union saying that sounds like more privatization of services on the island, something they dont think is a solution. An important note. Last check, there was 4. 6 billion in unused covid Stimulus Money for education in puerto rico. It has to be used by the end of september. Thank you so very much. I want to go to live pictures. We see President Biden leaving Walter Reed Medical Center after participating in his in what they described as his annual checkup. Live pictures as he leaves walter reed medical institution. It was something that even though it wasnt on his schedule originally, but they say this is what is normally done. It wasnt on his schedule, but this was a scheduled annual checkup, part of the president s annual checkup process. So he is just right now you can see this now live. He is heading back to the white house. Nothing that wasnt originally scheduled. That wraps up the hour for me. Im jose diazbalart. Andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. Right now on Andrea Mitchell reports, Warning Signs. President biden wins the michigan primary, but more than 100,000 democratic voters chose uncommitted to protest against his support for israel in gaza. Former President Trump on a glide path to the republican nomination with a win in michigan. Despite a third of the republicans still voting

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