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A custody battle between his the parents. Should be identified as we heard from the father. I consider this to be child abuse and the sexual relation of children on a on an industrial scale so it makes me feel terrible i cant believe that a mother would do this to a son. Live from the international. Thanks for joining us on the program. The president has said he will no longer work with the British Ambassador to the United States kim could not become the 1st u. K. Envoy to be expelled from washington in more than a century. In what she described as inept and dysfunctional. As the story. Washington will be cutting its ties with British Ambassador kim derek now this comes on the heels of a damning assessment of the trumpet ministration in leaked diplomatic cables which have just recently been made public heres what donald trump had to say in response to these leaks regarding critical statements about the white house. I do not know the embassador but hes not like or will thought of within the us will no longer deal with him the good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister now these diplomatic cables have been leaked to the British Press and they reveal some rather interesting statements now we have a game kim derek saying that the Trump White House radiates in security and we also have it referring to the Trump Presidency as one that would crash and burn and we also have him referring to trump as inept and dysfunctional the comments go on from there this is another selection we dont really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal less dysfunctional less and predictable less fiction ribbon less diplomatically clumsy and now in addition we also have kim derek referring to the policy of the white house toward iran he refers to it as unlikely to become more coherent any time soon and he also refers to all hawkish hardliners within the Trump White House and its relations with iran this is this is some of what was also in the cables its more likely that he was never a loon boards and that he was worried about how this apparently some of his 2016 Campaign Promises would come 2020 and the next president ial election now weve had a strong reaction from the United Kingdom theresa may is come forward and said she had full faith in derek and that she did not agree with his characterization however it was pointed out by the United Kingdom and by u. K. Officials that their ambassadors are expected to give an honest and unvarnished assessment of politics in the country they are doing diplomatic relations with in these confidential cables now the u. K. International trade secretary liam fox he said that he found these remarks in the cables to be an ethical and unpatriotic and that when he meets with yvonne. Trump the president s daughter he will give her an apology in person so in addition to that some of the bribes that backing u. K. Politicians have criticized their statements which essentially seem to be representing the nation of britain now that they are in the public eye this is what has been said this was a personal view its not the view of the British Government its not my view we continue to think under president of us the administration is not just highly effective but the best possible friend of the United Kingdom on the International Stage i think it is very important that ambassadors give honest unvarnished advice to their country and it is disgraceful that it has been leaked from the moment trump was elected this man was their own person to be the British Ambassador globalist and i would look totally opposed to the term victory in the sooner his gone the better now as these comments are now circulating the press after being made public it seems that u. K. Officials are looking to determine who leaked to them and how they became available to the press at the moment it seems pretty clear however that donald trump will not be working with kim derrick any time soon former british diplomat all of a miles gave us his thoughts on what the leak now might mean for bilateral relations between love and washington. The leak is very embarrassing because its going to make the i must of this lot for all the difficult parts of his job only part of his job but part of his job is dealing with the president from the media with the White House Team and so on it clearly was going to be a degree of embarrassment perhaps not very serious but there will be a degree of embarrassment and so of the bad news from that point of view. In most cases involve the leak investigations myself the leak tends to come from the top and i would guess that if this is political role. Or im just incompetence many times in the past in fact probably more often than not. Very senior jobs Like Washington like paris like new york the United Nations sometimes like moscow these very senior jobs have in the past been given. What we call political appointments such as to say putting in somebody who is in some other way qualified for the job not from the professional Diplomatic Service wouldnt be unusual that wouldnt be surprising. 2 days of protests have gripped georgian capital tbilisi over a t. V. Host caustic insult filled to a raid against the russian president the presenter who works for a popular opposition station putin and his mother live on air on sunday. In both countries. Joined. With more on the story. The kind of language that this anchor used you dont hear it on t. V. At all because that was swear words after a swear word you know some of the most nasty words that there are in the russian language i have to point out that this rant was in russian against Vladimir Putin himself and also against his parents who are no longer alive and i can tell you that this video was all busy over the internet immediately i was having a quiet day with my friends when someone sent it to me and when then when i played it everyone was shocked because what they were hearing is theres life on there as well. Appointed i mean yes but the video was obviously a recording of that yeah it was on you tube but it was just so bad so very quickly georgian protesters in the georgian capital tbilisi started gathering in front of the channels h. Q. Its one of the most popular t. V. Channels and georgia we even heard that some of the staff resigned almost immediately after that an outrage and it had to go off air for a few hours the bosses said it was because of some security concerns but now its back on what about the government itself what has to be said about this the most senior officials in georgia spoke out very quickly we heard from the president from the Prime Minister from the Foreign Ministry as well they are saying that these kind of insults have nothing to do with patriotism so lets listen to the exact words from the georgian leader dividing the country into 2 camps and inside an external confrontation in township in the region is unacceptable for us is it up or of occasion named as a new war or revenge for the failed coup this was an action taken against our country and you what about the reaction from moscow whats their reaction the russian government officials are obviously disappointed there saying that this is nothing but another display of verse of fold so lets listen to bits of the statements from the russian president s spokesperson and also from the russian Foreign Ministry as to cause its a country its not as for the insults against both our country and our president we of course consider them to be totally unacceptable and we strongly condemn them and we know that the entire leadership of georgia is the president Prime Minister parliamentarians and the speaker of parliament have strongly condemned this we see this as another clear provocation by radical forces in georgia and undermining of russia georgia relations the current laden incident is a vivid example of where frantic brosseau fabia can. Lead it give us 91 way in the 1st place a georgian t. V. Host as you say a very Popular Program on a popular channel would insult in such a way the president of another country was it a one off incident this for instance we have to understand that at this point the relations between russia and former soviet republic toward you know which is russias southern neighbor are in turmoil and it has been like that for a few weeks right now and. What georgians see as a very serious incident in the republics parliament there was an event for m. P. s of Orthodox Christian countries was an International Event where a russian member of parliament was giving a speech and he sat somewhere where usually the speaker of the Georgian Parliament is sad and that sparked outrage in that country it led to ultra violent riots in front of the parliament would lead to arrests there was a line in the streets and in response to that moscow had to suspend direct flights between the 2 countries we know that there are a lot of russian tourists that had to georgia they were fearing that this could lead to possibly violence against russian citizens because we heard a new wave of slogans and russian rhetoric from georgian politicians so the russian government was expecting that these kind of measures could really hit the wall its probably the owners of Georgian Hotels or businessmen in the tourist industry so definitely the tensions are there and this is probably another example of this hate speech by an anchor of georgian t. V. The georgian journalist who went rogue on television has now been suspended from his position for 2 months. A. 7 year old boy in the u. S. State of texas has been caught up in a bitter custody battle between his divorced mother and father his parents can agree on which gender that child should be identified as your boy right now. Carol. Well when this when his mother the boy called james lived as a girl named luna the mother of james through solely as her and says it was the child who expressed interest in wearing girls clothes she even rolled the youngster in school with a female name. Sophie shevardnadze spoke to the childs father jeff younger you can watch the full interview on altie dot com in the meantime heres a preview. I took it very seriously because i had to some information when i was still living with with and George Wallace my my exwife had been putting him into ready timeouts and saying things like the monsters only eat boys ready and some odd things like that he said mommy tells me im a girl. And i would ask him you know do you look like a girl and hed say no but mommy tells me im a girl i just wanted to verify it and i sent her a text and said you know are you actually telling james that hes a girl and shes just replied simply yes and then refused to talk to me about it you know hes never presented himself as a girl to me ever that he factor with me he violently rejects any female identity he wont wear female clothes he wont even wear boys brief underwear because he says its too much like girls underwear i believe he dresses by his own will when hes with his mother i just dont think he believes that shell love him if hes a boy the father has for some time now been fighting for his son to be treated as a boy the gender he was born as jeff younger has been accused by his exwife of abusing that child for not affirming him as a transgender and for cutting his cat his head short. The father has an emotionally abusive behavior towards the child as example only hair cut to and other non affirming actions although one can be of this behavior rises to the level of Family Violence at this time the father said ration is becoming more common and more intense the temporary orders that im under before go to final trial actually do allow me to address them as james and his male pronouns but i cannot do that in front of 3rd parties who know him as a girl so basically i cant go to school i keep him away from any friends he might have at school that know him as a girl at my home hes known as james and i use male pronouns what im prohibited from doing right now is trying to convince him that hes actually a boy one of the big problems that that im going to face eventually is in the state of taxes right now the courts position is that all of this is medical Child Support so i have to pay for him to go to you know a therapist whos teaching him that hes a girl i have to pay for the hormone suppression of puberty which actually chemically castrate boys and prevents the growth of their sexual organs and if he goes to a surgical transition i would be medical Child Support as well id have to pay for that i consider this to be child abuse and the sexual mutilation of children on a on an industrial scale so im not paying for any of this im not going to participate in the abuse of my son and the way this comes a specialist debate whether children should be allowed to change their gender is such a young age sociologist frank furedi believes parents shouldnt impose genitals his on their offspring. I think its wrong for parents to become preoccupied by gender identity its not something that the vast majority of children ever think about very much its not something that they experiment with to begin with i think that the danger today is is that we have a very Strong Political and cultural pressure on the part of parents to be much more relaxed about the baldridge that used to exist between boys and girls and as the balladry are questioned so a lot of parents get confused United States has launched an initiative to counter the travel and socalled malign influence in europe that story and more still to come. The problem of the Financial System cost from wall street throughout the rest of the world was so big that not just one central bank could make money cheap enough could create enough artificial money by itself and so the fed did clearly did Work Together with the European Central bank with the bank of england with the peoples bank of china leader that was kind of separate story with the bank of japan and so forth to create enough money to put into the Financial System to keep it safe for itself and ultimately what that did is a transferred all of that money into the banks into Financial Assets into burgeoning stock markets like like a ton of sort of crack into an attic up in up and never took it away and that meant someone else was going to pay on the other side and the people that paid on the other side as everyone else in. Much the program United States has launched a new strategy to help European Countries counter the socalled malign influence off the kremlin moscows private russian propaganda Senior Correspondent does the if takes us through the. Usaid has unveiled a new plan a strategy officially aimed at boosting the resilience of the nations unofficial leader appears to mean giving lots and lots of money to anyone that could me and demonstrably doesnt like russia politicians businessmen media i mean its in the name count during my live in kremlin influence. These efforts will include creating tools for reform minded leaders and Civil Society voices to tackle corrupt government practices that kremlin agents often selectively exploit for moscow strategic benefit 1st off and the us apparently wants to cut out russias voice i mean the aims arent exactly veg what could they mean preventing russia others from meddling in elections ok preventing russia from lobbying for its interests negotiating not ok it works both ways i mean we know what some of the reform minded leaders and Civil Society voices in the us are like. Us eats funding will build the capacity of indigenous media to provide trusted independent news and Information Sources should be fine and all of americas own independent news and media werent viewed as biased by its own people trust in the media is still a business americans believe its biased its even worse for online media by the way remember when facebook hired that fact checker linked to the Us Government Poynter Institute for media studies to filter out unreliable sources and they ended up filtering out opposing political views before they were caught at my point why dont they spend that cash on making americas own media but leave a ball. To reduce your opinion regis dependency on russia us cedes assistance will include working with individual states to create effective legal and Regulatory Frameworks and assisting them to join will function in local and Regional Energy markets. There it is the crux of it hiding in plain sight american shale over russian gas more expensive more cumbersome more political yet its full of Freedom Freedom gas they said that i have no idea how they do it with a straight face. Increasing export capacity from the freeport l. N. G. Project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving americas allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy its a whole package money to the media which cries russian wolf money to politicians who get the american way money to lobbyists they get a nice little kick back from selling american gas and moscow course isnt happy the term countering is a clumsy attempt to conceal the aggressive offensive approach this conception is blatantly aimed at propagating risa phobia in the world especially in neighboring countries to russia by the way saving best the last you know why usaid was expelled from russia 7 years ago why for an election meddling fiasco that for that became a big thing now isnt that ironic unfortunately a mentality took took hold of the establishment in washington early after the demise of the soviet union that there could only be one global superpower in the united the United States had to have had germany over the entire world and sense russia is the foremost military power that is not under the control of the United States and thats why weve seen things like the expansion of nato and Something Like this which is kind of a i and information analog to nato expansion which is to try to ensure domination of europe and to isolate russia as much as possible. A staple of american satire for nearly 67 years mad magazine will no longer be a permanent fixture on newsstands it will cease publishing new content and monthly issues will now be replaced with end of year specials Saskia Taylor takes a closer look. That once existed this surreal concept it was shopped vicious at times and wholly irreverent it was called satire and its dad rather its been killed off to 67 years of ruthlessly mocking the wild a bedrock of American Comedy the cult satirical magazine mad is shutting up shop from august its just going to recycle old content and put a new cover on it this is a publication ingrained in western culture with its child mascot alfred e. Newman comics like spy versus spy and even its own board games are doing so. Its a game its truly. Not took no prisoners its creator said it was that to toughen up the Younger Generation show lifes ugly side it was also indiscriminate parroting politicians on both sides of the spectrum we pride ourselves on the fact that we have no force. We are all philosophy we are all politics we dont pick sides we have no more scruples we have no say. Because we have no rhythm and im about to set up in 1052 models of publications for a different generation its lost its place in an era where offense taken victimhood have become new norms cartoonists now are gagged by hyper sensitive readers and profit driven media moguls cracking jokes is a Risky Business nowadays as the New York Times found out after a jewish themed illustration well went a little wrong and it scrapped all political cartoons and just in case anyone missed its 1st apology it did not the one you know to be on the safe side we are deeply sorry for the publication of an anti semitic political cartoon last thursday in the print edition of the New York Times that circulates outside of the United States and we are committed to making sure nothing like this ever happens in. In such imagery is always dangerous and at a time when antisemitism is on the rise worldwide its all the more unacceptable and sometimes you just need a helping hand in pacing offense ive been targeted for my cartoons on instagram and on facebook they kept getting censored on instagram and facebook and some of the more provocative pieces that i made they were just getting deleted and so i said to myself well whats the original way to do this so people even suggested in my feed maybe you should make a book being too political can make you a virgin doll for social justice warriors but can also cross the line when it comes to your manager just as veteran cartoonist rob rogers could walk for 25 years for one outlet he found dozens of his. Rejected the severance package waiting on his desk editors give you reasons no they didnt give me any reason at all so youd have to ask them but but the common theme and all the ones that have been rejected is that like 90 percent of them have something to do with trump so so theres a clear pattern that they were trying to sort of tamp down the voice that i was having about you know being critical of trump but its a very realistic spin on trumps catchphrase youll follow it because making fun of reality has become a minefield now shortly after matt was set up in the fiftys its created to have to testify in congress on the negative affects comics were having on the youth of america consultant dr spoke at the hair and worried about whether this innocent generation was prepared for the horrors of sock it opinion. Without any reasonable doubt. Anyway. But i mean. And i have been. Getting fact that many of you now that you think perhaps they knew what was coming but for the magazine it seems society has had the last off were in a an era of Political Correctness from a private perspective you have the right to censor anything you want if you dont want pornography or you know fatal videos on your on your platform thats totally fine when the government starts censoring i find that a bit alarming the idea that some authority is going to determine whats safe for us to hear and whats not safe is ridiculous expressing different political opinions is the best thing you can do its important that people say what they believe and thats why no matter what the opinion is id rather the person say it and believe what theyre saying and be able to say it so everyone can look at that and hear it and and judge it for themselves crosstalk is coming up next were back in 30 minutes will amaze us the global headlines. So the temporary orders that im under before i go to final trial actually do allow me to address them as james and his male pronouns but i cannot do that in front of 3rd parties who know him as a girl so basically i cant go to school i keep them away from any friends he might have at school that know him as a girl at my home hes known as james and i use male pronouns what im prohibited from doing right now is try to convince him that hes actually a boy. Listening to you know the moon through it in your circle as long as you. Need him to pull him through when you much for the group was of little interest in the military when theyre. Not at. The point in good part of the unit already in the sims. You know made it seems to train. To be the. Last stand. With make this manufactured to be sentenced until the public wells. When the ruling classes protect themselves. In the final cleary go round lifters and be the one percent. We can all middle of the room signals. From the real news group. Seemed wrong. Were all just. Let me. Get to shape out just. To add to. It again because the trail. When some find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Below and welcome to crossfire were all things are considered Peter Lavelle as u. S. Russia relations remain in the deep Freeze Europe is taking a different path when it comes to russia some are calling it the new thought also china calls out the u. K. Regarding hong kong indeed old colonial habits die hard. Cross talking some real news im joined by my guest here in moscow and he is a professor of the Higher School of economics as well as author of the decay of western civilization and the resurgence of russia and were also joined by Marcus Papadopoulos in london hes the editor of politics 1st magazine gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate let me go to markets in london an interesting phenomenon thats been going on now for a number of months or maybe since the election of donald trump but we have we just recently had lot of mere putin in italy meeting the pope and talian leaders of the Parliamentary Assembly of the council of europe not that im a big fan of the organization and as far

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